HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/11/94 )"'[ CALIFORNIA WATER BOARD Mark Salvaggio, Chair Conni Brunni, Vice-Chair Randy Rowles MEETING NOTICE OF THE WATER BOARD OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1994 AT 4:$0P.M. WATER EESOURCES CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 BUENA VISTA EOAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA AGENDA 1). CALL MEETING TO ORDER. 2). ROLL CALL - BOARD MEMBERS. 3). APPROVE MINUTES OF WATER BOARD MEETING HELD MARCH 16, 1994. 4). PUBLIC STATEMENTS. 5). REPORTS. A. 1994 KERN RIVER YIELD AND WATER SUPPLY 6). DEFERRED BUSINESS. A. LEVI'ER FROM RODNEY POWERS CONCERNING VAUGHN MUTUAL WATER COMPANY RATES. 7). NEW BUSINESS. A. AGREEMENT WITH TEXACO, INC AND NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT FOR DISCHARGE OF OIL FIELD WASTEWATER INTO THE BEARDSLEY. LERDO CANAL SYSTEM. B. 1994-1995 AGRICULTURAL WATER PRICE AND SAND SALE SCHEDULE. C. 1994.1995 DOMESTIC WATER RATE SCHEDULES. D. ASSEMBLY BILL 2673 (CORTESE) - REFERRALS TO WATER DISTRICTS ON GENERAL PLAN ADOPTION OR AMENDMENTS ON ADEQUACY OF WATER SUPPLIES AND POTENTIAL IMPOSITION OF STATE.MANDATED PROGRAM. . CONTINUED - 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 , (805) 326-371,5 WATER BOARD MEETING MAY 11, 1994 PAGE - 2 - E. PROPOSED FINANCING PROGRAM FOR AGRICULTURAL/DOMESTIC WATER INTERFACE PROJECT COMPLETION. F. WATER ASSOCIATION OF KERN COUNTY LE'ITER OF REQUEST FOR CONTRIBUTION TO 1994 WATER AWARENESS CAMPAIGN. G. DOMESTIC WATER MAIN EXTENSION CONTRACT RE-ASSIGNMENTS. H. OLCESE WATER DISTRICT REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL WATER WELLS IN "2800 ACRES" WITH FIRST PRIORITY USE - MODIFICATION FROM EXISTING AGREEMENT Iq* 77-07. I. BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR USE OF DOMESTIC WATER PUMP STATION GROUNDS FOR K-9 UNIT TRAINING FACILITY. 8). CLOSED SESSION A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL CONCERNING INITIATION OF LITIGATION PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION (c) OF SECTION 54956.9 (TWO CASES). 9). CLOSED SESSION ACTION. 10). ADJOURNMENT. GE~~OG~~,MANAGER POSTED: May 6, 1994 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Wednesday, May 11, 1994, 4:30 p.m., Water Resources Conference Room, 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311. I. The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio 2. Present: Mark Salvaggio, Chair; Randy Rowles Absent: . Conni Brunni, Vice-Chair 3. Boardmember Rowles made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held March 16, 1994. Motion approved. 4. A public statement was made by Mr. Joe Garone who spoke on the Upper Kern Island Water Association and the Kern Delta Water District's supply of old area water to the panhandle of the Kern Island service area. Mr. Garone asked for the City's support in protecting the water being taken from the old area to the panhandle area because it would be mutually beneficial to the City. Boardmember Rowles stated he would have a conflict of interest and would have to absent himself from the meeting if there was any further discussion or action taken on this item. Since it was not appropriate to discuss this item further, Boardmember Salvaggio thanked Mr. Garone and said that his request would be discussed in closed session. There were no further public statements. 5.A. The 1994 Kern River yield and water supply projections were presented to the Board by Mr. Core. 1994 is forecasted to be 43% of normal and will yield 200,000 acre feet for the April-July period. The City will be using all 1994 entitlements plus Isabella carryover storage to meet City agricultural contract deliveries. The City will go into the fall season with little or no storage. There will be virtually no chance of having Kern River water in the river channel this summer. Board information, no action required or taken. 6.A. A letter from Rodney Powers, addressed to Boardmember Brunni and referred from City Council to the Water Board concerning Vaughn Mutual Water Company rates was presented by Alan Daniel, Assistant City Attorney. Mr. Daniel suggested that a letter be sent to Mr. Powers stating that the City has no direct control over Vaughn Water Company rates since they are a separate public entity, everyone in that district has voting rights and can approach their board to ask for an explanation or reduction of the water rates. Boardmember Rowles recommended a letter be written to Mr. Powers, stating the City's position, have Boardmember Brunni review before final signature and mailing. Board information, no action required or taken. 7.A. An agreement with Texaco, Inc. and North Kern Water Storage District for discharge of oilfield wastewater into the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal system was brought before the Board. Boardmember Rowles excused himself from discussion on this item due to a conflict of interest. Mr. Core explained the agreement was to substitute for an existing contract concerning oilfield discharge to the Beardsley-Lerdo Canal, with primary changes occurring in the method of calculating the discharge fee that will be based upon the quality of the water so discharged. Judy Skousen, Acting City Attorney, recommended that due to lack of quorum, this agreement go to City Council with no action by the Board. Board information, no action taken. ~ Boardmember Rowles returned to the meeting. 7.B. Mr. Core presented the 1994-95 Agricultural Water Price and Sand Sale Schedule for Board review. The recommended rates are in response to the forecasted dry year Kern River supplies. The Basic Contracts prices are unchanged at $20 per acre foot, miscellaneous surface water will be increased to $26 per acre foot and other categories will be changed to reflect contractual price escalators. Motion by Salvaggio to recommend City Manager to execute the Executive Order. Motion approved. 7.C. Mr. Core presented the 1994-1995 Domestic Water Rate Schedules to the Board. The schedules reflect rate increases that will go into effect on October 1, 1994 and April 1, 1995. These rates will increase the average monthly residential water bill by $0.62 in the fall and $0.62 next primary reasons for the increases are the imposition of higher pump taxes on the spring. The production and the lingering effects of the drought. A rate comparison chart showing groundwater the City's rates in comparison to other water company rates was included with the agenda package. Alan Tandy, City Manager, commented that if the rate increase is not approved it delays the City's ability to move fox, yard and implement the Interface Project that will go a long way towards rate stabilization. Boardmember Rowles asked to suspend action on this item until later in the agenda. 7.D. Assembly Bill 2673 (Cortese) was brought before the Board by Mr. Daniel. Mr. Daniel commented that the Bill would give outside water purveyors or agencies more power and authority to impact the City's ability to prepare general plans or amendments to plans. Mr. Daniel recommended that a resolution or letter be sent, signed by the Water Board, to the legislature saying the City opposes this Bill. Boardmember Rowles felt that the City should plan its own water supplies and agreed that a letter of opposition be sent to our area state legislators as well as members of the assembly committee. Motion by Boardmember Rowies to prepare letter of opposition to AB2673 and letter be signed by the full Council and Mayor. Motion approved. 7.C. The Board returned to item 7.C. (the 1994-95 Domestic Water Rate Schedules). Boardmember Rowles commented that the ability to make rate changes based on other purveyor rates is inappropriate and that the City should make government services as efficient as possible. Boardmember Rowies also said he believes it is improper for City to raise water rates to recover Win- lieu~ fees and charges to the Domestic Water operations budget, but will support the motion to approve the new rate schedules because he didn't want to prevent the City from doing business. Motion by Salvaggio to recommend City Manager to execute the Executive Order. Motion approved. 7.E. Mr. Core presented to the Board a proposed financing program for completion of the Agricultural/Domestic Water Interface Project. Staff has asked the City Finance Department to explore the possibility of using loans, grants or bonding proceeds to complete the Interface Project. The basis of the Interface Project will be the ability of the City to store excess Kern River water in the "2800 Acresn, recover the water through wells and distribute to customers of the City Domestic 2 Water System. The finandng being discussed is for the last phase of the Project, the regulation/storage tank. Repayment of a loan would be through the savings generated by off-peak electric power usage for pumping and the avoidance of KCWA imposed groundwater taxes. Subsequent benefits from the Project are water rate stabilization and excellent quality drinking water. Board information, no action required or taken. 7.F. A letter from the Water Association of Kern County requesting a $1,000 contribution to the 1994 Water Awareness Campaign was brought before the Board by Mr. Core. The Water Association is asking for contributions from all water purveyors in Bakersfield to finance a major media public awareness campaign for 1994. Funds are budgeted in the 1994-95 Agricultural and Domestic Water divisions for this type of program, $500.00 from Ag and $500.00 from Domestic for this contribution. Motion by Salvaggio to grant the request from the Water Association in the amount of $1,000.00 to be paid after July 1, 1994. Motion approved. 7.G. Mr. Core presented three Domestic Water Main Extension Contract reassignments. Board information, no action required or taken. 7.H. A request from Olcese Water District to construct additional water wells in City's "2800 Acres" with first priority use was presented before the Board by Mr. Bogart. By existing agreement, Oleese Water District, Buena Vista Water Storage District and the City of Bakersfield have an arrangement for the development of spreading and extraction facilities in the "2800 Acres". Buena Vista W.S.D. and the City have the right to exercise their full share of well extraction capacity and in dry years this infringes on Olcese's ability to pump and meet its demands. Olcese has proposed to City to construct two additional wells and gain first priority to use the new wells. This would be a modification from the existing City/Oleese Agreement No. 77-07. The City would have first .' priority to use the two new wells for direct use in the City Domestic Water system, with City granting an equivalent capacity to production from other wells in the "2800 Acres". Mr. Tandy asked Mr. Bogart to cite the advantages and disadvantages to the City. Mr. Bogart stated that the advantages to the City are that the City gains two additional water wells, at no capital cost to the City. The wells will produce high quality drinking water that will serve City residents in both southwest Bakersfield and in Olcese. Boardmember Salvaggio asked of disadvantages. Mr. Bogart stated none, as long as City residents in Olcese were being served. Boardmember Rowles stated that this item was worth a further investigation and a presentation of benefits to the City. Mr. Tandy requested that various scenarios of extreme conditions in the "2800 Acres" be examined to further analyze City position. Boardmember Salvaggio asked if staff could get back to the Board on this item. Mr. Bogart said staff would update the Board at a future meeting if the proposal was firmed-up. Board information, no action required or taken. 7.I. Mr. Bogart presented a Bakersfield Police Department request for use of domestic water pump station grounds for "K-9" unit training facility. The Bakersfield Police Department "K-9" unit proposes to use a Domestic Water pump station along Truxtun Avenue, located near the Texaco parking lot, as a training area. The use of the site will add to the multiple use concept of the Parkway plan and cause no disruption to the operation of the pump station. Board information, no action required or taken. 8.A. Motion by Boardmember Salvaggio to adjourn to Closed Session pursuant to Subdivision (c) of Section 54956.9 of Government Code at 5:57p.m. 3 Boardrnember Rowles stated he would absent himself duc to conflict of interest regarding the Closed Session items. There would not be a quorum present to discuss the subject. 9. Boardmember Salvaggio reconvened the meeting at 5:58 p.m.. Due to lack of quorum, there were no discussions or actions resulting from the Closed Session. 10. Motion by Boardmember Salvaggio to adjourn at 5:59p.m.. Mark Salvaggio, Chair '~ - City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board 4