HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/19/94 WATER BO~ ~" Mark Salva~io, Chair Conni Brunni, Vice-Chair Randy Rowles MEETING NOTICE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1994 WATER RESOURCES CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD 4:30P.M. AGENDA Call meeting to order. Roll Call - Board Members. 1). Approve minutes of Special Water Board meeting held November 17, 1993. 2). Public statements. 3). Agreement with Buena Vista Water Storage District to allow exchange of Kern River water for 2800 Acre well water. FOR BOARD APPROVAL and RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 4). Bulletin 160-93 California Water Plan Update. FOR BOARD INFORMATION 5). Letter from State Senator Phil Wyman concerning hearings on Sacramento Delta standards. FOR BOARD REVIEW AND ACTION. 6). Potential Long-term Spreading and Banking program with Kern County Water Agency in .Kern River channel. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 7). Northeast Water Supply Report - Update and future phases. FOR BOARD REVIEW AND ACTION. 8) Domestic Water Mainline Extension contracts. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 9). Water Board meeting schedule for 1994. FOR BOARD APPROVAL. 10). Board comments. 11). Staff comments.' 12). Adjournment. POSTED: January 14, 1994 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD ,, BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA 93311 · (805) 326-3715 WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1994 4:30P.M. The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio at 4:35p.m. in the Water Resources Conference Room. Present: Salvaggio, Chair; Brunni, Vice-Chair; Rowles Boardmember Brunni made a motion to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting held November 17, 1993. Motion carried. There were no' public statements. The agreement with Buena Vista Water Storage District to allow exchange of Kern River water for 2800 Acre well water, was brought before.the Board by Gene Bogart. The agreement is initially for five-years, but may lead to a permanent arrangement to allow City access to Buena Vista's Kern River water for use within the City. Boardmember Brunni had a concern regarding 2800 Acre groundwater extraction due to endangered species. Mr. Bogart explained that if this happened that an instantaneous exchange would be arranged, that is acceptable to both parties. Motion was made by Boardmember $alvaggio to approve this agreement. Motion carried. Bulletin 160-93, the California Water Plan Update was presented before the Board by Florn Core. The Bulletin 160-93 is a document designed to set the tone for water development and use in California to the year 2020. Mr. Core attended the State Water Resources Control Board hearing in Visalia on January 14, 1994, and presented testimony on the draft Bulletin 160-93. One of the Bulletin's major points was that demand for agricultural water will decrease by about 2 million acre feet by 2020 due to a reduction of 400,000 crop acres and increased agricultural irrigation efficiency. Boardmember Brunni asked how the 400,000 crop acres will go out of production. Staff answered that, according to the Bulletin, it would be a combination of urbanization and water costs. Boardmember Brunni stated that since farming is a major portion of our economy, the plan is taking 200,000 of land with virtuallyno compensation and that is a problem. Boardmember Brunni also stated that groundwater overdrafting is environmentally unsound and is not sustainable. Mr. Core has written a letter which translates the testimony that he gave for the record at the hearing. Motion by Boardmember Brunni to approve t~he letter for signature and transmittal with recommended additions. Motion carried. Mr. Core presented before theBoard the letter from State Senator Phil Wyman concerning upcoming hearings on the Sacramento Delta water quality standards. Mr. Core suggested City staff monitor the hearings and provide appropriate responses at the hearings if and when necessary. Boardmember Brunni questioned whether staff should attend these hearings and testify. Mr. Scott Slater, City consulting attorney, suggested a letter be sent requesting the City be provided with all documents generated by the hearings. Motion was made by Boardmember Brunni for staff to send a letter requesting information. Motion carried. A letter agreement between Kern County Water Agency and City for spreading and banking of imported water in the Kern River channel was brought before the Board by Mr. Bogart. This agreement will allow the delivery and banking of water further east, upstream of the 2800 Acres, in the metropolitan area of Bakersfield. The extraction of the banked water will remain in and around the 2800 Acres. This action will effectively enlarge the 2800 Acres because the Cross Valley Canal is at capacity for direct delivery to the spreading works. City staff recommends approval of this agreement. Motion was made by Boardmember Salvaggio to approve the agreement. Motion carried. The Northeast Water Supply project was presented to give an update and to discuss the next phase of the report. Mr. Bogart introduced Morris Taylor of Ricks, Taylor & Associates and Joe Gillick of Kennedy/Jenks Consultants. Mr. Taylor reported there had been few comments on the first phase report. The second, phase report will entail finding the best location for a water treatment plant, storage and distribution facilities required to provide water to the participating districts. The report would define the project, facilities, sizing and estimate construction costs for various alternatives. The estimated cost to complete this second phase study is $60,000. Staff is recommending this phase of the study be cost shared by the City, Olcese Water District and Kern County Water Agency ID#4 for one-half and the other half by the potential benefiting water purveyors, those being North of the River, Oildale Mutual, Vaughn Mutual, East Niles Community Services District, California Water Service and City DomesticWater. Boardmember Brunni asked if the project is completed, would it become part of the City's water system. Mr. Core said that has not been determined. Boardmember Brunni said there is a benefit to other entities for spreading and banking capabilities the City has and asked staff and the consulting engineer if these costs will be included when estimating benefits. Mr. Bogart responded that the Citywill determine among the participants and agree on a proposal at the end of the report. Boardmember Rowles requested to see identifiable work items and to hear the response from other purveyors, to make sure the City's interest is first and foremost in this process. Mr. Core said that staff will report the financial end of financing this phase of the study at the next Board meeting. Mr. Bogart said that a City Water Board financial commitment is not needed at this time and will be presented to the Board at the next scheduled meeting. For Board information. No action taken. For information, Mr. Core presented three Mainline Extension Contracts, one with The DeWalt Group, Inc. in the amount of $64,774.74 and two with Tract 5445 Partners in the amount of $61,792.14. All will be paid over a 40 year period at $3,164.18 per year. For Board information. No action taken. The Board discussed the meeting schedule for 1994 and the meeting dates are March 16th; May llth; July 6th; September 14th and November 9th. All meeting times will be at 4:30p.m. with the exception of November 9th, which will be held at 4:00p.m. Motion to approve these dates was made by Boardmember Brunni. Motion carried. There were no Board comments. Staff comments were that early indications of Kern River run-off are the amount of water available to the City will be similar to FY 1991/1992, which was 38% of normal. Water content in the watershed is well below normal for this time of year, and if the current weather patterns continue it is possible to have the driest year on record. 2 Motion to adjourn made by Boardmember Brunni at 5:42p.m. Motion carried. Mark Salvaggio, Ch~irmar( City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board