HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/08/1996 B A K E R S F I E L D ~lt:n ..~D~?oY;eCs, ~e~b n~ r/ Irma Carson Kevin McDermott AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE / Monday, April 8, 1996 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order at 12:20 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Patricia J. DeMond, Chair; Irma Carson and Kevin McDermott 2. APPROVAL OF THE MARCH 11, 1996 MINUTES Approved as sUbmitted. 3. PRESENTATIONS None 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. ESTABLISHMENT OF STATE AS LEA Staff provided an overview of their efforts to date on this issue. At the last Budget and Finance Committee meeting, several questions were raised which were COPY AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Monday, April 8, 1996 Page -2- addressed in a memo to the Committee (attached). Staff indicated that the Panorama landfill was being considered for the expedited remediation program which the County is supporting. Given that it is likely the City will qualify for this state program, staff did not feel that it was necessary to use the State as LEA as an interim step. Staff indicated that the current options were either to continue using the County or to establish a City LEA. David Price, from the County LEA, spoke in support of the application for the expedited remediation program, but spoke against the City establishing its own LEA because of the cost of running such a programl The Committee asked the staff to further investigate costs and to develop a comprehensive list of all of the functions the City would become responsible for if it took over the LEA function. The City Attorney was asked to research what the legal ramifications would be to the City should it take over this function. This issue will come back to the Committee at the May meeting. 6. NEW BUSINESS Item 6. E was taken out of order and placed after Item 6. B to accommodate members of the public from KCEOC who wished to speak during consideration of this item. A. ADVANCED RECORDS TECHNOLOGY, INC. AGREEMENT Staff provided an overview of how the City chooses economic development projects. They indicated that the criteria includes the impact the project has on the City's tax revenues, how many jobs will be created, whether or not the assistance will promote local growth, the impact on the Incentive Zone, the impact on the surrounding neighborhood and whether or not the incentives offered are competitive with other areas trying to retain and/or attract industry. Staff passed out a matrix which gave a history of all of the economic development projects that had been previously approved over the last five years. Staff indicated that the proposed assistance for Advanced Records Technology was consistent with other projects and met the criteria for valid projects. The Committee members discussed the level of assistance requested for this project and whether or not it was excessive given the small number of jobs that would be created and/or retained. The Committee advised staff that the terms of the assistance should be revised to ensure that the company would not downsize and to double the number of years of the agreement from 5 to 10 years. The Committee indicated that the level of assistance should be standardized so that no single project looks too generous. The Committee voted 2 to 1 to recommend the agreement with revisions back to the Council for approval. This item will appear on the April 17, 1996 Council Agenda. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Monday, April 8, 1996 Page -3- B. PROPOSED FY 96-97 CDBG CONSOLIDATED PLAN Staff gave a presentation On the proposed projects for the CDBG Consolidated Plan. The Committee indicated that they would like to see the list of projects which applied for funds instead of just the list that was approved. The members further indicated that the project list should be presented to the Committee early enough in the process so that they can have input into which projects are approved for funding. Staff indicated that it would fit the Consolidated Plan Review into the budget calender for next fiscal year. The Committee recommended moving forward with the approval process for the ConsOlidated Plan. C. LOCAL PREFERENCE BID POLICY Staff indicated that it was not prepared at this time to make any recommendation on a possible change to the City's policy on preference for local companies and asked that this item come back to the Committee in July. In the mean time, the Committee asked the City Attorney to look at the County's newly adopted policy and determine if the City Charter would accommodate such a policy, and what if any legal ramifications could occur if the change was made. The Committee further indicated that staff needed to refine the definition of what constitutes a local company and determine the enforceability of a change in the Charter to accommodate a local preference policy. D, TRAFFIC PREEMPTION SYSTEM The Fire Chief provided an overview of the program to install traffic preemption devices in the City. Representatives of Hall and Golden Empire Ambulance were there to indicate their interest in participating in the program and contributing towards the cost of installation at certain intersections. The companies requested a 90-day trial period to use the system where they would pay for the equipment attached to the vehicles and the City would install the system at some test intersections. If the trial period were successful, the ambulance companies would agree to contribute towards fitting a minimum number of intersections per year with the system. The Committee recommended approval of the 90-day trial period and support for the participation of Hall and Golden Empire in the installation of the system. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Monday, April 8, 1996 Page -4- E. FUNDING THE REFERRAL ASSISTANCE NE'I'WORK OF KERN (RANK) Staff indicated that since this project, the Referral Assistance Network of Kern County, was not eligible for CDBG and since the request was for operating funds which the City does not typically provide, it was not recommended for funding. The Committee asked if the City could provide an in-kind contribution? Staff indicated that KCEOC had asked for part-time staff, but this could not be accommodated. It was also pointed out by KCEOC that the majority of the users of the service would be non-profit. The committee suggested requesting contributions from the non- profit community to fund the.project. KCEOC also requested that the City please answer the information request sent to them so that the City could be listed on the Referral Network. Staff promised to provide the information immediately. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 2:10 p.m. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council