HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/12/00 . _ ·., WATER BOARD Mark C. Salvaggio, Chair David Couch, Vice Chair Irma Carson · CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOA~ MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 1~, ~000 - 4:30pm Water Resources Building Conference ~oom 1000 Buena Vista ~oad, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA !). CALL MEETING TO O~DER ~). ROLL CALL 3). APPROVAL OF MAY 17~ ~000 MEETING MINUTES 4). PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5). KERN RIVE~ OPE~TIONS REPORT 6). OLD BUSINESS A. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT - For Board Information B. CALFED PILOT PROJECT G~NT STATUS - For Board Information C. KERN COUNTY DENTAL SOCIETY FLUORIDATION GRANT FUNDS - For Board Information and Action as Required 7). NEW BUSINESS A. SOILS MAPPING FOR RECHARGE LOCATIONS - For Board Information and Action as Required B. PROPOSITIONS 12 & 13 PROJECT STATUS - For Board Information C. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 2000 WATER BALANCE REPORT - Staff presentation aha distribution of repoa D. ARSENIC REGULATIONS FOR DRINKING WATER - For Board Information and authorization to staff for wriaen respgnses E. ORDINANCE UPDATING MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER' 14.04 ASHE WATER SERVICE AREA RELATING TO MAIN EXTENSIONS - For Board Discussion and Action as Required 8). WATER BOARD STATEMENTS 9). CLOSED SESSION CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION ~49S6.9(a) NORTH KERN WATER STOOGE DISTRICT vs KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT, et al., TULARE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE No. 96-172919. 10). CLOSED SESSION ACTION I I). ADJOURNMENT Gene Bo~a~, Water ~es~ces Manager PO~60~_~~ROADSTFD~.I,,~ q_ annn · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 ' (661) 326-3715 S:~0~WBMI~WBAOJLI3 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Wednesday, July 12, 2000, Water Resources Conference Room, 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311. 1. The meeting was called to order by Board Chair Salvaggio at 4:35 p.m. 2. Present: Mark Salvaggio, Chair David Couch, Vice-Chair Irma Carson (seated at 4:52 p.m.) 3. Boardmember Couch made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Water Board meeting held May 17, 2000. Motion carried. 4. No public statements. 5. An update on the Kern River operations was given by Hydrographic Supervisor Steve Lafond. The peak inflow to Lake Isabella occurred around May 25th at 3,000 cfs, and storage peaked at 293,000 acre feet the second week of June. The Kem River Parkway flows have been well coordinate between the City and Kern County Water Agency ID#4, for the recreational season that started with the Memorial Day weekend and should continue through Labor Day. City of Bakersfield contracts (now in their 24th year) are approaching 1,700,000 acre feet of delivery. Eleven years are remaining to fill the 35 year period of the long-term contract. 6. Old Business. 6A. An update on the Kern River Levee District merger was given by Mr. Core. The Certificate of Completion was completed by LAFCO for the transfer of the Levee District to the City of Bakersfield. The equipment, records and files of the Levee District have been relocated to the City of Bakersfield, Water Resources Department. The final action will be the adoption of the City Ordinance to create the Levee District under the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code. For Board information, no action required. 6B. A status report on the CALFED pilot project grant was given by Mr. Core. The state's staff is unable to maintain their schedule, the CALFED representative still needs to complete the review and approve the recommendations, so this process could take three to four more (veeks. For Board information, no action required. 6C. Mr. Core brought .the Kern County Dental Society Fluoridation Grant funds before the Board. Assembly Bill 733 passed in 1995 mandated fluoridation of drinking water for systems over 10,000 service connections with the proviso that the costs are covered without using bond money rate payers money, or any kind of money derived form customer fees. The Kern County Dental 'Society filed for a grant under Proposition 10 tObacco initiative funds and received $650,000 to fluoridate approximately 13 wells in the southeast area that are within the Califomia Water Service Company boundaries. Mr. Core introduced Dr. Robert Reed of the Kern County Dental Society who stated that several items had to be achieved within the next 12 months before grant funding can be allotted for the fluoridation of the 13 wells. Mr. Core recommended that Board authorize staff to assist with the allotment and implementation of this funding and report back to the Board. A motion to this affect was made by Boardmember Carson. Motion carried. 7. New Business. 7A. At the last meeting, Boardmember Couch asked staff to look into locating potential recharge grounds, identify the type of zoning of the land, and the feasibility of the land to be utilized by the City for recharge purposes as an update to the 2010 General Plan. Mr. Core gave an overview of the locations for quality soil and the sites where groundwater can be stored for later recovery. A goal of the City and other water agencies is to conserve and capitalize on the best soils to be used for percolation and for recharge to water basins within the County area. The item was discussed at length. A motion was made by Boardmember Couch to pursue the identification of those soils and locations that are conducive to recharge, that overlay existing canal and waterway systems and to direct staff tO work with City Planning staff to produce maps and provide information to update the General Plan as expeditiously as possible. Motion carried. 7B. Propositions 12 & 13 project status update by Mr. Bogart. Governor Davis has included $23 million in the state's May budget revise to implement the Kem River Program, a partnership program between the City, Kern County Water Agency and other local water districts. Proposition 13 is the source of these funds, half should become available within the next 90 days, the remaining half would be on a reimbursement basis. Projects targeted for these funds are acquisition of property, acquisition of privately owned water rights on the Kern River, water recovery facilities and construction of facilities for connections between related systems. Anticipated time for these projects to be completed is 18 months. Also, in addition to the $23 million there is $5 million included in Propositionsl 2 and 13 for improvements along the Kern River Parkway. After much discussion, Boardmember Salvaggio recommended that a letter be sent from the Water Board to the Kem County Water Agency reiterating that the Kem River water rights stay within Kern County. A motion to this affect was made by Boardmember Couch. Motion carried. 7C. The 2000 Water Balance Report was handed out to the Board by Mr. Core. As a brief review, the state legislature passed Bill AB3030 in 1992 which required water districts, cities and counties put together a groundwater management plan. Staff researched City records and inquired of other districts to see if City was in accord with AB3030. It took staff three to four years to complete the report and submit that City was in compliance with AB3030 and are very pleased with the results of the completed study. For Board information, no action required. '7D. Mr. Core presented the Arsenic regulations for drinking water to the Board. The federal government is proposing a change in the Arsenic regulation with limits far below existing standards. Fifty (50) parts per billion has been the rule for at least a decade, with pressure now to lower that number. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is going through a public hearing process and asking water utility industries to submit statements, documents and comments for three part per billion, ten part per billion and 20 part per billion levels by September 20th. Mr. Core is asking Board to authorize staff to submit comments in a letter on behalf of the Water Board to. the EPA with comments on the proposed levels with the cost impacts on the City of Bakersfield water system. A motion was made by Boardmember Couch to authorize staff to send a letter from the Water Board submitting comments on the proposed Arsenic levels to the EPA. Motion carried. 7E. The Ordinance updating Municipal Code Chapter 14.04 was brought before the Board by Water Superintendent Pat Hauptman. An update on Municipal Code Chapter 14.04 is necessary to modify some of the language and clarify some of the clauses that have become ...... outdated. The Ordinance will be taken to City Council for approval. A motion to approve was made by Boardmember Salvaggio. Motion carried. 8. Water Board statements. Boardmember Carson questioned staff regarding the open canals and maintenance of same in the southeast area of the City of Bakersfield. Mr. Bogart responded that there are a number of water districts and agencies responsible for the canals as well as the City. The City has a fencing ordinance requiring all canals within the City, deeper than 18", are to be fenced. If the canal belongs to a state agency the City cannot enforce the fencing ordinance, but a person has the right to file a claim against the districts as they are agencies of the state. Boardmember Couch had a question regarding the City's recharge areas and the lack of exposure this water supply has to the citizenry of Bakersfield as an asset to our community. Boardmember Couch suggested that the Water Board take a position in opposition to the freeway/expressway paving over the recharge areas to protect this resource. Alan Daniel, Deputy City Attorney, commented that the City Council had already voted to take a different position on this planningissue and that the Water Board could agendize and discuss this issue, but did not have the authority to change that decision. Staff will research and update the Board at a later date. 9. Closed Session. Adjoumed to Closed Session at 6:25 p.m. & Conference with legal counsel - existing litigation. Closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) North Kern Water Storage District vs Kern Delta Water District, et al., Tulare County Superior Court Base No. 96-172919. The meeting reconvened at 6:31 p.m. 10. No action taken, update by legal counsel. 11. A motion to adjourn was made by Boardmember Couch at 6:32 p.m.. Motion carried. Mark Salvaggio, Chair Z>' City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board WBMINUTES2000\WBMinutes7-12-00