HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/09/92CITY OF ~ "'~-' WATER BOARD ? ~ark Salvaggio, Chairman Ken Peterson, Vice-Chairman ~ Conni Brunni -SPECIAL MEETING- TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1992 WATER RESOURCES CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD 4:30 P.M. Call meeting to order. Roll Call - Board Members. 1) Approve minutes of May 5, 1992 meeting. 2) Correspondence - a) Letter from State Department of Water Resources dated May 29, 1992 regarding Water Shortage Contingency Plan. 3) Re-organization of I.D. 4 - DISCUSSION of WORKING COMMITTEES. 4) George Nickel water proposal. FOR BOARDACTION. 5) Senate Bill 1866 (Johnston) regarding the Delta Protection Act of 1992. FOR BOARD INFORMATION and POSSIBLE ACTION. 6) Water Board Report to City Council regarding "STATEMENT OF WATER RESOURCES POLICY." FOR BOARD REVIEW and ACTION. 7) Financial reporting relating to the City's Water Banking Program. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 8) Update on Cawelo Water District meeting held May 27, 1992 regarding the future use, operation and control of the Cross Valley Canal. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 9) Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) (1) regarding potential litigation. 10) Adjournment. Paul Dow, Water & Sanitation Manager POSTED: June 8, 1992 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93311 · (805) 32~3715 SPECIAL MEETING WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1992 4:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio at 4:40 p.m. in the Water Resources Conference Room. Present: Salvaggio, Chairman; Peterson, Vice-Chairman (seated at 4:47 p.m.); Brunni A motion was made by Boardmember Salvaggio to approve the minutes of the meeting held May 5, 1992. Motion passed. Mr. Core asked the Board to review and place on file a letter received from the Sta~e Department of Water Resources confirming that the City complied with Assembly Bill No. 11 on the Water Shortage Contingency Plan. The working committees for the re-organization of I.D. 4 were presented before the Board by Mr. Bogart with input from Mr. Tom Clark of the Kern County Water Agency. The discussion centered around the creation, make-up, representation and scheduling of the various working committees for the I.D. 4 re-organization. The overall consensus was that the representation for these working committees be from the City, County and Kern County Water Agency. After much discussion, Boardmember Brunni made a motion that the County Board of Supervisors select their two members from persons residing within I.D. 4. Motion passed. Mr. George Nickel made a presentation before the Board regarding his proposed water plan for the de-annexed area between Olcese Water District and I.D. 4. Key issues for this plan are the cost difference and owner participation/commitment in obtaining a water supply for the area. Boardmember Brunni felt this item could be on future Water Board agendas so that it could be discussed on a regular basis. Mr. Dow recommended the Water Board refer this matter to the Water Resources staff and continue to remain in contact with the affected landowners and water purveyors, in that area, and when they commit to supporting a project for that area, bring it back to the Board. Boardmember Salvaggio made a motion to refer this matter of the development of water supply in the northeast Bakersfield area to the Water Resources staff to continue to work with the landowners affected, the Kern County Water Agency, Mr. Nickel and come back to the Board at an appropriate time. There were Ayes from Boardmember Salvaggio and Peterson; a No from Boardmember Brunni. Motion passed. Mr. Bogart presented before the Board, Senate Bill 1866 regarding the Delta Protection Act of 1992. This plan is an attempt to find and appro- - priate public funds for the repair of the Delta levees which are in a deteriorating condition. The Boardmembers were concerned how this Bill would affect the City. Boardmember Brunni felt that this Bill was an objectionable piece of legislation because of its vagueness. In its present form, it constitutes an unfunded state mandate that is a potential to usurp local land use authority. Mr. Dow stated that the Kern County Water Agency does receive water from that area and they have gone on record by sending an opposition letter. Mr. Bogart brought up the fact that the legislation could result in an increase in the cost of moving State water through the Delta. If that happens, then the unit cost for all contractors on the State Water project will see their water rates go up, including the citizens who live in urban Bakersfield (I.D. 4). Boardmember Brunni made a motion to go on record as opposing this Bill in its present form because it appears that it constitutes an unfunded state mandate that has a potential to usurp local land use authority. Boardmember Peterson recommended that this be sent from the entire Council. Boardmember Brunni recommended this to the full Council for their adoption. Motion passed. Mr. Dow asked the Water Board to review the Water Board Report to go before the City Council regarding the Statement of Water Resources Policy. If it meets with their acceptance it will be put on the next City Council Meeting agenda. Mr. Bogart brought before the Board, for information only, the financial reporting relating to the City's Water Banking Program. The Budget and Finance Committee Report 15-91 passed on a suggestion from the City Auditor that there should be a water banking inventory recorded within Agricultural Water Fund. Boardmember Brunni suggested that a footnote be added to include a statement of the average annual banking cost at so many dollars an acre foot. Mr. Bogart concurred and stated that future financial statements would include a footnote indicating the volume of acre feet of water in the City's 2800 Acre banking facility. Mr. Bogart presented before the Board an update on the Cawelo Water District meeting held May 27, 1992 regarding the future use, operation a~d control of the Cross Valley Canal. Since this was an initial meeting to informally discuss long-range Cross Valley Canal issues, staff will keep the Board updated as future meetings take place. The meeting adjourned at 6:12 p.m. to Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) (1) regarding potential litigation. Meeting re-opened to the public at 6:24 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Mark Salvaggio, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board