HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/05/92 C A L I F 0 R N I A -:'-". :'~"' ~-'/ DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND SANITATION ~-" _~( PAUL DOW, Manager GENE BOGART, Oirector of Water Resources FLORN CORE, Assistant Director of Water Resources MIKE SLOES, Sanitation Superintendent MEETING NOTICE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1992 WATER RESOURCES CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD 5:15 P.M. AGENDA Call meeting to order. Roll Call - Board members: Salvaggio, Chairman; Peterson, Brunni 1) Approve minutes of November 7, 1991 meeting. 2) Scheduled Public Statements: Tom Clark and Bill Balch regarding update on ID4 separation and KCWA purchase of Tenneco (McClung Ranch) lands for groundwater recharge. 3) Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) (1) regardingpotential litigation. 4) Agreement to construct an interconnection with California Water Service at Hageman and Coffee Road. FOR BOARD DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 5) Proposed License Agreement with California Water Service Company for installation of overflow and drain pipe on Beardsley Canal Lateral 1-1-0 ("1" Ditch). FOR BOARD DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 , (805) 326-3715 A<~A (Continued) 6) WATER SHORTAGE CONTINGENCY PLAN: Presentation of plan as required by California State Assembly Bill No. 11. FOR BOARD DISCUSSION AND ACTION. 7) SELECTION OF DOMESTIC WATER OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR: Report from Evaluation Team on selection of Operations and Maintenance contractor for City Domestic Water System. FOR BOARD DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION. 8) 1992-93 Water Price Schedules for Agricultural and Domestic Water. FORBOARD REVIEW AND DISCUSSION. 9) Cawelo Water District letter regarding future operation and control of the Cross Valley Canal. FOR BOARD DISCUSSION. 10) Dodd Investigations & Security, Inc. request for hourly rate increase. FOR BOARDREVIEWAND ACTION. 11) Request from Loren Hodge of the Water Association for contribution to the 1992 Water Awareness Campaign. FOR BOARD DISCUSSION AND ACTION. 12) STATEMENT of WATER POLICY. FOR BOARD DISCUSSION. 13) Mainline Extension Agreement reassignments. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 14) Staff Comments. 15) Board Comments. 16) Adjournment. WATER BOARD MEETING - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1992 5:15 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio at 5:15 P.M. in the Water Resources Conference Room. Present: Salvaggio, Chairman; Peterson, Vice-Chairman; Brunni A motion was made by Boardmember Brunni to approve the mintues of meeting held November 7, 1991. Motion passed. Public Statements were made as follows: 1. Mr. Tom Clark of the Kern County Water Agency made two presentations before the Board. The first was an update on the ID4 separation. The second was regarding Kern County Water Agency's purchase of Tenneco (McClung Ranch) lands for groundwater recharge. a. Several meetings have been held regarding the ID4 separation in an effort to effect a workable solution to the problem of establishing an elected Board. After much discussion, Mr. Dow recommended that the Board approve the Kern County Water Agency's concept that was presented and appoint 3 members to meet with whatever committee members they choose (Boardmember Salvaggio recommended Mr. Balch, Mr. Matthews and Mr. Radon as representatives of the policy making portion of the committee) and try to work out the details and report back to the Water Board. A motion for approval was made by Boardmember Peterson. Motion passed. b. Mr. Clark also informed the Board that the Kern County Water Agency proposed to purchase 2300 acres known as the McClung Ranch properties from Tenneco. This property is near the Ashe Water system and Mr. Clark stated that the Kern County Water Agency will not develop that portion of the property where it will adversely affect the City's system. Questions of concern for the City were use of the Kern River Canal, City Planning of the Kern River corridor and the City's position as a Kern River Interest. 2. Mr. George Nickel made a presentation before the Board regarding his proposed water plan for the de-annexed area between Olcese Water District and ID4. It was recommended by Mr. Dow that Mr. Nickel provide staff with cost figures and commitments of participation from developers in order to continue further discussion and possible participation in this project. At the recommendation of staff Items 9, 4, 5 and 7 were moved up to this position in the above written order. Mr. Bogart presented before the Board the Cawelo Water District letter regarding future operation and control of the Cross Valley Canal. A meeting is scheduled for May 27, 1992 to discuss the future of the Cross Valley Canal and the benefits/non-benefits received by the participants. Mr. Bogart suggested that City staff be in attendance at this meeting and to report back to the Board if anything of concern for the City transpires. The agreement to construct an interconnection with California Water Service at Hageman and Coffee Road was brought before the Board by Mr. Core. City is proposing an interconnection with California Water Service Company at Coffee Road so that water may be switched back and forth under emergency condition~ ~',',~-lv, ~?,~ inte~:ccnnection ~i~.~. hel~ ~' a .... vl~_= any water shortage in this area due to d~.sasters or water quality problems, but will not .be detrimental to eitl':ox the City or California Water Service Company's customers. Boardmember ~ ~ .... "'~ Fe~e~..:.o~, rflade a motion ~cr ~pi~roval and recommends the same to City Council. Motion passed~ The proposed License Agreeme.;t with California Water Service Company for installatiou of overflow and draJ.n pipe on Beardsley Canal Lateral I--1-0 ("1" Ditch) was presented before the Boa£d by Mr. Cote. California Water Service Company has acquired property adjacent to the Ditch to install a potable water storage tank and are requesting permission to put the drain and overflow pipe from that water storage facility and drain it into the canal when needed. This will not cause any water quality problems or disrupt the operation of the Ditch. A motion was made by Boardmember Peterson to recommend approval by the City Council. Motion passed. Mr. Core presented before the Board the report from the Evaluation Team on selection of Operations and Maintenance contractor for City Domestic Water System. The recommendation of the Evaluation Team was to award the contract to the California Water Service Company. An additional recommendation by the Water Resources staff is an evaluation of the new California Water Service Company contract within three months and take appropriate action on the issuance of a new contract. It was recommended by Mr. Dow that Board authorize staff to work-out an agreement with California Water Service Company that matches what they proposed which will be sent to City Council for approval. A motion to this effect was made by Boardmember Salvaggio. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 6:50 P.M. to Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Seciton 54956.9(b) (1) regarding potential litigation. Meeting re-opened to the public at 7:45 P.M. The Water Contingency Plan was presented before the Board by Mr. Core. After some discussion, 'a motion was made by Boardmember Salvaggio for the City of Bakersfield to adopt the Water shortage Contingency Plan and place the Plan on file at the City Water Resources Office. Motion passed. Mr. Bogart brought before the Board the contract from Dodd Investigations and Security, Inc. requesting a cost' of living rate increase to $23.40 per hour. 'This is the first rate increase since 1979 when Mr. Dodd initially entered into a contract with the City for Security/Patrol Services. A motion was made by Boardmember Salvaggio to approve a cost of living rate increase in accordance with the "All Commodities Index", and to require insurance .coverage up to h million dollars. Consideration of a possible adjustment to the hourly rate would be given for the added coverage for "Broad Form General Liability Insurance Coverage" if needed. City Attorney Lunardini suggested the additional insurance premium should not exceed $500 annually. Motion passed. A request from Loron Hodge of the Water Association for a contribution to the 1992 Water Awareness Campaign was presented by Mr. Bogart. A motion was made by Boardmember Salvaggio to authorize a contribution of $500 from Ag Water and a contribution of $500 from Domestic Water. Motion passed. The Statement of Water Policy was brought before the Board by Mr. Bogart with a request for the Board to adopt this as the official policy, unless they felt it should be reviewed further. A motion was made by Boardmember Salvaggio to adopt this Water Policy and prepare a report to the City Council for approval. Motion passed. Mr. DOw presented to the Board, for informatin only, the reassignment of various Mainline Extension contracts in the amount of $139,136.76. The next meeting of the Water Board was set for Tuesday, June 9, 1992 at 4:30 P.M. A motion to adjourn was made by Boardmember Peterson at 8:30 P.M. Motion passed. Mark Salvaggio, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board CORRECTED MINUTES WATER BOARD MEETING - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1992 5:15 P.M. · The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio at 5:15 P.M. in the Water Resources Conference Room. Present: Salvaggio, Chairman; Peterson, Vice-Chairman; Brunni A motion was made by Boardmember Brunni to approve the minutes of meeting held November 7, 1991. Motion passed. Public Statements were made as follows: 1. Mr. Tom Clark of the Kern County Water Agency made two presentations before. the Board. The first was an update on the ID4 separation. The second was regarding Kern County Water Agency's purchase of Tenneco (McClung Ranch) lands for groundwater recharge. a. Several meetings have been held regarding the ID4 separation in an effort to effect a workable solution to the problem of establishing an elected Board. After much discussion, Mr. Dow recommended that the Board approve the Kern County Water Agency's concept that was presented and appoint 3 members to meet with whatever committee members they choose (Boardmember Salvaggio recommended Mr. Balch, Mr. Matthews and Mr. Radon as representatives of the policy making portion of the committee) and try to work out the details and report back to the Water Board. A motion for approval was made by Boardmember Peterson. Motion passed. b. Mr. Clark also informed the Board that the Kern County Water ' Agency proposed to purchase 2300 acres known as the McClung Ranch properties from Tenneco. This property is near the Ashe Water system and Mr. Clark stated that the Kern County Water Agency will not develop that portion of the property where it will adversely affect the City's system. Questions of concern for the City were use of the Kern River Canal, City Planning of the Kern River corridor and the City's position as a Kern River Interest. 2. Mr. George Nickel made a presentation before the Board regarding his proposed water plan for the de-annexed area between Olcese Water District and ID4. It was recommended by Mr. Dow that Mr. Nickel provide staff with cost figures and commitments of participation from developers in order to continue further discussion and possible participation in this project. At the recommendation of staff Items 9, 4, 5 and 7 were moved up to this position in the above written order. Mr. Bogart presented before the Board the Cawelo Water District letter regarding future operation and control of the Cross Valley Canal. A meeting is scheduled for May 27, 1992 to discuss the future of the Cross Valley Canal and the benefits/non-benefits received by the participants. Mr. Bogart suggested that City staff be in attendance at this meeting and to report back to the Board if anything of concern for the City transpires. The agreement to construct an interconnection with California Water Service at Hageman and Coffee Road was brought before the Board by Mr. Core. City is proposing an interconnection with California Water Service Company at Coffee Road so that water may be switched back and forth under emergency conditions only. This interconnection will help alleviate any water shortage in this area due to disasters or water quality problems, but may be switched back and forth under emergency conditions only. This interconnection will help alleviate any water shortage in this area due to disasters or water quality problems, but will not be detrimental to either the City or California Water Service Company's customers. Boardmember Peterson made a motion for approval and recommends the same to City Council. Motion passed. The proposed License Agreement. with California Water Service CQmpany for installation of overflow and drain pipe on Beardsley Canal Lateral 1-1-0 ("1" Ditch) was presented before the Board by Mr. Core. California Water Service Company has acquired property adjacent to the Ditch to install a potable water storage tank and are requesting permission to put the drain and overflow pipe from that water storage facility and drain it into the canal when needed. This will not cause any water quality problems or disrupt the operation of the Ditch. A motion was made by Boardmember Peterson to recommend approval by the City Council. Motion passed. Mr. Core presented before the Board the report from the Evaluation Team on selection of Operations and Maintenance contractor for City Domestic Water System. The recommendation of the Evaluation Team was to award the contract to the California Water Service Company. An additional recommendation by the Water Resources staff is an evaluation of the new California Water Service Company contract within three months and take appropriate action on the issuance of a new contract. It was recommended by Mr. Dow that Board authorize staff to work-out an agreement with California Water Service Company that matches what they proposed which will be sent to City Council for approval. A motion to this effect was made by Boardmember Salvaggio. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 6:50 P.M. to Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1) regarding potential litigation. Meeting re-opened to the public at 7:45 P.M. The Water Contingency Plan was presented' before the Board by Mr. Core. After some discussion, a motion was made by Boardmember Salvaggio for the City of Bakersfield to adopt the Water Shortage Contingency Plan and place the Plan on file at the City Water Resources Office. Motion passed. Mr. Bogart brought before the Board the 1992-1993 Water Price and Sand Sale Schedules for Agricultural and Domestic Divisions. It was noted that the Agriculture water rates have been adjusted for inflation in 1992 and the proposed miscellaneous water rates reflect the continued dry water supply conditions available this year. The Domestic Water rates are proposed to be adjusted upward by approximately 2.5%, beginning July 1, 1992. The increase would be the first rate adjustment since 1983 and apply primarily to the readiness-to-serve charge. This increase would result in the average residential customer receiving an increased water bill of approximately $.52 per month. The Board reviewed the schedules and recommended that the City Manager approve and execute the Executive Orders setting the water rates. '~ Mr. Bogart brought before the Board the contract from Dodd Investigations and Security, Inc. requesting a cost of living rate increase to $23.40 per hour. This is the first rate increase since 1979 when Mr. Dodd initially entered into a contract with the City for security/Patrol Services. A motion was made by Boardmember Salvaggio to approve a cost of living rate increase in accordance with the "All Commodities Index", and to require insurance coverage up to a million dollars. Consideration of a possible adjustment to the hourly rate would be given, for the added coverage for "Broad Form General Liability Insurance Coverage" ff needed. City Attorney Lunardini suggested the additional insurance premium should not exceed $500 annually. Motion passed. A request from Loron Hodge of the Water Association for a contribution to the 1992 Water Awareness Campaign was presented by Mr. Bogart. A motion was made by Boardmember Salvaggion to authorize a contribution of $500 from Ag Water and request for the Board to adopt this as the official policy, unless they felt it should be reviewed further. A motion was made by Boardmember Salvaggio to adopt this Water Policy and prepare a report to the City Council for approval. Motion passed. Mr. Dow presented to the Board, for information only, the reassignment of various · Mainline Extension contracts in the amount of $139,136.76. The next meeting of the Water Board was set for Tuesday, June 9, 1992 at 4:30 P.M. A motion to adjourn was made by Boardmember Peterson at 8:30 P.M. Motion passed. Mark Salvaggio, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board ! Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board 3