HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/17/96 '"' t": ~':.'" :-,::-::.:.:-. :'._. '::-:~: ::' :~:".-,:: ',. -, ..~ ::'- .,', WATER BOARD ' Mark Salvaggio, Chair Randy Rowles, Vice-Chair Patricia M. Smith CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1996 WORKSHOP - 5:00 P.M. - Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 1. ROLL CALL - BOARD MEMBERS 2. KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY STRATEGIC PLAN DEVELOPMENT - City Council Referral Action. Mr. Robert Rauch of Rauch Communications Consultants SPECIAL MEETING 6:00 P.M. - Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 1). CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2). ROLL CALL - BOARD MEMBERS 3). APPROVE MINUTES OF WATER BOARD MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 15, 1995 4). PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5). DEFERRED BUSINESS A. KERN RIVER OPERATIONS UPDATE. B. RESOLUTION REGARDING THE OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT OF ISABELLA RESERVOIR FOR THE PROPOSED CRITICAL HABITAT OF THE SOUTHWESTERN WILLOW FLYCATCHER. 6). NEW BUSINESS A. 1996 WATER BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE. 7). CLOSED SESSION A. GOVERNMENT CODE $4956.9(b) (1); CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION. SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION 8.) ADJOUBNMENT. G~'~EIBO~A~T, Water Resources Manager POSTED: January 11, 1996 S:WBJA1796 FC:fc 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 · (605) 326-3715 MINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP AND SPECIAL MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Wednesday, January 17, 1996, Water Resources Conference Room, 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311. WORKSHOP - 5:00p.m. (meeting began at 5:04p.m.) 1. ROLL CALL Present: Mark Salvaggio, Chair Randy Rowles, Vice-Chair (seated at 5:07p.m.) Patricia M. Smith Absent: None 2. KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY STRATEGIC PLAN DEVELOPMENT. Mr. Core introduced Mr. Rauch of Rauch Communications Consultants who interviewed Water Board members and Water Resources staff as to their point of view and issues regarding the development of a strategic plan and mission statement for the Kern County Water Agency. Mr. Rauch explained the process for the plan and the timetable for the release of the plan is sometime in the early spring of 1996. Boardmembers spoke to the issues of ID 1W.4 governance, Kern County Water Agency involvement in the Kern River, water supplies to unincorporated areas and flood control operations in the Bakersfield area. Workshop adjourned at 6:10p.m. SPECIAL WATER BOARD MEETING - Scheduled 6:00 p.m. - Water Resources Department conference room, 1000 Buena Vista Road 1. The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio at 6:15 P.M. 2. Present: Mark Salvaggio, Chair Randy Rowles, Vice-Chair Patricia Smith 3. A motion was made by Boardmember Smith to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held November 15, 1995. Motion carried. 4. There were no public statements. 5. Deferred Business. : 5A. The Kern River operations update and accumulation graph were presented to the Board by i' Mr. Core. A storm occurred yesterday which yielded two inches of water content on the whole watershed, but does not bring us to near normal. At this time the early runoff prediction curve is tracking close to the 1993-94 year that was well below normal. The estimated April-July runoff for 1996 is now predicted at 57% of normal. 5B. Mr. Core presented to the Board a Resolution (Resolution 96-01 W.B.) regarding the -'-- operation and management of Isabella Reservoir for the proposed critical habitat of the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher and also gave a brief history of its campaign. In February of 1995 the bird was listed as an endangered species; however, the listing did not include the proposed critical habitat in the areas around Isabella Reservoir and portions of the South Fork of the Kern River. The U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service desires to set limits and restrictions on the operation and management of the Isabella Reservoir. The requested actions would impact the flood control and water conservation practices of the Reservoir and affect the quality of life and economic well being of the residents and citizens of the City of Bakersfield. Resolution 96-01 W.B. is in opposition to the U. S. Fish & Wildlife request. A motion was made by Boardmember Rowles to adopt Resolution 96-01 W.B. and request staff to prepare a similar resolution for the City Council Meeting of February 7th for approval and signature by the entire Council. Motion carried. 6. New Business. 6A. The 1996 Water Board meeting schedule was brought before the Board by Mr. Core. A motion for approval was made by Boardmember Salvaggio. Boardmember Rowles left the meeting at this time due to a conflict of interest regarding the Closed Session item. Boardmember Salvaggio adjourned the meeting to Closed Session at 6:37p.m. I~.''~ Boardmember Salvaggio reconvened the meeting at 6:55p.m. " Closed session action. Board authorized staff to represent the City's interests. Boardmember Rowles requested that he not be included on the list to receive any correspondence through interoffice mail regarding the Closed Session item. 8. A motion to adjourn was made by Boardmember Rowles at 5:55p.m. Mark Salva-ggio, Chair //'"~ City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board S:WBM~ORKSHOP AND MEETING/~AN17.96 2