HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/79 WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1979 4:00 P.M. Roi1 Call- Board Members: Ratty, Vice-Cha±rman; Barton, Bergen, Hoagland 1. Approve minutes of regular board meeting of January 31, 1979. 2. Scheduled Public Statements. 3. City of Bakersfield Water Board Statement Of Policy Regarding Water Resources Management In The Kern County Portion Of San Joaquin Valley. FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION. 4. Domestic Water Enterprise 2nd quarter Operating Statement-Fiscal year 1978-79. - BOARD TO ACCEPT AND FILE. 5. Memorandum to Water Board from Dennis Needham requesting purchase of pickup.- FOR BOARD ACTION. · ' 6. Staff Comments: a)Discussion of Domestic Water Enterprise Capital Improvement proposals. - ORAL REPORT. b) Proposal of Domestic Water Enterprises to ~xpand boundaries of service area.- FOR DISCUSSION ONLY. 7. Board Comments. 8. Adjournment. ':~"'" '":' ':? .... WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1979' /ik~,','. i "~:.::',Th'e' meeting 'Was "called to. order b~ Vice'Chairman Ratty in, the '"-,The 'secretary called. . the .rol!".as follows-. , . · ..Ratty, vice'chairman; ~arton Bergen, Hoagland' ,..':':":".' Staff Present-, Bogart, Chafin, Hansen,. . Hostmyer, Oberholzer " ',':.i The minutes.' from the ~egular meeting of January 31, 1979,· were '." approved' as presented~ . .i i ~ i, The City ·of Bakersfield'Water Board Statement of pOlicy Regarding .: Water Resources-Manage:ment In The '.Kern County Portion Of The '.' " · San Joaqui.n Valley wa~. presented to the board for consideratio'n. ..,: Mr.'.'Barton made a motion thht theiboard adopt, the positiOn ".. · ,. 'paper. The motion was, passed. .Mr. Barton, also, requested that ' the position paper be~.submitted to' the following: '' . i. 1)i City' CounCil : ''" · ';' 2.); Kern RiVer Fan Group . ~ . · .3)i Kern County Water Agency 4)' Department of Water ResourCes · "~' i .... "i Californi~ Water Commission ~ '..",'.'i' , ' 5)~, State Legislators - Congressman Thomas· · '~:' Senator Stiern ~ ,.. ' Assemblyman Rogers '~! Mr:. Bergen at this 'time suggested that the Water Board might Want ~,'.' .. 'to~ make a formal presentation of' the postiion paper at the Hear? .... i: 'lng of the Assembly Com~.ittee' on' the Kapiloff Bill which will be ~'i! !. "held on March 30, 1979, in the Council Chambers.' '"')"' ';1,: i., Domestic Water Enterpr'.tse secOnd:'(2nd) quarter Operating State- ,i.,!:~, " . ment-Fiscal year 1978,79 was presented to the board. The St~.tem ..i!?'.."' '.' ,' · ment,~was':' accepted &nd.":placed ~ on, file. ?l::[i[- .' i:.. '? iA memorandum to the' water Board from Dennis Needham requesting ":'" '"' purchase of a pickup ..gas presented to the board. Mr. Barton ' :";":,..,· .' :· made a motion that the purchase 'be approved. The motion Was :" ,.',-"~' Staff Comments ~ ':.';'".~':< ',."':'! .- !: : ~) "John HanSon,. iDomestic wa~er Superintendent informed "'!i:i.'....-'-":.-.:' !.' the board thht he had me~t with Tom Stetson and Ken : iiii./.!' . .i~? Deitz of Stet, son Engineers,, Inc.. and California Water ~,,~ ~, Service to discuss the..future needs of the Domestic i ',.~:~,,' ', · Water System;- After a brief oral report by Mr. 'Hansen, ~ he suggested the following improvements: · '}i. : 'i: i ''1)! Drilling of .more wells in the southwest. ~ '.'~ ..... i ...... ' ' ",~: .... '.':.' . ~. ".... 2) /~new wat~r tank 'for storage. 'i '.. i' .'. · - .~i?7.~.~-i~...~Mr~· ·Bergen·stated that the Ashe Water System was somewhat def!- J<~i,i~'i~?~/'~-~',."' .cient' in' some areas,· especially i~ storage at the time the City took. OVer and ·these deficiencies· are causing a problem 'in fund- ing'·3capi%al improvemen~ts. ·He does not want to see the City in- volved in ~·a ~r~te'~increase because'of prior needs and he suggest- ~' '~ed,~·'that'the~staff evaluate the possibility of funding these needs' from other sources, He, also, .suggested. that the staff .icome back to the .board with specific recommendations. ~ · At this' time 'Mr. Hansen~ discussed the possible proposal of expahding the ·boundaries~ of our ~current service area. Board Comments · · Mr'. Bergen informed the .board that the California Water Commis- Sion at the request of~ Councilman Barton, planned to have their hearing in Bakersfield on MaY 3rd and 4th and he feels the Water Board should take an ~ctive part in these hearings. At this time Mr. Bergen reported on the. discussion John Chafin and Tom Stetson have been having r~egarding the proposed four waY ·agreement between ~:Buena Vista'Water Storage District, Henry Miller Water .District,: Olcese Water District and the City of Bakersfield. This draft agreement dated'February 15, 1979 in· its present form for sPreading and lrecovery of water in the 2800 acres, is not acceptable, because it sacrifices, the City's flex- ibility.. Mr. Stetson iwill report'.to the board in more detail in the near future. Mr. 'Chafin stated that he felt it was very im- portant for us to have this agreement, and we should continue t° work toward a satisfactory agreement. Water Manager Chafin at this. time informed the board that the First Point Group Committee held' their first meeting on February 22, 1979, and have a· second meeting sCheduled for March 29, 1979. Mr. Chafin stated that we ~were very pleased with the way the meeting went. There being no further business to come before the board, Vice- Ch'airman Ratty adjourned the~meeting at 5:05 P.M. · Donald K. Ratty, Vi~Ch~a~irman City of Bakersfield~Water Board LiHda Hostmyer,- Secreta~ City of Bakersfield Water Board