HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/30/96 WATER BOARD ' '~' --~- Mark Salvaggio, Chair Randy Rowles, Vice-Chair Patricia NL Smith CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SPECIAL WATER BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1996 - 4:30pm Water Resources Building COnference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA 1). CALL MEETING TO ORDER. 2). ROLL CALL 3). CLOSED S~S[ON A. coNFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- EXISTING LITIGATION. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION S4956.9(a) IN THE CASE OF KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT vs. NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT; CITY OF BAKERSFIELD; KERN ISLAND WATER COMPANY - TULARE SUPERIOR COURT CASE Ma. 96-172919. 4). CLOSED SESSION ACTION 5). APPROVE MINUTES OF WATER BOARD MEETING HELD MAY 15, 1996. 6). PU~UC STATEMENTS. 7). COaRESPON~ENC~ LETTER RECEIVED FROM WATER ASSOCIATION OF KERN COUNTY CONCERNING CONTRIBUTION TO 1996 WATER AWARENESS CAMPAIGN. 8). DEFERRED BUSINESS KERN RIVER OPERATIONS UPDATE. B. METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD WATER STUDY. Staff update C. IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Ma. 4 OF KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY OVERHEAD/ADMINISTRATIVE COST ALLOCATION PROCEDURE. Staff update 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93311 , (805) 326-3715 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD MEETING ~ULY 30, 1996 PAGE - 2 - D. RESCISSION OF COVENANT OFFER FOR WATER SUPPLY TO PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT NEAR 7~ STANDARD RD & SNOW RD. 9). NEW BUSINESS CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY REQUEST FOR WATER SUPPLY - DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE TO THE NORTHEAST BAKERSFIELD AREA B. KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY REQUEST FOR RESPONSE TO FIRST RIGHT OF REFUSAL OPTION TO PURCHASE STATE PROJECT WATER. C. REQUEST FOR CONTRIBUTION TO 1996 "WATER WATCHERS SERIES"/WATER EDUCATIONAL SERIES. 10.) ADJOURNMENT. GE~eaourcea Manager POSTED: July 26, 1996 Thu July 25, 1996 3:21m. MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Tuesday, July 30, 1996, Water Resources Conference Room, 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311. 1. The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio at 4:35pm. 2. Present: Mark Salvaggio, Chair Patricia M. Smith Randy ROwles (seated at 5:01pm) 3. Boardmember Salvaggio adjourned the meeting to Closed Session at 4:36pm. Boardmember Rowles was absent from the Closed Session portion of the meeting. The meeting reconvened from Closed Session at 5:00pm, with Boardmember Rowles seated at 5:01pm. 4. The Closed Session action was an Ad Hoc Committee was selected to meet with representatives of North Kern WSD and Kern Delta WD. This meeting will take place immediately following the Special Water Board meeting. The Committee would consist of f Boardmember Smith and Salvaggio for negotiation purposes. Scheduling conflicts will not ,' allow Boardmember Smith to be available to attend the Ad Hoc Committee meeting. 5. Boardmember Smith made a motion to approve the minutes of the Water Board Meeting held May 15, 1996. Motion carried. 6. There were no Public Statements. 7. Correspondence. 7A. A letter was received from the Water Association of Kern County requesting a contribution of $750 to support the 1996 Water Awareness Campaign. The campaign would consist of short informative water conservation announcements shown on cable networks and Channel 29 running through September, 1996. City Attorney Skousen asked if the money was going to be used for advertisements to sway the election on the November ballot regarding a water bond measure. After some discussion it was recommended that the contribution be made with the stipulation that it could not be used to promote any current or upcoming bond issue. A motion to this effect was made by Boardmember Smith. Motion carried. 8. Deferred Business 8A. Mr. Hauptman presented the Kern River operations update for Board information. The peak storage occurred on June llth at 546,149 acre feet, with the latest April-July estimate · ' :' at 128% of normal. The 2800 Acre groundwater monitoring wells have risen between 50 and 90 feet since last year due to intensive spreading activities in and around the Kern River channel. It is anticipated that groundwater spreading operations will continue through the end of the year. BB. Mr. Core gave some background information regarding the Metropolitan Bakersfield Water Study and introduced Mr. Harry Starkey, Manager of Bookman-Edmondston Engineering, the engineering firm selected for this project to give a brief update. The work on the project started May 6, 1996, with an initial kick-off meeting of the participants. A questionnaire has been completed by the eight participants for their ideas and suggestions. Several workshops will be scheduled to monitor progress and guide the program which is designed to meet the areas future growth. 8C. Mr. Core gave an update on the Improvement District No. 4 of the Kern County Water Agency overhead/administrative cost allocation procedure. An independent auditor was hired to review costS charged to ID4 by the KCWA. These charges are eventually passed on to the purveyors and water users in Bakersfield. A formula was arrived at to resolve this issue, would allow the Agency to spread their administrative costs among the other groups the Agency oversees. The costs have not been adjusted for fiscal years 1994-95 and 1995-96 and the urban purveyors and water users are seeking repayment of these costs. An offer has been made by KCWA in the form of 10,000 to 12,000 acre-feet of underground banked water delivered through the Kern Water Bank. The ID4 Advisory Group have countered that the water be delivered into the district. There has been no response to the counter offer as of this date. Information only, no action required or taken by the Board. 8D. Mr. Core presented for Board consideration, a rescission of covenant offer for water supply I.~'~' to a proposed urban development located near 7th Standard Road and Snow Road. A -: request was received from Porter-Robertson Engineering, representing the landowners, for an urban water supply. The City Water Board approved the request, contingent upon the recording of a covenant by the landowners, binding the properties to annex into the City. Subsequently, the City Manager notified the landowner representative of the annexation requirement and allowed a two week period in order for compliance. The annexation application was never received. Staff recommends rescinding offer of municipal water supply for the properties and reject the acceptance of covenants relating to City municipal water supplies. A motion was made by Boardmember Rowles to this effect. Motion carried. 9. New Business 9A. California Water Service Company has requested, by a letter dated July 25, 1996, that the City of Bakersfield provide a water supply for service to a proposed development, within the City limits in northeast Bakersfield. Mr. Morris Taylor, an engineer representing Olcese Water District addressed the Board and expressed concern over Cai-Water servicing this particular area and that the Board should carefully assess the water service proposals. Mr. Bogart, Water Resources Manager referred to a letter received from Mike Geddes of Califarming, Inc., indicating t,hat Califarming had chosen Cai-Water to provide water service to their development in section 17 of T29S/R29E and that Cai-Water would need to contract with the City for a water supply. Califarming based their decision on analyses of proposals received from Cai-Water and Olcese to provide domestic water service to the development. Boardmember Rowles asked of the issue of an adequate water supply capacity to expand :: · beyond Section 17. Mr. Bogart explained that the initial development phase would extend 2 a water line into the tract, in conjunction with on-site storage facilities to provide a back up system. As proposed by California Water Service Company, the future water mains serving the area will loop north and westerly to tie into the existing 18" water main located in Morning Drive. This system looping will also benefit future development and provide for the orderly growth of the area. Following Board discussion, staff recommended that a contract be entered into with California Water Service Company for a water supply to serve the development. Boardmember Salvaggio made a motion to recommend approval of agreement to City Council. Motion carried. 9B. Mr. Core presented the Kern County Water Agency's request for response to first fight of refusal option to purchase state project water. As part of the re-negotiation of the state contract with the 31 water contractors, there are provisions to allow districts to sell their contract entitlement. The KCWA has a limitation of about 130,000 acre-feet of their 1,100,000 acre-foot entitlement that maybe sold. Berrenda Mesa Water District is proposing to sell 25,000 acre-feet to the Mojave Water Agency (outside Kern County) at the price of $1,000 per acre-foot plus annual operations costs. There are provisions for the first fight of refusal within the KCWA service area for this water. The City does not need this supply. Staff recommends the Board authorize staff to sign the rejection notice and return to KCWA prior to the August 19th deadline. Boardmember Rowles made a motion to this effect. Motion carried. 9C. A request for a contribution to the 1996 "Water Watchers Series" was brought to the Board by Mr. Core. This program is a series of 2 minute segments tied in with the weather reports to be aired on Channel "17". The focus this year is, "Where water comes from" and %vater : conservation." Since the Water Resources department can use this program for satisfying ...· requirements of its "Domestic Water Management Plan" with the State of California, staff requests the Board to authorize a $1,000 contribution. Boardmember Salvaggio made a motion to this effect. Motion carried. 10. A motion to adjourn was made by Boardmember Rowles at 5:35pm. Motion carried. Mark Salvaggio, Chair City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board 3