HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/11/85 AGEND.A WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 12:00 P.M. - NOON Call meeting to order. Roll call - Board Members: Moore, Chairman; Barton, Ratty. 1. Approve minutes of meeting held July 24, 1985. 2. Scheduled public statements. 3. Correspondence. 4. Proposed ,'Pioneer Extension Canal Agreement" between Tenneco Realty Development and City of Bakersfield pro- viding for the re-location of the Pioneer Extension Canal (for future Stockdale Highway re-alignment) and con- struction of an emergency spillway in City's River Canal. FOR BOARD ACTION and RECOMMENDATION to CITY COUNCIL. 5. Proposed "Ditch Eradication and Pipeline Easement Agree- ment'' that would allow approximately 1,981 lineal feet of the Beardsley 1-4-0 lateral "open ditch" .to be con- verted to 36" reinforced concrete pipeline', at developers expense. FOR BOARD ACTION and RECOMMENDATION to CITY COUNCIL. 6. Mainline extension agreements for Tracts 4777 and 4772 located in southwest Bakersfield. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 7. Proposed MetroPolitan Water District program to import, bank and extract water in the James-Pioneer Improvement District. This item was continued from the July 24, 1985 Water Board Meeting. FOR BOARD DISCUSSION. 8. Association of California Water Agencies (A.C.W.A.) membership. This item was continued from the July 24, 1985 Water Board Meeting. FOR BOARD DISCUSSION. 9. Staff comments. 10. Board comments. 11. Adjournment. · WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1985 12:00 P.M. - NOON The meeting was called to order by Chairman Moore in the Community Services Department Conference Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present: Moore (Chairman) , Barton (seated at 12:40p.m.), Ratty The minutes of the regular~meeting held July 24, 1985 were approved as presented. There were no public statements nor correspondence received. Mr. Bogart presented before the. Board the proposed "Pioneer Extension Canal Agreement" between Tenneco Realty Development Corp. and the City of Bakersfield. Mr. Bogart explained that this agreement provides for the relocatiOn of the existing Pioneer Extension Canal to allow for the'future realignment of Stockdale Highway and that under the proposed Agreement, Tenneco has agreed to build the River Canal Spillway at a maximum co.st of $~65~000,.which results in an overall savings to the City of $30,000. Dr. Ratty made a motion for approval and to recommend approval by City Council. The motion passed. The p. roposed "Ditch Eradication and Pipeline Easement Agreement" regarding conversion of a.portion of the Beardsley.l-4-0 lateral to pipeline was presented by Mr. Bogart~. This project is to be completely paid for by the developer, Harold C. Carter and Arleta Carter. Dr. Ratty made a motion for approval and to recommend approval by the City Council. The motion passed. Mr. Core presented, for Board information, two mainline extension agreements from Tenneco Realty Development Corp. for Tract #4777 and Tract #4772, located in southwest Bakersfield. The total amount of these mainline extensions is $66,696.21. Mr. Bogart presented, for Board discussion, the ,'Proposed Metropolitan Water District" program to import, bank and extract water in the James-Pioneer Improvement District. Mr. Bogart suggested that a new recharge-banking program could be'beneficial to the community as long as the ultimate result to the Kern County groundwater basin remains positive. The Association of California Water Agencies (.A.C.W.A..) membership was brought b'efore the Board for discussion. It was suggested by Mr. Dow that the City join the Kern County Water Association instead of A.C.W.A. The staff will review~ and make recommendations at the next Water Board meeting. Mr. Alan Daniel, from the City Attorney's Office, had comments to make' on the following: 1. Kern-Tulare vs City of Bakersfield. 2. Billboards located on City property and the problems encountered with the inherited lease .agreements. Mr. Daniel stated he would have agreements at the next . Water Board meeting. Councilman Moore asked if cloud seeding was going to be discussed at the next Water Board meeting. Mr. Dow stated that it would be since the other watersheds involved are coordinating a program whereby it would be started November 1 1985. ' . , The meeting adjourned at~ ~ ~ile- Moore, 'Ch lirman City of Bakers~ eld' Water Board Carol Pagan, SeCretary City of Bakersfield Water Board