HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-17-07 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Pre-Meeting – December 17, 2007 - 12:15 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue 1. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Andrews, Stanley Absent: Commissioners McGinnis, Tragish, Tkac 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Deferred until Thursday’s meeting. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS: None. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR: 4.1 Non-Public Hearing Items 4.1a Approval of minutes for Planning Commission meetings of October 18, 2007 and November 18, 2007. Deferred until Thursday’s meeting. 4.2 Public Hearing Items 4.2 Approval of Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 11782(Pinnacle Civil Engineering, Inc.) Staff report given, Commissioner Johnson inquired if the three parcels to the north of this project have curb, gutter, sidewalks are built out to full width. Staff responded that they will provide this information at Thursday’s meeting. 4.3a Approval of Continuance of General Plan Amendment (GPA) 06-1681 to the March 20, 2008 GPA Cycle (Porter Robertson Engineering) 4.3b Approval of Continuance of Zone Change 06-1681 to the March 20, 2008 GPA Cycle (Porter Robertson Engineering) 4.4a Approval of General Plan Amendment 07-1715 (Sikand Engineering) 4.4b Approval of Zone Change 07-1715 Sikand Engineering) ( 4.5a Approval of General Plan Amendment 07-1791 (Evergreen Devco Inc.) 4.5b Approval of Zone Change 07-1791 (Evergreen Devco Inc.) 4.5c Approval of Planned Commercial Development 07-2046 (Evergreen Devco Inc.) 4.6a Referral of General Plan Amendment 07-1835 Back to Staff (Summerland Apartments, LLC) 4.6b Referral of Zone Change 07-1835 Back to Staff (Summerland Apartments, LLC) Pre-Meeting Planning Commission – December 17, 2007 Page 2 4.6c Referral of Planned Unit Development 07-2251 Back to Staff – Preliminary Development Plan (Summerland Apartments, LLC) 4.7a Approval of General Plan Amendment 07-1848 (SmithTech/USA, Inc.) 4.7b Approval of Zone Change 07-1848 (SmithTech/USA, Inc.) 4.8a Approval of General Plan Amendment 07-1874 (McIntosh & Associates) 4.8b Approval of Zone Change 07-1874 (McIntosh & Associates) 4.9a Approval of General Plan Amendment 07-2017 (AMCAL Multi-Housing) 4.9b Approval of Zone Change 07-2017 (AMCAL Multi-Housing) 4.9c Approval of Planned Unit Development 07-2162 (AMCAL Multi-Housing) 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS – Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 5.1 Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 11782 (Pinnacle Civil Engineering, Inc) 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS – GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS / Land Use Element Amendments / Circulation Element/ Zone Changes / Preliminary Development Plan Approval 6.1a General Plan Amendment 06-1681 (Porter Robertson Engineering) 6.1b Zone Change 06-1681 (Porter Robertson Engineering) Staff report given. No Commissioner comments or questions. 6.2a General Plan Amendment 07-1715 (Sikand Engineering) 6.2b Zone Change 07-1715 (Sikand Engineering) Staff report given, Commissioner Blockley inquired if there is a snippet of R-1 in the upper right corner of the C-2 PCD property and if the future Morning Drive alignment will entail abandonment of the existing Morning Drive. Staff responded that the R-1 is under separate ownership and further responded that since there was still some negotiations regarding access on the Morning Drive alignment they decided to leave it alone for now. He also pointed out that the zoning ordinance does allow for some variation in the zone line if the intent is to follow the street right-of- way. Staff indicated that they are anticipating, in the future, being able to move that zone over to the new right-of-way line. Commissioner Blockley inquired if the additional acreage entailed was factored into the decision to recommend approval. Staff responded in the affirmative because the intent eventually of this property is to take it clear over to the Morning Drive alignment and to abandon the old alignment. Commissioner Johnson inquired if there is a timeline for the improvement of Highway 178 and Morning Drive. Staff responded they will obtain a more recent estimate for Thursday’s meeting. Commissioner Johnson further inquired what condition requires the applicant to do off-sites. Staff responded that they will have to double check this condition. 6.3a General Plan Amendment 07-1791 (Evergreen Devco Inc) 6.3b Zone Change 07-1791 (Evergreen Devco Inc) Pre-Meeting Planning Commission – December 17, 2007 Page 3 6.3c Planned Commercial Development 07-2046 (Evergreen Devco Inc) Staff report given, Commissioner Blockley inquired about condition 10, to which Staff responded that Staff’s reference to condition 10 should have been a reference to Condition 9 regarding the landscape plan and trees in the parking areas. Staff responded that the applicant will have to submit a plan that shows code compliance and additional landscaping to Staff’s discretion prior to a site plan review approval. Commissioner Johnson referenced this property owner and the owner to the east having reciprocal parking areas and inquired what the size is to the east. Staff responded they will provide that information for Thursday’s meeting. 6.4a General Plan Amendment 07-1835 (Summerland Apartments, LLC) 6.4b Zone Change 07-1835 (Summerland Apartments, LLC) 6.4c Planned Unit Development 07-2251 – Preliminary Development Plan (Summerland Apartments, LLC) Staff report given, no Commissioner comments or questions. 6.5a General Plan Amendment 07-1848 (SmithTech/USA, Inc.) 6.5b Zone Change 07-1848 (SmithTech/USA, Inc.) Staff report given, Commissioner Johnson inquired if there is a map that depicts where the West Beltway is along Rudd Avenue and how the interchange would impact the southeast corner of this project. Staff responded that they will try to obtain a map for Thursday’s meeting. Commissioner Johnson inquired if there will be a light at Palm and Rudd since Palm will be a collector. Staff responded that that type of traffic control is generally handled at the actual tract building stage. Commissioner Blockley inquired as to the location of the Westside Parkway which will be built before the west beltway, and asked if it will impact this current project. Staff responded the West Beltway is about ½ mile to 1 mile south of this project. 6.6a General Plan Amendment 07-1874 (McIntosh & Associates) 6.6b Zone Change 07-1874 (McIntosh & Associates) Staff report given, no commissioner comments or questions. 6.7a General Plan Amendment 07-2017 (AMCAL Multi-Housing) 6.7b Approval of Zone Change 07-2017 (AMCAL Multi-Housing) 6.7c Approval of Planned Unit Development 07-2162 (AMCAL Multi-Housing) Staff report given, Commissioner Johnson referenced the below City minimum on parking and inquired what empiric criteria was used to make this determination. Staff responded that the applicant has built this in other areas and found that the people who live in this type of housing cannot afford cars and therefore don’t need the parking requirements for this type of development. Commissioner Johnson inquired what other communities have this type of housing and Staff stated they will provide that information for Thursday’s meeting, but recall that it was up the Valley and is therefore comparable to Bakersfield. Pre-Meeting Planning Commission – December 17, 2007 Page 4 Staff commented that this project will be taken out of cycle and will go to the Council January th 16, because of the people who might be living in this type of project. Commissioner Andrews inquired if there is parking for the retail uses. Staff responded that they are doing a PCD overlay to make sure that it connects to the retail. Commissioner Andrews inquired if this project will be income restricted to low and very low. Rhonda Barnhard, the Assistant Economic Development Director for the City of Bakersfield, responded that the affordability on the project is limited to those individuals who make 60% of median income and less. Commissioner Blockley inquired as to pedestrian safety issues with regard to the retail center. Staff responded in the negative. Commissioner Johnson inquired where the nearest GET bus stop is in this location. Staff showed its location. . COMMUNICATIONS: 7 Staff stated with regard to the Mineral Rights Ordinance Committee (Commissioners Johnson, McGinnis and Andrews) met once and received a presentation from Vintage and referred the issue back to Staff, with another committee meeting being scheduled. Since then Staff has met with Vintage and with HBA on the issue and as of this morning Staff received correspondence from Vintage withdrawing their request for the Committee to look at the ordinance all together. Staff commented that they expect all of these items, if not all, to be requested for Consent Calendar at Thursday’s meeting. 8. COMMISSION COMMENTS: None. 9. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the pre-meeting was adjourned at 1:01 p.m. Robin Gessner, Recording Secretary JAMES D. MOVIUS, Secretary Planning Director January 22, 2008