HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/18/00 i · -~ "CITY OF WATER BOARD Mark C. Salvaggio, Chair David Couch, Vice Chair Irma Carson CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~--: - ...... SPECIAL WATER BOARD MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2000 - 4:30pm Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA 1). CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2). ROLL CALL 3). APPROVAL OF JULY 12~ 2000 MEETING MINUTES 4). PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5). KERN RIVER OPERATIONS REPORT AND 1998-1999 "2800 ACRE RECHARGE FACILITY" HYDROGRAPHIC REPORT 6). OLD BUSINESS A. KERN RIVER PARKWAY PROPOSITION'S 12 & 13 AND CALFED GRANTS - For Board Review and Recommendation B. ASSIGNMENT OF CARRIER CANAL DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 88-15~ - For Board Approval 7). NEW BUSINESS A. SAND REMOVAL AGREEMENT WITH KERN BROS. TRUCKING - For Board Approval B. KERN RIVER INTERESTS WEATHER MODIFICATION PROGRAM FOR 2000-2001 - For Board Approval C. DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR HENRY LANE - For Board Approval $). SCHEDULE NEXT WATER BOARD MEETING 9). WATER BOARD STATEMENTS 10). ADJOURNMENT Ge ces Manager POSTED: October 13, 2000 S :\2000WBMII~WBAGOC 188 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD ° BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 · (661) 326-3715 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Wednesday, October 18, 2000, Water Resources Conference Room, 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311. 1. The meeting was called to order by Board Chair Salvaggio at 4:30 p.m. 2. Present: Mark Salvaggi:o, Chair David Couch, Vice-Chair Irma Carson 3. Boardmember Couch made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Water Board meeting held July 12, 2000, Motion carried. 4. Mr. Bogart introduced Bill Wulff, the new ID4 Manager of the Kem County Water Agency. I 5. An update on the Kern River operations was given by Hydrographic Supervisor Steve ! Lafond. There was a 79,000 acre bum in the Southfork basin of the Kern River above Lake '-" Isabella that could contribute to a rapid run-offfrom a sudden storm event in that area. A silt laden water supply could result, but is a remote possibility. Lake Isabella is drawn down to around 130,000 acre feet, the lowest point since early 1995. The river channel through town dried up shortly after the Labor Day weekend and City Water Resources crews have been doing maintenance work on the channel, the most intensive program in the last ten years. A copy of the bi-annual 2800 Acre Report was handed out to the Boardmembers. For Board information, no action required. 6. Old Business. 6A. The Kem River Parkway Proposition's 12 & 13 and CALFED Grants were brought before the Board by Mr. Bogart. At the last Council Workshop various projects were discussed for Propositions 12 and 13. Mr. Randall, Water Resources Business Manager, updated the Board regarding the funds of the $2.5 million for Proposition 12 (Park Bond) and the $2.5 million for Proposition 13 (Water Bond), and when such funding might be available. A letter agreement was received from the State Department of Water Resources for Proposition 13. Staff is gathering the necessary documents and will bring it to the Board sometime in November, 2000 for their approval. The Proposition 12 agreement may take longer, until possibly after the first of the year. Staff is optimistic that the agreement and funding for -- 1 Proposition 12 will be received in time to bring it before the Board at the next November ,!~ -~ meeting for approval. Last spring CALFED grant money was applied for by resolution for ~ three projects, a letter was received stating that the projects were not recommended for funding. Staff will resubmit when future funding cycles become available. For Board information, no action required. 6B. Mr. Bogart presented the assignment of Carrier Canal Development Agreement No. 88-188 to the Board. Coleman Property Management requested their Carrier Canal development Agreement No. 88-188 be assigned to Discovery Partners, a California Limited Partnership. No changes in the term and conditions of the agreement are requested. A motion for approval was made by Board:member Couch. Motion carried. 7. New Business 7A. The Sand Removal Agreement with Kern Bros. Trucking was brought before the Board by Mr. Core. Mr. Core gave the Board a brief history of their operation. This Sand Removal Agreement with Kern Bros Trucking will allow them to remove sand from the Kern River channel near Enos Lane for up to ten years. Their operation is mobile, with no permanent structures on site. Staff recommends approval of the Agreement. A motion for approval was made by Boardmember Salvaggio. Motion carried. 7B. The Kern River Interests weather modification program for 2000-2001 was brought before : the Board by Mr. Bogart. This is an ongoing program the City and the Kern River Interests ,_- have had for a number of years. The aerial cloud seeding program works to extract moisture from the storm systems coming into the Kern River Watershed. The program is designed to bolster water supply for the spring runoff period. The cost of this program is split four ways among the Kern River Interests. A motion to approve was made by Boardmember Couch. Motion carried. 7C. The Domestic Water Service Agreement for the Henry Lane Parmers was presented before the Board by Mr. Core. The Henry Lane Partners (Partners) wish to have domestic and fire protection water provided to their property. The property is located in the Califomia Water Service Company (Cai-Water) area, which has no economically feasible water mains available for water service to the Partners property. The City has a water main on the south side and will share the cost with the Partners to construct an extension of the water main. The City will provide water through its main to Cai-Water and the Partners shall make arrangements with Cai-Water for retail water service to their property. In order to continue to receive service the Partners agree to annex into the boundaries of the City at such time that properties are contiguous to the City. Staffis asking Board to approve. Motion to approve was made by Boardmember Couch. Motion carried. 8. The next Water Board meeting was tentatively scheduled for December 6, 2000. 9. Water Board statements. Boardmember Couch inquired about correspondence sent to the Kern County Water Agency regarding the lower Kern River Water Rights. Boardmember Couch inquired of the soils survey study. Staff indicated it has been sent to the City Planning Division. Boardmember Couch will contact Mr. Jack Hardisty for an update. Boardmember Carson asked who owned the canal at the comer of Watts and Cottonwood. Mr. Bogart responded that it was Kern Delta Water District. 10. A motion to adjourn was made by Boardmember Couch at 5:03 p.m. Motion carried. Mark Salvaggio, Chair City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board