HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/17/93 WATER BOARD Mark Salvaggio, 'Chair Conni Brunni, Vice-Chair Randy Rowles SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1993 WATER RESOURCES CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD 4:30P.M. Call meeting to order. Roll Call - Board Members. 1). Approve minutes of Special Water Board meeting held August 17, 1993. 2). Public statements. 3). Proposed designation of Southwest Willow Flycatcher as Endangered Species and Lake Isabella and South Fork of Kern River as critical habitat. FOR BOARD REVIEW and POSSIBLE ACTION. 4). Improvement District N° 4 of Kern County Water Agency acquisition of available state water supplies. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 5). Northeast Water Supply First Phase Technical Report. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 6). Water line for So. Mt. Vernon to serve City Woodwaste and Inert Recycling facilities. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 7). Water Board meeting times and dates. FOR BOARD DISCUSSION and POSSIBLE ACTION. 8). Board comments. 9). Staff comments. 10). Adjournment. POSTED: November 10, 1993 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 * (805) 326-3715 SPECIAL MEETING WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1993 4:30P.M. The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio at 4:34p.m. in the Water Resources Conference Room. Present: Salvaggio, Chair; Brunni, Vice-Chair; Rowles Boardmember Brunni made a motion to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting held August 17, 1993 with a correction in the spelling of Alan Daniel's name (Daniel instead of Daniels). Motion carried. Public statements. Bob Lewis of California Water Service, commended the City of Bakersfield Water Staff as being competent, capable, cooperative and a pleasure to work with. The proposed designation of the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher as an Endangered Species and Lake Isabella and South Fork of Kern River as a critical habitat was presented before the Board by Florn Core for review and possible action. The Southwestern Willow Flycatcher is on the Federal Register as a candidate to be listed as an endangered species. The listing of the bird is not as damaging as designating Lake Isabella as a critical habitat, this would significantly affect the ability of the City and other Kern River Interests and water right holders to store water in Isabella. Written comments are due by November 30, 1993 and staff has drafted a resolution for the Board to review and for possible action by the Board. Boardmember Brunni suggested some word changes in the resolution. Boardmember Brunni made a motion to approve the resolution with recommended changes. Motion carried. For Board information, Florn Core presented Improvement District No. 4 of Kern County Water Agency acquisition of available state water supplies. Due to lack of development, State Water Project is unable to deliver requested amounts of water to the contractors throughout' the state. Without the further development of water facilities in the State of California, contracts for Ag use could be cut 50% and M&I cut to 60% of the contracted amount. The Kern County Water Agency conferred with City staff and the other purveyors in Bakersfield to form a committee to begin negotiation with Berrenda Mesa Water District for acquisition of contract water for the ID4 area. Staff would like to continue negotiating for this water supply along with the committee, it follows along with our adopted policy to see more water in the river. Boardmember Brunni suggested that there should be acknowledgment on the part of the seller, that they are giving up development rights, not just a water right. Boardmember Rowles felt that this is a welcome supply, but ultimately would like to see an initiative where ID4 can become its own independent entity. Staff, along with the Committee, will continue with the negotiating process. To give an update of the northeast water supply first phase technical report before the Board, Gene Bogart introduced Morris Taylor of Ricks, Taylor and Associates; and Joe Gillick of Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, the firms hired to analyze the water requirements for the northeast Bakersfield area and tO complete a preliminary plan. The area in question does not have a water supply or treatment capacity. If the project is economical, we can proceed with a preliminary study on facilities location and planning. Boardmember Brunni wanted to know if the residents in this area were willing to pay for the water they were freeing-up and she would not want to advocate freeing-up water to allow unincorporated areas a water supply without any compensation. Boardmember Rowles asked if a detailed look had been made on the terms of wheeling water around, that building surface water treatment plants were expensive. Mr. Taylor said a hearing was going to be held on December 6, 1993 at the Urban Bakersfield Advisory Committee Meeting to further discuss this plan. The Board will be given further information on this plan at the next Water Board Meeting scheduled sometime in the latter part of January, 1994, at that time the Board may want to make further recommendations. For Board information an update of the water line for So. Mt. Vernon to serve the City's woodwaste and inert recycling facilities was presented by Gene Bogart. This item has gone to City Council for the fiscal appropriation. This water line extension will service proposed construction of the new City Corporation Yard and will provide a water supply to the new greenwaste and materials · site. Because it is an extension of California Water Service Company's mainline, Bob Lewis of California Water Service Company has been very helpful with this project. After some discussion by the Board it was recommended that the Regular Water Board meetings be held on Wednesdays at 4:30pm every two months. Boardmember Brunni made a motion to this effect. Motion carried. There were no Board comments. There were no Staff comments. A motion to adjourn was made by Boardmember Brunni at 5:46p.m. Mark Salvaggio, Chair City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board 2