HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/17/93 Mark Salvaggio, Chair Conni Brunni, Vice-Chair Randy Rowles SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1993 WATER RESOURCES CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD 4:30P.M. Call meeting to order. Roll Call - Board Members. 1). Approve minutes of Special Water Board meeting held August 3,-1993. 2). Public statements. 3). Proposed Ordinance relating to the removal of groundwater upon subdivision. FOR BOARD REVIEW and RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 4). City of Bakersfield "STANDARDS and SPECIFICATIONS for DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEMS." FOR BOARD APPROVAL. 5). Request by Mr. Gary Grumbles of Coleman Property Management Corp. to grant a 5-year extension to Carrier Canal Agreement No. 88-188. This Agreement would allow a portion of Carrier Canal east of Mohawk Street to be converted to a concrete box culvert. FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION and RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 6). Water Board meeting times and dates. FOR BOARD DISCUSSION and POSSIBLE ACTION. 7). Board comments. 8). Staff comments. 9). .Adjournment. (~t~x~ POSTED: August 16, 1993 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD " · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 . (805) 326-3715 SPECIAL MEETING WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TUESDAy, AUGUST 17, 1993 4:30P.M. The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio at 5:47plm. in the Water Resources Conference Room. Present: Salvaggio, Chair; Brunni, Vice-Chair Absent: Rowles Boardmember Brunni had a correction to the August 3, 1993 minutes. The motion to approve the April 20, 1993 minutes was made by Boardmember Brunni and not Boardmember Salvaggio. With this correction a motion was made by Boardmember Brunni to approve the minutes of August 3, 1993. Motion carried. The proposed Ordinance relating to the removal of groundwater upon subdivision was presented before the Board by Florn Core. The Water Board suggested changes in language of this proposed Ordinance, that included expansion for clarification of several paragraphs in the "WHEREAS" section and in Section B. with adding the phrase '"oy county-wide governmental entity with water banking powers". A motion was made by Boardmember Brunni to approve and recommend to City Council. Motion carried. The City of Bakersfield "STANDARDS and SPECIFICATIONS for DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEMS" was brought before the Board by Florn Core. At the last Water Board meeting the Board requested that this item be sent to additional interested groups for their review and comments then brought back before the Water Board at the next meeting. Staff has received no replies and is now recommending Board approval~ of the "STANDARDS and SPECIFICATIONS for DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEMS." A motion for approval was made by Boardmember Brunni. Motion carried. Gene Bogart presented to the Board a request by Mr. Gary Grumbles of Coleman Property Management Corporation to grant a 5-year extension to Carrier Canal Agreement No. 88-188. The reason for this extension was to request that Coleman Management Corporation have additional time to complete the proposed project (concrete box culvert). Alan Daniel, Assistant City Attorney, said they will have to furnish the City with another performance bond in the amount of a new appraisal and suggested that Coleman Property Management Corporation provide the City with a letter stating they will obtain a bond in the revised appraised amount. A motion was made by Boardmember Brunni to approve wit, h the condition proposed by Mr. Daniel. Motion carried. Due to the absence of Boardmember Rowles, it was recommended by Chairman Salvaggio that item no. 6 be tabled until the next Water Board meeting when all three Boardmembers can discuss the meeting times and dates for future Water Board meetings. Boardmember Salvaggio asked if item 3 (Proposed Ordinance relating to the removal of groundwater upon subdivision) would be presented before the City Council at the first meeting held in September. Mr. Bogart said that it would, and indicated that staff can provide copies of the 8 page legal summary regarding the 26 page opinion from Hatch & Parent. It was recommended by Alan Tandy that this not be put in the Council packets, but made available to Councilmembers that are interested. No staff comments. A motion to adjourn was made by Boardmember Brunni at 6:02p.m. Mark Salvaggio, Chair City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board