HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/11/2005 B A K E R S F I E L D ~' ~ ~ ~ Mike Maggard, Chair Staff: John W. Stinson Irma Carson For: Alan Tandy, City Manager Harold Hanson AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Monday, July 11, 2005 · 10:00 a.m. City Manager's Conference Room - City Hall 1. ROLL CALL Called to Order at 10:05 a.m. Present: Councilmembers Mike Maggard, Chair; Harold Hanson; and Irma Carson 2. ADOPT MAY 23, 2005 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Review and Committee recommendation on Park Development Fees Assistant City Manager John Stinson explained Park Development Fees are reviewed annually and updated using a cost of living adjustment based upon the Construction Cost Index. In addition, this year staff is proposing the fees be adjusted for the cost of park equipment, which has gone up more than reflected by the Construction Cost Index. Also, new this year and proposed to be included in the Park Development Fee is the addition of a cost component of $30 per unit for wet playgrounds in park sites. Based on community interest, staff recommended one wet playground in every four sections of land,, which is within about a one-mile radius of any residence and equals approximately one wet playground per every six parks. Staff recommended increasing the current $1,275 per dwelling unit fee to $1,430, which is a one-time cost per dwelling unit for homebuyers in new developments. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, July 11, 2005 Page - 2 - Brian Todd, Building Industry Association of Kern County, spoke and was in agreement with the increases using the Construction Cost Index and the general understanding that park equipment has increased. However, he questioned adding new amenities such as wet playgrounds as the fees are mitigation fees for new development which have an impact on affordable housing. He requested the Committee keep this concern in mind when adding new amenities to the park development fee. Committee Member Hanson made a motion: 1) the Committee approve the staff recommendation to increase the Park Development Fee from $1,275 to $1,430 per dwelling unit; 2) recommend to the Council the minimum park standard provide that one in every six parks include a wet playground; and 3) the City be prudent regarding the addition of park elements to do everything possible to minimize the bottom line impact on affordable housing and yet recognize the demands and needs of future homebuyers. The Committee unanimously approved the motion and requested staff to forward the proposed fees to the Council. B. Staff report and Committee recommendation regarding Fees Pursuant to the Cost Recovery Program Assistant City Manager John Stinson provided an overview of the information included in the Committee packet. Every year staff reviews the fees included in the Cost Recovery Program fee schedule. Included in the packet was a list of fees to which staff recommended applying a cost of living adjustment using a 3% Consumer Price Index (CPI) factor for this year's fee cycle. Also included was a list of eleven fees that Public Works has identified during their review which warranted a proposed fee increase of more than the basic 3% CPI factor. Brian Todd, Building Industry Association of Kern County, spoke regarding the annual COLA increases based upon the cost of construction as they concern development fees and was in general agreement with the increases. However, he questioned the justification for increasing fees beyond the annual cost of living increases. Committee Chair Maggard requested Public Works staff provide more information to the Committee on the calculations used, above the cost of living increases, for the proposed increases to the six fees listed with the justification "based upon historical data." The six proposed fee increases were for: 1. Final Tract Maps 2. Grading Plan Check 3. Lot Line Adjustment and Owner Initiated Parcel Merger 4. Parcel Map Waiver 5. Right-of-Way Vacation, Summary Vacation Only 6. Street Encroachment Permit AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING · Monday, July 11,2005 Page - 3 - City Manager Alan Tandy explained staff is also requesting a modification to the fire hydrant fee. Currently developers buy fire hydrants from the City Fire Department. The hydrants are warehoused and sold at Fire Station No. 1. This is actually charged on the fee schedule under which the developer is paying a fee for the cost of the fire hydrant--this fee actually includes installation, inspection and testing. Staff is proposing to privatize the sale of the hydrants to allow developers to buy fire hydrants directly from two sources in the private sector who will sell only City-approved hydrants. If approved, the fee on the fee schedule would then be modified to cover the true cost to locate, inspect/test and maintain fire hydrants. Fire Chief Ron Fraze stated he is in agreement with this change as currently the fire personnel storing, selling and loading the hydrants are the same staff which must respond to emergency calls. Committee Member Hanson made a motion the Committee approve the proposed fee schedule increases with the exception of the six fees listed above, and approve the privatization of sales and modification of the fee as it pertains to fire hydrants. The Committee unanimously approved the motion. The Committee requested staff to forward the Resolution and Cost Recovery Program fee schedule to the City Council. C. Staff report and Committee recommendation on Promoting Curbside Recycling Solid Waste Director Kevin Barnes gave a report. There was a letter from the Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee requesting the City step up its efforts to promote curbside recycling with marketing, advertising, promotional discounts and incentives. Staff has been promoting curbside recycling and has used some of the suggestions from the Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee. Citywide there are approximately 3,000 residents participating in the curbside recycling program. In some of the feedback, service cost for the blue recycling toter in relationship to service cost for the regular trash tan toter has been suggested as the reason for not participating in curbside recycling. However, due to the distances traveled, staff did not recommend changing the current fee for curbside recycling. The Committee took no further action. 5. COMMI'I-rEE COMMENTS 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, July 11, 2005 Page - 4 - Attendance: Staff: City Manager Alan Tandy; Assistant City Manager John W. Stinson; City Attorney Ginny Gennaro; Finance Director Nelson Smith; Recreation and Parks Director Dianne Hoover; Fire Chief Ron Fraze; Assistant Public Works Director Jack LaRochelle; Solid Waste Director Kevin Barnes; Public Works Civil Engineer Marian Shaw; and Park Construction and Facility Planner Ken Trone Others: Michael Turnipseed, Kern Tax; Brian Todd, Building Industry Association of Kern County; Mark Howell, KUZZ/KCWR; Colon Bywater, North Bakersfield Recreation and Parks District (NOR) cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council S:~JOHN\Council Committees\05Budget&Finance\bf05jull 1summary.doc