HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/16/86 AGENDA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1986 12:00 P.M. - NOON COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE ROOM Call meeting to order Roll call - Board Members: 'Moore, Chairman; Ratty, Salvaggio 1. Approve minutes of'meeting"held May 14, 1986. 2. Scheduled public statements. 3. Correspondence: George Nickel letter to Water Board dated June 26, 1986 - refer to Agenda Item' No. 6. 4. Proposed Laborde Annexation to City of Bakersfield Domestic Water service 'area. The area comprises approximately 2200 acres. FOR BOARD ACTION and RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL. 5. Status of water contract with the California Living MuSeum' (C.A.L.M.). FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 6. Presentation by George Nickel regarding the proposed "NICKEL PLAN" to bank and sell water to Metropolitan Water District of Los Angeles. FOR BOARD 'INFORMATION and DISCUSSION. 7. Staff comments. 8. Board comments. 9. Adjournment. WATER BOARD ADDENDUM Attached find recently-received items pertaining to the Water Board meeting scheduled for Wednesday, July 16·, 1986, at the Water Board conference room: A.) AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Additional written correspondence from George Nickel regarding the proposed "Nickel Plan." ~ B.) FOR BOARD~INFORMATION: Proposed contract amendment language between Kern River Interests and U. S. Bureau of Reclamation exempting Isabella Reservoir from the provisions of Federal·Reclamation Law (acreage ·limitation). cc.' Councilman Rollie Moore, Chairman Councilman Donald Ki· Ratty Councilman Mark Salvaggio Alan Daniel, Attorney's Office WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1986 12:00 P.M. - NOON The meeting was called to order by Chairman Moore in the Community Services Department Conference Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Moore (Chairman); Ratty (Seated at 12:14pm), Salvaggio The minutes of the regular meeting hel~ May 14, 1986 were approved as presented. Mr. Moore suggested that a motion would be in order to receive and add to the discussion under Item ~6 the letter form Mr.~ George Nickel 'dated 6-26-86. Mr. Salvaggio made a motion to this effect. The motion passed. The proposed Laborde Annexation to City. of Bakersfield Domestic Water service area was brought before the Board by Mr. Core. A letter of request for annexation to the City's water System had been received from the proposed service area landowners. Mr. Core explained that the agreement for the de- velopers to provide water wells and water mains needed to serve the area, was part of the Laborde-area development agreement and was already in-place. A motion was made by Mr. Salvaggio to approve the annexation and recommend to City Council this an- nexation to CitY water service area. The motion passed. The status of the water contract with the California Living Museum (C.A.L.M.), was presented before the Board by Mr. Alan Daniel, City Attorney's Office. Mr. Daniel explained that the City has an agreement with C.A.L.M. to provide water, and C.A.L.M. has fallen behind in their payments to the City and have not signed contract amendments they .agreed to sign concerning .water used for domestic purposes. A motion was made by Dr. ~Ratty to meet with C.A.L.M. Board and discuss the problems, and let C.A.L.M. Board know that additional correspondence will .follow if needed. The motion passed. A presentation was made by George Nick'el regarding, the pro- posed "NICKEL PLAN" to bank and sell water to Metropolitan Water District (MWD) of Los Angeles. Mr. Nickel gave the background of his "NICKEL PLAN", along with his presentation of the proposed "NICKEL PLAN." After much discussion, the City's policy of not selling City water Outside the San Joaquin Valley portion of Kern CoUnty was restated. Mr. Moore then suggested~,that staff 1) make contact with MWD to explore MWD's potential interest in the "NICKEL PLAN", and; 2) contact' and poll City's other "2800 Acre" contractors to see if thley would be interested in participating in the sale of banked water to MWD, and ask them to respond in writing. Staff was directed by Board to do this. For Board information, Mr. Bogart brought before th~ Board the proposed contract amendment between Kern River Interests and U. S. Bureau of Reclamation exempting Isabella Reservoir from the provisions of Federal Reclamation Law. Mr. Bogart explained that based upon recent discussions with North Kern W.S.D. staff, once the acreage limitation amendment was completed the City would be free to begin discussions with the Bureau regarding .the use of Isabella Reservoir for Municipal and Industrial (M. & I.) purposes. Mr. Daniel recommended that since ·this Amendment involves a con- tract change a motion would be in order. A motion was made by Dr. Ratty to recommend to City Council the approval of the contract amendment and to authorize Nor·th Kern W.S.D. to sign on behalf of the City. The motion passed. There were staff comments from Mr. Bogart regarding the Olcese Power~Project, an Update on status of the Chevron, U.S.A. 'Notice of Termination' dealt with in a ·previous meeting; and comments on the proposed 46,000 Acre spreading area, otherwiSe known as the "Kern Water Bank." The'meeting adjourned at l:37pm. City of Bakersfield Water Board Sharon RobiSon, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board