HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/05/2001 BAKERSFIELD" ~~"~ ~/~ Mike Maggard, Chair Alan Tandy, (~itY ~anager Harold Hanson Staff: Damell Haynes Mark Salvaggio AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT SPECIAL MEETING BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Tuesday, June 5, 2001, 4:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order at 4:06 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Mike Maggard, Chair; Harold Hanson; and Mark Salvaggio : 2. ADOPT MAY 3, 2001 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding a request for funding from the Bakersfield Museum of Art At the March 8th Budget and Finance Committee meeting, the Committee reviewed a request from the Bakersfield Museum of Art for $28,500 to help fund a Russell and Remington, "Storytellers of the American West" exhibition they plan to bring to the Museum in September 2001 (approximate total cost $53,500). Because there was limited history on the economic benefits to the community from art exhibits, the Committee suggested the museum develop an economic model showing the multiplier effects of people coming from out of town to view art exhibits. The Museum representatives agreed to come back to the Committee with information to demonstrate the economic benefits of art exhibits on the local economy. Charles Meyer secured the services of a research group from Chicago and gave a report to the Committee. The research group recommended that more than one event happen at the same time to be able to draw people from out of town, and also to make the numbers work for a successful exhibit would require a high degree of marketing. The Kern County Museum has an exhibit starting September 15 to January 2002 "T-Rex, King of the Dinosaurs" and the Bakersfield Museum of Art plans to exhibit "Russell and Remington: Storytellers of the West" starting September 9 to November 25, 2001 so out-of-town visitors will have two destinations with an incentive to stay overnight. The Kern County Superintendent of Schools Office has agreed to assist with this promotion by printing and distributing 60,000 full color rack cards for hotels and visitor centers. Bus tours are being planned for students. It was noted in 1993, the Kern County Museum hosted a similar exhibit, "Dinosaur Invasion," with a visitor total of 53,000 of that number 40% were non-local. .ADOP'~ED..ASSUBI'ffTI'ED ON AUGUST 2, 2001 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Tuesday, June 5, 2001 Page -2- Councilmember Salvaggio explained in the past the Council has considered the following criteria when reviewing requests from non-profit groups for City funds: 1) One-time expenditures rather than ongoing costs; 2) Capital expenditures rather than general operating expenditures; 3) One-time activities which are tied to specific high-priority City Council goals; and 4) use of City facilities by the non-profit group. Non-profits making requests also have been asked to provide matching funds. The Council carefully considers these requests since there are limited funds available to meet such requests due to financial demands of normal City operations, including police and fire protection, public works street and road repairs and other essential City services. The City this last year gave the Bakersfield Museum of Art $30,000 to fund the sculpture garden as part of their expansion. Prior to that, the City deeded the land to the Museum, which is valued at approximately $295,000. Since the Museum brought this last request, Committee member Salvaggio received a letter addressed to him as the Honorable Vice Mayor from Rogers Brandon stating the Bakersfield Museum of Art has completed a $2.7 million enhancement to its facility and has raised over half the cost for the construction in private donations and grants. The Museum is seeking an additional $1 million to pay off the existing debt, and in the future they hope he has a chance to visit the museum and consider additional funding. Committee member Salvaggio explained there are four requests for funding before the Committee today and it would be difficult to rank the requests without showing favoritism. It was noted that the City has received many more requests for funding from non-profits this year than at any time in the past. Committee member Hanson stated that when a group comes to the City requesting funds, it would make it a lot easier if they came with a balance sheet, year-end income and expense report, a presentation regarding their past and future fund-raising efforts and the purpose for the request. He suggested that the City needs to have a set dollar amount and review the requests for funding within that budgeted amount. Committee Chair Maggard expressed that the City should consider the role of the arts and their place in the budget. He would like the Council as a whole to consider the current policy and whether or not the Council wants to invest in the culture of the community and use a criteria different from the current policy. The Committee decided to hear all of the presentations for funding requests being made before the Committee before making any recommendations. B. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding letter of request from the Kern County Museum Authority Board for a contribution of $100,000 towards the Kern County Museum operations Don Murfin stated the Museum Authority Board views their request as different because they are a government agency and not a non-profit organization. He expressed they feel that at Sometime in the future they would like the City to become a partner in support of the Museum. Since meeting with the Committee on May 3ru and follow-up meetings with City staff, they have changed their original request from $100,000 for ongoing operational expenses to a request for a contribution of $105,000 from the City to assist the Museum in fulfilling its ADA requirements for their expansion. They are going to build a $3.5 million oil exhibit facility and part of that would be refurbishing the front with streetscapes and an entry into the facility, which would need to meet ADA requirements for handicapped access. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Tuesday, June 5,2001 Page-3- There was a discussion about using Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds as a form of assistance instead of cash contributions. Committee member Hanson expressed the difficulty in making a decision on funding when the Committee does not have financial information on the Museum Foundation or a copy of their budget. The Committee thanked Mr. Murfin for modifying their request and requested staff to meet with representatives of the Museum to see what projects would qualify for CDBG funding. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding policy on cable broadcast of public meetings The Committee deferred this item. B. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding a request for financial assistance from the Bakersfield Music Theatre City Manager Alan Tandy spoke regarding a letter from Mr. Fillbrandt (on behalf of the Board of the Bakersfield Music Theatre) asking for financial assistance. They have done an excellent job retrofitting the building and making it available as a downtown theatre and now they are in financial difficulty. Jim Fillbrandt, Executive Producer, Bakersfield Music Theatre, spoke about their theatre being in operation for 31 years. He presented an overview of their finances and programs. They employ about 149 people, with most of their employees being Iowto moderate income. They renovated and refurbished the historic bank building at 1931 Chester Avenue to convert it to a theatre and are now requesting assistance to pay off the loan. If they are not able to get assistance, they will not be able to stay open. They are being successful in their fund-raising, but cannot pay the loan and continue the operating expenses. Their request is for a one-time grant of $50,000 or an annual grant for five years of $20,000 a year. Staff provided information regarding Proposition 12 monies and one of its resources is a competitive grant program to fund development or rehabilitation of real property consisting of urban recreational and culture centers, museums and facilities for wildlife education or environmental education. C. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding a request for financial assistance from Bakersfield College to develop a community aquatic center Tom Burke, Director of Business Services, Bakersfield College, presented information on the college's new aquatic center project and planned refurbishment of the existing pool. Plans call for construction of a new state-of-the-art Olympic-size pool made of stainless steel, which will be the first of its kind in California. He explained their fund-raising campaign and donations received to date. They are requesting financial support and a partnership with the City for the development of the Aquatic Center project. AGENDA SUMMARY REP(: BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Tuesday, June 5, 2001 Page -4- Stan Ford reported that at the direction of Committee Chair Maggard he has been meeting with representatives of Bakersfield College regarding their Aquatic Project. Since then, he has been approached by the Kern High School District regarding a joint venture. The City does have swimming pool needs. The pool design at Bakersfield College may not be the most optimum for the City's needs in terms of lessons and programs. The older pool the College is renovating may be more accommodating of lessons than the new pool, which has more of a competitive design. Stan Ford stated that staff had not reached a definite recommendation regarding Recreation and Parks participation and how the college's aquatic project when completed, will fit with the City's aquatic needs. Committee member Hanson spoke about the four requests before the Committee. The Bakersfield Museum of Art raises money primarily through fund-raisers and community participation. The Music Theatre primarily raises money through donations, fund-raising and people coming to events. The Kern County Museum has sources, and particularly the County Superintendent of Schools has sources of millions of tax-payer dollars. He feels the Bakersfield Museum is very important to our culture and the "Stars" Music Theatre adds a great deal to the community and particularly the downtown area. Committee Chair Maggard spoke in support of aquatic sports and the need for more swimming facilities in our community as it affects the performance of students and the ability to compete for swim scholarships. He asked staff to explore how these two facilities might fit into the City's recreational needs and if they would enhance the ability to deliver services to the community. The Kern County Museum does have access to other resources, but have changed their request to a one-time brick and mortar request. The other two requests from the Art Museum and "Stars" Theatre are one-time, or could be ongoing depending on how the requests are addressed. The Committee referred the request for funding the Bakersfield College Aquatic Center to Recreation and Parks staff to come back with a recommendation as to whether it meets with the goals and needs of the City's swim programs. Committee member Hanson made a motion'that the City fund the request from the Bakersfield Museum of Art for $28,500 toward the Russell and Remington exhibit from Council Contingency; the Council's policy on funding for non-profits be reviewed by the Council as a whole on June 13th; and the other requests from the Kern County Museum, Bakersfield Music Theatre, and Bakersfield College Aquatics Program be considered by the full Council at the June 13th meeting. Committee Chair Maggard added to the motion previously made by Committee member Hanson a recommendation for the full Council to also review establishing a fixed dollar amount in the annual budget to make available to non-profit groups. Committee members Maggard and Hanson voted in support of the motion and Committee member Salvaggio voted against the motion. Committee member Salvaggio stated he was unable to support the motion to fund just one request and not the others until the policy for funding non-profits has been reviewed by the full Council. He would support a motion for the full Council to review the policy criteria for funding non-profits at the June 13th meeting and for the full Council to consider all four requests for funding at that time. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Tuesday, June 5, 2001 Page -5- The Committee directed staff to prepare Majority and Minority Reports and provide backup material with comment and staff's recommendations. The Majority Report will include a recommendation for the full Council to discuss the following: the City's policy and criteria used in evaluating requests for funds from non-profits; the possibility of establishing a fixed dollar amount in the annual budget to make available to non-profit groups; a recommendation to fund the request from the Bakersfield Museum of Art for $28,500 toward the Russell and Remington exhibition; and review and recommendation on funding the three remaining requests from the Kern County Museum, the Bakersfield Music Theatre and the Bakersfield College for the Aquatic Center project. The Minority Report will include a recommendation for the full Council to discuss the City's policy and criteria used in evaluating requests for funds from non-profit groups and as part of that discussion a recommendation on funding the four reqUests from the Bakersfield Museum of Art, Kern County Museum, the Bakersfield Music Theatre and the Bakersfield College for the Aquatic Center project. 6. COMMI'I'rEE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:32 p.m. Staff present: City Manager Alan Tandy; City Attorney Bart Thiltgen; Assistant City Manager John W. Stinson; Finance Director Gregory Klimko; and Assistant to the City Manager Darnell Haynes Others present: Don Murfin, Kern County Museum Foundation; David K. Cohn, Charles Meyer and Richard Beene, Bakersfield Museum of Art; Jan Petrini and Jim Fillbrandt, Bakersfield Music Theatre; Tom Burke, Bakersfield College cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council DWH:jp S:/Darnell/2001 BFCommittee/bf01jun05summa~j.wpd