HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/30/80· A-G E N DA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 19 80 4:00 P.M. 1. Call meeting to order,~C ~ tt~ ' ~ Roll Call - Board Members: Barto hairman, Payne, a y, Bergen, Hoagl .an~ 1.J Approve minutes of regular board meeting of January 9, 1980. 2.~ Scheduled Public Statements 3.~ Transfer of $100,000.00 from 1979/80 Agricultural Water Capital Improvement Budget to complete final phase of Water Departmentn operations and conference building ~ FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION.'~.. 4.~ A resolution of the Water Board of the City of Bakersfield estab- lishing boundaries for the service area of the Bakersfield Municipal \ Water System (Ashe Division)~. - BOARD TO CONSIDER FOR ACTION.~f~~~ 5. California Water Service Company has provided repairs at three (3) well sites and the final cost for said repairs exceeds the City's $4,000.00 limitation for work without formal bid procedures. - ~ONSIDERATION OF BILLS FOR PAYMENT. 6. ~Staff Comments-- ~~ ~~, ~~~~_, 7.v/Board Comments ~ ~.v~ ~ ~ MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1980 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the City Hall Caucus Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton, Ratty, Bergen, Hoagland Absent: Payne Staff Present: Bogart, Hansen, Hostmyer, Needham Others Present: Gail Schontzler, The Bakersfield Californian The minutes from the regular meeting of January 9, 1980, were approved as presented. Transfer of $100,000.00 from 1979/80 Agricultural Water Capital Improvement Budget to complete final phase of Water Department operations and conference building was presented to the board for considara~ion. At this time a brief.explanation followedby Gene Bogart, Agricultural Water Superintendent. As explained, the final cost for constructing the Water Department building was' now established at $269,334.00 and architectural/engineering fees would add approximately. $27,000.00 to this figure. Because $200,000.00 was originally budgeted for the building, a transfer of $100,000.00 wou. ld be required to' award the contract for con- struction. If transferred, these funds would be replaced in the 1980/81 Capital Improvement Budget. Furniture, fixtures and re- lated items for the building would, also, be~included in the 1980/81 Capital Budget. Upon a motion by Councilman Ratty, the Board unanimously approved the transfer of $100,000.00 Capital ImproVement funds to begin construction of the Water Department operations and conference building. A Resolution of the Water Board of the City of BakersfieLd es- tablishing boundaries for the service area of the Bakersfield Municipal Water System (Ashe Division) was presented to the board to consider for action. Domestic Water Superintendent John Hansen outlined the areas involved and after discussion by staff and board, Mr. Hoagland made a motion that the Resolution be adopted. The motion was passed. California Water Service Company has provided repairs at three (3) well sites and the final repair costs for each proj~ect exceeds the City'S $4,000.00 limitation for work without formal bid pro- cedures. Mr. Hansen presented these bills to the board for con- Sideration of payment. Mr. Bergen made a motion that the bills be approved for payment and that the individual aspects of each billing be reflected as follows: a. Estimate No. 63 provided automatic controls for Pump- ing plant No. 2, so that the wells natural gas engine would respond to emergency conditions if there was a power loss, or if the pressUre dropped to..low within the system. The emergency nature of this repair was such that this is the only well within the system so equipped to answer to these conditions. The following is an itemization of costs for Estimate No. 63: Labor $2,039.93 Stores Materials 174.29 Contract/Accounts Payable 3,699.51 Construction Overhead .473.10 Total Due $6,386.83 b. Estimate No. 72 removed a burned out 125 horsepower motor. This work was performed under emergency con- ditions created by both Pumping Plants No. 3 and No. 6, being inoperative during the hottest part of the year. This condition made it extremely difficult to provide water under normal demands to northern portion of the system, and it would have been even more difficult if a fire would have occurred during peak demands period; therefore, the decision to order the work. The following is an itemization of costs for Estimate No. 72: Motor Labor $ Stores Materials Contract/Accounts Payable 6,540.54 Miscellaneous Construction Overhead 523.24 Total $7,063.78 c. Estimate No. 29 raised the pump'base and adjusted the pump discharge piping at Pumping Plant No. 8 to protect against flood water contamination. Due to the rainy season the work was considered to be of an emergency nature, and was preformed to guard against flood water contamination. The following is an itemization of costs for Estimate No 29: Labor $ 164.48 Stores Materials .25.34 Contract/Accounts Payable 5,402.12 Construction Overhead 447.36 Total Due $6,039.30 The above mentioned invoices total $19,489.91. The motion made was passed. Mr. Bergen .at this time, also, made a motion that the staff review the procedures for paying the above bills with the City Attorney's Office and the Purchasing Department. The motion was passed. Staff Comments John Hansen presented for information copies of the Bid Summary for the construction of an 18" diameter drain line pipe for PumP- ing Plant No. 3 of the Ashe Water Division which will be presented .to the City Council at the meeting tonight. Board Comments At this time Councilman Barton informed the board that the Water Board and the City Council is continuing to receive requests to use the City's river bed properties, including the 2800 acres, for various uses from several organizations, among them the Plaza Bobby Sox Softball League. Mr. Barton and Mr. Bergen stated they felt the staff should give these requests immediate priority. It was felt that the Water Department should be the lead-department in dealing with the above requests, and they should work with Develop- ment Services and the Public Works Department. There being no further business to come before the board, Chairman ~?'~Bart°n adjourned~/~~the meeting., at 4:45 P.M..~:~?f~ ~~ ~ames ~. Barton, Chairman Linde Hostmyer, Secrc~cary: City of Bakersfield Water Board City of Bakersfield Water Board