HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/14/84 AGENDA WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1984 12: 00 NOON Call meeting to order. Roll call - Board Members: Barton, Chairman; Payne, Moore, 1. 'Approve minutes of Special Meeting held on February 2, 1984. 2. Scheduled public statements. 3. Correspondence. 4. Weather Modification Agreement for City participation in the 1984 cloud seeding program on the Kern River Watershed. FOR BOARD ACTION. 5. Water Transportation Agreement with Arvin-Edison W.S.D. to allow the City of Bakersfield to transport City Kern River water via the Arvin-Edison Canal to City farmlands located south of Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 2. FOR BOARD ACTION. 6. Mainline Extension Agreements at various southwest locations. FOR BOARD INFORMATION. 7. Closed Session - Water matters concerning potential litigation. 8. Staff comments. 9. Board comments. 10. Adjournment. WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1984 12:00 NOON The meeting was called to order by Chairman Barton in the Department of Water'Resources Conference Room. The secretary called the roll as follows: Present.: ·Barton (Chairman), Payne, Moore The minutes from the Special Meeting of February 2, 1984, were approved as presented There were no public statements nor correspondence received. The Weather Modification Agreement for City participation in the 198.4 cloud seeding~ program on the Kern River Watershed was presented ~by Mr. Bogart. This item was discussed at length. Mr. Moore .brought up a few questions, ~one o~f which was how the success of cloud seeding was determined. Mr. Dow stated he didn't think there was any information available to quantitatively 'measure the success of cloud seeding. Different studies have estimated that cloud seeding can increase rainfall from 8-15%. Mr.. Moore commented 'that it's just a risk factor for everyone involved then. Mr. Moore also brought up .the ques,tion on the method of payment for cloud seeding. Mr. Bogart suggested that instead of a flat fee, which is the method of payment now, that we may be able to negotiate an agreement on a per storm basis, plus a mobilization standby charge. Mr. Dow said the method 'of payment would be looked into next year. Mr. Payne made a motion for approval. The motion passed. Mr. Bogart presented the Water Transportation Agre.ement with Arvin-Edison to the Board. Mr. Bogart stated that' this. Agreement allows the City to provide, at Mr~ Garone's request, fresh water to approximately 2,500 acres of Wastewater Treatmen. t Plant 2, south of Panama Lane; 936 acres of which Mr. Garone is planning to farm with rice. Mr. Bogart pointed out that the Arvin-Edison Canal was sponsored by 'Arvin-~Edison, but paid for :by the Federal Government and if any problems arise it would be in this area. Mr. Dow stated he would recommend the Water Board referring to City Council for approval, with the condition that the U. S. Bureau 'of Reclamation also approve. Mr. Payne made a motion to reco~u~end approval to City. Council. Motion passed. Mr. Core presented for Board information the Mainline Extension Agreements at various sourthwest locations, involving five different tracts. Before going to Closed Session Mr. Barton' asked if there were any Staff or Board comments. Being none, Mr. Payne made a motion to go into Closed Session. Motion .passed. The meeting reopened to the public The meeting adjourned at l:40p.m. James J. Bar ton, City of Bakersfield Water Board ~' ,..~. ~.. ~..` ?-,':~ ~ Carol Pagan, ec~etary i j~.~? City of Bakersfield. Water Board · ~ ::i:?i"~?!:i:.