HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/28/80 AGENDA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1980 4:00 P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call - Board Members: Barton, Chairman; Payne, Ratty, Bergen, Hoagland 1. Approve minutes of regular board meeting o'f May 14, 1980. 2. Scheduled Public Statements. a) C.H. Williams update on Weather Modification. - FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 3. Correspondence a) Proposed Spreading and Recovery Agreement between Olcese Water District and Buena Vista Water Storage District. - BOARD TO RECEIVE AND FILE FOR STAFF REVIEW. 4. Agreement' between the City of Bakersfield and California Water Service Company for the operation and maintenance of the Ashe Water System. - REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION FOR SUBMITTAL TO CITY COUNCIL FOR MAYOR'S EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT. 5. Staff Comments 6. Board Comments 7. Adjournment MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1980 4 00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the City Hall Caucus Room. The secretary called the roll as fOllows: Present:~ Barton,· Payne, Ratty Absent: Bergen, H0agland Staff Present: Bogart, Hansen, Hostmyer, Needham Others Present: Tom Clark, Nickel Enterprises Bob Lewis, District Manager California Water Service ComPany George Nickel, Nickel Enterprises Gayle Schontzler,- The Bakersfield Californian Jeptha Wade, Jr., Vice-President and Chief Engineer o.f California Water Service Company ~.H. Williams,' Engineer-Manager North Kern Water Storage District ..G~yle Schontzler, The Bakersfield Californian · The minutes from'the regular meeting of May 14 1980 were approved ' as presented. ' ' A.scheduled public statement by C.H. Williams of North Kern Water Storage District~was postponed until later in the meeting. Correspondence a) Proposed Spreading and Recovery Agreement between Olcese Water District and Buena Vista Water Storage District was pre- sented to the board.. Mr. Payne made a motion that the Agree- ment be received an'd filed for staff review. The motion was passed. Agreement between the City of Bakersfield and California Water Service Company for the operation andmaintenanoe of the Ashe Water System was presented to the board for review and considera- tion for submittal to the City Council. After a brief outline of the agreement was given by Mr. Needham and Mr. Hansen, Mr. Ratty made a motion that the agreement be approved and submitted to the City Council for the mayor's execution of that agreement. The motion was 'passed. Staff Comments a) At this time Water Superintendent Bogart addressed the board stating that following consultation with Thomas M. Stetson, the staff recommends that board approve retaining the firm of Ricks, Taylor and Associates to make an engineering study of City's 2800 ...... acres to improve control, reduce operating liability, and increase spreading capacity. Because of current negotiations involving the engineering firms of other local engineering firms, the firm of Ricks, Taylor and associates could accomplish the required engineering (field. surveys, etc.) without conflict. The prilimi- nary budget would be $50,000.00. After discussion between staff and board Mr. Payne made a motion that the board approve the. recommendation to retain the firm of Ricks, Taylor and Associates. The motion was paSsed. · b) A letter of response to Mary E. ColluP, Secretary'of the Water · Districts Advisory Committee concerning City Participation in i"Optimization And Enhancement Study" was presented Go the ~board. 'Mr. Ratty made a motion that the letter be approved and the Chair- man be authorized to sign. The motion was passed. c) At this time Consulting~ Attorney Stanley C. Hatch read a letter from the board addressed~to the Board of Directors of Kern-Tulare Water District and Rag Gulch Water District re- garding Water Exchanges. After discussion Mr. Ratty'made a motion to approve the letter and authorized the chairman to sign. The mOtion was passed. At this time a summary on Wea%her Modification was presented to the Water Board by C.H. Williams Engineer-Manager of North Kern Water Storage District as ~lead agency for the Cloud Seeding prO- gram on the Kern River. Mr. Williams explained the current status of the permit process and gave a brief history on Cloud Seeding activity in Kern County on the Kern River watershed during the last thirty years. At 4:45 P.M. the meeting was recessed to Executive session ~for the purpose of discussing possible litigation. The meeting was reconvened at 5:05 P.M. There being no further business to come before the board, Chair- man Barton adjourned the meeting at 5:10 P.M. ~es J. ~rtOn,' Chairman C~ty of Bakersfield Water Board City of Bakersfield Water Board