HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/28/79 WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1979 4:00 'P.M. Call meeting to order. .Roll Call - Board Members: Ratty, Vic~-Chairman; Barton, Bergen, Hoagland. 1. Approve minutes of the iregular board meeting of March 7, 1979. 2. Election of Officers. 2. Scheduled Public Statements. 4. Agricultural Water Enterprise Operating Budget and Proposed Capital Outlay Program for 1979-1980. FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION. 5. Grant Deed from Tenneco West, Inc~ to City of Bakersfield for por- tions of Stine Canal right-of-waY between Stockdale Hwy.' and Stine Road. These parcels escaped the original sale Tenneco to City to Kern Delta. BOARD TO CONSIDER GRAIqT DEED FROM TENNECO AND QUIT- CLAIM DEED TO KERN DELTA. IF BOARD APPROVES, AUTHORIZE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN. 6. Ditch Eradication Agreement and Pipeline Easement granted by City of Bakersfield to Lewis E. Stratton, John D. Petris and Joyce Petris, real property described as follows: 1356.7 Lineal feet of 30" reinforced concrete pipeline installed in Beardsley Lateral 1-2-0 just north of Olive Drive located in Lots'28 & 29 of Tracts 3993 & 3995 of Section 9, TWN 29, RGE 27, , final inspection made March 13, 1979. BOARD TO CONSIDER DITCH ERADICATION AGREEMENT. IF BOARD APPROVES, AUTHORIZE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN. 7. Letter from Cawelo Water District regarding increase of its non- firm contractual entitlement with the City of Bakersfield. FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION. 8. City'of Bakersfield's response to California Water Service Co. to serve a customer within the City's Domestic Water Service area. BOARD TO CONSIDER. IF BOARD APPROVES, AUTHORIZE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN. Letter attached for signature. 9. Memorandum to Water Board from John Hansen requesting a Policy on Fire Hydrant Installations. FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION. Attachment. 10. City of Bakersfield Water Board appointment of the Domestic Water Superintendent as the City's alternate member of the Kern County Water Agency's Urban Bakersfield Improvement District Adgisory Committee. BOARD TO CONSI, DER~~' IF BOARD APPROVES, AUTHORIZE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN. Letter attached for signature. l l. Memorandum to Water Board from John Hansen requesting permission to writ6-off Bad Debts and submit them for collection. POR BOARD ACTION. Attachment J 12. Board Comments. 1 3. Adjournment. MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1979 ~ , 4: 00 P'.M. The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Ratty in the City Hall Caucus Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Ratty, Vice-Chairman; Barton, Payne, Bergen, Hoagland Absent: None Staff Present: Bogart, Chafin, Hansen, Hostmyer, Needham, Oberholzer The minutes from the regular meeting of March 7, 1979, were approved as presented. At'this time the board conducted their election of officers. Mr. Payne made a motion that the board nominate Mr. Barton as Chairman. The motion was passed by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Ratty, Barton, Payne, Bergen, Hoagland Noes: None Absent: None Upon a motion by Mr. Barton, Mr. Payne was nominated as Vice- Chairman. The motion was passed by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Barton, Payne, Ratty, Bergen, Hoagland Noes: None Absent: None A letter addressed to Hugh T. Williams, President of the Kern County Water Districts Advisory Committee from Mr. Barton re- garding a meeting which had been held on March 27, 1979 deal- ing with the City's Statement of Policy on Groundwater Manage- ment was presented to the board for information. The Agricultural Water Enterprise Operating Budget and Proposed Capital Outlay Program for 1979-1980 was presented to the board for consideration by-Gene Bogart, Water Superintendent. Mr. Hoagland made a motion that the board approve and adopt the budget and capital outlay program, and that it be submitted to the City Council. The motion was passed. Grant Deed from Tenneco West, Inc. to City of Bakersfield for portions of the Stine Canal right-of-way between Stockdale High- way and Stine Road, these parcels escaped the original sale Tenneco to City to Kern Delta. Also, presented toi~the board was the Quitclaim Deed granting the parcels from the City of Bakersfield to Kern Delta Water District. Mr. Hoagland made a motion that the board accept the Grant Deed, approve the Quit- claim Deed, and authorize the Chairman to sign. The motion was passed. Ditch Eradication Agreement and Pipeline Easement granted by City of Bakersfield to Lewis E. Stratton, John D. Petris and Joyce Petris, real property described as follows: 1356.7 Lineal feet of 30" reinforced concrete pipeline installed~in Beardsley Lateral 1-2-0 just north of Olive Drive located in Lots 28 & 29 of Tracts 3993 & 3995 of Section 9, TWN. 29, RGE. 27, - final inspection made March 13, 1979. The above was presented to the board for approval, upon a motion by Mr. Bergen, which was passed the Agreement was approved. A lette~'~from Cawelo Water District regarding increase of its non-firm contractual entitlement with the City of Bakersfield was presented to the board for consideration by Water Manager Chafin. Mr. Hoagland made a motion that the letter be received and placed on file for further recommendation and study by the staff. The motion was passed. A Letter Agreement between Bidart Bros. and the City of Bakersfield setting forth our understanding regarding the pur- chase of irrigation Water by Bidart for 1979 was presented to the board by Mr. Chafin. Upon a motion by Mr. Hoagland, which waS~passed the board authorized Mr. Chafin to sign~the Letter Agreement. City of Bakersfield"s response to California Water Service Company to serve a customer within the City's Domestic Water Service area was presented to the board. After a brief ex- planation by Domestic Water Superintendent, John Hansen, upon a motion by Mr. Bergen, which was passed the board approved the letter and authorized the Chairman to sign. A memorandum to the Water Board from John Hansen requesting a Policy on Fire Hydrant Installations was brought before the board for consideration. .Mr. Bergen made a motion that the Policy be approved. The motion was passed. A letter from City of Bakersfield Water Board appointing the Domestic Water Superintendent as a City alternate member of the Kern County Water Agency's Urban Bakersfield Improvement District Advisory Committee was presented to the board for consideration. Upon a motion by Dr. Ratty, which was passed the letter was approved and the Chairman authorized to sign. o A memorandum to Water Board from John Hansen requesting per- mission to write-off Bad-Debts and submit them for collection was presented for board action. Mr.~Hoagland made.a motion that the board turn the Bad-Debts list over to ~the City's collection agency, Herbert P. Sears, for collection. The tion was passed. Staff Comments Mr. Needham stated that, in keeping with the boards request that the staff research alternate sources of funding for Capital Im- provement projects for the Domestic Water System which would not create the need to revise water rates, $300,000'.00 was set aside by.the City,'at the time the Domestic Water System was purchased, for operational costs of the system. The funds were not used and are presently being held in a revolving account. Mr. Needham recommended the board consider using these funds for part of the capital project needs for the coming year. Board members directed Mr. Needham to request the use of these funds in the budget request for the coming year. There being no further business to come before the board, Chair- man Barton adjourned the meeting at 5:05 P.M. Thomas "A. '"Payne, 'V~c'~-Ch airman Citv of Bakersfield Water Board Li~da ~0s~myd~, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board