HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/13/011. ROLL CALL 2. 3. 3.1a 3.2 AGENDA REGULAR PRE-MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD *rMonday, August 13, 2001 Council Chambers, City Hall STEPHEN BOYLE, Chairman RON SPRAGUE, Vice Chairman MA THEW BRADY DA VID GA Y TOM MCGINNIS JEFFREY TKAC MURRAY TRAGISH PUBLIC STATEMENTS CONSENT CALENDER 3.1 - Non-Public Hearing Items: Approval of minutes of the regular meetings held June 25, 2001; June 28, 2001 and July 19, 2001. Extension of Time for Vesting Rights on Tentative Tract 5430, Phases B, F & G. (Mclntosh & Associates) Containing 55 lots for single family residential purposes, zoned R-1; located west of Old River Road north and south of White Oak Drive (extended). (Negative Declaration on file) Extension of Time for Vesting Rights on Tentative Tract 5293. (Mclntosh & Associates) Containing 25 lots for single family residential purposes, zoned R-;I-; located at the northeastern terminus of Grand Lakes Avenue in the Seven Oaks area. (Negative Declaration on file) . . Public Hearing Items 4. DIscUsSION ON CHANGE OF STATUS OF THE KERN RIVER FREEWAY AND ITS' AFFECT ON ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTS. * This pre-meeting'agenda may be amended up to 72 hours prior to the Planning Commission meeting, at which ti me a final agenda may be-obtained from the Planning Department. Items listed on this agenda will be continued to 5:30 p.m. on the T_hursday following the date listed on this agenda. Agenda, PC, Monday --August 13, 2001-- Council Chamber, City Hall Page 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS Tentative Tract Maps 5.1 ) Revised-Tentative Tract 6000 located at the northeast corner.of Alfred (Ward 3) Harrell Highway and Highway 178 (Porter-Robertson) (Negative Declaration on file) Containing 316 buildable lots 5 landscape lots, 3 open space Iots,.one sump lot and one -water well lot on 217.39 acres for single family residential purposes, zoned R-1 (One Family Dwelling) and R-1 HD (One Family Dwelling - Hillside Development Combining); located at the northeast corner of Alfred Harrell Highway and Highway.178. The optional design applies to double frontage lots, private streets and reverse corner lots. Land will be reserved for a drilli'ng island in accordance with BMC 16.20.060 B.3. : RECOMM EN DATIO N: Approve Roll call Vote (Ward 7) 5.2) Vesting Tentative Tract 6066 located on the southwest corner of Berkshire Road and Akers Road (SmithTech USA Inc.) (Negative Declaration on file) Containing 178 lots o~ 39.99 acres for purposes of single family development, zoned R:I. (One Family Dwelling) and request to waive mineral rights signatures pursuant to BMC 16.20.060 B.1; located on the southwest corner of Berkshire Road and Akers Road. RECOMMENDATION: Approve R011 call vote ' o 6. PUBLIC HEARING - Public Scoping Meeting for Preparation of Draft Environmental-Impact Report for the proposed Metropolitan .Bakersfield 2010 General Plan Update - This is a joint project between the City and County for'the purpose of/~- . amending antiquated portions:of the text constituting the 2010 General Plan. (City/County) RECOMMENDATION:' Receive Comments and Refer to Staff 7. PRESENTATION OF "COST OF RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: A CASE STUDY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA" BY SRIRAM KHI~, Ph.D. AND ~.BBAS GRAMMY Ph.D. COMMUNICATIONS A) Written B)' Verbal Agenda, PC, Monday --August 13, 2001- Council Chamber, City Hall Page3 9i COMMISSION COMMENTS A) Committees 10. ADJOURNMENT August 3, 2001 ES D. MOVlUS, Secretary Acting Planning Director RoLL CALL "Preseht:. COunCil: Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue Commissioners Boyle, Brady, Gay, McGinnis, Sprague, Tkac, Tragish Absent: None Advisory Members: Staff:' PUBLIC STATEMENTS' ne Gi.nny Gennaro, James D. Movius, Steve Walker Jennie Eng, Pam Townsend CONSENTCALENDAR: 3.1 Non-Public Hearing Items: 3.1a Approval of minutes of the regular meetings held June 25, 2001, June 28, 2001 and July 19, 2001. 3.ib - Extension of. Time for Vesting Rights on Tentative Tract 543.0, Phases B, F - - . &.G. (Mclntosh & Associates) Containing 55 lots for single family residential purposes, zoned R-l; located west of Old River Road, north and soUth of.White.Oak Drive (extended). (Negative Declaration on file) Extension Of!Time for Vesting Rights on Tentative Tract 5293. (Mclntosh & Associates) Containing 25 lots for single family residential purposes, zoned R-l;-Iocated_ at the.northeastern terminus of Grand Lakes Avenue in the Seven Oaks area. (Negative Declaration on file) 3.2 Public Hearing Items None These items will be voted on Thursday night. DISCUSSION ON CHANGE OF STATUS OF THE KERN RIVER FREEWAY AND *ITS' AFFECT ON ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTS. The discussion will. take. place.on Thursday night. Minutes,. PC, AuguSt 13, 2001 page2 PUBLIC HEARINGS-- Tentative Tract Maps _ 5.1) Revised Tentative Tract 6000 located at the northeast corner of Alfred Harrell Hiqhwav and Hiqhwa¥ 178 (Porter-Robertson) (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 3) _ Comrri'issionerSprague declared a conflict of interest on this item. Staff reportgiven recommending approval with the conditions attached to the resolution. Commissioner Tragish asked to be shown the past and present positions of the bike trails. Staff ~esponded. Commissioner McGinnis asked if Public Works is still recommending· denial on condition number e.l? Mr. Movius saidwhat the applicant intends to do ispossibly eliminate the block wall in some or all of the areas adjacent to the tract. Public Works is recommending denial~ but there is another condition that is attached to this project that states they-have to bring thewall'and landscaping plan back to the Commission. Commissioner McGinnis asked if these are the lots in question where the noise level .exceeds the decibel level that is recommended. Mr. Movius said "yes." Commissioner Brady asked how access is going to be made to the drill Site? Mr. Movius said the applicant provided a map showing the access and explained where it was. Commissioner Brady ~tated his cOncern that private streets would be used for access to the drill site.- He requested photographs of the area for Thursday night. - Commissioner Boyle referring to a letter received from the Sierra Club requesting additional conditions, asked if the Commission has the power to impose those conditions as Ms. Gennaro said she would-have an answer for him by - Thursday _night. 5.2) Vesting Tentative Tract 6066 located on the southwest corner of Berkshire Road and Akers Road (smithTech USA Inc.) (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 7) Staff report given recommending approval with conditions as shown in the attached : resolution. There were'no Commission comments. Item was continueduntil Thursday/ night .... PUBLIC HEARING - Public Scoping Meeting for Preparation of Draft' Environmental Impact' Report for the proposed Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan Update - (City/County) Mr. gave. an introduction regarding the Scoping Meeting which 'is to get early input on a an opportunity for the public to make suggestions about what the EIR should include. PRESENTATION OF "COST ,OF RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: A cAsE STUDY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA" BY SRIRAM KHI~, Ph.D. AND .~.BBAS GRAMMY, Ph.D. This will take place on Thursday night. :)ner Brady said he would like a copy of the report if there is one prior t° Thursday's meeting. Minutes, PC, August 13, 2001 Page3 COMMUNICATIONS' Mr. Movius gave the Commission a written memo stating that if they wish a committee should be set up to meetlwith the .Urban:Development Committee to talk about common ~ssues and things that will be coming up next year. Commissioner Boyle said to go ahead and put it on as an agenda item for Thursday. COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner Sprague said that Councilman Couch requested that whenthe Commissioners make an opposing vote if they could get a reason for it. Ms. Gennaro said that that would be one thing that could bediscussed in the meetings with the Urban Development Committee. Many of the Council committees have majority and minority reports. Ms. Gennaro went over the ch, anges to the agenda with the Commission. She has been working on making it more streamlined. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 1:01 p.m. Pam Townsend, Recording Secretary ES D. MOVIUS, Secretary ing Planning Director ' - _ August 22, 2001