HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/15/97 Mark C. Salvaggio, Chair Patricia M. Smith, Vice-Chair~-,~' Jacquie Sullivan CITY OF BAKERSFIELD *SPECIAL WATER BOARD MEETING* TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1997 - 4:30pm Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA 1). CALL MEETING TO ORDER. 2). ROLL CALL. 3). APPROVAL OF MAY 8, 1997 MINUTES. 4). SCHEDULED PUBLIC STATEMENTS. 5). DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Kern River operations. B. Southwestern Willow Flycatcher update. 6). NEW BUSINESS A. Consideration of contribution to ~PANORAMA VISTA" property acquisition consisting of the Kern River floodplain located between Manor St. and Gordon's Ferry Bridge. B. Kern River floodplain property acquisition from Carosella Properties, Inc. (Containing 45.00 gross acres) located immediately west of Stockdale Highway Bridge. C. Engineering design for Northeast Water Supply Project - Cost split with California Water Service Company; Total estimated cost to be $25,000.00 with City share not to exceed $12,500.00. D. Attorney retainer agreement with Hatch & Parent to represent City in litigation as directed. 7). ADJOURNMENT ~~ POSTED: July 11, 1997s:w~,L~s^~ Gene B°ga~' Wa~t'~ Ies°~r~es Manager 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 · (805) 326-3715 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OFTHE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Tuesday, July 15, 1997, Water Resources Conference Room, 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311. 1. The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio at 4:35pm. 2. Present: Mark Salvaggio, Chair Patricia M. Smith, Vice-Chair Jacquie Sullivan (seated at 4:40pm) 3. Boardmember Smith made a motion to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting held May 8, 1997. Motion carded. 4. Mr. Core introduced Mary Lou Cotton from the Kern County Water Agency who brought the Board up-to-date on items of concern regarding the CALFED process. The California/Federal work groups are discussing issues of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta which may have an effect on urban water users in Bakersfield. Part of the CALFED process is to solidify water concerns in terms of delta diversions by water .projects. A proposed water use efficiency program would affect all urban water agencies that have 3,000 or more service connections. Mr. Core stated that the City water system is already complying with the intent and spirit of the state-wide proposals and has followed through with conservation measures from its Urban Water Management Plans. For Board information only, no action required. 5. Deferred business 5A. Hydrographic Supervisor Steve Lafond gave an update on the Kem River operations. Isabella Reservoir peaked on June 6 at just under 492,000 acre-feet. The April-July runoff is on schedule at approximately 125%. A normal drawdown schedule is expected to bring the winter carryover level to 245,000 acre-feet. There is an oceanic warm water condition (El Nino effect) which may bring unusually heavy rains this winter. For information only, no action required. 5B. A brief update on the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher habitat designation was presented by Mr. Core. The Kern River Research Center is reporting the 1997 count of the Brown- I '~. Headed Cowbird, a predator of the SW Flycatcher, is steadily declining. The cowbird trapping efforts of the Kern River Research Center in sponsorship with the California Department of Fish and Game and the Kern River Interests has been very successful. The goal of Kern River Interests involvement in this effort is to affect the decision of the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service to not designate the shoreline around Lake Isabella as a designated habitat for the SW Flycatcher. A final habitat designation from the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service is expected by July 17% 1997. For Board information, no action required. 6. New Business 6A. The consideration of a City contribution to the "Panorama Vista" property acquisition was presented before the Board by Mr. Bogart. An association consisting of the Kern River Access Committee, the Kem River Parkway Foundation and the Kern River Equestrians for the Preservation of Trails are attempting to raise funds to acquire parcels of ARCO Kem River property located in and along the river between Manor Street and Gordon's Ferry Bridge. One condition of the sale is that the property has to be acquired by July 31, 1997. Mr. Thomas Fallgatter represents the Panorama Vista group and indicated to the Board that pledges are coming in from private contributions and the group is reluctant to accept any donations if there are conditions attached. At this time, contributions have been pledged to cover the entire amount, but have not yet been received. The City Water Resources Department has an ongoing program to acquire floodplain properties and has discussed an offer to contribute money to the group in exchange for the designated floodway portion of the property. The floodway land is estimated to be worth $28,000. It is staff's recommendation that the City Water Resources Department be a backstop to contribute the money to purchase the flood plain acreage if the necessary funds cannot be raised by the group in time. A motion was made by Boardmember Smith to this effect. Motion carried. 6B. Mr. Bogart presented to the Board a Kern River flood plain property acquisition agreement from Carosella Properties, Inc. The property is located just west of the Stockdale Highway bridge over the Kern River. Mr. Tom Carosella of Carosella Properties, Inc. wrote to the City Manager offering to transfer ownership of about 45 acres of primary and secondary flood way property to the City of Bakersfield in exchange for the City constructing a levee to protect lands to the south of that point. The City would be able to construct the levee at a lesser cost with its own forces using the available sand in the fiver. Mr. Fallgatter representing the Kern River Parkway Foundation, requested that a provision be in the agreement to protect the flood plain property from new development to allow it to remain in natural condition. Mr. Bogart agreed that would be possible, but that it may be necessary to build a turnout structure on the property to control the water flow onto the flood plain for groundwater recharging. Staff will incorporate the necessary language in the agreement for these provisions. The Board recommends City Council approval of the agreement. C. A proposal to cost split an engineering design for a water supply and treatment project for the Northeast Bakersfield area was brought before the Board by Mr. Core. Mr. Core gave a brief background and history of the project to the Board. California Water Service -2- Company has asked the City to participate in the cost for a preliminary engineering design for an intermediate treatment plant to serve the area east of Morning Drive. The proposed plant would treat Kern River water and provide service to the areas in and adjacent to Section 17 plus provide a supplemental supply to existing City residents and Cai-Water customers. The total estimated cost for the preliminary engineering design is $25,000. The City's share of cost would not exceed $12,500. Staff requests Board approval to authorize the City to share the cost in the amount of $12,500 from the Agricultural Water fund. A motion for approval was made by Boardmember Sullivan. Motion carried. 6D. The attorney retainer agreement with Hatch & Parent to represent City in litigation was presented by Mr. Bogart. This agreement allows Hatch & Parent to represent the City in litigation matters as directed. There is no retainer involved and the billings will be on a hourly basis. The existing legal services agreement covers issues regarding general water matters and not litigation. A motion for approval was made by Boardmember Salvaggio. Motion carried. Board Chair Salvaggio asked that item 6C be reconsidered and Boardmember Smith made a motion to that effect. A motion was made by Boardmember Smith to approve the City's share of cost for the engineering design for the Northeast Water Supply Project as discussed in item 6C. Motion carried. 7. Meeting adjourned at 5:35pm. Mark Salvaggio, Chair City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board -3-