HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/07/01 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Council Chamber, City Hall Thursday, June 7, 2001 5:30 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL STEPHEN BOYLE, Chairman RON SPRAGUE, Vice-Chairman MA THEW BRAD Y DA VID GA Y TOM MCGINNIS JEFFREY TKAC '* NOTE: Agendas may be amended up to 72 hours prior to the Planning Commission meeting. A final agenda may be obtained from the Planning Department 72 hours prior to the meeting. PUBLIC STATEMENTS ANY PERSON 'WHOSE NAME APPEARS ON THE AGENDA OR WISHES TO SPEAK REGARDING A PUBLIC HEARING NEED NOT FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD. ALL OTHERS WISHING TO SPEAK BEFORE THE COMMISSION MAY FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD AND- PRESENT IT TO THE SECRETARY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE MEETING. NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Planning Commission decisions on Zone Changes, Parcel Maps and Tentative Subdivision maps are subject to appeal by any interested person adversely affected by the decision of the Commission. No permit shall be issued for any use involved in an application until after the final acceptance date of appeal. : The appeal shall include the appellant's interest in or relatiOnship to the subject, property, the decision or action appealed and shall state specific facts and reasons why the appellant believes the decision or action of the Commission should not be upheld. .. Such appeal must be filed in writing within 10 days from date of hearing,'addressed to the City' Council, cio Office of the 'City Clerk, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301. A $334 non- refundable filing fee must be included with filing of the initial appeal for those appeals filed by the applicant or any person outside the notice area. All appeals filed on land divisions will require a $334 non-refundable filing fee. if all appeals are withdrawn prior to the City Council hearing, it will not be conducted and the decision of the Planning Commission will stand. If no appeal is received within ;the specified time period or if all appeals filed are withdrawn, the action of the planning Commission shall become final. Agenda, PC; Thursday - JUne 7, 2001 Page 2 -3. 'CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS - (marked by asterisk ) These items will be acted on as a group without individual staff presentations if no member of the -Planning Commission or audience wishes to comment or ask questions on a case. The items are recommended for approval by staff. The applicant has been informed of any special conditions and has signed an agreement to conditions of approval and requested to be placed on the consent agenda. If anyone wishes to discuss or testify on any of the consent items the item(s) will 'be taken off consent and will be considered in the order on the agenda. If not, the public hearing will be opened and the items acted on as a group. 3.1) 3.2) 3.3) 3.4) Agenda Item 4) ' Approval of minutes for April 16and 19, 2001 Agenda Item 5.1) - EOT for Vesting TPM 10313 (Mclntosh & Assoc.) Agenda Item 5.2)- EOT for Vesting TT 5944 (Delmarter & Deifel) Agenda Item 7) -General Plan Consistency Finding for the vacation and relocation of two right-turn lanes. (Ward 4) (Ward 6) APPROVAL OF MINUTES' ApProval of minutes of the regular meetings held April 16 and 19, 2001. · PUBLIC HEARINGS - EXTENSIONS OF TIME 5.1) 5.2) Extension of Time for Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 10313 (Mclntosh & Associates) Containing two lots on 30.72 acres, zoned R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling); located on the southwest corner of Ming Avenue and Gosford Road. (Negative Declaration on file) RECOMMENDATION: Approve GrOup Vote. Extension of Time for Vesting Tentative Tract 5944 (Delmarter & Deifel) Containing 178 lots.on 50.69 acres for single family residential purposes, zoned R-1 (One Family DWelling); located on the southwest corner of Akers and McKee Roads. (Negative Declaration on file) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Group Vote. Agenda, PC, Thursday - June 7, 2001 'Page 3 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS - Tentative Tract Maps (Ward 4) 6.1) Vesting Tentative Tract 6045 (Mclntosh & Associates) A proposed subdivision containing 32 lots for single family residential purposes, and 1 lot for a well site on 13.47 acres, zoned R-1 (One Family Dwelling); a request to allow for private streets; and waiver of mineral rights signatures pursuant.to BMC 16.20.060 B. 1 .; generally located % mile west of Buena Vista Road, north of White Lane (extended), on the northwest corner of Chamber Blvd. (extended) and future Windermere Street. (Negative Declai'ation on file) ' (Continued from April 19, May 3 & 17, 2001) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Group vote (Ward 4) 6.2) Vesting Tentative Tract 6046 (Mclntosh & Associates) A proposed subdivision containing 48 lots on 20.83 acres for single family residential purposes, zone R-1 (One Family Dwelling); a request to allow maximum block length to exceed 1,000 feet, a reverse corner lot; and waiver of mineral rights signatures pursuant to BMC 16.20.060 B.I.; generally located % mile west of Buena Vista Road, north of White Lane (extended)i on the southwest corner of Chamber Blvd. (extended) and future Windermere street. (Negative Declaration on file) (Continued from April 19, MaY3 & 17 2001) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Group vote 6.3) (Ward 4) ' Vesting Tentative Tract 6048 (Pinnacle Engineering) A proposed Vesting Tentative Tract map containing 37 lots on 13.65 acres for single family residential purposed, zoned R-1 (One Family Dwelling); generally located northwest of the terminus of RiverLakes Drive, between Norris Road and Olive Drive, Calloway Road and RiverLakes Drive: The applicant intends to obtain waivers of surface entry rights signatures from all parties ~rior to recordation of the final map.' (Negative Declaration on file) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Group vote Agenda, PC, Thursday --June 7, 2001 Page 4 (Ward 4) 6.4) Vesting Tentative Tract 6050 (Pinnacle Engineering) A proposed Vesting Tentative Tract map containing 186 lots (184. buildable lots) on 72.69 acres for single family residential purposed, zoned R-1 (One Family Dwelling); generally located at the southwest corner of Norris Road and Coffee Road: The applicant intends to obtain waivers of surface entry rights signatures from all parties prior to recordation of the final map. (Negative Declaration on file) . RECOMMENDATION: Approve GroUp vote (Ward 4) 7. (Ward 4) 6.5) Vesting TentativeTract 6057 (MClntosh and Associates) A proposed vesting tentative tract map containing two phases: Phase A containing 8 lots on 6.63 acres for multi-family residential purposes, zoned R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) and Phase B containing 3 Iots~on 4.95 acres for commercial development, zoned C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial); located at the northeast corner of Jewetta Road and Brimhall Road. (Negative Declaration on file) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Group vote GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY FINDING for the vacation and relocation of two right- turn lanes (with adjoining access openings and public utility easements): on the north side of Stockdale Highway, east of Calloway Drive. (Except from CEQA) RECOMMENDATION: Make Finding Group Vote. COMMUNICATIONS A) Written B) Verbal COMMISSION COMMENTS A) COmmittees Agenda, PC, Thursday - June 7, 2001 Page 5 10. DISCUSSION AND ACTION REGARDING POSSIBLE CANCELLATION OF THE NEXT PRE-MEETING. 11. ADJOURNMENT May 23, 2001 Plann'mg Director v ~ Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue ROLL CALL Present:' Absent: Commissioners Boyle, Brady, Gay, McGinnis, Sprague, Tkac, Tragish None Advisory Members: Staff: Ginny Gennaro, Jack Leonard, Marian Shaw, Stanley Grady Jim Movius, Pam Townsend PUBLIC STATEMENTS None Chairman Boyle read the Notice of the Right to Appeal CONSENT CALENDAR: Minutes 3,1) 3.2) April 16 and 19, 2001 :Planning Commission meetings - APproved - CC Extensions of Time Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 103.13 - Mclntosh & Associates Containing two lots on 30.72 acres, zoned R-2; located on the southwest corner of Ming Avenue and Gosford Road. (Ward 4) - Approved - CC 3.3) Vesting Tentative Tract 5944 - Delmarter & Deifel Containing 178 lots on 50.69 acres for single family residential purposes, zoned R-l; located on the southwest corner of Akers and McKee Roads. - (Ward 6) Approved - CC consistency Findings 3.4) Vacation and relocation of two right-turn lanes (with adjoining access openings and publi~c utility easements) on the north side of Stockdale Highway, east of Calloway Drive. - (Ward4) Made Finding - CC Motion made by Commissioner Gay, seconded by COmmissioner McGinnis to approve the Consent Calendar. Minutes, PC, June 7, 2001 Page 2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approved - CC PUBLIC HEARINGS - EXTENSIONS OF TIME Approved - CC PUBLIC HEARINGS - Tentative Tract MaPs 6.1) Vesting Tentative Tract 6045 - Mclntosh and Associates A proposed subdivision containing 32 lots for single family residential purposes, and 1 lot for a well site on 13.47 acres, zoned R-l; a request to allow for private streets;. and waiver of mineral rig hts signatures generally located % mile west of:Buena Vista Road, north of White ~Lane (extended), on the northwest corner of Chamber Blvd. (extended) and ~future Windermere Street. (Negative Declaration on file) (Contihued from April 19, May 3 & 17, 2001) (Ward 4) Planning Director Grady said there was nothing to add from the previous staff reports. Public hearing was opened. Roger Mclntosh spoke in opposition to staff's recommendation. He requested this project be continued until June 28, 2001, not July 19. Public hearing was closed. Motion made by Commissioner Sprague, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to continue Vesting Tentative Tract 6045 and 6046 to the June 28 meeting to be first on the agenda. MOTION to continue APPROVED 6.2) Vesting Tentative Tract 6046 (Mclntosh & Associates) A proposed subdivision containing 48 lots on 20.83 acres for single family residential purposes, zone R-l; a request to allow maximum block length to exceed 1,000 feet, a reverse corner lot; and waiver of mineral rights signatures; generally located % mile west of Buena Vista Road, north of White Lane (extended), on the southwest~corner of Chamber Blvd. (extended) and future Windermere Street. (Negative Declaration on file) (Continued from April 19, May 3 & 17 2001) (Ward 4) See Agenda Item 6.1 (Project continued until June 28, 2001) 6.3) Vesting Tentative Tract 6048 (Pinnacle Engineering) A proposed Vesting Tentative Tract map containing 37 lots on 13.65 acres for single family residential purposes, zoned R-l); generally located northwest of the terminus of RiverLakes Drive, between Norris Road and Olive Drive, Calloway Road and RiverLakes Drive. The applicant intends to obtain waivers of surface entry rights signatures from all parties prior to recordation of the final map. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) Planning Director Grady gave a staff report recommending approval. Public portion of the hearing was opened. No one spoke in opposition. Matt Vovilla speaking for Pinnacle Engineering stated they agree with most of the conditions and memorandum from Public Works but oppose condition 3c which says the Minutes, PC, June 7, 2001 Page 3 6.4) westerly gate should be the Same as the easterly gate. They prefer a Fire Department crash gate at that location. Tony Hogg spoke in favor of staff's _recommendation. Public portion of the hearing was closed. Marian Shaw stated that Public Works position has been to have a public access gate at both the east and west end. The approved circulation plan for this section of RiverLakes and the underlying parcel map shows this road as a collector. An additional point of access for the residents is being cut off without the west access gate. Ms. Shaw said if the Commission does allow the crash gate,~Public Works would have some additional conditions. Steve Walker, Traffic Engineer, stated that having a crash gate is in conflict with the circulation plan that was approved. At a request from Commissioner Tragish, Craig Carver (property owner) stated his reasons for wanting~ a crash gate. Commissioner BradY seated at 6:05 p.m. Commissioner Boyle requested Ms. Shaw work up some conditions to add to the project in case the crash gate was approved. Ms. Shaw stated that if this is made a crash-gate, the street in Coleman's tract and east to this tract would need to be vacated for the emergency access. Mr. Hogg said he is comfortable with that. commissioner Sprague made a motion, seconded by commissioner Tkac, to approve and adopt the negative declaration and to approve Vesting Tentative Tract Map 6048 with findings and conditions set forth in the attached resolution incorporating Exhibit A and the June 6 memorandum and adding that the gate on the west end be constructed by the applicant as a crash gate. MOTION CARRIED. Commissioner Tkac left the meeting. Vesting Tentative Tract 6050 (Pinnacle Engineering) A proposed Vesting Tentative Tract map containing 186 lots (184 buildable lots) on 72.69 acres for single family residential purposed, zoned R-l; generally located at the southwest corner of Norris Road and Coffee Road. The applicant intends to obtain waivers of surface entry rights signatures from all parties prior to recordation of thefinal map. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) ~ Staff report given recommending approval of the proposed single family subdivision as conditioned in Exhibit 1. Public portion of the hearing was opened. Don Judkins, the future developer of the project, discussed the memorandum that Ms. Shaw had distributed earlier in the day. He asked that the Commission burden the tract map with the completion to the boundary of the city property both on Norris and Coffee. Mr. Judkins also discussed the condition that requires him to improve Norris Road. He has been unable to purchase the property that would allow him to do . this. He feels that the condition should be removed as there is no guarantee that he will be able to improve the road. Craig Carver also reiterated the problem and Minutes, Pc, June 7, 2001 Page 4 Would like this condition removed. The condemnation is a burden as the property. is in the county and there is no guarantee it will take place. Mr. Judkins wants t° make sure that Condition No. 14 reads he has to pay "50%" of the pro.rata share of the median fee on Coffee. Mr. Carver also reqUested that the bus loading area not be on Norris Road but inside the tract instead. Norris Road is an arterial and he feels the street is too busy and would be happy to provide facilities for that inside of the tract. .Wally McCormick, SUPerintendent of Norris SchoOl District, agrees=that Norris is not a proper piCkup !point and said he is willing to work with ~the deVeloper to pick a site for pickup. Ms. Shaw stated she cannot modify the request nOt to improve Norris Road but can modify the pro-rata share to say 50%. They are in support of some kind of bus turnout. After much discussion by the Commission, staff and applicant, the following motion was made. A motiOn Was made,by Commissioner Brady, seconded by Commissioner Sprague, to continue this item until June 28, 2001 and be placed in front of the general plan amendment hearings. MOTION to continue APPROVED 6.5) Vesting Tentative Tract 6057 (Mclntosh and Associates) A proposed vesting tentative tract map containing two phases: Phase A containing 8 lots on 6.63 acres for multi-family residential purposes, zoned R-2 and Phase B containing 3 lots on 4.95 acres for~commercial development, zoned C-1; located at the northeast corner of Jewetta Road and Brimhall Road. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) Staff recOmmended'a continuance at the request of the applicant. Public portion of the hearing opened. Roger Mclntosh, representing the applicant, spoke in favor of the continuance and requested a June 28 hearing date. A motion was made by Commissioner Sprague, seconded by Commissioner Gay, to continue this item until June 28, 2001 and be placed in front of the genera/plan amendment hearings.. MOTION to continue APPROVED GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY FINDING for the vacation and relocation of two right-turn lanes (with adjoining access openings and public utility easements) on the north side of Stockdale Highway, east of Calloway Drive. (Except from CEQA) (Ward 4) APPROVED -'CC Minutes, PC, June 7, 2001 Page5 COMMUNICATIONS Stanley GradY, Planning Director, announced that he would be leaving the city in July and Jim MOvius will be taking his place as Acting Planning Director. Also, Mr. Hernandez is leaving and Ms. Virginia Gennaro will be taking his place. 10. ' COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner Sprague welcomed Ms. Gennaro and complimented Mr. Grady about doing a good job as Planning Director. Commissioner Brady welcomed Ms. Gennaro and expressed his pleasure working with Mr. Grady and will be sorry to see him go. Commissioner Gay, McGinnis and Boyle also wished Mr. Grady luck. Commissioner Gay asked ii staff could make the Commission aware of any agreements that have taken place with the applicant? Commissioner Boyle said that usually do but recently a few have slipped between the cracks. DISCUSSION AND ACTION REGARDING POSSIBLE CANCELLATION OF THE NEXT PRE- MEETING. It was decided there would be a pre-meeting on June 25, 2001. 11. July 19, 2001 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Pam Townsend Recording Secretary MES D. MovIUS, Secretary Acting Planning Director