HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/04/99Council Chamber, City Hall Thursday, November 4, .1999 5:30 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL JEFFREY TKAC, Chairman MICHAEL DHANENS, Vice-Chairman STEPHEN B 0 YL E MA THEW BRAD Y MARTI MUNIS-KEMPER TOM MCGINNIS RON SPRAGUE NOTE: Agendas may be amended up to 72 hours prior to the Planning Commission meeting. A final agenda may be obtained from the Planning Department 72 hours prior to the meeting. PUBLIC STATEMENTS ANY PERSON WHOSE NAME APPEARS ON THE AGENDA OR WISHES TO SPEAK REGARDING A PUBLIC HEARING NEED NOT FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD. ALL OTHERS WISHING TO SPEAK BEFORE THE COMMISSION MAY FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD AND PRESENT IT TO THE SECRETARY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE MEETING. NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Planning Commission decisions on Zone Changes, Parcel Maps and Tentative Subdivision maps are subject to appeal by any person aggrieved. No permit shall be issued for any use involved in an application until after the final acceptance date of appeal. Such appeal must be filed in writing within 10 days from date of hearing, addressed to the City Council, cio Office of the City Clerk, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301. A $334 non-refundable filing fee must be included with filing of the initial appeal for those appeals filed by the applicant or any person outside the notice area. All appeals filed on land divisions will require a $334 non-refundable filing fee. If all appeals are withdrawn prior to the City Council hearing, it will not be conducted and the decision of the Planning Commission will stand. If no appeal is received within the specified time period or if all appeals filed are withdrawn, the action of the Planning Commission shall become final. Agenda, PC, Thursday - November 4, 1999 Page 2 3.1) 3.2) 3.3) 3.4) 3.5) CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS - (marked by asterisk (*) These items will be acted on as a group without individual staff presentations if no member of the Planning Commission or audience wishes to comment or ask questions on a case. The items are recommended for approval by staff. The applicant has been informed of any special conditions and has signed an agreement to conditions of approval and requested to be placed on the consent agenda. If anyone Wishes to discuss or testify on any of the consent items the item(s) will be taken off consent and will be considered in the order on the agenda. If not, the public hearing will be opened and the items acted on as a group. Agenda Item 8 -Extension of Time for Tentative Tract 5762 Revised (Delmarter and Deifel) Agenda Item 11.2 - Zone Change P99-0664 (City of Bakersfield) Agenda Item 12.1 -Vacation of excess road right-of-way Agenda Item 12.2 - Abandonment of the 10-foot wide sewer easement Agenda Item 12.3 -Abandonment of 1-foot non-access strip and temporary turnaround easement APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of minutes of the regular meetings held September 13 and 16, 1999 and October 4 and 7, 1999. 5. PRESENTATION BY DOUG JACKSON, REPRESENTING GREAT VALLEY CENTER. ON "HOUSING THE NEXT 10 MILLION" COMPETITION. 6. PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF THE PRECISE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SlTF (Ward 4) PLAN for the southwest corner of Stockdale Highway and Buena Vista Road (Coleman Homes) RECOMMENDATION: Refer site plan to a committee for review. (Ward 4) PUBLIC SCOPING MEETING - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - North of the 'River Sanitary District site Environmental Impact Report (EIR) scoping'meeting. The North of River Sanitary District site project consists of a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change on 304.3 acres generally located in the northwest portion of the City of Bakersfield within Kern County, California._ (Continued from September 2, 1999 and October 7, 1999) RECOMMENDATION: Refer comments to staff for inclusion in the Draft Environmental Impact Report Agenda, PC, Thursday - November 4, 1999 Page 3 8. (Wa~ ~ PUBLIC HEARING - Extension of Time for Tentative Tract 5762 Revised (Delmarter and Deifel) consisting of 143 single family residential lots on 47.79 acres, zoned R-1 (One Family Dwelling), located on the west side of Wible Road, on both sides of Berkshire Road. (Negative Declaration on file) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Group vote. (Ward 1) PUBLIC HEARING -Tentative Parcel Map 10421 (Alta Engineering) consisting of 3 parcels on 1.18 acres zoned 5.4 (4 units per net acre/Casa Loma Specific Plan) for residential purposes and waiver of mineral rights signatures pursuant to BMC 16.20.060 B.1., located on the west side of Cottonwood Road, approximately 440 feet north of Planz Road. (Exempt from CEQA) RECOMMENDATION:, Approve Group vote. (Ward 4) 10. PUBLIC HEARING - Revised Vesting Tentative Tract 5928 (Martin-Mclntosh) containing 198 lots on 61.86 acres for single family residential purposes, zoned R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling); a request to allow alternate street improvements, reduced lot depth, reverse corner lots; and waiver of mineral rights signatures pursuant to BMC 16.20.060 B.1., located on the northwest corner of Buena Vista Road and White Lane (extended). (Negative Declaration on file) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Group vote. 11. (Ward PUBLIC HEARINGS -ZONE CHANGES 1 .1) Zone Change P99-0623 (City of Bakersfield) consisting of a zone change from M-1 (Light Manufacturing) to M-2 (General Manufacturing) on 8.89 acres, located at 4800 Stine Road. (Negative Declaration on file) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. Agenda, PC, Thursday- November 4, 1999 Page 4 (Ward 5) 11.2) Zone Change P99-0664 (City of Bakersfield) changing the zoning from R-1 (One Family Dwelling) to OS (Open Space) on 18.81 acres, located at the southwest corner of 24th Street and Oak Street. (Negative Declaration on file) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll call vote. 12. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY FINDINGS (Ward 3) (Ward 5) (Ward 4) 12.1) Pursuant to Government Code Section 65402 for the vacation of excess road right-of-way on the east side of Oswell Street, south of State Freeway 178. (Categorically exempt) Recommendation: Approve Group vote. 12.2) Abandonment of the 10-foot wide sewer easement at 5201 Business Center Drive (Parcel "C", Parcel Map 3780). (Categorically exempt) Recommendation: Approve Group vote. 12.3) Abandonment of 1-foot non-access strip and temporary turnaround easement on Rockwell Drive at the south boundary line of Tract No. 5421. (Categorically exempt) Recommendation: Approve Group vote. 13. COMMUNICATIONS A) Written B) Verbal 14. COMMISSION COMMENTS A) Committees Agenda, PC, Thursday - November 4, 1999 Page 5 15. DISCUSSION AND ACTION REGARDING POSSIBLE CANCELLATION OF THE NEXT PRE-MEETING. 16. ADJOURNMENT October 25, 1999 STANLEY GRADY, Secretary Planning Director Held November 4, 1999 5:30 p.m. City Council Chamber, City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: Present: JEFFREY TKAC, Chairperson MICHAEL DHANENS, Vice Chairperson STEPHEN BOYLE MATHEW BRADY MARTI MUNIS-KEMPER RON SPRAGUE Absent: TOM MCGINNIS ADVISORY MEMBERS: Present: CARL HERNANDEZ, Deputy City Attorney DENNIS FIDLER, Building Director MARIAN SHAW, Engineer IV Staff: Present: STANLEY GRADY, Planning Director MARC GAUTHIER, Principal Planner JENNIE ENG, Associate Planner PAM TOWNSEND, Recording Secretary PUBLIC STATEMENTS Mr. Ross Overby presented a speaker card but chose to speak at the time the public hearing was opened for Agenda Item 7. Chairman Tkac read the Notice of the Right to Appeal Minutes, PC, Thursday, November 4, 1999 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 3.1) A~jenda Item 8 -Extension of Time for Tentative Tract 5762 Revised 3.2) 3.3) 3.4) (Delmarter and Deifel) Agenda Item 11.2 - Zone Change P99-0664 (City of Bakersfield) A~lenda Item 12.1 -Vacation of excess road right-of-way Agenda Item 12.2 - Abandonment of the 10-foot wide sewer easement 3.5) Aqenda Item 12.3 - Abandonment of 1-foot non-access strip and temporary turnaround easement A motion was made by Commissioner Dhanens, seconded by Commissioner Sprague, to approve the Consent Agenda items. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion was made by Commissioner Sprague, seconded by Commissioner Brady, to approve the minutes of the regular meetings held September 13 and 16, 1999 and October 4 and 7, 1999, with a change to Page 8 of the October 7, 1999 minutes clarifying a sentence regarding traffic count. The sentence should read as follows: This project will add to that segment of Camino Media between Gosford and Haggin Oaks Boulevard an estimated 360 vehicles per day." Motion carried. PRESENTATION BY DOUG JACKSON, REPRESENTING GREAT VALLEY CENTER, ON "HOUSING THE NEXT 10 MILLION" COMPETITION. Doug Jackson gave a slide show presentation on ways to "House the Next 10 Million." He presented ideas for various alternatives to house our growing population. Commissioner Boyle was seated. 6. PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF THE PRECISE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SITE PLAN for the southwest corner of Stockdale Highway and Buena Vista Road. (Coleman Homes) (Ward 4) Staff report was given. The applicant requested a committee be formed to review site plans to address the issues that were brought up at the June Planning Commission meeting. When a consensus is reached at the committee level, he plans to bring the project back before the Planning Commission as a formal Planned Commercial Development. Chairman Tkac appointed Commissioner Sprague, Commissioner Brady and himself as members of the committee. Commissioner Sprague was appointed Chairman. Minutes, PC, Thursday, November 4, 1999 Page 3 t PUBLIC SCOPING MEETING - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - North of the River Sanitary District site Environmental Impact Report (EIR) scoping meeting. The North of River Sanitary District site project consists of a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change on 304.3 acres generally located in the northwest portion of the City of Bakersfield within Kern County, California_. {Continued from September 2, 1999 and October 7, 1999) (Ward 4) Commissioner Brady declared a conflict of interest on this project. Staff passed out copies of business cards of people involved in the project so that the Commission could check to see if anyone else might have a conflict of interest. No one else declared one. Staff report was given explaining the project. The item was then turned over to Mr. Glenn Lajoie to explain the process and how the public could participate. Mr. Lajoie, project manager for the EIR for Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates, explained that his firm was retained to prepare a process for environmental review documentation for the proposed project. As an extension of city staff, it is their role to conduct the proper checks and balances of the information for a complete and legally adequate environmental clearance document. There are three primary goals Mr. Lajoie stated that they would like to accomplish during this session. First, to explain the environmental review process, second to provide an overview of the environmental analysis to this point in time and thirdly to accept public testimony pertaining to the environmental concerns of the project. The initial study and notice of preparation was prepared in early August. There was a 30 day public review process that occurred from August 16 through September 22, 1999. That was the opportunity for state agencies as well as the public to comment on environmental concerns and this evening's session is to accept further comments. Mr. Lajoie stated that they are proceeding with preparation of the Draft Environmental Impact Report for a 45-day public review period. During that time there will be a public hearing to accept additional public testimony on the Draft EIR. Once the 45-day review period is completed, they will prepare responses to all comments received and at that time they will prepare a Final EIR which will be presented to the Planning Commission and then to the City Council for certification. Mr. Lajoie went on to summarized the conclusions of the initial study and some idea of the direction of the EIR. They are looking at land use from a compatibility perspective as well as a policy review, population and housing, growth projections, possibilities of growth inducement, seismicity, erosion potential, overall soil conditions, air quality, traffic increases and accesses, on-site habitat conditions, site conditions and emergency responses, and short and long term impacts during construction and build out of the property. They are looking at fire, police and schools as well as recreation facilities. They are looking at gas, electric and all the infrastructure related to the project. Mr. Lajoie stated that the scoping meeting assists the firm in analyzing the significant effects of the project in depth in the EIR and that is why they are at the meeting. Today's concerns are focused on strictly environmental concerns which will help them Minutes, PC, Thursday, November 4, 1999 Page 4 draft the EIR. He went on to say that this is the last chance to comment on the project before the Draft EIR is written. Meeting was then open for public comment. Ross Overby, speaking on behalf of the local industrial group Baker Hughes, Equilon, San Joaquin Refining, Coast Energy Group and Amber Chemical, stated that he was at the meeting to raise several technical issues that should be addressed in the EIR to ensure the Kyle Carter project results in continued compatible land uses and preserves the health safety and general welfare of the community. Mr. Overby went on to summarize the most significant of the technical issues regarding the initial study and issues that must be addressed in the EIR. The most significant concern is that the notice of preparation and the initial study approached the development as if it were being built in a completely undeveloped area. In fact, the area is an established industrial zone. The current zoning is designed to ensure compatible regional land uses and especially appropriate land use transitions between industrial and residential uses. By design, appropriate zoning transitions are established to mitigate typical impacts of industrial activities. A residential development will have a significant impact on the compatibility of the land use because the land use transitions and the mitigation is eliminated thus triggering impacts that would not otherwise exist. The EIR must address these impacts. Some of the specific potential impacts that must be addressed in the EIR are as follows: The first issue is the triggered risks and looking at alternatives to mitigate that risk. There are at least five major industrial activities in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development. They include oil refining, chemical distribution and the Kern County Airport, among other activities in the area. The existing zoning adjacent to these industrial enterprises is M-3 transitioning to M-2 and then M-1 as one moves further away from the industrial sites. This zoning is designed to provide a buffer between residential land uses and the potential risk associated with any environmental activity. By changing the zoning, this buffer is eliminated. The EIR must address alternatives to locating the residential development in an industrial area and examine other uses for this particular site as well as looking at other sites that would be more appropriate for residential development. The second issue deals with soil. The initial study indicated that dust was the only potential issue related to soil. The proposed site has been used to produce oil and gas for many years. It is possible that the site would contain petroleum and other metal contamination that is unknown now. Even small amounts of contaminated dust could propose significant health hazards and not just during construction. Given the industrial nature of the site, a thorough environmental study should be done including soil sampling and soil gas surveys. The EIR should present the results of a soil quality and a soil gas study to document the potential problems and any mitigation measures that might be necessary for any contamination discovered at the site. The third issue is geological hazards. This site has many closed oil and gas wells. The seismic stability of these well closures need to be assessed. If the wells are not properly sealed, an earthquake could break the seal on the well and toxic vapors could migrate Minutes, PC, Thursday, November 4, 1999 Page 5 into any overlying structures. The history of the abandonment of each well should be assessed and evaluated for performance to current standards. The EIR should address the magnitude of the risk and any proposed mitigation action to keep toxic vapors out of homes. The fourth issue is air quality. Industrial facilities have emissions of a variety of constituents that are permitted by the air quality management district. These permitted emissions are currently mitigated by the land use and zoning adjacent to industrial sites. If the zoning is changed to residential the mitigation is eliminated. The impact of the emissions on residential land uses including the potential health risk should be addressed in the EIR. The impact on residential development on the loss of a land use buffer should be addressed in the EIR. The EIR should also report on the emergency procedures of each industrial facility in the area. How they are implemented in the event of an upset and in particular assess the impact the development will have on the effectiveness of the emergency procedures of the surrounding industries. The fifth issue is land use. The initial study assessed land use solely from the perspective of the impacts caused by residents occupying now open land. The Ell:{ must address the compatibility of a residential development including schools with adjacent industrial operations. In particular, the Kern County Airport should be considered. Particular attention should be paid to Education Code 17215 which requires a detailed evaluation whenever a school is planned in the vicinity of an airport. The Kern County airport land use compatibility plan indicates a substantial portion of the proposed development is within what is called "Zone C" where schools are not appropriate and residential land use is discouraged. The Ell:{ has to address the compatibility of the project with these other existing land uses. The sixth issue is nuisances. The initial study addresses noise and dust created by the development. New road noise and dust created by construction should be addressed. The five industries that Mr. Overby is speaking for create 350 trucks a day. There is a nearby railroad that carries thousands of rail cars per month. They all create emissions but also hazardous materials could be carried by these modes of transportation. The industries also continues 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The EIR must address each of these current activities and compound them by the residential activities. The seventh issue is safety. The project will share roads with over 350 trucks per day. Many of these trucks carry hazardous materials. The safety aspects of sharing the road with the truck traffic and the impacts of accidents with trucks carrying hazardous materials should be assessed in the EIR. The EIR should be prepared with the same scrutiny and attention to impacts as if all the industries near the proposed project were locating their operations into an area with established residences. Mr. Overby submitted an open letter to Mr. Grady detailing these technical issues as well as many others. These issues are the ones that at a minimum should be addressed through the CEQA and EIR process. Minutes, PC, Thursday, November 4, 1999 Page 6 = Tom Fallgatter, Attorney for the group of people Mr. Overby was speaking for, submitted for the record a letter containing, some factual information about the five industrial users that are represented there tonight. This includes the assessed value of their industrial facilities which is in excess of $100 million including the annual payroll and a list of chemicals that is on-site in their facility. Commissioner Sprague asked staff when the "take" permits for endangered species expire? Mr. Grady said the permits run with the HCP plan and he would have to find out the expiration date of the plan. Commissioner Sprague suggested that a greenbelt around some of the areas might mitigate some of the problems being addressed in the EIR. Commissioner Boyle said that it would be helpful to him in assessing the environmental document is to have the locations of the other industries that are outside the project area shown on the map so that he could see the proximity of those businesses to the development. He feels buffer zones should be provided and feels that it is not up to the existing land owners to provide them but rather the people who are choosing to develop the property should be providing the buffer zones on their own property. Buffer zones should be addressed in the EIR for that purpose and it would be useful to have locations of those industries so they can see better how those zones are working in terms of mitigating the possible impacts. There were no other comments, therefore, these comments will be forwarded to staff. PUBLIC HEARING - Extension of Time for Tentative Tract 5762 Revised (Delmarter and Deifel) (Ward 7) See Consent Agenda. PUBLIC HEARING - Tentative Parcel Map 10421 (Alta Engineering) (Ward Staff report given recommending approval with conditions attached to resolution. Public portion of the meeting was opened. No one spoke in opposition. George Dickey, representing the applicant, stated that they had read and approved the conditions of approval. Public portion of the meeting was closed. Commissioner Sprague stated that he noticed that provisions were made for a secondary access emergency gate off into other property - not on a street. He asked how they access across the property in an emergency situation to get into the cul-de- sac? Mr. Dickey said the proposed secondary access is intended for the user to the north which is a church site and who they are also representing. Currently, the site development plans for the church property to the north have a fifty foot radius turnaround on the church property for access of safety vehicles off of Cottonwood Road. Their intent is to get the easement from Mr. King and then revise the church's site plan to meet the off-site access or turnaround requirements of the Fire Department. Commissioner Minutes, PC, Thursday, November 4, 1999 Page 7 10. Sprague asked staff if the Commission could make it mandatory in the recording of this map that there be some recorded easement document on the secondary access. Mr. Grady said "yes." Motion was made by Commissioner Boyle, seconded by Commissioner Kemper, to approve and adopt Tentative Parcel Map 10421 with the findings and conditions set forth in attached resolution Exhibit "A" with the modification requested by Commissioner Sprague that the map also be recorded contemporaneously with an easement for the emergency access. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING - Revised Vesting Tentative Tract 5928 (Martin-Mclntosh) Staff report given recommending approval with conditions was given. Public portion of the meeting was opened. No one spoke in opposition. Roger Mclntosh, representing Castle & Cooke, CA, stated that he was there to provide further information that was left out. The reconfiguration of the tract occurred because they met with the Panama-Buena Vista School District and originally they had planned a 20-acre junior high school site just west of the park. The school district has changed their mind about a junior high and decided they only need an elementary school site which added 8 acres to the project. They were able to reconfigure the school site and move the park to the west which was approved at the Council meeting the previous night. They have met with staff and had some concerns but have received a memorandum dated November 2, 1999, and now concur with the revisions to the conditions of approval in the staff report. One other thing Mr. Mclntosh pointed out is the area pointed out on the map as a temporary fire station will be relocated to a more permanent facility. They want to grade that area as a part of the grading operations of the first few phases. The Fire Department does not have a problem with that and Castle & Cooke would be happy to enter into some type of agreement with the Fire Department that if they elected to stay at that location and build a temporary fire station, that they would regrade that at Castle & Cooke's expense. Public portion of the meeting was closed. Mr. Mclntosh stated that he wanted to clarify Condition No. 11. He wanted to make sure that credit would be given towards regional impact fees if it were to be considered as a regional improvement. Ms. Shaw stated that with regards to the signal itself, the dollar amount in the regional impact fee does not include right-of-way acquisition. She has not had a chance to take a look at the other improvements potentially in the area but the signal itself would not include the right-of-way acquisition for White Lane. Mr. Mclntosh stated that the signal amount is $120,000 and a good portion of that is already being paid by Castle & Cooke as part of the Seven Oaks Development and if they are to acquire additional off-site right-of-way there should be enough money to include signalization and expansion of the intersection. He stated that he would be Minutes, PC, Thursday, November 4, 1999 Page 8 - happy to work with staff in that regard so that they could work out some kind of arrangement. He feels it doesn't need to be rewritten as a condition of approval but he does want to pursue it further with staff. Commissioner Brady asked staff if they should be concerned about this tonight. Ms. Shaw said "she didn't think so." Motion was made by Commissioner Brady, seconded by Commissioner Sprague, to approve and adopt Revised Vesting Tentative Tract 5928 with findings and conditions set forth in the attached resolution Exhibit "A" with conditions as modified by the memorandum from Marian Shaw to the Planning Commission dated November 2, 1999, and including the following additional condition: "The developer shall enter into an agreement with the Fire Department to allow grading of the fire station site with a clause that if the fire station is not moved, the site would be regraded at the developer's expense." Motion carried. 11. PUBLIC HEARINGS -ZONE CHANGES 11.1) Zone Change P99-0623 (City of Bakersfield) Staff report given recommending the Commission approve the application to M-2. Public portion of the meeting was opened. Angelina Carmen Morosa spoke against the project. Mrs. Morosa read a statement protesting the zone change. David Gay, a real estate agent hired by the Trustee to represent the property, stated that partly on his recommendation that they felt to enhance the value of the property, the zoning be changed to M-2, the highest and best use for the land. He asks for the Commission's support. Public portion of the meeting was closed. Mr. Hernandez was asked to advise the Commission in their authority in this matter. Mr. Hernandez said that from a legal stand point, the comments being made in opposition have no material bearing on the decisi(~n that is at issue at this point but they can be recognized and accepted as part of the record. The position that the city is taking in this matter is that in order to continue to further abate the public nuisance that exists on the property, it is necessary for this zone change to take place. The city has been working on this matter for the past few years and we have court authorization to take the action that the city is taking at this point. The city would not have taken that action without court authorization. Minutes, PC, Thursday, November 4, 1999 Page 9 12. 13. Commissioner Boyle thanked Mm. Morosa for attending the meeting and for sending the information to the Commission but stated that her statements made no sense and he will rely on the City Attorney's statements that what she has testified to has no impact on the Commission's decision and he would be in support of the zone change. M~tion was made by Commissioner Brady, seconded by Commissioner Kemper, to adopt the resolution recommending approval of the proposed negative declaration and recommending approval of the proposed zone change with findings as shown on the attached resolution. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Boyle, Brady, Dhanens, Kemper, Sprague, Tkac NOES: None ABSTAINED: None 11.2) Zone Change P99-0664 (City of Bakersfield) See Consent Agenda GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY FINDINGS 12.1) Pursuant to Government Code Section 65402 for the vacation of excess road right-of-way on the east side of Oswell Street, south of State Freeway 178. (Categorically exempt) See Consent Agenda 12.2) Abandonment of the 10-foot wide sewer easement at 5201 Business Center Drive (Parcel "C", Parcel Map 3780). (Categorically exempt) See Consent Agenda 12.3) Abandonment of 1-foot non-access strip and temporary turnaround easement on Rockwell Drive at the south boundary line of Tract No. 5421. (Categorically exempt) See Consent Agenda COMMUNICATIONS. There were no written or verbal communications. Minutes, PC, Thursday, November 4, 1999 PagelO 14. COMMISSION COMMENTS. There were no Commissioner comments. 15. DISCUSSION AND ACTION REGARDING POSSIBLE CANCELLATION OF NEXT PRE-MEETING. On a motion by Commissioner Boyle, seconded by Commissioner Sprague, it was decided not to have a pre-meeting on November '1.~5, 1999. 16. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:04 p.m. November 23, 1999 Pam Townsend, Recording Secretary Planning Directort · \