HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/03/79 " ~ s~a~l Ac'ri A G E N D A c,~^~v. ' CITY CLERK j ' BUILDII,iG WATER BOARD CITY O~ ~S~D '~,.*r,~CE PU~. WORKS ~A 'F E R 4:00 P.M. -F~LE / Call meeting to order J~ ; ~CT~I Roll Call - Board Me~ers: Barton, Chai~an; Payne Ra .... Hoagland 1. Approve minutes of regular board meeting of August 29, 1979. 2. Scheduled P~lic Statements. 3. Statement prepared by Thomas M. Stetson dated Septe~er 25, 1979 regarding "Ground Water Basins in California.". - FOR ~VIEW ~D BOARD ACCEPT~CE · 4. Staff seeks direction in regard to assistance to Nor~ of ~e River Municipal Water District and East Niles Co--unity Service District for possible de-annexation of ID-4 from Kern County Water Agency. - FOR BO~D DISCUSSION ~D POSSIBLE ACTION. 5. Staff Co~ents 6. · Board Co~ents 7. Adjournment MINUTES WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1979 4:00 P.M. i ~ The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the City Hall Caucus Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Barton, Payne, Ratty, B~rgen, Hoagland Absent: None Staff Present: Bogart, Chafin, Hansen, Hostmyer, Kelmar, Needham Others Present: Bob Bellue, District Engineer Kern County Water Agency The minutes from the meeting of August 29, 1979, were approved as presented. At this time Bob Bellue presented.'to the board copies of the "1979 Report On Water Conditions" for improvement District No. 4. Statement prepared by Thomas M. Stetson dated September 25, 1979, regarding "Ground Water Basins in California" was presented to the board. After a lengthy discussion between board and staff, upon a motion by Mr. Ratty which was passed, the statement was accepted by the board. At this time Water Manager Chafin, stated that the staff was seek- ~ ~-~ ing direction in regard to assistance to North of the River Mu~ nicipal Water District and East Niles Community Service District for possible reformulation of Improvement District No. 4 from the Kern County Water Agency. Mr. Bergen made a motion that the Chair- man of the Water Board appoint a committee of this board (elected officials) who together with our consultants Stanley C. Hatch and · Thomas M. Stetson would meet and formulate a plan of action with representatives of North of the River Municipal Water District, East Niles Community Service District and Kern County Water Agency, which would accomplish removal of Improvement District No. 4 from the Kern County Water.Agency. Staff Comments Mr. Hoagland informed the board at this time tha~ the'City has intervened in the relicensing of the Southern California Edison Powerhouse. They now have been relicensed for a period of thirty (30) years. Mr. Hoagland stated that some of the lanuage in the "order" for relicensing was very disturbing in effect it says that Southern California Edison within one (1) year will get together with the Fish, Wildlife and Forestry people to determine what.the minimum flow from Lake Isabella should be in order to enhance fish life and recreational uses. However, .nothing was said about the irrigators or the City of Bakersfield which has storage rights. Mr. Hoagland has filed an Application for Rehearing on the basis that the lanuage Should include those people who have storage rights in Lake Isabella, and for protection of those rights. At this time Mr. Bergen suggested that a copy of the Application for Rehearing be Submitted to the City Council. Mr. Needham at this 'time informed the board that during the past few months the level of activity in the Domestic Water Superin- tendent job classification has indicated that an additional position may be recommended in the near fu~ture. Mr. Hansen at this time brought the board up to date on the nego- tiations with Fairhaven Industrial Fire ProtectiOn District. Mr. Hansen presented three (3) Water Mainline Extension Agreements to the board for the following tracts: Tract 3891 - Tejon Valley Development Company Tract 3946 - RegiOnal Mortgage Company ~ Tract 4016 - Regional Mortgage company Mr. Hoagland made ~a motion that the Agreements be received and placed on file. The motion was passed. Water Manager Chafin at this time requested that the board adopt a policy to prohibit hunting on the City's 2800 acres. Mr. Bergen made a motion to prohibit '~se of firearms on the City's 2800 acres. This motion is made ~in ~ns~deration~f the following facts: 1) City Ordinance Prohibits discharge of firearms in the City limits.. 2) The City has a commitment to the local colleges to utilize the 2800 acres as an ecological pre- serve consistent with its primary purpose as a groundwater replenishment area. 3) The safety and liability factor because of the hazards of discharge of firearms adjacent to private property. The motion was passed. It Was requested that copies of the policy be distributed to the City Council and Chief of Police. There being no further business to come before the board, Chair- man Barton adjourned the meeting at 4:45 P.M. James J. Barton, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board · a Hostmyer, Sec/eta~ City of BakersfieldWater Board