HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/16/94 WATER BOARD Mark Salvaggio, Chair Conni Brunni, Vice-Chair Randy Rowles ~" MEETING NOTICE OF THE WATER BOARD OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD · WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1994 AT 4:30P.M. WATER RESOURCES CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA AGENDA 1). CALL MEETING TO ORDER. 2). ROLL CALL . BOARD MEMBERS. 3). APPROVE MINUTES OF WATER BOARD MEETING HELD JANUARY 19, 1994. 4). PUBLIC STATEMENTS. 5). DEFERRED BUSINESS. A. NORTHEAST WATER SUPPLY REPORT - UPDATE AND IMPLEMENTATION OF NEXT PHASE. 6). NEW BUSINESS. A. PROPOSED 5-YEAR AGREEMENT WITH OLCESE WATER DISTRICT TO PROVIDE MISCELLANEOUS WATER FOR USE IN OLCESE DISTRICT. B. PROPOSED CONTRACT AGREEMENT WITH KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT CONCERNING OPERATION OF JOINTLY OWNED CARRIER CANAL EAST OF MANOR STREET (BICYCLE PATH). C. KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N~ 4 AMENDMENT TO FORMATION RESOLUTION TO INCREASE TREATED WATER PRICE AND PUMP TAXES WITHIN ID Na 4 BOUNDARIES. D. DOMESTIC WATER MAINLINE EXTENSION CONTRACTS, E. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - TRUXTUN LAKE PIPELINE RETURN & COFFEE ROAD WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN EXTENSION. F. WATER AWARENESS MONTH "FUN RUNfWALK FOR WATER" - KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY WITH CITY CO.SPONSOR. 7). ADJOURNMENT. POSTED: March 11, 1994 GENE B(~GAI~, MANAGER 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD ,. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 ,, (805) 326-3715 WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1994 4:30P.M. The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio at 4:41p.m. in the Water Resources Conference Room, 1000 Buena Vista Rd., Bakersfield, CA 93311 Present: Salvaggio, Chair; Brunni, Vice-Chair; Rowles Boardmember Rowles made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held January 19, 1994. Motion carried. There were no public statements. Deferred business: a. Mr. Core explained that the Northeast Water Supply Report, Phase II, when completed will provide the basis for construction of a waterworks project for northeast Bakersfield. Two engineering consultants, Mr. Joe Gillick of Kennedy/Jenks Consultants and Mr. Morris Taylor of Ricks, Taylor & Associates will prepare the Phase II report. Mr. Gillick gave a briefing on the details of this phase of the report. This phase will site the treatment plant and facilities needed for water distribution, furnish a detailed cost estimate, a proposed construction schedule, define the benefitting parties and be a direct lead-in to financing studies. Boardmember Brunni asked of the sections in northeast Bakersfield that are currently serviced and questioned where that water will go, if replaced by this proposed water system. Mr. Core stated this phase of the report will define that concern and the benefitting areas. Potential benefitting parties have indicated their interest in joining financially in the preparation of the Phase II report. Boardmember Brunni motioned to proceed with Phase II and for City to participate in funding the study costs. Motion carried. New Business: a. An agreement with Olcese Water District to provide City Kern River water for use in Olcese was presented to the Board by Mr. Core. Olcese is seeking a firm Kern River water supply, in order to better plan for growth. This agreement will not preclude any other contract or short any other water deliveries. This agreement places Olcese in higher priority position for City water delivered to lands within the City limits. Motion by Boardmember Brunni to recommend approval to City Council. Motion approved. b. Boardmember Rowles excused himself from the meeting due a conflict of interest on this item. An agreement with Kern Delta Water District concerning operation and ' maintenance of the portion of the Carrier Canal east of Manor Street was presented by Mr. Bogart. Due to the construction of the Bike Path extension on the south side of the Carrier Canal, Kern Delta did not want to assume liability or responsibility for operations in and around the bike path. This agreement would have City performing normal, daily and routine operations of this reach of the canal and Kern Delta provide the routine maintenance. Major reconstruction and special maintenance will be cost shared by ownership percentage (51% City/49% KDWD). Boardmember Brunni made a motion to approve in concept, subject to final review by City Attorney's office and recommend approval to City Council. Motion approved. Boardmember Rowles rejoined the meeting. c. The Kern County Water Agency Improvement District No. 4 amendment to formation resolution designed to increase treated water price and pump taxes within the District was brought before the Board by Mr. Core. ID4 has been operating financially with rates that were set in the early 1970's. ID4 costs have increased dramatically since inception, but income from pump taxes and treated water sales has stayed at a steady level. While increases in the treated water price will affect some areas of urban Bakersfield, a proposed 50% increase in groundwater pumping taxes wili have a significant effect on the City Domestic Water System rates. The increased tax could add $200,000 to the cost of pumping water in the City's system alone. City staff estimates an increase in City Domestic Water rates of approximately 4% this fall to cover the pump tax and an additional 4% in the spring to cover remaining cost increases. Staff anticipates the other water purveyors affected by the KCWA costs will be asking for substantial rate increases. Boardmember Brunni asked if KCWA prepared a financial statement. Mr. John Stovall of KCWA answered that KCWA prepares its budget and public hearings are held to receive input on the required annual water conditions report that anticipates revenue needs and that is the basis for setting the pump tax rate. The proposed resOlution amendment will set the ceiling for the pump tax at $40.00 ($20.00 for agricultural use) with this coming fiscal years needs setting the rate at $30 dollars an acre-foot pumped. Boardmember Rowles asked how much the per household cost increase would be. Mr. Core stated that staff estimates it to be less than $1.00 per month and staff would be coming back with the rate increase and a per household cost effect at a future Water Board meeting. Bogart suggested that a chart be prepared to show, not only the effect of a rate increase on the City Domestic Water Service area, but the entire City. Board information, no action required or taken. d. Mr. Core presented a Domestic Water Mainline Extension Contract for ownership reassignment. Board information, no action required or taken. e. Mr. Bogart presented two Capital Improvement projects before the Board. The Truxtun Lake return pipeline to the Carrier Canal is proposed for 1994-95 and construction is scheduled for this fall. This pipeline will circulate from the Carrier into Truxtun Lakes and return to the Carrier Canal. This helps in regulation of the Carrier Canal and to control moss and algae growth in Truxtun Lakes during the hotter summer months. The Coffee Road Water Transmission Main Extension will extend domestic water service up Coffee Road to Rosedale Highway and across the Friant-Kern canal. This segment will allow domestic water to be moved from the 2800 Acres and to the Riverlakes Ranch area. This project is out to bid and should 2 be under construction in May 1994. This item for Board information and no action required or taken. f. Mr. Core presented a letter from the Kern County Water Agency regarding a first Fun Run/Walk for Water. May is traditionally national water awareness month and this activity, sponsored by KCWA and local water purveyors will be part of the celebrations. The event is to be held May 21, 1994 at Beach Park. The City will be donating $250 for the event. Board information, no action required or taken. Boardmember Brunni inquired of a letter, deferred at last Council meeting to the City Attorney, regarding Vaughn Mutual Water Company rates and asked that the letter be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. In the interim, Boardmember Brunni asked that staff respond to the person. Judy Skousen, Acting City Attorney stated she would write a letter to the person and let him know the matter is being look into by the City. Boardmember Salvaggio motioned to adjourn at 5:30p.m. Motion carried. Mark Salvaggio, Chair City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board 3