HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/21/98~?J~] ~'~W;~'B. 'MINUTES &' AGENDA 1998 WATER BOARD Mark C. Salvaggio, Chair Patricia M. Smith, Vice-Chair Jacquie Sullivan CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1998 Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA 1). CALL MEETING TO ORDER. 2). ROLL CALL. 3). APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 12, 1997 MINUTES. 4). SCHEDULED PUBLIC STATEMENTS. 5). KERN RIVER OPERATIONS REPORT. 6). DEFERRED BUSINESS A. NORTHEAST BAKERSFIELD BIKE PATH AND WATER FACILITIES PROJECT - Update. B. KERN RIVER PARKWAY FLOW PROGRAM - Draft agreement. C. WEED ERADICATION REPORT - 2800 Acres & Kern River Floodplain 7). NEW BUSINESS A. PARTICIPATION IN "WATER WALL" at CENTENNIAL PLAZA and ARENA SITE - Kern River Watermaster Group. B. WATER BOARD MEETING DATES FOR 1998. 8) CLOSED SESSION A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a) KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT vs NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT, et al., TULARE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE No. 96-172919. 9). CLOSED SESSION ACTION 10). ADJOURNMENT (~~) sources Manager POSTED: January 16, 1998 $:WBJA21 AG 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 · (805) 326-3715 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Wednesday, January 21, 1998, Water Resources Conference Room, 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311. 1. The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio at 4:3 lpm. 2. Present: Mark Salvaggio, Chair Patricia M. Smith Jacquie Sullivan (seated at 4:37pm) 3. Boardmember Salvaggio made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held November 12, 1997. Motion carried. 4. Mr. Bogart introduced Bill Cooper of the Kern River Parkway Committee. Mr. Cooper had f--, three items of concern 1) ARCO honoring their property agreement with the Panorama Vista t. Acquisition Committee; 2) an application by the Kern River Levee District for emergency funds from the Federal Government; and 3) extension of the Parkway from Stockdale Highway to Enos Lane. Each item was discussed and settled to Mr. Cooper's satisfaction. 5. Hydrographic Supervisor Steve Lafond presented an update on the current Kern River operations. Initial forecasts for the season were for heavy rains in southern California and little or no rain in the north. So far this year, the pattern is reversed. The Kern River snowpack is at this time 100% of normal. Lake Isabella is at 245,000 acre-feet and recent storms have added flows to the lower Kern in Bakersfield that allowed the U. S. Olympic Kayak Team to perform a three day training exercise, a first for the Kern. There are indications of heavy Ffiant-Kern flows into the Kern River channel over the next three months below Coffee Road and this water will be used for groundwater recharge. The first official snowmelt forecast fi'om the State will be issued February 1, 1998. For Board information, no action required. 6A. The Northeast Bakersfield Bike Path and Water Facilities Project update was presented by Mr. Bogart. The recent transfer of bicycle path funding from the County to the City has created an opportunity to extend a major new water pipeline fi:om the Kern River along the future Morning Dr. extension of the bicycle path. The waterline following the bicycle path [ ~'~ alignment would allow the earthwork to be completed first, then installation of the pipeline, .... followed by the paved path. The Northeast Water Facilities are a plan by the City and California Water Service Co. to provide domestic water service to the northeast area of Bakersfield. The project would include a diversion structure from the Kern River near the California Living Museum, a pump station, a 4,000' long - 36" diameter pipeline along the alignment of the bike path in Morning Dr. and a purification plant located north of the extension of Paladino Dr. Cai-Water would install the pipelines and purification plant facilities with the City providing the Kern River diversion works and the environmental impact report for the combined bike path and water facilities. Staffhas made contact with other public agencies in the area to alert them of the proposed project and has received positive responses. The plans and specifications for the bike path are to be completed in August/September, 1998 with preliminary construction work starting October, 1998. Scheduling for the construction of the purification plant and distribution system by Cai- Water are under review. Cai-Water has indicated a willingness to enter into a long-term agreement with the City to purchase water to service this area. Staff requests that $25,000 from the existing Agricultural Water budget be used to contract with an environmental consulting firm for preparation of an EIR. Boardmember Smith made a motion to this effect. Motion carded. 6B. Mr. Core presented the draft agreement of the Kern River Parkway flow program before the Board. As a result of the Pioneer Operating Agreement, a joint resolution was passed to direct City and Kern County Water Agency staff to develop and coordinate a water management program to increase flows in the Kern River Parkway during the recreational season. The Water Supply Management Agreement is to achieve this goal by joining together to coordinate available water resources, use of river facilities and timing of Kern River flows in the Parkway area. Staffis continuing development of this agreement and will update the Board as it progresses towards the final draft. For Board information only, no action required. 6C. The weed eradication report for the 2800 Acres and Kern River flood plain was presented by Water Superintendent Mr. Hauptman. At the November 12, 1997 Water Board meeting. it was brought to staff's attention about an exotic plant problem in the Kern River channel and the possible effect on City water operations. Mr. Bogart asked staffto follow-up on the eradication of these plants that were invading the Kern River channel. Staffmet with a weed abatement consultant that identified the problem and suggested a way to rid the channel of this infestation. As soon as weather permits, staffwill be working with members of the Kern River Parkway Committee and other and volunteers to eradicate these plants. An update on the progress will be given at future Board meetings. For Board information only, no action required. 7A. Participation in the "Water Wall" and Centennial Plaza was brought before the Board by Mr. Bogart. The City of Bakersfield is celebrating its centennial year and, in honor of this, the City suggests local water entities participate in the construction of an active cascading Water Wall at the Centennial Plaza and Arena site. The Water Wall would be located just inside 2 the entrance of the arena, with an inscription recognizing the Kern River Watermaster Group, including the City Water Department as participants in this endeavor. Total cost for this project is under review at this time. Staffrequests Board approval to proceed with finalizing the cost of the Water Wall and secure participation by the Kern River Watermaster Group in this water theme project. Mr. Tandy recommended that $5,000 be released for completion of design, and to finn up each party's share. A motion was made by Boardmember Sullivan for the release of $5,000 to get the project underway and for staff to seek participants in the project. Motion carried. 7B. The proposed 1998 Water Board meeting schedule was presented to the Board by Mr. Core. The meeting date for May was changed from May 13th to May 272 due to a conflict of a Boardmember's schedule. A motion for approval was made by Boardmember Salvaggio. Motion carried. 8. Closed Session. The meeting adjoumed to Closed Session at 5:30pm. 8A. Conference with legal counsel - existing litigation. Closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Kern Delta Water District vs North Kern Water Storage District, et al., Tulare County Superior Court Case No. 96-172919. The meeting reconvened at 5:40pm. ~ 9. Received update by legal counsel on matter of litigation, no action taken. 10. Motion by Boardmember Salvaggio to adjourn at 5:45pm. Motion carried. Mark Salvaggio, Chair City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board SIXWBMINJAN98