HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/27/81 AGENDA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1981 4:00 P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call - Board Members: Barton, Payne, Ratty, Kelmar, Oberholzer 1.. Approve minutes of regular meeting of April 29,'1981- 2 Scheduled Public Statements ~)George. Nickel, .Jr- - Comments on City · 2800 acres. 3. Correspondence ~ a) Letter from George Nickel, Jr. to~ Water Board Members dated May, 4,, 1981. b)Letter from George Nickel, Jr. to Water Board dated May 5, 1981. c) Letter from George Nickel, Jr. to Water Board dated May 8, 1981. 4. Agreement between California State Water Resources Control Board'and City of Bakersfield for groundwater quality management planning grant· Authorize Project (Water) Manager to sign. - FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION. 5. Reauthorize Water Manager to enter into and~administer short term Sand Sale Agreements, Temporary Pumping Agreements and Annual Pumping Agreements within established Water Board policy. - FOR BOARD ACTION. ~' 6. Engineering service agreements Ricks, Taylor & Meyer, .Inc. (consult- ing engineers for Kern River Interests) for the following projects: a) Agreement to complete the final design ,- and construction of the "Kern River First Point of Measurement Structure." - FOR BOARD ACTION. - ~' , b) Agreement to complete preliminary design of Rocky Point. River Weir and power generating feasibility study ~equired for Carrier Canal power Plant Permit (~ERC Permit No. 3685-000). - FOR BOARD ACTION. c) Agreement to cOmplete preliminary design of ~ Beardsley Diversion Weir and power generating feasibility study for Beardsley Power Plant ~. ' ~ Permit (FERC.Permit No.~!3686-000). -,FOR BOARD~.~ 7. City participation in the Kern County~Water Districts Advisory· Committee latest"Optimization'Study" to enhance and optimize the use of Kern County.water supplies'~-''FOR'BOARD ACTION' 8. Request f~omNorth Kern Water Storage District regarding financial participation of City and Kern Delta Water District to petition Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for rehearing of the Miracle-Cottonwood Power Project. - FOR BOARD,CONSIDERATION- 9.. Master Plan Spreading Agreement for community parficipating in City's 2800 acre recharge facility. - FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION- ' '10"' Staff Comments '~ 11.~' B°ardI Comments MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1981 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the Depart- ment of Water. Conference Room. The secretary.called the roll as follows: Present: Barton, Payne, Ratty, Oberholzer Absent: Kelmar Staff Present: Bogart, Chafin, Core, Hatch, Hostmyer, Stetson Others Present: Bob Bellue, District Engineer - Kern County Water Agency Mary Collup, District Manager, Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District C. H. Williams, Engineer-Manager, North Kern Water Storage District The minutes from the meeting of April 29 1981~ were approved as presented. ' SCHEDULED PUBLIC STATEMENTS 1) George Nickel, Jr. - Comments on City 2800 acres. Mr. Nickel was not present at this time. CORRESPONDENCE a) Letter from George Nickel,. Jr. to Water Board dated May 4, 1981. Mr. Oberholzer made a motion, that the letter be received and placed on file. ~The motion was passed. b) Letter from George Nickel, Jrt. to Water Board dated May 5, 1981. Mr. Oberholzer made a motion that the letter, be received and placed on file. The motion was passed. c) Letter from George. Nickei, Jr. to Water Board dated May 8, 1981. Mr. Oberholzer made a motion that the letter be received and placed on file. The motion was passed. Mr. Hatch at this time stated that he was preparing a draft re- sponse to these letters for board consideration. Agreement between California State Water Resources Control Board and City of Bakersfield for groundwater quality management planning grant was presented to the board for consideration to authorize Project (Water) Manager to sign. At this time Water Superintendent Core brought the board up-to-date on the grant. Mr. Core stated on December 17, 1980, there was a City Council ResolUtion No. 78-80 accepting the grant providing a mutually accepted contract could be drawn up between the City of Bakersfield and the California State Water Resources Control Board. The finalized plan has been reviewed by Mr. Hatch, Mr. Stetson and the City Attorney's office for the $100,000.00 grant. Mr. Oberholzer made a motion that the Water Manager be authorized to sign. The motion was passed. At this time Mr. George Nickel, Jr. read a communication dated May 27, 1981, from him as an appointed representative of Olcese Water District to the Water Board as a prepared Scheduled Public Statement r~garding Olcese Water District and City's 2800 acres. Water Manager Chafin stated that there has been a full meeting discussing Ricks, Taylor & Associates report of March 1981 en- titled "2800 Acre Groundwater Recharge Area-Optimization Study," along with several other communications since the finalization of this 'report. Also, a general meeting discussing the implemen- tation of this engineering study and how it affected Olcese/Nickel/ Buena Vista was conducted with the following in attendance: Mel McCulloch, Tom Clark, Harold Russell, myself, Gene Bogart, Florn Core, Gordon Ricks and Morris Taylor. At this meeting City was directed to pursue this no further,~ awaiting negotia-- tions pertaining to the relationship of this study under the original Olcese contract, it's amendments and Buena Vista Water Storage District/Olcese Water District agreement concerning dis- tribution of costs incurred. He also..,.pointed out, the City initiated this program because we felt we had an'asset there that was not in the best interest of the City to lie idle irregardless with what happened with the other agreements that City would have water to put underground° Recommendation to reauthorize Water Manager to enter into and administer short term Sand Sale Agreements, Temporary Pumping Agreements and Annual Pumping Agreements within established Water Board policy was presented for board action. Assistant Water Manager Bogart stated that under Water Board action on October 5, 1977 and also, under the current section 1.30.050 of the new Water Board Ordinance the Water Manager is-authorized'to .perform these functions. Mr. Oberholzer made a motion that the Water Manager be ~authorized to enter into and adminster these agreements. The motion was passed. Engineering service agreements Ricks, Taylor & Meyer, inc. (con- sulting engineers for Kern River Interests) for the following projects: a) Agreement to complete the final design and construction of the "Kern River First Point of Measurement Structure" was presented for board action. Mr. Bogart stated that this item had originally been budgeted in the 1978-79 fiscal year and the funds are now currently available in the Agricultural Water Budget. Mr. Oberholzer questioned the method in which costs were to be distributed,' ~in which Mr. Bogart explained costs are recoverable under the Miller-Haggin agree- ment where First and Second Point Groups share in the expense. Mr. Oberholzer suggested a paragraph be inserted in agreement to state such. Mr. Ratty made a motion that the agreements be approved subject to the approval of the attorney's office regarding the amendment of language on th~ cost breakdown. The motion was passed. b) Agreement to comPlete preliminary design of Rocky Point River Weir and power generating feasibility study~eq~i~ for Carrier Canal Power Plant Permit (FERC Permit No. 3685-000) was presented for board action. Mr. Bogart stated there was a $15,000.00 ceiling on this agree- ment. Mr. Ratty made a motion that the agreement be approved subject to the approval of the City Attorney's office regard- ing the inclusion of language pertaining to cost sharing between the City and Kern Delta Water District. c) Agreement to complete preliminary design of BeardSley Diversion Weir and power generating feasibility study for Beardsley Power Plant Permit (FERC Permit No. 3686-000) was presented for board approval. Mr. Bogart. stated there was, also, a $15,000.00 ceiling on this agreement. Mr. Ratty made a motion that the agreement be approved subject to the approval of the City Attorney's office regarding the inclusion of language pertaining to cost sharing between the City and North Kern Water Storage District. At this time Water Manager Chafin informed the board that the Kern County Water District's Advisory Committees latest "Optimiza- tion Study" to enhance and optimize the use of Kern County water supplies appears to again be in progress. He stated that on May 8, 1980, the Water Board approved a contribution of $1,000.00 by the City of Bakersfield. The City Council had also approved the contribution at that time. Mr. Oberholzer stated no action by the board was necessary at this time. Presented at this time for board consideration was a request from North Kern Water Storage District regarding financial participation of City and Kern Delta Water District to petition Federal Energy Regulatory'Commission (FERC) for rehearing of the Miracle-CottonwOod Power Project. As originating lead agency for this project C. H. Williams, Engineer-Manager of North Kern Water Storage District, gave an update on the project. After discussion, the Water Board directed Mr. Stetson to report back to the board on this item. Master Plan Spreading Agreement for community participation in City's 2800 Acre R~charge facility was presented to the board for consideration. Mr. Payne suggested discussion and questions only be conducted at this time regarding the agreement and that any action taken on this item be deferred to the next meeting. Con- sulting Attorney Stanley Hatch gave a detailed outline of the Master Plan Spreading Agreement at this time. STAFF COMMENTS Consulting Engineer Thomas Stetson referred to a letter from George Nickel, Jr. dated April 29, 1981, suggesting an advisory committee to the Water Board be formed. Mr. Stetson has re- searched this matter and sees no reason the board would need such a committee° There being no further b~siness to come before the board, Chair- man Barton adjourned the meeting at 5:23 P.M. Thomas A. Payne, Vi~e-Ch~airman City of Bakersfield Water Board '~d~ HoStmyer, S~retary City of Bakersfield Water Board