HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/07/91 DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND SANITATION PAUL DOW, Manager GENE BOGART, Director of Water Resources FLORN CORE, Assistant Director of Water Resources MIKE SIDES, Sanitation SuPerintendent AGENDA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Thursday, November 7, 1991 WATER RESOURCES cONFERENCE ROOM NEW OFFICE - 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD 5:15P.M. Call meeting to order. Roll Call - Board Members: Salvaggio, Chairman, Peterson, Brunni 1)~ Approve minutes of July 16, 1991 and August 21, 1991. 2) Statement of Water Policy. FOR BOARD DISCUSSION. 3) City of Huntington Park request for opposing water surcharges to reduce consumption. FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION. 4) Request bY Greg Bynum and-Associates, Inc. to extend Carrier Canal pipeline agreement on~ year. FOR BOARD ACTION AND RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 5) Update on I.D. 4 water well no. 1. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 6) Correspondence from George Nickel dated October 8, October 14, October 16, October 17 and October 24, 1991. FOR BOARD DISCUSSION. 7) Mainline extension reassignments. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 8) Staff comments. 9) Board comments. 10) Adjournment 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD * BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 . (805) 326-3715 WATER BOARD MEETING - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1991 5:15P.M. The meeting was called to order by Boardmember Salvaggio at 5:26p.m. in the Water Resources Conference Room. Present: Salvaggio, Chairman; Peterson, Brunni (seated at 5:40p.m.) The minutes of the Special Meeting held July 16, 1991 and August 21, 1991 were approved as presented by the Board. Mr. Dow presented the City's "Statement of Water Policy." It was suggested a few meetings ago by the City Attorney that a Water Policy be written in order to protect the City's water resources. There were many different policies that the City Water Board had adopted over the year~, this Water Policy would be combining %hose different policies into one. It was recommended by Boardmember Salvaggio that this item be circulated and discussed with other appropriate members of the community and brought back before the Board at a later meeting. The City Council referred to the Water Board a letter from the City of Huntington Park requesting the City of Bakersfield support their resolution opposing water company surcharges for reduced water consumption. This letter was presented before the Board by Mr. Core with staff's recommendation that City continue to support a rational method of dealing with water costs based on supply/demands and the true cost of supplying a good quality, dependable drinking water to its customers. A motion was made by Boardmember Peterson to receive and file this letter and make an appropriate response. Motion passed. A request by Greg Bynum and Associates, Inc. to extend the Carrier Canal Pipeline Agreement one year was brought before the Board by Mr. Bogart. It was recommended by Mr. Bogart that this request be referred to City Council for approval. Boardmember Peterson made a motion to this effect. Motion passed. An update on the ID4 water well #1 was presented before the Board by Mr. Core for information. The status of well is that DBCP was found in the middle zone, ID4 is proposing to seal off the middle zone and produce water from the upper and lower zones only, when this is accomplished they will go through the CEQA process before the well is turned on again. Staff will keep the Board apprised of this situation. A motion was made by Boardmember Brunni that a letter be sent to KCWA requesting that they notify the City when they begin the CEQA process on any of the wells in ID4 and wells within the area of ID4. Motion passed. Mr. George Nickel read a memo to the Board regarding his proposed Water Plan, with reference to correspondence he previously sent to the City Water Division. Mr. Nickel is in the process of working with various water districts in an effort to develop a viable Water Plan to the benefit of all. It is the City's concern that any plan ~hich encourages the transport of water outside the boundaries of the San Joaquin Valley would be contrary to the City's established water policies and not in the best interest of the City. It was the recommendation of staff that this plan be discussed further with Mr. Nickel to explore its potential, but at the same time not jeopardize the water supply to the City. A motion was made by Boardmember Brunni to direct staff to work with Mr. Nickel in all possibilities that might benefit the City within our water policy and keep · Board informed. Motion passed. Mr. Core presented to the Board, for information only, the reassignment of various Mainline Extension contracts in the amount of $197,404.43. Mr. Dow wanted to remind the Board of the building dedication to be held on December 5, 1991 from 12:00pm to 2:00pm. Boardmember Salvaggio asked to see the renditions of the plaques and if staff had contacted those individuals that should attend. Mr. Dow assured him that this was being done. Boardmember Brunni commented on how nice the building was, that it was not opulent, but very professional, that she was favorably impressed with its appearance and she thought it portrayed a good image for the City. At 6:16pm a motion to adjourn was made by Boardmember Peterson. Motion passed. Mark Salvaggio, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board 'Sharon Robison, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board