HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/03/93 WATER BOARD ~-. Mark Salvaggio, Chair Conni Brnnni, Vice-Chair Randy Rowles SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1993 WATER RESOURCES CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD 4:30P.M. Call meeting to order. Roll Call - Board Members. 1). Approve minutes of Special Water Board meeting held April 20, 1993. 2). Proposed Ordinance relating to City water service to unincorporated areas. FOR BOARD ACTION and RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 3). Proposed Ordinance restricting the pumping and taking of groundwater from developed lands within the City of Bakersfield. FOR BOARD ACTION and RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 4). Agreement with North Kern W.S.D. and Chevron U.S.A. to discharge treated oilfield effluent water into the Beardsley Canal. FOR BOARD ACTION and RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 5). Non-exclusive water llne and canal easement agreement with Kern County Water Agency to divert spreading water onto Bcrrenda Mesa property located west of Stockdale Bridge. FOR BOARD ACTION and RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 6). Updated City of Bakersfield "STANDARDS and SPECIFICATIONS for DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEMS." FOR BOARD INFORMATION and APPROVAL. 7). Mainline Extension Reassignments. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 8). Water Board meeting times and dates. FOR BOARD DISCUSSIONand POSSIBLE ACTION. 9). Adjournments. GEN~~O~NG MANAGER POSTED: August 2, 1993 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93311 * (805) 326-3716 SPECIAL MEETING WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1993 4:30P.M. The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio at 4:35P.M. in the water Resources Conference Room. Present: Salvaggio, Chair; Brunni, Vice-Chair Absent: Rowles A motion was made by Boardmember.Brunni to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting held April 20, 1993. Mr. Bogart brought before the Board the proposed Ordinance relating to City water service to unincorporated areas. This Ordinance would be consistent with City policy regarding utility service to unincorporated areas. A motion was made by Boardmember Brunni to approve and recommend to City Council. Motion carried. " The proposed Ordinance restricting the pumping and taking of groundwater from developed lands within the City of Bakersfield was presented before the Board by Mr. Core. The Ordinance would restrict the pumping and moving of water except by water purveyors. A letter received from the Kern County Water Agency had concerns regarding the extraction of banked water. Mr. Dominic Colletta, attorney for Castle & 'Cooke, Inc., suggested that this matter be given further study and the language of the Ordinance he'refined in order to assure that concerns regarding the availability of water in the affected areas are addressed. After much discussion, a motion was made by Boardmember Brunni to delay this item until the next Water Board meeting. Motion carried. Mr. Core presented an agreement with North Kern W.S.D. and Chevron U.S.A. This agreement would allow Chevron U.S.A. to resume discharge treated oilfield effluent water into the Beardsley Canal. The major points of this agreement are that Chevron is responsible for all construction, monitoring and regulatory costs and the effluent into the Beardsley Canal is not allowed to be split to other canals. A motion was made by Boardmember Brunni to approve and recommend to City Council. Motion carried. Mr. Bogart brought before the Board the non-exclusive water line and canal easement agreement with Kern County Water Agency to divert spreading water onto Berrenda Mesa property located west of Stockdale Highway Bridge. This agreement was brought before the Water Board at the February 10, 1993 meeting, at that time, Mr. Tom Clark of the Kern County Water Agency asked for a little more time to review the agreement; after reviewing, the Kern County Water Agency staff is now recommending that it be brought back before the Board for action. A motion was made by Boardmember Brunni to approve and recommend to City Council. Motion carried. Mr. Core presented for Board information and approval the updated City of Bakersfield "STANDARDS and SPECIFICATIONS for DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEMS". This is an updated compilater of City standards into one package. Boardmember Brunni asked that this becirculated to interested groups and then brought back before the Water Board at its next meeting. A motion to this effect was made by Boardmember Brunni. MotiOn carried. For Board information, there were various Mainline Extension Contracts which were reassigned to trust accounts. This will not change the City's financial obligation for the payout of these contracts. With the absence of Boardmember Rowles, the discussion of permanent meeting times and dates was postponed until the next Water Board meeting. The date and time of the next Water Board meeting was set for Tuesday, August 17, 1993. A motion for adjournment was made by Boardmember Salvaggio at 5:20P.M. Mark Salvaggio, Chair . ...~~x~ ~~ City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board 2