HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/10/93 ,:( '~,~. · i W.B. AGENDAS & MINUTES_ .~ - ONLY 1993 ~ I'm:.'..;~'; .... r.:::'~':. '..?' :4''..'-:.- ~ I .- ., .~ ,- -;,? ~'. ~* . ,. ..:~ · . WATER BOARD Mark S alvaggio, Chair C o n n i Br u n n i D a n i e 1 J. Kan e SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1993 WATER RESOURCES CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD 5:15 P.M. Call meeting to order. Roll Call - Board Members. 1) Approve minutes of Special Water Board meeting held October 7, 1992. 2) Election of Water Board Vice-Chair. FOR BOARD ACTION. 3) State Water Resources Control Board Draft Decision 1630. FOR BOARD DISCUSSION 'and ACTION. 4) Draft Ordinance to prohibit the pumping and taking of groundwater from lands that are developed within the City of Bakersfield. FOR BOARD ACTION. 5) Update on Master Plan for water supply to northeast Bakersfield. FOR BOARD INFORMATION and POSSIBLE ACTION. 6) Non-exclusive water line and canal easement agreement with Kern County Water Agency to divert spreading water onto Berrenda Mesa property west of Stockdale Bridge. FOR BOARD ACTION and RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 7) Discussion of property owner water rights at Buena Vista and Pacheco Road. FOR BOARD DISCUSSION. 8) Mainline Extension Agreement with The DeWalt Group, Inc. and Tract 5445 Partners. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 9) ' Mainline Extension reassignments. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 10) Set date and time of next Water Board Me~ting. FOR BOARD DISCUSSION. 11) Adjournment. PAUL DOW, MANAGER POSTED: February 9, 1993 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 · (805) 326-3715 SPECIAL MEETING WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1993 5:15P.M. The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio at 5:23P.M. in the Water Resources Conference Room. Present: Salvaggio, Chair; Brunni; Kane (seated at 5:28P.M.). A motion was made by Boardmember Brunni to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting held October 7, 1992. Motion carried. It was decided to move the election of a Water Board Vice-Chair to later in the meeting. The State Water Resources Control Board Draft Decision 1630 was presented before the Board by Paul Dow with an update from Tom Clark of the Kern County Water Agency. A copy of a draft letter which is to be sent to Mr. Walter Pettit, Executive Director of the State Water Resources Control Board was included in the Water Board agenda paCket for discussion and Board action. As proposed, D-1630 will shift the greatest burden for mitigating adverse environmental impacts to agriculture and the central valley. Instead of providing solutions, D-1630 will actually serve to undermine the process to address California's water shortages. Boardmember Brunni expressed concerns that the State Board felt they were categorically exempt in providing CEQA review in their decision process; that all evidence for this issue had to be presented by February 16th in writing; they would not take the time needed for oral comments and that the Endangered Species Act is not addressed. Mr. Lunardini, City Attorney said that he felt that SWRCB takes the position that their staff's documentation is the functional equivalent to CEQA. Mr. Dow explained that because of the short time-flame before the next Council Meeting a report was going to be sent to the Council saying that this letter was sent from the Water Board. Boardmember Salvaggio requested that a brief explanation of the letter be in the report, also that the letter be modified to include comments from Boardmember Brunni and Mr. Lunardini. After much discussion, a motion was made by Boardmember Brunni to send this letter opposing D-1630. Motion carried. Item 2, the election of the Water Board Vice-Chair was brought before the Board for action. A motion was made by Boardmember Salvaggio that Boardmember Brunni be elected Vice-Chair. MotiOn carried. A draft Ordinance was presented before the Board to prohibit the pumping and taking of groundwater from lands that are developed within the City of Bakersfield. This Ordinance would restrict the future taking of water from under all developed lands that would be urbanized from agricultural use. Boardmember Brunni had some concerns regarding the wording of the Ordinance and also the possibility of a similar adoption by the County of Kern. Mr. Lunardini suggested that a Resolution be passed urging the Board of Supervisors to do the same. A motion was made by Boardmember Brunni to refer back to staff for the proposed changes and then send to Council for approval. Motion carried. An update on the Master Plan for water supply to northeast Bakersfield was brought before the Board by Mr. Bogart with input from Mr. Morris Taylor of Ricks, Taylor & Associates, Inc., who is the engineer for Olcese Water District. In order to get the project moving and provide coordination between ID4 and Olcese Water District, the City would take the lead on this issue and pursue the initial investigation The master plan would provide a blueprint to locate trunklines, storage tanks and a future water treatment plant that would divert from the Kern River and eventually connect to the east pipeline of ID4. Mr. Bogart requested that for this initial stage of the study that the City's contribution not exceed $I0,000. Boardmember Brunni expressed a concern that the City could be contributing new water to allow an unincorporated area to continue to expand. Following further discussion, a motion for approval was made by Boardmember Salvaggio with the request that the remaining Councilmembers be advised as to the action taken. Motion carried. The non-exclusive water line and canal easement agreement with the Kern County Water Agency to divert spreading water onto Berrenda Mesa property west of Stockdale Bridge was brought before the Board by Mr. Bogart. The agreement proposes to provide an easement to allow KCWA to construct a headgate and pipeline that would divert from Bellevue Weir, just above Stockdale Highway Bridge to put spreading water on the Berrenda Mesa property. This requires an easement agreement in order to provide the terms and conditions for scheduling and ordering the water and for payment of delivery fees to the City. Boardmember Brunni had two questions, the first was concerning the turning on of the valve in dry years, that the City is not saying it will deliver any water or divert any water out of the river, that the City is just putting in a gate. Mr. Bogart explained that the water diverted would be Berrenda Mesa water which is coming from the Cross Valley Canal to be transported by pipeline across the river to the Berrenda Mesa spreading area. The second question Boardmember Brunni had was regarding how this would affect the equestrian access along the river. Mr. Bogart said that the agreement contained a clause in reference to this. Mr. Tom Clark then asked the Board for some additional time to review the agreement. Mr. Bogart suggested the City accept this agreement and, after Mr. Clark's further review, if there are any substantial changes that it be brought back before the Water Board. Boardmember Kane made a motion to this effect. Motion carried. For discussion, the property owner water rights at Buena Vista and Pacheco Road was brought before the Board. At the last Council meeting a property owner spoke who was concerned about her water rights if the ditch became lined or if they should relocate the canal. Mr. Lunardini said the City had no jurisdiction over this.' Mr. Dow said that if 2 the property develops and there is a specific plan to relocate the canal that the City could request a condition that they continue to serve her in the same manner as before. For information only, Mr. Core presented before the Board a Mainline Extension Contract with The DeWalt Group, Inc. in the amount of $51,084.64 and Tract 5445 Partners in the amount of $11,083.15. Both will be payable over a 40 year period at $1,544 per year. There were two Mainline Extension Contract reassignments brought before the Board by Mr. Core, for information only. This does not change the City's financial obligation for the payout of these contracts. The date and time of the next Water Board Meeting was set for Tuesday, March 16, 1993 at 5:15P.M. A motion for adjournment was made by Boardmember Brunni at 6:50P.M. Mark Salvaggio, Chair City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board 3