HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/16/91 WATER AND SANITATION DEPARTMENT PAUL DOW, Manager GENE BOGART, Director of Water Resources FLORN CORE, Assistant Director of Water Resources " MIKE SIDES, Sanitation Superintendent, 326-3114 MEETING NOTICE Special Meeting of the City of Bakersfield Water Board will be held on Tuesday, July 16, 1991 at 5:15p.m., in the Water Resources Conference Room, 410i Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield. Call meeting to order. Roll Call - Board Members: Salvaggio, Chairman; Peterson; Brunni The following items will be discussed: 1. Approve minu. tes of April 23, 1991. 2. Closed session pursuant to Government Code 54956.9(b)(1). 3. Bakersfield Urban Water Supply, Preliminary Financing Plan - Action to be determined by Board. 4. SB 959, Water Utility Surcharge Bill - For Board Discussion and Action. 5. Paladino Water Service Area - For Board Information. 6. Kern River Property Acquisition - For Board Information. 7. Water Resources Building Progress Report - For Board Information. 8. Water Supply Update - For Board Information. 9. Wate~ Board meeting dates - For Board Discussion and Possible Action. 10. Adjournment. Paul Dow, Water and Sanitation Manager POSTED: July 15, 1991 4101 TRUXTUN AVENUE * BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93309 · (805) 326-3715 SPECIAL MEETING WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1991 5:15p.m. The meetin~ was called to order by Chairman Salvaggio at 5:17p.m. in the Water Resources Conference Room. The roll was called as follows: Present: Salvaggio, Chairman; Peterson; Brunni The minutes of the Special Meeting held April 23, 1991 were approved by the Board. The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session regarding potential litigation of water matters (per Government Code No. 54956.9(b) (1). The meeting re-opened to the public. The Bakersfield Urban Water Supply Plan has been reviewed by City staff and Mr. Tom Stetson, consulting engineer. Mr. Stetson commented on the plan with the recommendation that the plan is not an acceptable prOgram for the City of Bakersfield. City staff and Mr. Stetson drafted a letter to be sent to the Kern County Water Agency stating the City's view regarding the plan. Boardmember Brunni recommended that the signature.page be changed so all Water Board members could sign the letter. A motion was made by Boardmember Peterson to send the letter to the Kern County Water Agency with this noted change. Motion passed. Mr. Core presented SB959, the Water Utility Surcharge Bill, before the Board giving reasons why staff is opposed to the Bill. The Board was in agreement and suggested that staff continue to monitor this Bill's progress and keep them informed. ~ For Board information Mr. Core presented before the Board the current status of the Paladino water service area problem in northeast Bakersfield. There are 22 homes in this area that are in need of water service, plus the possibility of future development. The homeowners have written letters, filed a petition with the City Council, had townhall meetings and formed a committee. The homeowners were originally in the Olcese Water District, but de-annexed due to'high costs. Re-annexation to Olcese was explored but re- jected by the Paladino group. Several ways of obtaining water service and funding were mentioned, but none were acceptable to the homeowners. The possibility of future, large scale development occurring either on the east- side or westside would increase the chances of getting water service to this area. Staff will keep Boardmembers and Council apprised of the situation. An update of Kern River property acquisitions was brought before' the Board by Mr. Bogart. There were two parcels discussed. Property number one (Anderson Parcel) is a key piece of riverbed and floodplain land located in the Kern River Parkway immediately west of Coffee Road. The owners are asking $.210,000 for this 8 acre parcel;'it has been appraised by the City at $74,000. The City will pay only the appraised amount for this property and feel the property is not worth condemnation proceedings to obtain. The second piece of land is Berrenda Mesa property. At this time Berrenda Mesa is using the property to spread and recover water to bolster their water supply. The City has looked at this property as an extension of the Kern River Parkway as part of the equestrian trails, open-space, and bicycle trail, and it is the last s~paration between the property the City owns upstream and downstream. The City is interested primarily in the area that encompasses the floodplain and riverbed. The City will continue to monitor the situation on both properties and update the Board as needed. Mr. Bogart gave a status report to the Board on the progress of the new Water Facilities Building. At this time the building is now 80% complete and is on schedule, and should be fully operational on October 1, 1991. Staff Suggested dedication of the building during the first week in December 1991. For Board information Mr. Bogart presented an update on the 1991 water supply. What has set 1991 apart from other dry years is the awareness in the community of the importance of water banking in Kern County, and people have become very conscious of how workable these programs have been.. With the help of the banking programs the City has not been deficient on Basic Contract deliveries this year. The City was able to satisfy a portion of the Basic Contract deliveries with groundwater the City had banked in flood years. This will free-up future surface water for other uses. In 1991, the City agricultural customers ended up in much better shape on the Kern River than agricultural users on the State Water Project. The next Water Board meeting date was brought before the Board by Mr. Dow. It was decided by the Board that the Water Board would have its regular meetings on Thursday's at 5:15p.m., as needed. At 7:26p.m. a motion to adjourn was made by Boardmember Brunni. Motion passed. Mark Salvaggio, Chaf'rm~n / ' City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board