HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/18/1996 BAKERSFIELD Patricia J. DeMond, Chair Alan T~i'~dy, City ~anage~,/~ Irma Carson Staff: Dolores Teubner / Kevin McDermott AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Monday, November 18, 1996 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order at 12:20 p.m. Present: Councilmembers: Patricia J. DeMond, Chair; Irma Carson; and Kevin McDermott 2. APPROVAL OF THE OCTOBER 21, 1996 MINUTES Approved as submitted. 3. PRESENTATIONS None 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. REQUESTS FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE FROM SOUTHWEST CONTRACTORS, INC. AND HAMMONS MEAT SALES, INC. As directed by the Committee, staff worked with Southwest Contractors and Hammons Meat Sales to determine their level of contribution toward each of their proposed projects. Both companies have provided documentation of their level of FILE COPY AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Monday, November 18, 1996 Page -2- contribution. The Committee approved the proposal for a Iow-interest forgivable loan of $35,000 for Hammons Meat Sales and $150,000 for Southwest Contractors. The Committee asked staff to develop additional parameters to address the method of providing incentives and the best use of incentive funds. It was agreed that incentives should be available regardless of the size and type of company being considered. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. CDBG AMENDMENT FOR CENTENNIAL PLAZA Staff proposed a reprogramming of CDBG funds from unspent prior-year funds or "slow moving" projects to help fund the proposed centennial plaza. The proposal was distributed to Committee members. Staff indicated a need to begin the CDBG amendment process now in order to meet the proposed construction time schedule. The project is fully eligible for CDBG funds given the census track location and type of project proposed. After considerable discussion, including further review of the practicality of the proposed use of CDBG funds, the Committee recommended the CDBG amendment to the City Council for approval. B. CHESTER AVENUE STREETSCAPE FINANCING PLAN The $1.2 million budget for this project is in place with the exception of $400,000. Staff has submitted a grant to CalTrans for the remaining funds and the City will know by July if the grant is approved. Staff will also budget CDBG and CDDA funds for the project in the FY 97-98 budget in the event the grant is not approved. The Committee asked staff to remove certain grant eligible bid components from the project specifications and make them add/alternatives, so as not to unduly delay project construction. Staff recommended using this strategy for the landscaping components since they did not require as much lead time as the other bid items. C. PROCEDURE FOR BID PROTESTS The City currently does not have a formal procedure for handling bid protests. The proposed ordinance would establish a process that included notification to other bidders. The Committee discussed the possibility of frivolous protests and because of the lengthy time line, the negative effect to valid bids. The City Attorney was asked to simplify the ordinance and establish the date Council would award the bid as the deadline for bid protests. Staff will work with the BIA and Kern County Contractors Association to revise the standard bid specifications to reflect this change. This item will be placed on the next Committee meeting agenda. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Monday, November 18, 1996 Page -3- D. CRITERIA TO FIND PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTORS NONRESPONSIBLE BIDDERS This is another area in which the City does not have a formal written procedure to determine nonrespOnsible bidders. Prior projects entered into with contractors have resulted in delayed or suspended projects and has placed undue pressures on the City. The Committee expressed concern about the establishment of a list of nonresponsible bidders and recommended that staff pursue a prequalification process as an alternative. A representative of the Kern County Contractors Association expressed support for the prequalification process and asked to have some input in developing the process. Staff was directed to continue working on a proposal and to bring this item back to the Committee at its January meeting. 7, ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:48 p.m. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council DBT:jp