HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/12/87 AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1987 12:00 NOON Call meeting to order. Roll Call. Board Members: Moore, Chairman; Ratty, Salvaggio 1. Approve minutes of meeting held November 5, .1986. 2. Acquisition of water well site for Ashe Water Service Area, located on Buena Vista Road. FOR DISCUSSION and BOARD ACTION. 3. Agricultural Water Enterprise "1987 WATER PRICE and SAND SALE SCHEDULE." FOR BOARD ACTION and RECOMMENDATION to CITY COUNCIL. 4. Closed Session - Pursuant to Government Code 54956.9"b""1"; water matters regarding potential litigation. 5. Adjournment. C I T--.Y 0 F COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT PAUL DOW, Manager GENE BOGART, Director of Water Resources FLORN CORE, Assistant Director of Water Resources FRANK FABBRI, Parks Superintendent, 326-3781 JIM LEDOUX, Recreation Superintendent, 326-3701 ROBERT HART, Sanitation Superintendent, 326-3781 MEETING NOTICE A Special Meeting of the City of Bakersfield Water Board will be held on Thursday, March 12, 1987, at 12:00 Noon, in the Department of Community Services Conference Room, 4101 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, Cal i forni a. The following items will be discussed: 1. Approve minutes of meeting held NOvember 5, 1986. 2. Acquisition of water well site for Ashe Water Service Area, located on Buena Vista Road. FOR DISCUSSION and BOARD ACTION. 3. Agricultural Water Enterprise "1987 WATER PRICE and SAND SALE SCHEDULE.." FOR BOARD ACTION and RECOM- MENDATION to CITY COUNCIL. 4. Closed Session - Pursuant to Government Code 54956.9"b""1"; water matters regarding potential 1 i ti gati on. Community Services Manager Posted: March ll, 1987 4101 TRUXTUN AVENUE · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93309 · (805) 326-3715 SPECIAL'MEETING WATER BOARD' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD " THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1987 12:00 P.M. - NOON i · The meeting was called to order by Chairman Moore in the .Community Services Department Conference Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Moore (Chairman); Ratty, Salvaggio The minutes of the regular meeting .held November 5, 1986 were approved, as presented. Mr. Core presented before the Board the Aquisition of Water Well site for Ashe Water Service Area,' located near Buena Vista Road and White Lane. Funds are currently budgeted in 1986/87 fiscal year for the purchase of the land. A motion was made by Dr. Ratty to purchase the property for a price not to exceed $25,000. The motion passed. The Ag Water Enterprise 1987 Water Price and Sand Sale Schedule was brought before the Board by Mr. Bogart. Mr. Bogart reviewed the schedule with comments and questions from Board Members. It was brought to the Board's attention.that the new MSI ordinance now supersedes all prior ordinances regarding the method used to' adopt and adjust fees. Pr.eviouSly, the Water Board recommended the price schedule to the City Council. The current ordinance requires that. the recommendation be made to the City Manager, who th~n issues an Executive Order. This Order is then posted at City Hall' for 10 days at which time the price schedule then becomes effective. A motion was made by Dr. Ratty to approve the Water Price and Sand Sale Schedule. The motion passed. John Jones, Manager of Cawelo Water District commented on how much his district appreciated purchasing water from the City. Adjourned to Closed Session regarding potential litigation of water matterS (per Government Code No. 54956.9.B(1)). The meeting re-opened to the public. The meeting, adjourned at 12: 45p.m. Roll±e Moo r O/,/~Cl~/a± rman City of Bakersf/f. eld Water Board / ~'~- ~S aron Robison, Secretary / · City of Bakersfield Water Board