HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/14/94Y 0 F ~'~" '~" .~../"%'";' ~_~-~' WATER BOARD Mark Saiva~io, Chair Conni Bmnni, Vice-Chair ~ndy Rowles MEE~NG NOTICE OF WA~R BO~ OF ~ CI~ OF B~RS~ ~D~DAY, SE~ER 14, 1994 AT 4:30P.M. WA~R ~O~C~ CO~NCE ROOM 1~0 BUENA ~STA RO~, B~RS~, CA AGE~A 1). C~L MEE~NG TO O~E~ 2). ROI.L C~L - BO~ ~ERS. 3). ~PRO~ ~ES OF WA~R BO~ ~E~G ~ ~LY 6, 1994. 4). PUBLIC STATE~S. 5). DEFEND BUSINESS. ~ U~ PUR~YOR WO~G GROUP FACILITA~D ~E~G. 6). N~ BUS--SS. A. CO~SPONDENCE ~OM NOR~ ~ WA~R STOOGE DIS~ CONCE~NG TE~S OF AG~E~ ~ 76~9 - BASIC CO~~ WA~R DELI~ES. B. ~SOL~ON TO LOC~ AGEN~ FOX, ON CO,IS SION ~G~G ~ ~R ~E DIS~CT. C. DO~STIC WA~R ~L~ E~NSION CO~~ ~-ASSIG~~S. 7). C~SED SESSION A. GO~~E~ CODE 54956.9(b)(1); CO~N~ ~ ~G~ CO~SEL - ~ICIPA~D LI~GA~ON. SIG~C~ E~OS~ TO ~GA~ON PURSUIT TO SUBDI~SION (b) OF SEC~ON 54956.9 (~O CASES). 8.) CLOSED SESSION AC~ON. 9). ~JOU~MENT. G GER 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 , (805) 326-3715 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Held Wednesday, September 14, 1994, 4:30p.m., Water Resources Conference Room, 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311. 1. The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio at 4:44 p.m. 2. Present: Mark Salvaggio, Chair; Conni Brunni, Vice-Chair Randy Rowles Absent: None 3. A motion was made by Boardmember Brunni to approve the minutes of the Water Board meeting held July 6, 1994. Motion carried. 4. There was a Public Statement by Mark Mulkay, Engineer/Manager of Kern Delta Water District. Mr. Mulkay met with Florn Core, City Water Resources and Jack Hardisty, City Planning Department to discuss future water use within Kern Delta and the City and gain direction toward long-term resolutions of water supply as the City limits extends into Kern Delta agricultural areas. There is groundwater overdraft within Kern Delta and there is a [-.-' ~ need to work with City staff to plan and protect the groundwater basin. Another issue to l". ' resolve is how to handle the difference in the size of developments and their water usage due to a single large land holding (such as the "Pacificana" plan group) and a small 5 or 10 acre sub-division. Boardmember Brunni referred this item to staff and asked them to report back to the Water Board at a future date. 5A. Boardmember Rowles and Mr. Core attended a Urban Purveyor Working Group Facilitated Meeting on July 12, 1994. Mr. Core reported that all major urban purveyors in Bakersfield were in attendance with both staff and boardmembers. Discussions among the purveyors and operators in Bakersfield on the future direction of the water supply and operations were to gain understanding of each players interests and the assurance of a stable long-term water supply. Further discussions on the functions of the Urban Bakersfield Advisory Committee (UBAC), which is advisory to the Kern County Water Agency (KCWA) Board of Directors and the perceived problem with the lack of true urban representation on the KCWA board was also reviewed. An Action Plan was put forward by the group to set in motion some changes that may help alleviate problems in the operations and distribution of water in the Bakersfield area. The plan is to: 1) Change the existing Finance Sub-Committee of the UBAC to the Management Committee; 2) create sub-committees of Finance and Budget, Project and Engineering, Contract & Water Supply Negotiations and Acquisitions; 3) continue audit of KCWA expenses charged to ID#4 operations; 4) form a regional organization that will address the interests of urban water users; 5) look at separation of the Urban Bakersfield Municipal & Industrial water supply operations from the KCWA, if action i...., plan items do not result in more responsiveness from KCWA on urban water issues. Boardmember Rowles commented that although much is heard about water issues in the area, little is said of the impacts to urban users and it appears there are some conflicts involving the different water supply interests. Boardmember Brunni questioned staff of the ID#4 overhead audit and whether it had been completed. Mr. Core replied that it would be ready about Nov. 1, 1994. Boardmember Salvaggio asked of the progress of the ID#4 ~ Governance committee that had been meeting on some of these issues. Mr. Core said that i I committee has not met for the last two years and had apparently come to an impasse. ~ Boardmember Salvaggio also asked if all purveyors were together on these matters. Mr. · i Core responded that while it was true that all purveyors were united in this effort, one district had its board's full support and has been coordinating the activities of this group. Boardmember Salvaggio asked which district this was and Mr. Core replied North of the River Municipal Water District. This item was for Board information. No action required or taken. 6A. This item was referred to the Water Board by the City Council. In a letter dated May 11, 1994, North Kern Water Storage District and the other City Basic Contractor's were notified that the City may fully utilize its Kern River water that will. be available at the end of the contract periods in 2012. The City urged that North Kern and the other contractors begin to plan for replacement or seek supplemental supplies for the City Kern River water. Boardmember Rowles questioned the comments in the North Kern reply letter, dated August 3, 1994, and their concern that the City consider and mitigate as required by law, any such decision, as well as examine the economic and environmental impacts of such a decision to terminate the agreement. Mr. Core said that the contract gives the City first right to its the Kern River water within the City limits and/or on City property. Ms. Judy Skousen, City Attorney, said the City will be required to show the need for the Kern River water and that the proper environmental documentation should be performed under the laws the exist at the time. For Board information, no action required or taken. i 6B. Due to the absence of Mr. Bogart at this time, Mr. Core asked that this item be delayed for ..· consideration until his arrival. Board approved to move this item to the end of the agenda. 6C. Mr. Core presented 4 Domestic Water Mainline Extension reassignments for Board information. No action taken or required. ** Boardmember Brunni commented regarding serious water pressure problems throughout the summer in the Vaughn Mutual Water Company service area because of a shut-down of 3 of their 5 wells due to contamination. Boardmember Brunni had a concern about continued development, in the City or in unincorporated areas, in that purveyor's service area without appropriate water availability and requested City staff investigate this and the appropriateness of the "will serve" letters issued by the purveyor. 6B Mr. Bogart brought before the Board a Resolution concerning an application to LAFCO for authority to consolidate the Kern River Levee District into the City of Bakersfield. Mr. Bogart reported that several months ago the City received a request from the Kern River Levee District if we would be interested in consolidating their operation with the City's. The first step in accomplishing this is would be the adoption of this Resolution. Boardmember Brunni motioned to approve resolution and recommend approval to City Council. Motion carried. Boardmember Rowles left the meeting at the conclusion of item 6B due to a conflict of interest with next agenda item. t...i 7A. At 5:35p.m. the Board adjourned to Closed i i 54956.9(b)(1); conference with legal counsel - anticipatedSessi°n litigation.pUrsuant tOsignificantGovernmentexposureCOdeto litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of section 54956.9 (two cases). 8. Board Chair Salvaggio reconvened the meeting at 6:15p.m. Mr. Salvaggio stated that during i ~, the Closed Session the Board was updated on litigation activities and no Board action was ~ taken. 9. Board Chair Saivaggio adjourned the meeting at 6:16p.m. Mark Salvaggio, Chair City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board