HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/03/1994 BAKERSFIELD Kevin McDermott, Chair Patricia J. DeMond Randy Rowles Staff: Gail E. Waiters AGENDA ~UDGET AND FINANCE COMMITrEF. Monday, October 3, 1994 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room Second Floor - City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 1. ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 12, 1994 MINUTES 3. PRESENTATIONS 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. NEW BUSINESS A. KERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FUNDING - Wager B. LOCAL BID ADVANTAGE - Skousen C. CITY COUNCIL TRAVEL AND EXPENSES - Waiters 6. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. COMPUTER PURCHASE B. UPDATE ON FINANCIAL TRENDS - Klimko 7. ADJOURNMENT fILE BAKERSFIELD Al~)~P~dy, City Manager / Kevin McDermott, Chair Staff: Gall E. Waiters ~ Patdcia J. DeMond Randy Rowles AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITrEE Monday, September 12, 1994 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order 12:25 p.m. Present: Vice Mayor Kevin McDermott, Chair; and Councilmember Patdcia J. DeMond Absent: Councilmember Randy Rowles 2. APPROVAL OF AUGUST 29, 1994 MINUTES Approved as submitted. 3. PRESENTATIONS None 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS None FILE COPY BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Monday, September 12, 1994 Page -2- 6. NEW BUSINESS A. WASHINGTON LOBBYIST The initial contract with E. Del Smith for lobbying services at the federal level expired July 1994. Mr. Smith additionally provided services to the City for the months of August and September, for which the Council, at its September 7, 1994 meeting, approved payment. Based on staff's report that Mr. Smith's efforts have been successful with several issues such as the habitat conservation and ISTEA legislation, the Committee discussed and recommended to Council that Mr. Smith's contract be renewed for one year beginning September 1994 through August 1995, at the same rate of $1,800 per month. The Committee additionally stipulated that Mr. Smith should present the City Manager with monthly progress reports. " B. BUSINESS LICENSES AVAILABLE THROUGH COMPUTER Staff discussed the request by a local business to buy the City's business license list. This is not a practice that has been done in the past and staff was concerned that it would entail increased resources to provide this additional service. The Committee recommended that staff provide the service and ensure that 100 percent cost recovery will occur. Staff will need to do more analysis to come up with all the cost factors, i.e. staff time (including benefits), computer time, research and material costs. Staff will contact the business owner to discuss the fee for this service, and when the information will be available. C, REVIEW OF BINGO ORDINANCE Councilmember Edwards, representing the Bakersfield Senior Center, requested that the Committee recommend a revision to the Bingo Ordinance to allow businesses with permits to hold bingo games more than once a week. The current ordinance restricts bingo games to one single organization holding a bingo game once a week for a maximum of six hours per week. Staff indicated that our ordinance is in compliance with state law. Staff will survey other operators to find out their interests and needs, draft an ordinance with the changes they feel are workable and then return this item to the Committee for further discussion. The Treasurer and the Police Department will work on this item. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council GEW:jp BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM April 22, '1994 TO: COUN~I,LM~EMBER' BRUNNI FROM: GAILltJ~,~i~ITERS, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER ' ! SUBJECT: BUSINESS LICENSE LISTING This memo is in response to your inquiry regarding the sale of the City's' business license listing. The City periodically receives requests to buy its business license list, however, we have refrained from granting those requeSts because of the costly nature of doing so. I reviewed this issue with the City Treasurer and have attached his response to this memo. I would like to add to his comments. First, the citizen that sparked this inquiry is not interested in buying a computer print out of the listing, nor is he interested in coming to the City to access information from one of our computer terminals. He would like the City to copy the entire listing onto a computer diskette so that he may use it on his business computer. Second, the only 'information that the City can legally release would be a business name, business address and type of business. There is substantially more information than this in the business license file. Consequently, staff would have to create a separate file with just the appropriate information. Our initial calculations estimate'that the cost for supplying this information would run approximately $123.00 per request. This figure includes staff time from the Treasury Division for .75 hours at a cost of $13.14; staff time from the Data Processing Division for 1.0 hours at a cost of $29.73; and computer usage costs for 2.0 hours at a cost of $80.00. There would be an additional $1 charge for a blank diskette if supplied by the City. Note that this estimated figure is based on a typical and straight forward request. If there are other nuances involved, the costs would go up accordingly and may also include cost for research time. The Director of Finance indicated to me that the City is prohibited from gaining revenue from this service. Third, the request would have to be accomplished after hours or on the weekend because a job of this magnitude would tie up the City's computer system such that it would interfere with the day-to-day routine of doing business. Depending on when the request was made, the requestor could receive the information within three days of the request. Finally, the City of Fresno and the County of Kern were contacted to ascertain if they have similar requests and how they go about complying with them. Both agencies receive these requests, however, the City of Fresno gets them less frequently than the County of Kern. Fresno charges $50 per hour, plus $7 for a diskette, if they provide it. They said their typical computer prograJmning time ¢ouncilmember Brunni Business License Listing - page 2 for hard copy documents. The County of Kern charges $39 per hour, plus $15 for a diskette. They have a minimum charge of $50 for all requests. .. Taking on this kind of service would have a considerable impact on the work of the two divisions in question, in that once you begin providing the service, additional .requests from other sources will tend to follow. As a concluding thought, I should mention that the reduction in staff that took place during the 1993/94 budget year has reduced The Department of Finance staff to a point where taking on additional service delivery is impractical. I would be happy to discuss this issue with you further, should you desire. cc: City Manager Finance 'Director MEMORANDUM April 7, 1994 TO: GREGORY J. KLIMKO, FINANCE DIRECTOR BILL DESCARY, TREASURER .~ FROM:' SUBJECT: BUSINESS LICENSE LISTING The practice of not having business license listings available for sale has been questioned. A listing is not sold for several reasons. The business license computerized file contains about. 12,000 records. A printout/listing of this file produces over 1,000 computer size (11" X 15") pages. Therefore, reproductiOn.is extensive in terms of computer time to compile the data and printer time to print the listing once it is compiled. Photocopying.such a voluminous listing is not an alternative to computer printing. Staff time is an important factor in processing requests for listingS. A full-time clerk position was cut from uhe TreasUry Division staff in the 93-94 budget. The day-to-day duties of this position, having to do with the important tasks of receipting and accounting for the City's assets (cash) in a timely and safe manner, have been distributed to existing staff. Because of budgetary constraints,.all overtime has been eliminated from the Division's budget. Despite a heavy workload, we strive to respond to the needs of the business community and the public in a timely, courteous manner. Currently, there is no staff time available for additional duties. In order to increase efficiency and contain costs, we ihave discontinued printing the listing for internal use. The business license file is now on-line in the computer and individual inquiries via telephone or over-the-counter can be handled by any of the staff in an efficient manner. It has been suggested that providing business license listings could produce revenue. The City is only allowed to charge .for services provided on a cost recovery basis. It is important to note that we do print weekly additions (new businesses) to the file. Normally, the weekly listing is 4-6 pages and is provided at cost to 5 or 6 people that have requested it. The weekly printouts are available for the public to review at no cost. KERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION KEDC/CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1994 through 1997 Contract KERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORP. ... IN THE HEART OF THE CALIFORNIAS'" INTERLINEATED COPY 1994 through 1997 AGREEMENT FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN KERN COUNTY THIS AGREEMENT is entered into on by and between the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter "City", and the KERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a California non-profit mutual benefit corporation, hereinafter "Corporation". WI TNE S S E TH: WHEREAS, traditionally the health of Kern County's economy fluctuates with and directly reflects the strength of its two major industries, agriculture and oil; and WHEREAS, recognizing the need to aggressively seek out business and industry, on December 22, 1986, a group of community and business leaders formed the Kern Economic Development Corporation, a non-profit mutual benefit corporation dedicated to attracting new industry to the County; and WHEREAS, the Corporation has requested the City support and cooperate with it in its efforts to seek out and locate new business in Kern County; and WHEREAS, the affordable land, manpower, exceptional educational institutions, and excellent freeway transportation facilities available in Kern County make it appropriate that the effort to attract new industries continue at this time; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Bakersfield is committed to the development of a balanced and diversified economy to ensure the future PAGE 1 INTERI2NEATED COPY well-being of the citizens of Bakersfield as one of its most important priorities; and WHEREAS, the City has invested considerable time and effort to encourage a Bakersfield location for new and expanding businesses and industries and to ensure the economic vitality of commercial areas; and WHEREAS, the Kern Economic Development Corporation (KEDC) maintains a regional marketing and promotional effort to attract the location and expansion of businesses and industries in all of the communities within Kern County; and WHEREAS, the State of California, Trade and Commerce Agency (State) has designated the KEDC as its regional contact and referral point for businesses and industries that contact the State while seeking a location for new or expanded facilities; and WHEREAS, the City and the Corporation desire to formalize their understanding of the contribution each party is to make and the activities each party is to undertake in this effort and to establish procedures that will insure participation, cooperation and benefits in this effort; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED between CITY and CORPORATION as follows: 1. Statement of Purpose A. The Corporation represents the public and private sectors concerned with developing, diversifying and thereby strengthening the economy of Kern County. (1) The City shall support and assist the Corporation in its undertaking of an aggressive outreach program. 2 INTERLINEATED COPY 2. The Kern Economic Development Corporation The Corporation is a non-profit, mutual benefit corporation organized for the purpose of attracting new business and industry to Kern County, to assist in the retention of existing industry and businesses currently located in Kern County, to maintain a comprehensive data base to be used in attracting industry, and to support the development of a skilled and experienced labor force and educational programs to assure a source of talent for industry. .. A. Activities and Duties. To accomplish its purposes, the Corporation shall: (1) Initiate and maintain an integrated development program for Kern County, its cities and communities, aimed at attracting new businesses to diversify Kern County's economic base through target marketing to prospective users; (2) Encourage and provide a supportive climate for economic growth and the conduct of business and industry by facilitating compliance with government regulations at all levels by streamlining procedures for permitting and other processes, where possible; (3) Actively seek out desirable businesses and industries looking to expand or relocate and assist them in locating in Kern County (see Exhibit "A" Description Of Specific Services To Be Provided); (4) Make every effort to reach and to assist existing businesses and industries located within Kern County with their expansion plans; (5) Impartially serve all communities within Kern County; (6) Maintain a solid and continuing base of supPort from the County, the City, and supporting agencies and organizations to maximize the Corporation's effectiveness; 3 INTERLINEATED COPY (7) Advocate and facilitate the cooperative efforts between the private and public sectors; (8) Promote and assist in the development of community support facilities which enhance the desirability of Kern County and its communities; (9) Make efficient and effective use of the resources supplied by the County and the City; (10) Solicit funding from private sources in support of the Corporation and its activities. (11) Implement a new public sector funding policy, which will require increased financial support from all incorporated cities in Kern County. r~r~,..,,~,., Act as liaison with the California Trade and Commerce Agency; (12)(13) Organize and manage special projects that promote the economic interests of Kern County. (13)(14) With the assistance of City and local real estate brokers, continue to inventory industrial and commercial buildings and sites available for sale or lease, and include them in a computerized data base to be managed by the Corporation as described within the Cooperative Real Estate Policy developed by the Corporation. The Corporation will update the inventory of available sites and buildings and immediately upon notification by individual property representatives. The Corporation will conduct a total update of this inventory quarterly through a mailing to property representatives. The Corporation will continue to maintain a liaison with listing agents and property owners representing industrial and commerdal properties in Kern County. 4 INTERLINEATED COPY (15) The City of Bakersfield as one of the largest cash contributors to the K~DC budget, wants an extremely active, participative role in the recruitment and at~¥action of any prospect interested in Kern County. lnformation sharing bePa~een K~DC and the City shall be such that Bakersfield can adjust its efforts and proposals immediately with respect to prospect needs and the competitive environment. KEDC, therefore, shall provide the City of Bakersfield, in a timely manner extensive information about prospects, including size, utility requirements, number of employees, amount of investment, decision time ~rame, competing ciffes or states, comparaffve advantages/disadvantages of competitors outside of Kern County, status of non-Kern County competing proposals, issues of concern to the prospect, as best as the~ are knoum by K~DC, and any other information not specifically requested to be restricted by prospects, so that the City can maximize its self promotion effort. KEDC and Bakersfield will function as partners with full mutual interest. Bakersfield recognizes and accepts the fact that KEDC will also have relationships and partnerships with Kern County and other Kern County cities and, therefore, similar sharing of information may exist between those entities as well. The City of Bakersfield shall respect and adhere to the KEDC Confidentiality Policy. Bakersfield~s self promotion efforts will be focused back through the KEDC staff to the prospect until such time as the prospect is desirous of direct contact with the City. 5 INTERLINEATED COPY When the prospective business or industry has indicated an exclusive interest in locating within the Bakersfield City Limits, KEDC will immediately notify the staff of the Economic & Community Development Department of Bakersfield. KEDC shall encourage the prospective business or industry to work directly with the City staff on any details relating to the project in the City of Bakersfield. The KEDC will remain involved and continue to communicate, with~,the company throughout the location/relocation process. KEDC shall inform the City of any such communication and shall provide copies of any correspondence and materials forwarded to said company. (16) KEDC will provide quarterly progress reports to the City Council. (17) KEDC will refer retention and expansion projects within the City limits to the Community and Economic Development Dept. B. Board of Directors. The t~.'.'.-tccn fifteen member Board of Directors of the Corporation shall consist of: (1) One member appointed by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield; (2) One member appointed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern; (3) One member appointed by the Board of Trade; (4) Two members appointed by the Kern County Association of Cities; and (5) Eight Ten members representing the private sector. C. Annual Funding. The Corporation shall operate on a fiscal year, commencing July 1 and ending June 30. The Corporation shall obtain and make 6 INTERLINEATED COPY available no less than $100,000 annually from private sources to provide funding to undertake its activities. The Corporation shall maintain a private funding level no less than 50% of program income. Annually on or before June 1, the Corporation shall furnish to City written evidence that such sum is or will be available prior to October 1 of the upcoming fiscal year for Corporation's use. D. Annual Budget and Program Activities.' Annually on or before June 1, the Corporation shall prepare its budget and a program of activities to be undertaken ir~ furtherance of its purposes and cooperative act~vi,ties for the upcoming fiscal year and submit the same to the City for review and approval as to their respective contributions to the Corporation's activities. 3. City of Bakersfirld The City shall provide the Corporation ?.7,590 $60,000 annually, contingent upon a similar commitment, including inkind, by the County of Kern. Such sum shall be deposited with the Corporation on or before October 1, a~J¢~3 of each year. Any further or additional support from the City shall be subject to approval of the City Council of City. A. City staff will provide required follow-up services to prospective businesses upon request by the Corporation. Services may include financial assistance, assignment of an ombudsman during the permit process, relocation assistance, provision of employee placement and training services, and provision of specific community data and information required by the business during their site selection process. B. The City shall assist the Corporation, when requested, with prospect meetings and tours. 7 INTERLINEATED COPY C. When a prospective business or indus~3r has made the decision to locate within the Bakersfield City Limits, the City staff, when requested by KEDC and the prospective business or industry, shall work directly with the company to facilitate the location/relocation process. The City staff shall inform the KEDC of the status of these projects on a regular basis. D.. The City will cooperate with the Corporation and other organizations to develop and implement a retention program to call on major out-of-county headquarters of local employers. E. City will maintain confidentiality regarding all specific prospect information provided by the Corporation until public release is authorized by the Corporation. 4. Term of Agreement A. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for three years starting' ...... ~'~ J~"~j4" ~, ~,,~,oo~ July 1, 1994 through ~ June 30,1997, unless otherwise modified or terminated as provided herein. B. The parties shall review annually on or before May 1 the results of the efforts undertaken pursuant to this agreement and determine whether it is feasible and beneficial for both parties to continue this joint agreement. 5. Parties' Liability Each party shall be liable only for its own debts, liabilities, and obligations. No party shall be liable in any way for the debts, liabilities, and obligations of any other party. City shall be liable only for its employees and damages arising from their acts. Corporation shall be liable only for its own employees and damages arising from their acts. 8 INTERLINEATED COPY Except as explicitly provided for by this agreement, no debt, liability, or obligation of any one party to this agreement shall constitute the debt, liability or obligation of any other party to this agreement. Each of the parties to this agreement shall indemnify and hold harmless the other parties to this agreement for any damages, costs, attorney's fees, or liabilities arising out of the acts or omissions of its own officers, agents, and employees. Should any part, term, portion, or provision of this Agreement be finally decided to be in conflict with any law of the United States or of the State of California, or otherwise be unenforceable or ineffectual, the validity of the remaining parts, terms, portion or provisions shall be deemed severable and shall not be affected thereby, provided such remaining portions or provisions can be construed in substance to constitute the agreement which the parties intended to enter into in the first instance. 7. Notices Any notices provided for in this Agreement shall be deemed properly delivered if personally served upon the City Clerk of the City or if sent via the United States Postal Service, postage prepaid, and addressed as follows: If directed to the City: Economic and Community Development Department C/O City Clerk of City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 If directed to Corporation: Kern Economic Development Corporation 9 INTERLINEATED COPY 2700 "M" Street, Suite #225 Bakersfield, California 93302 This Agreement shall not be assigned by City or Corporation, either in whole or in part, without the written consent of the City of Bakersfield and the Corporation. 9. This agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all other oral or written representations. This contract may be modified only in writing approved by the City Council and signed by all parties. 10. Corporation shall conduct all business in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code Section 54950 et. seq.). IN WITNESS THEREOF, CITY and CORPORATION through their respective authorized officers have caused this Agreement to be effective on the day and year first above written. "CITY" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD By BOB PRICE Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY City Attorney DEVELOPMENT By By. JANICE SCANLAN JOHN F. WAGER, JR. Deputy City Attorney Director 10 INTERLINEATED COPY COUNTERSIGNED: By GREGORY J. KLIMKO Finance Director "CORPORATION" KERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION By. WARREN G. CARTER Chairman of the Board 11 INTERLINEATED COPY EXHIBIT "A" DESCRIPTION OF SPECIFIC SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED KEDC shall contact and provide information on Kern County to a minimum of eighty (80) prospects per year. KEDC shall attend and represent Kern County at a minimum of two target industry trade shows per year. KEDC shall plan, coordinate and conduct a direct mail campaign directed towards key executives of targeted industries. The types of industries are: Food Processing, Light Manufacturing, Warehouse/Distribution and Back Office. 12