HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/25/80 WATER BOARD - CITY OF B~KERSFIELD ~:~i;--' WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25,~ 1980 ~'-,-..':.-<~ Call meeting to order Frae & D~v~;c~.~:~ JUN Hoagland i. Apprcve minutes from the meeting of May 28, 1980. 2. Scheduled Public Statements 3. Correspondence ~a) Letter from Kern County. Water Agency to J~es J. Barton dated June 7, 1980, re- garding 1980 GRP fund participants. - BOARD TO ~CEI~ AND FILE. 4. Modification of Agreement No. 78-14 W.B. dated October 5, 1980, between the City of BakersfJ. eld and Hatch And Parent, a professional ccrpora- tion, to become effective July 1, 1980. '- ~OR BOARD CONSIDEr. TiOga. 5. a) Individual Grant Deed from Local Union No. 460 of the Un':t~: As=oc~a.ion of Journe~en and Apprentices of the Pl,~r~binq and Pipe Fitting Industry to City of Bakersfield. For all that portion of Lots 2 and 3 of Section 21, T.29S, R.27E., ~(.D.B. & M. (See atta;chment EXHIBIT 'A'. - FOR BOARD APPROVe. b) Individual Quitclaim Deed from City. of Bakersfield to Local Union No. 460 of the United Association of Journe~en and Apprentices of the Pithing and Pipe Fitting industry. Fer all that portion of Lot 2 in Section 21 Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B. & M.- FOR BO~D APPROVAL. c) Individual Quitclaim Deed from City of Bakersfield to A!ci~ B. Kaiser and Patricia L. Kaiser, husband and wife as co~.un].ty porperty, as to an undivided 1/2 interest; Kenneth L. ~.~ett!er and Dixie L. Mettler, husband and wife, as co--unity Property, as to an undivided 1/2 interest. For all that portion of Lot '_3 in. Section 21, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B. & M. - - 8. Adjournment . . ~~" MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1980 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Cha~ir~an Barton in the City Hall Caucus Room. The secretary called the'..roll as follows: Present: Barton, Payne, Ratty, Bergen, Hoagland Absent: None Staff Present: Bogart, Chafin, Hansen, Hatch, Hostmyer, Needham Stetson Others Present: Scott Brooke, La Hacienda, Inc. Tom Clark, La Hacienda, Inc. Owen Goodman, Attorney Olcese Water District Ernie Kartinen, Boyle Engineering George Nickel, Nickel Enterprises Gayle Schontzler, the Bakersfield Californian The minutes from the regular meeting of May 28, 1980, were approved as presented. Correspondence a) Letter from Kern County Water Agency to James J. Barton dated June 7, 1980, re- garding 1980 GRP fund participants was presented to the board. Mr. Payne made a motion that the letter be received and filed. The motion was passed. b) Letter from Board of Directors of Kern- · Tulare Water Dis'trict to James J. Barton in response %o the May 28, ].980, letter [:o Kern-Tu]~];e reg;~,rdinq p.~ovid'in~:l M & I water for oil company use on the west side of the valley was presented to the board. c) Letter from Board of Directors of Kern- TUlare Water District to James J, Barton in response to the April 9, 1980, letter to Cawelo Water District regarding Kern Delta 1979 Systems Improvement Project was presented to the board. Mr. Bergen made a motion that letters (b) and (c) be ~eCe.i~.edand filed, and the staff get together with "consultants and Prepare an answer to these letters. The motion was passed.~ Water Manager Chafin presented to the board a Modification of Agreement No. 78-14 W.B. dated October 5, 1980, between the City of Bakersfield and Hatch and Parent, a professiona corpor- ation, for a rate increase to become effective July 1, 1980. After discussion between staff and board' upon a motion by Mr. Hoagland, which was passed, the Aqreemenr. was .approved and the Chairman authorized tO sign. At this time Water Superintendent Bogart presented the following to the board for approval:· a) Individual Grant Deed from Local Union No. 460 of the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry to City of Bakersfield. For all that portion of Lots 2 and 3 of Section 21, T.29S., R.27E., M.D.B. & M. After discussion Mr. Bergen made a motion that the board accept the Grant Deed. The motion was passed. b) Individual Quitclaim Deed from City of Bakersfield to Local Union No. 460 of the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry to CitY of Bakersfield. For all that portion of Lot 2 of Section..21,· ~.29S., R. 27E., M.D.B' '& M. .Mr '.Hoagland made a motion that the Quitclaim be executed. The motion was passed. c) Individual Quitclaim Deed from City of Bakersfield to Alcium B. Kaiser and Patricia L. Kaiser, husband and wife as community property, as to an Undivided 1/2 interest; Kenneth L. Mettler and Dixie L. Mettler, husband and wife; as community property, as to an undivided 1/2 interest. For all that portion of Lot 3 in Section 21, T.29S., R.27E., M.D.B. & M. Mr. Ratty made a motion that the Quitclaim be executed. The motion was passed. Staff Comments At this time Domestic Water Superintendent John Hansen addressed the board, regarding the following items: a) He stated that due to recent 'transfers of the Domestic Water Enterprise from·field develop, ment service to PUblic Works Department, we are requesting that Public Works be authorized to execute Mainline Extension Agreements for the board. After discussion Mr. Bergen made a motion that the Public Works Department.be authorized to execute Mainline EXtension Agreements. The motion was passed. b) Mr. Hansen stated that the staff and Boyle Engineer- in Corporation'·representatives'have reviewed the comments, on the preliminary Design for the 2 million gallon Storage system, by Tenneco, California Water ServiCe Company, and Stetson Engineers, Inc. We feel~that 'the best alternate is the 100'X34' high welded steel reservoir, with natural gas engine driven well. Mr. Hansen illustrated for the board the locatiOn of'the system, Mr. Bergen made a motion that the ·necessary Plans and Specifications to proceed with-the pumping design be prepared. ··~The motion was passed. c) For board information Mr. Hansen stated that in order to meet the increasing demands Within the Ashe Water System the staff has been negotiating .iwith Tenneco to acquire an abandoned agricultural well. This is located on the west~·side of Gosford Road 1/2 ~m·~le South of Ming Avenue. The cost of acquiring· this'well· will be approximately $85,000.00,. the 1980-81 budget' has $90,000.00 for an additional well. · At this time Consulting Attorney Stanley C. Hatch outlined the current status of the negotita~tions between, the Olcese Water District and representatives ofGeorge W. Nickel, Jr., regarding the transfer of Lower River water rights to the Olcese Water District. A fifth draft of a document entitled "Contract For Purchase And Sale Of Kern River Water And Storage Rights" dated July 24, 1980, along with a document entitled "Contract Among~ Hacienda Water District, Olcese Water District, La Hacienda, Inc., George W. Nickel, Jr., and Adele R. Nickel Relating to Kern River Water And Storage Rights" was distributed to the board. As worded, the new contract ~identifies the certain "Hacienda Water Rights" owned, administered and represented by George W. Nickel, Jr., and Adele R. Nickel, his wife, and by-La Hacienda, Inc. a California. corporation, the majority of the stock of which is owned by Mr. Nickel and his wife. The persons and entities are referred to as "La Hacienda" in the contract. These Hacienda Water Rights are identified by reference to various contracts, chief among which is the 1962 "Kern River Water Rights Storage Agreement" which identified certain "Downstream Group" rights adminstered by the Hacienda Water District and the Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District. The contract provides that the Hacienda Water Rights transferred are 100 percent of the "Down- stream Group's rights as described in the 1962 Agreement. Mr. Hatch at this time outlined the various sections of the Agreement for the board. It was recommended by Mr. Hatch and Mr. Stetson that the Water Board take action to urge Olcese and the La Hacienda interests to proceed to execute and implement these various contracts .as now drafted. Mr. Hatch feels that from talking'with Mr. Kronick and Mr. Goodman, that the governmental ~agencies involved .will be proceeding with environmental analysis,' the process of which should take approximately three months. Mr. Nickel addressed the board stating in reference to the desirability of proceeding with the Buena Vista Water Storage District ~on the exchange that is so important in making water available to the~Olcese Water District~ Mr. Nickel spoke with the Buena ViSta water Storage District people this morning and he be~es'.~ they are prepared to work out a reasonable exchange program that will satisfy everyone. .Mr. Bergen made a motion at this time that the board send a letter to LAFCO (Local Agency Formation Commission) suggesting a four-month extension with a copy of ~he letter to Olcese Water District. The motion was passed. At this time Mr. Hoagland made a~ motion that 'the La Hacienda interests and the Olcese District prOceed to take whatever 'action is necessary to execute and implement these various 'contracts at the earliest possible date,'looking for completion of execution of the contracts within a period of four-months. The motion was passed. · At 5:00 P.-M. the meeting %~as recessed to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing possible litigation. The meeting was reconvened at 5:19 P.M. There being no further-business to come before the board,', the meeting was adjourned at 5:20 P.M. Thomas-A. payn~ ViC~Chairman City of BaRersfield Water Board Lihda Hostmyer, Secreta~ City of Bakersfield Water Board