HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/18/01 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ROLL CALL Thursday, October 18, 2001 -5:30 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall STEPHEN BOYLE, Chairman RON SPRAGUE, Vice Chairman MA THEW BRAD Y DA VID GA Y TOM MCGINNIS JEFFREY TI(AC MURRAY TRAGISH PUBLIC STATEMENTS CONSENT CALENDER 3.1~ Non,Public Hearing Items: 3.1a 3.1b 3.1c Approval of minutes of the regular meetings held August 13 and 16, 2001. General Plan iConsistency finding for the vacation of old (superseded) Coffee Road south of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway, generally located south of Rosedale Highway and north of Brimhall Road. (Exempt from CEQA) (Ward 4) General Plan Consistency finding for the acquisition of a triangular shaped strip of land approximately 29 by 138 feet (2,858 sq.ft.) for road right-of-way to be utilized to complete the access road emanating from Truxtun Avenue located approximately 650 feet southwest of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway tracks along the south side of Truxtun Avenue extension. (Exempt from CEQA) (Ward 5) 3.1d General Plan Consistency finding for acquisition of property along Brimhall Road generally between Coffee Road and Calloway Drive. (Exempt from CEQA) (Ward 4) 3.1e Extension of Time for Revised Vesting Tentative Tract 5762. (Delmarter & Deifel) Containing 143 lots for single family residential purposes on 47.79 acres zoned R-l; located at the northeast and southwest corners of Wible Road and Berkshire Road. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 7) Items on the Pre-meeting Agenda will be continued to 5:30 p.m. on the following Thursday, but not, necessarily in the same order. A~lenda, PC, ThUrsday - October 18, 2001 -- Council Chambers Page 2 3.2 3.1f Administrative Review for Ralphs landscaping and lighting. (Tait and Associates)' (Zone Change P01-0383 (gas pumps)) (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 5) Group Vote Public 3.2a Hearing Items Vesting Tentative Tract Map 6077 (SmithTech USA, Inc) generally located on all four sides of Olive Drive and Verdugo Lane. (Negative Declaration on file) (Continued frOm September 20, 2001) (Ward 4) 3.2b Vesting Tentative Tract No. 6042 (Porter-Robertson Engineering) generally south of Krebs Road, east of Mohawk Street. (Negative Declaration on file)_(Ward 4) 3.2C Vesting Tentative Tract No. 6069 (Mclntosh and Associates) located on the east ' ' side of Allen Road, between Stockdale Highway and Rio Bravo Canal. (Negative DeClaration on file) (Ward 4) 3.2d Vesting Tentative Tract No. 6070 (Mclntosh and Associates) located on the east side of Allen Road, between Stockdale Highway and Rio Bravo Canal. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) 3.2e Vesting Tentative Tract No. 6071 (Mclntosh and Associates) located on the east side of Allen Road, between Stockdale Highway and Rio Bravo Canal. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) 3.2f 3.2g Vesting Tentative Tract No. 6072 (Mclntosh and Associates) located on the east side of Allen Road, between Stockdale Highway and Rio Bravo Canal. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) Vesting Tentative Tract No. 6073 (Mclntosh and Associates) located on the east side of Allen Road, between Stockdale Highway and Rio Bravo Canal. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) 3.2h Vesting Tentative Tract No. 6080 (DeWalt Corp) located on the north side of Meany Avenue, approximately 500 feet east of Coffee Road. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) Group vote (Ward 5) PUBLIC HEARING - Tentative Parcel Map No. 10821 (David Russell)generally located at the southwest,corner of Truxtun Avenue and Truxtun Plaza East. (Exempt from CEQA) A proposed tentative parcel map containing three parcels on 3.61 acres for commercial purposes; zoned C-O (Professional and Administrative Office) Items on the Pre-meeting Agenda will be continued to 5:30 p.m. on the following ThUrsday, but not, necessarily in the same order. Agenda, PC, Thursday - October 18, 2001 -- Council Chambers RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll Call Vote Page 3 COMMUNICATIONS A) Written B) Verbal = COMMISSION COMMEN~S A) Committees 7. DISCUSSION AND ACTION REGARDING POSSIBLE CANCELLATION OF THE NEXT PRE-MEETING. 8. - ADJOURNMENT ' · October 18, 2001 Acting Planning Director Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue ROLL CALL Present: Absent: / Advisory Members: Staff: Commissioners Boyle, Gay, McGinnis, Tkac, Tragish Commissioners Brady, Sprague Ginny Gennaro, James D. Movius, Marian Shaw, Phil Burns Pam Townsend PUBLIC STATEMENTS: None CONSENT CALENDAR: Commissioner Tkac and McGinnis indicated that they had reviewed Monday's tape of the pre- meeting and were prepared to participate in tonight's discussion. 3.1 Non-Public Hearing Items: 3.1a Approval of minutes of the regular meetings held August 13 and 16, 2001. 3.1b General Plan Consistency finding for the vacation of old (superseded) Coffee Road south of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway. (Exempt from CEQA) (Ward 4) 3.1¢ General Plan Consistency finding for the acquisition of a triangulai' shaped strip of land. (Exempt from CEQA) (Ward 5) 3.1d General Plan Consistency finding for acquisition of property along Brimhall Road. (Exempt from;CEQA) (Ward4) 3.1e -' Extension of Time for Revised Vesting Tentative Tract 5762. (Delmarter & Deifel) (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 7) 3.1f Administrative Review for Ralphs landscaping and lighting. (Tait and Associates) (Zone Change P01-0383 (gas pumps)) (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 5) Motion made by Commissioner McGinnis, seconded by Commissioner Gay, to approve the non-public hearing consent agenda Items. Mo~ion carried. 3.2 Public Hearing Items 3.2a Vesting Tentative Tract Map 6077 (SmithTech USA, Inc) (Negative Declaration on file) (Continued from September 20, 2001) (Ward4) Minutes, PC, OctOber 18, 2001 Page 2 3.2b Vesting Tentative Tract No. 6042 (Porter-Robertson Engineering) (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) 3.2c 3.2d 3.2e 3.2f Vesting Tentative Tract No. Declaration on file) (Ward 4) Vesting Tentative Tract No. Declaration on file) (Ward 4) Vesting Tentative Tract No. Declaration on file) (Ward 4) Vesting Tentative Tract No. Declaration on file) (Ward 4) 6069 (Mclntosh and Associates) (Negative 6070 (Mclntosh and Associates) (Negative 6071 (Mclntosh and Associates) (Negative 6072 (Mclntosh and Associates) (Negative 3.2g Vesting Tentative Tract No. Declaration on file) (Ward 4) 6073 (Mclntosh and Associates) (Negative 6080 (DeWalt Corp) (Negative Declaration on file)' · 3.2h Vesting Tentative Tract No. (Ward 4) -Mr. Movius stated that in tonight's packet the Commission received changes to some of the conditions on some of the projects and that each of the applicants have agreed to all of the conditions and have requested they be put on the consent calendar. Chairman Boyle opened the public hearing. No one spoke for or against the projects. There were no Commissioner comments. Motion made by Commissioner Gay, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to approve Consent Agenda Items. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING - Tentative Parcel Map No. 10821 (David Russell) (Exempt from CEQA) Ward 5) Staff stated there is nothing to add from Monday's pre-meeting. Public portion of the hearing was opened. No one spoke in opposition to the project. David Russell, representing the applicant, stated they were able to work out the conditions with staff and are satisfied with them as stated. Public portion of the hearing was closed. Commissioner McGinnis asked staff if the request by the applicant asking to defer the requirement for the right handi turn lane off of Truxtun Avenue been mitigated? Mr. Movius said that that has not been mitigated and staff would like to require that prior to recordation of the subdivision map. Commissioner Boyle asked if that applied to sidewalks as well? Mr. Movius saidthat the way it is written it requires all of the imp?ovements to be put in at this time. Minutes, PC, October 18, 2001 Page 3 commissioner-Gay made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Sprague, to apProve Tentative Parcel Map 10821 with findings and conditions set forth in the attached resolution Exhibit A and the amendments Worked out with Planning staff subsequent to the Monday meeting. Motion was approved by the following roll call vote: ~ AYES: Commissioners Gay, Tkac, Tragish, Boyle NOES: Commissioner McGinnis ABSENT: Commissioners Brady, Sprague Commissioner McGinnis said that he feels that the Truxtun extension was built as an expressway and it is a dangerous and detrimental public welfare situation to have turnouts or'turn-ins on Truxtun Avenue. COMMUNICATIONS - None' COMMISSION COMMENTS commissioner Boyle stated that the City Council Urban Development Committee has requested that when the Commission has any dissenting votes, that the reason for the no vote be stated for the record by the Commissioners. DISCUSSION AND ACTION REGARDING POSSIBLE CANCELLATION OF THE NEXT PRE- MEETING. . It was decided there would not be a pre-meeting on October 29, 2001 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 5:43 p.m. Pam Townsend, Recording Secretary JAMES D. MOVIUS, Secretary Acting Planning Director October 31,2001