HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/13/96 Mark Salvaggio, Chair Randy Rowles, Vice-Chair Patricia M. Smith CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1996 - 4:30pm Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA 1). CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2). ROLL CALL - BOARD MEMBERS 3). APPROVE MINUTES OF WATER BOARD SPECIAL MEETING HELD JANUARY 17, 1996 4). PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5). CORRESPONDENCE A. LETI~ER RECEIVED FROM OLCESE WATER DISTRICT REGARDING LONG TERM WATER EXCHANGE AGREEMENT. B. LETYER RECEIVED FROM KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT CONCERNING SOUTHWESTERN WILLOW FLYCATCHER. 6). DEFERRED BUSINESS A. KERN RIVER OPERATIONS UPDATE. 7). NEW BUSINESS A. INTRODUCTION OF PROPOSALS FOR WATER SERVICE TO NORTHEAST BAKERSFIELD TENTATIVE TRACT. 8). CLOSED SESSION A. GOVERNMENTCODE 54956.9(b) (1); CONFERENCE W1TH LEGALCOUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION. SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO SUBDMSION (b) OF SECTION 54956.9 (ONE CASE). 9.) ADJOURNMENT. GENE BO~G RT, W~ter Resources Manager POSTED: March 8, 1996 S:WI~MC1396 FC:fc 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD * BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 · (805) 326-3715 c MINUTES"~OF ~'I-IE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Wednesday, March 13, 1996, Water Resources Conference Room, 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311. 1. 'The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio at 4:35p.m. 2. Present: Mark Salvaggio, Chair Patricia M. Smith Absent: Randy Rowles, Vice-Chair 3. Boardmember Smith made a motion to approve the minutes of the Workshop and Special Water Board Meeting held January 17, 1996. Motion carried. 4. There were no Public Statements. 5. Correspondence 5A. A letter from Olcese Water District regarding a long-term water exchange agreement was presented before the Board by Mr. Bogart. Water staff has been meeting with the Olcese Water District Board members and their staff to discuss the role of Olcese and the City of ~. Bakersfield in the future development of the northeast area. An agreement was drafted by t City staff which would have provided mutual benefits to both sides. A mutual commitment was expected between the City and Olcese in order to firm up the lower river water rights, available to City residents living within the Olcese District boundaries. In exchange, Olcese would be able to utilize City canal facilities and exchange opportunities to assure a water supply to the Olcese area at reduced costs. The draft agreement was changed by Olcese to the point that it is not currently workable. The existing agreements and water exchange arrangements the City has with the water district will not terminate until the year 2012, so some time will be necessary before we revisit the existing Agreement with Olcese Water District. 5B. The letter from the Kern River Levee District concerning the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher was presented by Mr. Core for information. The Levee Board passed a resolution in support of City Resolution No. 96-01 W.B. regarding the operation of Isabella Dam and reservoir. Mr. Core brought the Board up to date on the activities concerning the SSWF and Isabella Reservoir. At the last meeting City Water staff reported that the Kern River would be less than normal with a storage reservoir not above 300,000 acre-feet, but recent storm activities have changed conditions considerably. The area that was used by the Flycatcher has been inundated, but when the Flycatcher returns in May other areas are available to nest. The City has been involved with the Watermaster group working on various plans and incurred some additional expenses which exceeded the previously authorized amount. Mr. Core informed the Board of additional costs that will be incurred this year regarding this program and indicated these will be brought back for Board review at a later date. No action required or taken by the Board. 6. Deferred Business '~'- ' ' e . 6A. The Kern River Operations update was presented by Mr. Bogart for information. Staff .... originally forecasted about 510,000 acre-feet storage maximum at Isabella. A revised ~ estimate of 550,000 acre-feet will almost fill the reservoir this year. The runoff forecast, with the latest storm activities, is about 127% of normal. There will be heavy spreading operations this year from all water projects including State and Federal canals. When the construction on the bridge at Highway 99 and the Kern River is completed water will start moving in much larger volumes down the river again. 7. New Business 7A. Mr. Core presented an Invitation for Proposals to provide water service to a Northeast Bakersfield tentative tract. A letter was received from a landowner who wants to develop this tract into approximately 2,000 residential lots, but the tract is not within an organized water district. The developer has requested that the City of Bakersfield secure a water supply for this development. Before a water supply can be made available, the City must know who will provide water service to the new residents in this area and if an adequate supply of water is available. The City is willing to lend their support by means of its surface water supplies regulated through the 2800 Acres for this project. California Water Service Company and Olcese Water District have facilities near this property, and East Niles Community Services District operates in the vicinity. A study of the entire Northeast Water Supply is underway and staff feels there should be a system which can be integrated into the overall plan of the Northeast Bakersfield Water Supply Project for the orderly growth of the area. An Invitation for Proposal has been prepared by staff as an effort to see what interest the adjacent purveyors might have in serving this area. Since the City was contacted to provide a water supply to this area, staff is asking the Board for approval to send Invitations i for Proposals to qualified retail domestic water purveyors. A motion was made by .- · Boardmember Smith for staff to proceed in sending the Invitations for Proposal to the interested domestic water service purveyors. Motion carried. 8. Closed Session Boardmember Salvaggio adjourned the meeting to Closed Session at 4:55pm. Boardmember Salvaggio reconvened the meeting at 5:10pm. Closed session action. Update from legal counsel, no action taken. 9. The meeting adjourned at 5:llpm. Mark Salvaggio, Chai~: / - City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary ~...-. City of Bakersfield Water Board S :WBAf~qUT J~; M]~T IN O;03-1 ~-96