HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/80 AGENDA WA%ER BOARD - CITY OF~ BAKEP~FIELD WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1980 4:00 P.M. Call meeting to order Roll Call- Board Ye,~bers: Barton, Chairman; Payne, Ratty, Bergen Oberholzer 1. Approve minutes of regular meeting of October 1, 1980. ? Scheduled ~ ' -. Pub.~zc Statements 3. Correspondence Incomin9: Letter from J. Norman Dawe, President of Board of Directors Kern-Tulare Water District, dated ~ -~- 2 ~980 regardin~ Kern ~!ta ~979 S~ ~e ....... 9, ~ , Systems - ..~ ..... Projec ' I~D .... men ,. t. 4. Contract ~,~=n Nornh Kern Water Storage Distr!ct as lead. aga to ~articiuate in 1980-81 Cloud, Seeding o~-~cr~ ~'~,~ "~ C;i ~.'S i DE ~t~T ION. . 5. A:uthDrization to c. articipate with Kern River In~=',_._r,_sts=, ~...c retain ...... : ".on. meT: ~ = ~ S 'a ! ' _ · =,~..'=~ .... =. con tant to review and assess the environment,? _~re~su.res and .._,~-+ivities_ on Kern River basin above !sabe~- R~s.~rvoi:~ u .~it-"~. s participaticn not to exceed $.~,000.00.~ ~"~ 3,~=~<D ACTION. 6 Invoice ,-= =~,'= - ' - ~_c~_.._d u~m~';ator Association of Ke~ County for membership Staf~ ~ ...... =s not recor~end further participation. - FOR BOARD ACTION. 7. Staff Com=~e nts 8. Beard Comr~en ts r ~-~ MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1980 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Payne in the City Hall Caucus Room. The Secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Kelmar (Acting City Manager), Payne, Ratty, Oberholzer Absent: Barton, Bergen Staff Present: Bogart, Celedon, Chafin, Core, Hawley, Higginbotham, Hostmyer, Needham Others Present: Tom Clark, Nickel Enterprises Chris Garren, River West George Nickel, Nickel Enterprises The minutes from the regular meeting of October 1, 1980, were approved as presented. Communication from J. Norman Dawe, President of Board of Directors Kern-Tulare Water District, dated September 29, 1980, regarding Kern Delta 1979 Systems Impm~'vement Project was presented to the board. Mr. Ratty made a motion that the letter be received and placed on file. The motion was passed. Communication from Kenneth W. Hoagland to the City of Bakersfield Water Board offering his services as associated legal Counsel to the City in the case of KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY vs CAWELO WATER DISTRICT, 'et al., Superior Court Case No. 16870~0, was presented to the board. Mr. Payne made a motion that the letter be re- ceived and placed on file. The motion was passed. Contract with North Kern Water Storage District as lead agency to participate in 1980-81 Cloud Seeding Program was presented at this time for board consideration. Assistant Water Manager Gene Bogart at this time briefly outlined the contract. Mr. Oberholzer made a motion that the board approve entering into this Agreement upon the condition that it is approved by the City Attorney's office and that~we have the required insurance coverage and do not have to obtain additional insurance coverage. If~additional coverage is necessary then the contract should be brought back to the board for additional approval. The motion ~as passed. At this time Mr. George Nickel gave an update on the Exchange Agreement with Buena Vista Water Storage District. The second agreement is an expansion of our present agreement between 'the City and Olcese Water District 77-07 W.B. and 78-12 W.B. Mr. Nickel informed the board that Mel McColloch, President of Olcese Water District is in the process .of writing an ~pdate in the form of a letter to the Water Board that will supplement what Mr. Nickel has reported here today.' At this time Water Manager John Chafin asked for authorization to participate with Kern River Interests to retain an environmental consultant to review and assess the environmental pressures and activities on Kern River Basin above Isabella Reservoir. City's participation is not to exceed $3,000..00. Afte~ consideration by the board Mr. Ratty made a motion that the staff be authorized to proceed with the participation. The motion was passed. An invoice received from the Water Association of Kern County for 1980-81 membership was presented to the board. At this time it was stated that the staff does not recommend further participation. After discussion Mr. Kelmar made a motion that the City not con- tribute to the Water Association this year. The motion was passed. Staff Comments At this 'time Domestic Water Superintendent John Hansen presented for information only the Domestic Water Enterprise Comparative IncOme Statement for the Quarter Ended September 30, 1979, and September 30, 1980. Mr. Kelmar brought to.the attention of the board the comparison of the undeveloped .Lots (est.) prior year 6,213 .this year 7,365. This shows what the potential future could look like. Board Comments At this time City Attorney Oberholzer presen%ed to the board the rewritten Preliminary Kern River Open Space Land Use Plan that was presented to the board at the meeting on October 1, 1980. Mr. Oberholzer incorporated the following items into the new Agreement: 1) That the staff shOuld approve the agreement and it should be reviewed by the City Attorney before the final agreement is brought back to the board for approval. 2) This Agreement will state that payment for each completed task will be made to consultant after the 'task has been approved by the board. Article III SUBMISSION OF REPORTS is a new Article, the reports ~ have been included that were taken out of their proposal and made a part of the contract. These documents would be subject to approval that payment would be made after each of these items are submitted a~d approved by the board. ~ 3) Upon completion copies of the Agreement are to be submitted to the City Council l Mr. Oberholzer made a motion that the board approve the agree- ment between Rickett, Ward & Delmarter. The motion was passed. Doing 'Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Llnda Hostmyer, S~cretary city of Bakersfield Water Board