HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/21/06 B A K E R S F I E L D WATER BOARD David Couch, Chair Harold Hanson, Vice Chair Zack Scrivner Notice is hereby given that the City of Bakersfield-Water Board will have a Special Meeting on Friday, July 21,2006. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD SPECIAL MEETING Friday, July 21, 2006 - 3:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTS (David Couch, Water Board Chair) 3. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion with City of Shafter Officials regarding Future Water Supplies. (John Guinn, City of Shafter) 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. ADJOURNMENT Florn Core Water Resources Manager POSTED: July20~ 2006 S:\WB MINUTES 2006\WBAGENDAJuly2006.doc MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Friday, July 21, 2006 - 3:00 p.m. city Manager's Conference Room 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 1. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order by Chairman Couch at 3:00 p.m. Present: Chairman Couch, Member Scrivner Absent: Vice Chairman Hanson 2. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTS David Couch, Water Board Chair, thanked everyone for attending the meeting. He stated for the record, the City of Shafter and the City of Bakersfield have completed large sphere of influence increases recently and both are undergoing programs of annexation. The City of Bakersfield continues to have serious concerns regarding the water supply to support the development in the City of Shafter and to that extent the projected water supply that may come from North Kern or from what is known as the "52 Agreement" water. The City of Bakersfield feels that this will, may in fact threaten the water supply for our community, so it's the City of Bakersfield's hope to eliminate any potential litigation over that "52 Agreement". The City of Bakersfield and the City of Shaft:er have met to mediate the definition of irrigation. According to the mediator's decision, irrigation is water for Ag purposes which means that such water is not available for urban industrial uses. Today the City of Bakersfield is interested in ,hearing how the City of Shafter intends to meet the water demands of its future developments without using water secured under the "52 Agreement". The City of Bakersfield remains open to suggestions on how the two cities can amicably develop the respective communities. 3. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion with City of Shafter Officials regarding Future Water Supplies. John Guinn, City Manager, City of Shafter, thanked David Couch. Mr. Guinn stated the City of Shafter also appreciates being here and working together to try to make sure that the entire part of the county where the two communities come together balance in a logical and efficient way. Water Board Chairman Couch recognized Senator Dean Florez in attendance. Mr. Guinn stated this area is within the North Kern Water Storage District and Oildale Mutual Water Company. The City of Shafter's intention has always been and continues to be, to have North Kern be the water supplier and have Oildale Mutual be the water purveyor in the area. Because there is a cloud over the "52 Agreement" water, whatthe City of Shafter is going to do with their Costa-Keuhl report, the SB610 and 221 Reports, is propose an alternative supply to that. He stated they are not proposing to encumber the "52 Agreement" water in order to develop the projects in Shafter. The City of Shafter disagrees with the judge's opinion about that agreement and that issue has to be resolved. North Kern has water supplies that are not "52 Agreement" water. He recognizes that the City of Bakersfield will want to look at what those supplies are. The City of Shafter is working with the Bakersfield, California, July 21, 2006- Page 2 3. NEW BUSINESS continued developers on contracts for those supplies now. When the contracts and the report are finished the City of Shafter will provide it to the City of Bakersfield for review. The report under the SB610 and 221 was part of the letter agreement that the City of Shafter did earlier in this process and it's the City of Shafter's intention to honor that agreement. Mr. Guinn also stated in addition, Oildale Mutual and the City of Shafter own the North of the River Sanitary District wastewater flows and those flows are available to help meet water supply needs in that area. The City of Shafter is trying to move forward with these projects. The supply that the City of Bakersfield will see will be a North Kern supply that is inside the district, non- "52 Agreement" supplies. The City of Shafter will also look at supplies at North of the River and will use wastewater return as a supply where it is appropriate. He stated the City of Bakersfield will receive the reports in a couple of weeks. He stated it will happen before the City of Shafter processes the final part of the tract maps. Mr. Guinn stated until Monday when their staff met they had not told the City of Bakersfield that they were not going to propose any of the "52 Agreement" water. Water Board Chairman Couch asked if there is any other specific source that Mr. Guinn can identify other than North of .the River Sanitation District? Tom Clark, North Kern Water Storage District, stated what they would propose to do is a full inventory of all of their water supplies and provide the inventory. The City of Bakersfield will have every opportunity to comment. He stated North Kern has abundant water supplies that can meet the needs of the district as well as short term for these developers. He also stated they have rights on the "52 Agreement" and it does not restrict them for any purpose. He said they will be diverting their full rights to the supply as well. Senator Florez stated now it's about accounting and the City of' Shafter, will be able to account for the additional flow or the storage capacity of the district. Water Board Chairman Couch stated he anticipates that the City of Bakersfield would get that report. City of Bakersfield staff will review it and it may be subject at oneof the City of Bakersfield Water Board meetings. 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None. 5. ADJOURNMENT c~e meeting at 2:39 p.m. I~avTd Couch, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board ~_~..~/~ Bobble Za)~ag.,oZ'a, S,e/'re~' City of Bakersfield Water Board