HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CI.TY COUNCIL ,KERN COUNTY O'PPOR IUN I ~ CORPORATION CONSOLIDATION PROPOSAL BY ~ERNON D. STRONG As of August 5 KERN COUNTY ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY CORPORATION ~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROSTER PUBLIC OFFICIALS (Category I - Seven Seats): LISA GREEN (July 1986) 1215 Truxtun Avenue Bus: 861-2421 District Attorney Rep. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Res: 835-1595 BARBARA BARTENSTEIN (Jan. 1985) 2828 "K" Street Bus: 324-7360 33rd Assembly District Rep. Bakersfield, CA 93301 .Res: 399-8659 FRANK NAJAR (Feb. 1986) 315 N. Lincoln Street Bus: 765-4121 Kern County Board of Sup. Rep. Taft, CA 93268 Res: N/A DORIS CRUZ (Oct. 1985) 3527 Balboa Drive Bus: N/A 16th State Senatorial District Rep. Bakersfield, CA 93304 Res: 831-1863 JOHN NILON (May 1986) 2117 Elaine Street Bus: 861-2195 · Mayor's Office Rep. Bakersfield, CA 93304 Res: 831-3109 MICHAEL WORTHING (May 1985) 5401 California Avenue Bus: 323-3400 20th U.S. Congressional District Rep. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Res: N/A CLYDE JOHNSTON (May t985) 6709 Hooper Avenue Bus: N/A Kern County Sup. of Schools Rep. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Res: 393-3843 LOW INCOME (Category II - Eight Seats): SONYA FLOURNOY (July 1984) 18049 Wasco Avenue Bus: N/A Shafter/Wasco/Butnw.; (Alt: D. Story) Shafter, CA 93263 Res: 746-3449 CHRISTINE~MORRIS (Oc%. 1984) 127 Dover ST. Apt. A Bus: 725-0808 Delano/McFarland (Alt~ B. DaraDiza) Delano, CA 93215 Res: 725-4099 FREDA RAY' (Nov. 1984) 601 Cantleberry Lane Bus: 323-3905 Head·Start Parent Policy Council Bakersfield, 'CA 93304 Res: 832-8717 JONATHAN WEBSTER (Nov. 1984) 109 Donna Avenue Bus: 323-5606 So. Bakersfield (Att: .~ S. Reed) Bakersfield, CA 93305 Res: 323-3426 CARLOS LOPEZ 1606 Beale Avenue Bus: 324-6501 East Bakersfield (Alt: C. Estrada)· Bakersfield, CA 93307 Res: 326-1046~_ ANDREA PALLARES (Aug. 1985) 514 East Casa Loma Drive Bus: 834-30i2 Central Bakersfield (Alt: M. Kendrick) Bakersfield, CA 93307 Res: 324-7421 Arvin/Lamont Bus: Res: JOHNNIE HUNT (July 1986) 8233 Hemlock Bus: 373-2451 California City/Mojave (Alt: L. Nelson) California City, CA 93505 Res:· N/A PRIVATE SECTOR (Category III - Six Seats): FRED GARCIA (April 1984) 4409 Adidas Avenue Bus: 395-7780 Pacific Gas & Electric Bakersfield, CA 93309 Res: 831-8692 ANDRE'-BINNS (June 1984) 2612 Dore Drive Bus: 395-604i Central Labor Council Bakersfield, CA 93304 Res: 831-7983- PEGGY RANGEL (April 1985 P.O. Box 11079 Bus: 327-1533 Wells Fargo Bank Bakersfield, CA 93389 Res: 397-9625 JERRY BOWMAN-(March 1986) 2525 N. C~ester Bus: 392-3223 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Res.: 833-6256 ELOUISE PERRY ·(Sept. 1985 721 "N" Street Bus: 324-4756 '~?" NAACP . VACANT Bakersfield, CA 93304 Res: 325-1093 ·BUEINE88 82e E. CALIFORNIA AVENUE BUSINE88 TELEPHONE $24-80el HOME 217T STREET HOME VERNON D. STRONG REAL ESTATE BROKER -:- NOTARY PUBLIC BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 21, 1986 HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CI1Y COUNCIL 1501 TRUXlUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 9~30]. ~Nll_EMEN THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORllJNIIY TO PRESENT TO YOU A 1ENTATIVE DEVELOPEMENT AND MANAEEMENT PROROSAL TO CONSOLIDAIE 1HE COMPONENT: ',OFFICE SPACES OF llqE KERN C~IY"-'ECONOMIc"~~NI~' CORPORATION, KCEOC,. LIKE MANY OTHER AEENCIES SUBSIDIZED BY 1HE GOVERNMENT, IS AT1EMPTING TO STREMLINE ITS' OPERATION IN ANTICIPATION OF 1HE (~AMM - RUDMAN - HOLLINS CUTS: BUT, IT HOPES TO DO SO IN SUCH A WAY AS NOT TO REDUCE '[HE LEVEL OF SERVICES THAT THE COMMUNITY HAS cOME TO EXPECT, BECAUSE THE COST AND OTHER ESTIMATES CONTAINED HEREIN ARE NOT BASED ON FORMAL pLANs AND SPECIFICATIONS THIS DRAFT IS PRESENTED AT 'rHIS TIME FOR THE COUNCI'L'S CONCEPTUAL APPROVAL ONLY. IF SUCH APPROVAL IS GIVEN STEPS WILL BE INITIATED IMMEDIAIELY TO DEVELOPE A FORMAL PROPOSAL FOR COUNCIL CONS I DERATI ON ,, THANK YOU. VERNON D. "Helping People to Help Themselves" 15 May 1986 Mr~ George A. Caravalho City Manager City'of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun -Avenue Bakersfield, California 9330.1 '" Re: Letter of Interest Dear Mr. Caravalho: Kern' County Economic Opportunity Corporation, as you know, is the Federally and State' recocjnlzecl anti-poverty agency in Kern COunty. ''As such, the Agency provldes'a wide range of services to the lo~v-income and elderly throughout the county. KCEOC has its main Administrative Offices at 1655 E. California Avenue. This area, whlIe generally within an economically deprived area, is surrounded with industrial type businesses. Other KCEOC program Administrative Offices are located generally in the Southeast Bakersfield area. For s9me time, I have sought a location and facility which would put KCEOC closer to the population we serve and provide for ali Program Directors and facilities to be co-located. KCEOC has been approached with a Proposal, which involves the City and a developer, to construct a facility for KCEOC on a piece of undeveloped property (California Avenue and Robinson Street). This proposal and a subsequent move would facilitate improved services to the Community and serve to improve the property, in an area that desparately needs improvement. This consolidation would also reduce KCEOC's overhead costs and allow more funds to be devoted to KCEOC programs for the Community. The purpose of this letter is to advise you of KCEOC's interest in this project and to urge you and your staff to support the proposal when presented. I will continue to keep you and your staff apprised of the situation. Respectfully, Frederick A. Drew Executive Director FAD/ss Kern County Economic Opportunity Corporation ' ' 1655 Easl California Avenue · Bal(erstield · Ca · 93307 (805) 322-3041 CHAIN, YOUNGER, LEMUCCHI, NORIEGA, ~i~_h '-~ = ~ COHN, STILES & RODRIGUEZ MILTON M YOUNGER TIMOTHY J. LEMUCCHI JAMES E NORE[GA 1128 TRUXTUN AVENUE DAVID K. COHN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301-4692 DAV.~V, ST,LES May 21, 1986 18o~)32.-6so, DANIEL RODRIGL~Z JAMES A. YORO JOHN A. TELLO 1231 MAIN STREET PAUL A WELCHANS DELANO, CALIFORNIA 93215 MICHAEL U. EDWARDS (805) 725-4040 ~CHAEL R. KILPATRICK PATRICK M ALDERETE PEGGY NOLAND HONORABLE MAYOR and MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Vacant Land on East California Avenue Between Owens and Robinson Streets Please be advised that the above described property is available for the KC~OC..p~Qposa! contained herewith subject, of course, to our approv&!':!of'&ll::~'OOsts, terms, and conditions set forth in formal Plans'and.~speCifications to be .developed at a later date. Yours very truly, MILTON M. dp ~, ~, ' ~ ' ~ i.oo .o~, ' ~ ,.J. )~~( )~d "~ ;,~ I Z I'I'I'I*I'oj?''': ,' ..... l~''<f/q'::' '" 'lll ,.~ :''' ''; ' Kern ,~d~, ...... r ?mTRI? .&.. DIC3CR~PTZON ~ARCEL 1: lots 33 and 40, Block 191 in the City of Bakersfield, County of [era, State of California, an per Map recorded November 25, 1896 in Book 1, Pages 13-14 of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County'. PARC~L 2: &Il that portion of lots 1 &nd 3 " and 2 of ~look 3, of Amended Map :~GraysonBl°ck 2,Addttlonnand lots ~o the Town of Kern, as per Map filed December 11, 1913, at 30 minutes past 4:00 p.m. in the Office of the County Jtecorder, County of Kern, State of California, together with tho vacated portion of Gage St;eet, described as follown: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of said Lot 2 of 8aid Block 3, thencc North 89' 45' East along the North line of said Block~ 3 and 2, 921.82 feet to a point in the .co. ~2.. ~ ~GU~lJu~u SL~'ueL, au shown on hap o! Tract 1301, recorded in Map Book 5, Page 141, Official Kern County Rncords; thence South 17' 24' West along the lesterly line of said Robinson 3trent 136.42 feet to a point, 130 feet South of, measured,at right angles to the North line of said Block 2; thence South 80' 45' lent parallel to North line of Bald Block 2, 880.48 feet to n point in the East line of Owens Street 60 feet wide and the lest line of said Block 3; thence North O' 14' Kern, 8tats of California, as per Map thereof recorded June 16, 1910 in Book 3, Pass 3 of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of said County; EXCEPTING ~EREFROM that portion thereof embraced within a strip of land 55 feet wide lying conti~uous to and F,a~terly of the following described line: BEGINNING at the ,intersection of the Westerly prolonga- tion of the North linc of Lot "A" of said Waits Subdivision with the Center line of the Department of Public Works Survey between Sttne Canal and Southern Pacitlc CroeeLa~ at Oildale, Road VI-KER-142-A as said Center line ie shown on rhone certain layout sheets filed December 27, 1940 In State Highway Map Book No. 1 at P~en 299 to 30~, Kern CoUnty Recorders, said Inter- section beluK ~neineer's Station Survey; thence 8outh O' 27' East. 170 feet along naid Center line of the Survey tn fha of the South line of North half of Lot "~"'of sa~d Subdivision. ! L gt,.~ ~gVd Z ~ ~ 3^I~V 00000 .... 000 OOC; 06~?LO'L Zt'99 ., 000 Z ..... lS¥~ °iS H£LC 0[[ ,- 06~ ~/LL/LL ~/LL/LL O00Z N., ZO[[6 ¥~ Q~zJsu3~ve ,.. 9-~6'0z~ S-ZZ'L6L ...... 00/00/00 IS¥3 '£S HiLL 0[£ ,,~ S-~'LOZ .............. L6L'~ ..... L ZLG-LO0 ~. 6-O0'LO~ ~/L~/LL .. ~g/L~/LL ...... L0£[6 ¥3 ~3I~S~3~¥8 000000~099 ... S-~8'f$6 ~-9~'Lg~ .... L~/L[/~O DAW N~lX~l ~[~ ~-Lt'O06 ............... LLg'Zg . gS60-96~[ ~FL / L ,~ !LO-LO0 ~. Z-gZ°OZL S-g9' LZ~ Zg'Z~ ~-9Z'BZ~ -- Z~0L-9Z[~ 33q A1136 ~ g NO/qIH U39NNOA L 3AII3W . 00000 ~. 000., 0000 ...... L 9-O()-9L~LO-~g OZ'~[~ aq3zJSa3~ivo lSV~ £S H£O~ OLZL ~ .. Z-OO-gZg~L g66S~0' ... ~t'LL .-, t96'[t 996~[9 ~ ., Z0[£6 VD Qq]ISSUg~¥O oes~o-~ .... so'9~ ....... aa zz~]~ ~oo[ ,. o6s~t [-S~'O[z ........... -~ Z[~ 9 ~ ,,, SXdW VLSIA Vge t ,~ !LO-LO0 -. [-99'0[9 · ~-~9'Z8£ gZ't[ ~-te'Z~[ .... ~9L~-TZO~ ,. VA3N~S I 9IOOf ~Vq3 3L-OO-[O-Z[O-~LO .. g-eS'S!! L 3^Zl3v . 00000 .. 000., 0000 ...... L L-O0-~L~ZL0-~8 . 0~'[~ . 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[-OZ'OL6'L 9-OL'9[Z'L 00~,~ ' -- ~/~0/~0 Avfl 3¢a]A WISIA 006 ~-ge't96 0~'96 g-gO'~9g gO0 ~LL ..... ~ :. 00000 - O-SL'9~L gg6S~0' .... g~'~ ... SgL'ZL S~L'ZL .... L[ZLL AN NAqX00aB [~ J- · 06ggLO'L .... S6'[ZL ...... £S QN033S SZL ,= J 06S~t PROPER,1Y DISCRIP1]ON NORTH LINE 921.82' SOUTH LINE~ - .... 880.48' EAST/WEST .... ]30.00' IOTAL SQ. FT. ....... 117,149.5 ACRES -2.83 ASSESSED VALUE ----- --$82,411.00 TAXES .......... 857.54 I~.RN COUNTY ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY AdfniniWative Office ~655 E Califon~o Av ........3223841 Conwunity Action Centers CaM PMk Facility Z0(10S0wens .............. 323 806] LowMi Youth Cmlter g~3-Sth ............ '....3258303 B~tto~wilk:)w Ul EF~t lut~o~wiliow .......... 7645072 DMano 701G~e~vo(~ [~o. ....... ' ........... 7250808 LMn(mt ]OgOTlbifl Lmnt. :.. ................. 845 379] Wasco 745EStWaKo ...................... 758 5374 Hesd Start C~ntrll AdrniniW~t~on 725 E California Av,324 4]86 Head Start Centors Hesd Sta/t Central Kib:hen 8~.5 Eurdo .......325 9806 BakerstiLqd West 926-mb .................. 323 0327 Calif(xnia Avenue ]OQOSOwens ............. 322 5640 Colone~ Ba~er lqlSFetizDr ................. 832 8454 Kirn Riw Vojley 450~ LMm Zsabefla BI Lake Zsab~ia,619 379 5855 Shaftar 452 Los AngduAv Shirr ..... ........ 746 6477 Taft 120Woodrow Talt ..................... 76353]4 )655 £ California Ay. 324 2686 A~'vin 8QQWalnutD~An .................... 854 3139 Bake~fi~d 5~0-4m ....................... 325 7205 Our LadyOf Guadalu~e 522E]lth ........... 323 7291 Butto~willow l],lEF'nt Bl~onw~lh~v ......... 764 5913 Wilco ~ ~ Ay Wesco ................ 7~81 CMito;nb ~ ]M~ ~ Mil ~ .... 619 373 4278 M~M 2Mgifl~ M~ ..................... 824 45]5 Tdu~i Z~S ~yes Tdm~ .............. 822 He~ FO~Ji~ 699 E 8~ ............ 327 97~ wit ~ E Cdiforn~Av ................... 3273074 Tmu~ ~ ...................... 3~ 594! D~m2Wes~e~J~o(s Pl'o~c~ 2655ECaJiforflMAv.325 2235 il~ Com~ EMdfluJ A~preW~ hiM~g.l~.324 O]O5 KCEOC SPACE ALLOCATION PROPOSAL SQ.FEET. 1, COMMUNITY'SERVICE PROGRAMS -- 1,q00 2, HEAD START 2,500 3, SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAMS .... 1,qO0 Q. ENERGY & REHAB. (ADMINISTRATION) 1,800 5. OPERATIONS, PLANNING & PERSONNEL 1,800 6, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 1,000 7. FISCAL (CONTROLLER & ACCOUNTING) 3,000 8. FAMILY HEALTH CLINIC 3,600 9. WEMON INFANTS AND CHILDREN (WI C) 3,600 10.CONFERENCE AND ALL PURPOSE ROOM 1,600 ll,COMMON AREAS .............. 1,000 12,RECEPTION AREAS (BOTH BUILDINGS) GO0 13,RESTROOMS (ALL ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDINGS)--, 300 lq,SAFE (WALK IN) ......... 100 15,SUPPLY ROOM 200 ;, TOTAL SPACE( ADMINISTRATIVE) (F & S) 23,900 1,: ENERGY STORAGE WAREHOUS.E /-1,800 2. MECHANIC, SHOP, COLD STORAGE 1,920 TOTAL SPACE (SHOP - METAL CONSTRUCTION)- 6,720 PROJECT OOST ESTIMAI-E LAND VALUE (117,149.5 X $2.50 PER SQ. FT.) $ 292'874.00 OFFICE BUILDING (23,900 X $55.00 PER SQ. FT.) 1,314,500.00 SHOP & STORAGE METAL BUILDING (6,720 X $8.00) 53,7EO.00 SIDEWALKS & MISC. CONCRETE 15,900,00 APPROACHES,CURB CUTS,SITE PREPARATION 10,000.00 PARKING AREA (BLACK TOP APPROX. ~,000. SQ. FT.) --- 136,000.00 FENCING (APPROX. 950 LONG X 7FT. HI~) ' q,750.00 INSURANCE AND SECURITY DURING CONSTRUCTION PHASE --- 12,000.00 LOAN ORIGINATION FEE DURING CONSTRUCTION (1 PT.) - 13,700.00 LOAN ORIGINATION FEE PERMANENT LOAN ( 2 PTS.) 30,000.00 INTEREST (CUMULATIVE FOR 1 YR. ON $1.8 MIL. ) ..... 1G2,000,00 PLANS AND SPECIFICATION 82,100.OO RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES 32,000.00 INCENTIVE AND MOTIVATION (LEASING & RE'LOCATION )--- 153,500.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED VALUE OF PROJECT $ 2,313,084.00 LAND AND IMPRO~EMEN~ ESTIMA1E ~_UE OF PROJECT $ 2,313,084 AMOUNT OF LONG 1ERM LOAN ( 75 ~ ) 1,734,813 EQUI1Y REQUIRED m_ (25 ~ ) 578,271 ES'[IMA1F_D PRE$~tT ~[.UE OF 1HE LAND ~ ( ]~3 ~ ~) ..... 292,8?4 ES'[IMA1E EQUI1Y DEFICIT $ 286,087 ES'[IMA1ED ANNUAL OPERATING EXPENSES P & I TO A~ORTIZF DEBT (25 YRS, 12. % ) ..... $ 219,258,00 TAXES ...... -23,000,00 INSURANCE .... 1 ~, 000. O0 UTILITIES (Ou'IIIDE LII]-ITING & WAllER ) 3,000.00 MANA~T. (PRI~'IE OR K{EOC ) ....... F.,,O00,O0 TOTAL Es'rImlED OPERATING EXPENSES ~ 279,2.5B.00 DEFICIT ANALYSIS ESTIMATED VALUE OF PROPOSAL $ 2,313,084.00 AMOUNT OF EQUITY REQUIRED BY THE LENDER 578,271.00 ESTIMATE AMOUNT OF PERMANENT LOAN $1,734,813.00 MONTHLY DEBT SERVICE:(25 YRS./ ]2~; )($18,271.00) YEARLY AGGREGATE PAYMENTS 219,252.00 ANNUAL OPERATING EXPENSES EO,O00.O0 ANNUAL PAYMENTS AND EXPENSES $ 279,252,00 , RENTAL OF OFFICE SPACE (2.3,F:/DO SQ. FT. X 7.20 = 172,080.00 RENTAL OF SHOP SPACE. ( 6,700 SQ. FT. X 4.80 = 32,55G.00 TOTAL RENTAL INCOME 204,3~G.00 ESTIMATED YEARLY DEFICIT $ 74,916.00 AMOUNT OF EQUITY TO REDUCE DEFICIT TO "0" 592,751.00 12 % LAND VALUE (DEFICIT) 286,087.CD TOTAL AMOUNT OF PARTICIPATION REQUIRED $ 878,838.00 Sl/ NDARD CERTIFICATIONS THE OWNERS CERTIFIES THAT THE PROPERTY IS AVAILABLE FOR THIS PROJECT, 2, THE PROPERTY IS CLEAR OF ANY LEINS AND / OR ENCUMBERANCES WHICH MAY PREVENT IT FROM BEING USED FOR THE INTENDED PURPOSE, 3. KCEOC PLANS TO LEASE THE PREMISES, SUBJECT TO THE LIMITATIONS 'IM- POSED ON IT BY THE VARIOUS FUNDING SOURCES, 4, A FORMAL EVALUATION OF 1HE PROJECT CAN ONLY BE MADE AFTER PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND APPROVED, 5, BOTH THE CI1Y AND 'DiE OWNER WOULD APPROVE ALL LEASE AEREEMENTS. BO'IH 'DiE CITY AND 'DiE OWNERS WOULD APPROVE ALL CHANEE ORDERS, 7, EVIDENCE OF FINANCING TO BE GIVEN AFTER PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS HAVE BEEN COMPLE1ED AND APPROVED, 8, CERTIFICATION OF PROPER LAND USE TO BE PROWDED, 9, CERTIFICATION OF ALL PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, SNND ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION BY A LICENSED ARCHITECT DURING EVERY PHASE OF THE PROJECT, 10.THE PROJECT COULD BE COMPLETED WITHIN 1 YEAR, JOHNENRIQUEZ, ENRIQUEZ CONSTRUCTION TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION'A Cover Letter 8(a) Certification Letters CHFA Letter SECTION B CDBG Application Construction'Cost Breakdown Purchase Contract on Subject Par'cel SECTION C Personal Resume Financial Statements 1~84 and 1985 Tax Returns SECTION A NEDA San Joaquin Valley, Inc. BAKERSFIELD MINORITY BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER November 5, 1986 · Funded By: MINORITY BUSINESS DEV~OPMENT AGENCY (M.B.D:A.) u.s. DEP~TM~NT Mr Stanley Grady OF COMMERCE * Community DeVelopment CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear stan: ~ ~' .~ ~ .... Enclosed is an application for assistance from your Community Development Block Grant Program being submitted on behalf of John Enriquez and Enriquez Construction Company. The ~request is for a deferred loan in the amount of $65,000 to purchase a parcel of land located at the southeast corner of Robinson and Dolores. It would be structured similar to the agreement between the City and Enriquez Construction on the CHFA project w~'~e 'the City buys the land and is repaid after sale of the property. Enriquez Construction Company's growth over the last several years necessitates using the parcel to build a 2800 square foot shop in addition to 2400 square feet of office space (see enclosed blueprints). It is anticipated that Enriquez Construction Company will be hiring an additional ten to twenty new employees over the next year based on several factors: 1. The growth rate over the last four years-- YEAR TOTAL REVENUE 1983 $ 218,566 1984 $ 276,774 1985 $ 468,432 1986 $ 223,267 (six months) 2. An increase in bonding capacity from $100,000 to $250,000 in the last six months. This is a crit'ical element necessary for bidding larger, more lucrative contracts. 3. They are in the final stages of approval for the 8~(a) Set Aside Program with the Small Business Administration. Final approval is expected in early 1987. This should increase business volume significantly (see enclosed letters). 4. The California Housing Finance Agency has approved a 28-unit~ sing~!e family project (Virginia Colony.) to be : developed by Enriquez Construction 'located at Potomac and Bates in the County of Kern (see enclosed letter). 1308CHESTER ·BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNiA93301.($05) 328.1111 Stanley Grady November 5,,1986 Page Two In addition, this parcel i,s located in the south~,gast~ Enter.pr, ice ~?'?~°~e whit5 will allow very favorable tax incentives for the Company. With the assistance of the Bakersfield Minority Business Development Center, the growth of this Company can be properly managed', ensuring the success of this venture. We look forward to working with the City to assist this project and foster economic development in the area. Should you have any questions or require any additional information, please feel free to~tact our office.. Sincerely, ~? //'~' ~-_~-ina~l ana!j~t JB:mjl cc: John Enriquez, Enriquez Construction '.. ,. ?g..,,.,o U.S. SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ~ ~,j,> 2202 MONTEREY STREET '{ ~"<?'"-';-{°~ FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93721 CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED October 10, 1986 Enriquez Construction 1416 Beale Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 Dear Mr.-E.nriquez: Public Law 96-481 requires that no firm may be admitted to the section a(a) · -program without a Fixed Program Participation Term. Accordingly, the p~oposed Fixed Program Participation Term (FPPT) contained in~ your business plan has been reviewed together with additional data submitted in connection therewith. Pursuant to rules and regulations published at 13 C.F.R.124.1-1(f), SBA is required to negotiate such terms after· consideration of several factors. A careful analysis of all the factors required to be considered has :esu!ted a finding that your FPPT should be within a range of three (3) years and four (4) years. The recommendation is, in part, based on the roi!owing factor: Business Networth Business Assets As a result of your showing in the above areas, a Fixed Program Participation Term of three (3) years will be adopted unless we receive a letter from your firm indicating specific justification for a longer term within the range noted above. .~ong the criteria which SBA will consider for extending this term within the range noted above are the following: i. Alleged error or misinterpretation in SBA's initial evaluation. 2. Exceptional circumstances unique to your concern, such as~ ... (a) additional time needed to coincide with loan repayment terms, or other business planning schedules, and/or (b)extraordinary unforeseen events have had a tem?orary adverse impact on your concern's operations. Page 2 You may request' a meeting with the District Director, or his designee, to discuss the proposed participation term for the purpose of arriving at a negotiated date. Such.a request shall' not obviate the need for your firm to provide SBA with your written justification within the time specified above. Personal appointments should be held within ten business days of your request. SBA will' review your reasons for a-longer period of participation and will advise you, after.-, our ~review, of the term to be recommended. advised that the burden of proof is on you to present facts and information in support of your position. We are not authorized to recommend nor approve a Fixed Program. Participation-Term- any greater than four (4) years for your firm.' You must' convince us tha~ such maximum period is warranted for your business, please be' advised that negotiation of a Fixed Program Paffticipation Term is not an acceptance into the 8(a) program, that decision can only be made by the Associate Administrator for Minority Small Business and Capital ~nership .Development, SBA, Central Office, Washington, D.C. Please contact me at (209)487-5491 if you have any further questions. Sincerely, S.e~en J. ~'enyo :'./.. Con~ract Specialis'~ -~__.~ ,.~'E'~--~ b" U.S. SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRAT ON ~'~'-~ai~'~].' ';~ ' 2202 MONTEREY STREET '~, ~s~ .~ FRESNO~ CALIFORNIA 93721 October 28, 1986 Enriquez Construction 1416 Beale Avenue Bake~sfi-eld, CA 93305 Dear Mr. Enriquez: I have reviewed your letter of October i4, 1986 relative to the length of your firm's Fixed Program Participation Term (FPPT). I have considered your explanation and, accordingly, h'ave decided to recommend a four (4) year FPPT for your firm. This is the maximum number of years allowed for your initial FPPT pursuant to' our Standard Operating Procedure. Please be advised that this is only a. recommendation and that your entrance into the 8(a) program as well as your FPPT will be detarmined by our Washington, D.C. office. If you have any further.questions, please'contact me at (209) 487-5491.' Sincerely, Con~ract Specialist !../ CALIFORNIA HOUSING FINANCE AGENC A~D C~ DIRECTORS S~BASTIANO ST~pA ~ ~ HOO~ ~ P' ~ O~obe~ ~0, ~t~e ~r~ ~ng C~ ~ Enriguez Construction Company o~r~eo~~~ 1416 Beale Avenue ~co Bakersfield., CA~ 93305 '- ~ Re: Virginia -'Colony ~t of H~ng a~ JO~ ~ ~OGHE~ Dear Mr. Enriguez: ~e~ ~,r~~ As Dee Molina indicated during her discussion with you, ~s~.~ the Agency has reviewed and approved the above ~c~,o referenced development for mortgage financing. In this ,~mloN,~ GO~N regard, it may be poss~:ble to have"the commitment fees ~, for this development pledged, on you~ behalf, from the '~'~'~ Agency's Development Loan (D~) fund If you are ~c~co~p~,:~c. interested in having the commitment fees pledged, pleas.e complete the ~nc. 10sed application and return it 1~ H~NO~ to the undersigned.at the following address: : lam~ Henddcks a~ ' e~o California Housing Finance A~ency ~,~OOGE 5711 Slauson Avenue, Suite %00 D~ Culver City, CA 90230 ~e.~ Please note that evidence of ownership, gross receipts and costs incurred must accompany the application. I~m~u~ you have any ~estions, please do not hesitate to 5~ contact Dee Molina at (213) 736-2355 or Raul Saca at ~c~ ~415) 557-2740. ' C~a(e ~ Sincerely, ~UR ,~ROW ~h~.~.~. inority ~d Small Business Developmen~ H~/da o~S ~]~ Attac~ent r.?r_~.;O,, FOR CDBG HOUSZN$ ~-~,r~'no~m~'? ASSISTANCE I. Address/!oca:ion of projecz' 1211 Dnlnr~ StrPPt ........ ~NO. AND S~Ei) Onher Description: APN 017-370-0]-00-32 . o Sz~Ee :he naCre.s::' cross ' s~ree~ ............. -- . -, ~ _, ~, ,:f,.,~ ~:, to ;he deve~o~men5 s~se: Robinson Street '~ ,' = 1 (Low ~ ~ ~./: s ) 3. Yoza! n'~mb e r -- True o= Ur. it Unit '- - - =- Tx~e/Uni~ - Rent income Unit ~'.~5e~ / ~ann rooms E~. · Base Commercial 5200 /. Land Us= and~ =~ Current' Zoning M-2 Gross area ~o be developed i6~9 acre<s) = 3O:flOO _sc .... ~- 689 = sm .... _~=~ =_== :o be d=v=;ooed acre(s) 30,000 >~xim,~ Density ~ lowed/Proposed: =a-~-~= Rem'd/ e ' Units/Azre Sm. =-' '/UT:it P~ovided One space per ' 200 scuare feet Der_s i:y of ?ropcsed ?rojec:: zncre cu-~ent!)' a structure on '~is site yes × nc indicate type of structure: Cc.-rn_~erical X , Residenta! Other · (Describe) 6. Lf 5here is an e,._st~ng esidentia! structure {ndicat N,~mber of tenants 5o be displaced: O ~ ' Deveiooer's relocation/displacement oians: N/^ . _n_.~.. _es _._X__ 7.E~av=_ development ~zans been submitted =c- ~lan ~' ~"~ v ~o ~ ' D_-n " Yes No _ ~ Ecs a., appliaa:~°n '== made ~o 5he City for = =' b==n issued? if ~-~ x-=~ !qo X ~aasa.aszi~aze v~han cna could be obnained. Fro zra~ Benefit _~.e :am~z~, Housing ?rice ~-ich ~oan . ,--_=_ ~ri.= :.ssiscance N/A S s '$ s Mu!~i-Tar:iiy Housio-~ Market Rent w/ Sect. 8 No. of Bd~s. ~_mcun: of ASSLscance Requested $ 65,000 r sis Reaues .-.ed: . . _ AS 2ance Land Write Do%~n (reduce land pa.vment to reduce costs). Unit Price Reduction (defer land.Patient co reduce cOscs). Off Site Improvements (s~reet, sidewalk, curbs, & gutters and other public work improvements). Pre-development Assistance (land acquis~ion by agency wi:h full repa)~ent, public offsite improvements, aba~ement of fees and pe~i:s). · z · Caoi~a! Outlay RedUction~':(-Iand acquisition with. rep.~y+ '~ _ menn no reduce upfon: ou[-of-pocken·expenses). O~her (soecify) land acq,,i~itinn with nn r~paympnt ~ntil ~nl~ nf prn9- prty. To h~ ~tructu~d in th~ same fashion as City agreement with Enriqu~z Cnn~tr~mtinn nn C.H_F_A. ~ ~.__ :ne loan would be mace Name of deveiooer enuinv (zhe name and mi:le would be uakan). John F. Enriqtm_r .....? i,;ame a.~ idenzify' print=.,oa~s~ in z'~n=_ deve!ooer enni:y:- · ~ame m~ ,-] =/Position ~ohn F. Enriquez Owner Denise Enri~uez Administrative Secretary (Use addiziona! para=- -.'= necessary) 3. ;.;-na.m ~is :he ie§a! sma.-_us of mhe developer en.-_i:y? (check one). lndzv,_dua!(s) X L~d. P-_realm Gert'! Pcrship Coroora:ion O.~her (specify): 4. Mailing address of developer enuity: 1416 Beale Avenue Bakersfield 93305 .....,..:. }'e_-slP. s: _klOhn Enrifi~m7 305'" 325-8896 . Ben i .s~ Enri film7 ( ~ - John Enri. Quez Jr. ( ) - 6. Lis: lender- in g'akersfield wi:h "~ developer has working rela~,o,.s,.-~. _ :_~_ HON_ ~ r~n--~ CO~'~TACT PERSON Califnrnia Rppllhlir Rank-Ch~ter Gardy B,,c~ (805) 3qS-.~gOO California Republic Bank-Rmrnard St,=ve Van~rhak (80g) ~cl.~-g~q70 ,_~en:n-y !-nd_r f~r :his ~ Sarl ~loaq,dn Rank Arnold ,lohanq~n (R05) 395-1472 2. Does deveiooer hay= =-== and clear -i-_la :o -hr ~and?' ~o XX --' answer. ':: ':no", ~!ease £xoia':p-: Dmvelnn~r haq m~rchaq,a cnntr._~Ct - '~-~ how does deve!ooar have conuro! · :~ ~ruauions, couiom maoers over the sise? (Co~,zes c= escrow ~.s . , -n . ~_= __~=_s__e). Purchase contract enclosed 4. Land value: S 6~,000 (Land value based on Purchase =-~c=~ XX cr --..o~razsa'-~ ) (Par: D requests doc,~.en=&:ion .5o suooor~ land value). ........... - COSZS .- Projected. Develoomen-Costs Tc~al Land · $ 6~ ;DO0 Site Improvements: On Site Off Si~e Construction Costs(see cost ~reakd0wn sheet) 77~000 ' developer inci:y) l~'nz_-es:~, during conszrUzzion Arch. & Engin__ri~= 'n=.= ==~- a. Es-~-=-=a Gross 2nz~--~o S b. ?__=ss: oo_r-ni_-.go = ' exoe.-.sas .. ) ,.., " ,:'-' s S( ) c. .,x:=.- in. zcne (a-b) Z_n-_=_ro=_-- ii.f-:-:.-" '.- e.. Jo: ~?endab!e intone (c-d) S - 2'- SOUP, Z-- S OF ~ ~ beveioDer ~_ne !:em As~zvirv Funds .E~uir<~2'~. b. ReZocszicn of Persons and 5usiness c. Clezrsnce and ~. ~ff-SLze ir.:rcve- ~ .... .(s':: cf ~ines a-j) m. To:-i ?roiec: Cos:= (s~2 c= :~ k-l) $~.nnn $2!,000 ~0- - ~= ~= ~a== =,~ecify, :he source and use o'f o,-_-her funds -'~=v a-e no: in~iu6ed on :his fo_~. -'' The developer% equity will be in the form of a cash injection. AIER ~CAVA?ION~ & GRADING ARPENTER LABOR. ROUGH 2 ' '~, '" &RDWARE, FINISH aRAGE DOOR OOFING M~E~IAL OOfflN~ L~O~ ,OOR6 ;AffiH 'RAMES ,CREEN~ ,PECIAL F[OOR8 ~ WAINSCOTS OTHER sHOWER DOOR ,EWER OR CESSPOOL .IGHTING FIXTURE[ VEATHERSTRIPPING ,HADES & B~INDS NCINERATOR .AWN SPRINKLERS ;;LEAN UP ~NStJRANCE, 6~MPENSATION, P,L. · P,D. ~OINT CONTROL '~'~* SUB TOTAl. '' ~UiLO[R~ O, H. ~ PROFIT , ,,.,.,,,. ,, ,,~,,,.,¢~ .,,~,,.., ,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,,.,,.,,~,.. ,, ,,.,,,. ,,,,,, ,.,,,-,,:,., ~,,,,.,,,,.,,, ,,, ,,,. ,.,,~,,,,,,,.,~ ,.,,,,. CHARLES TINGEY ASSOCIATES HEAL ESTAIE BROKERAGE PURCHASE CONTRACT AND RECEIPT FOR DEPOSIT Bakcrsl!ield ;" ., California. Oc[:ober t;) , 19__8.0 Rsce. tved hem ...... l~t_~_~.i, que z Cons r. ruc t Ion Co.jllany e~lqencud ~y Notional Clmgk LJ, Cauhlo~'e chock Iii, or ~ ~ ..... :..__~ .......... [~, payuble Io S[uwa rt TI Io be held uncashed until, acceptance el lifts oiler, as'deposit on account el purchase price In'l~e ClIy of Bake re [le Id ,Counly el Kern .... Calilornla described as tollows: , ,See Addendum l. cum 1116 ,' TERMS QF PURCHASE 1, DEPOSIT: Cbs[lea ]lnguy Aeeoctaloe'(B~oker) la aulh0rlzed by Buyer Io hold tho depoell unlll accoplance el 11~16 eliot, Ihen Io place ~alfl oepoell In ~oker'a Irual accounl EJ, or escrow ~. 2. PURCHASE PRICE: In addlllon Io IhS above depoell Buyer shall ~opoall In u8ctow Ihs balance el purcheso price a~ Iollowe: 3. ESCROW: ...~_~_~.[~ ~_~_[.[.~]~u2~a~.~_ .................... ~ ....... I~ hereby duslonalUd afl tho e~c~ow holdu~ lot the putpose carrying gui ihs letms el Ihle conlracl. ~uye¢ and Seller ehall deliver signed Inelrucllone to escrow wllhln 10__ business days fielter'~ acceptance which shall provide fur closing on or belore ~..[~fil~..~:L~ ........ t9 ............. eubJecl Io wHtlen exlenelone elgned Dy Buyer an~ Seller. Esc~ow Ieee Io be paid as Iollow~: As CusL'o.~j~ Ke[~Cou[l.~y 4. TllLE:Ttlluistobeheuolllen~,encumb~ances, eusomenlfl, restHcllons dflhls and conditions ol record or known lo Seller, olhetlhan Ihs Iollowlnfl: (11 CuHonl p~opeHy la'xo~, (2) cuvo~a~llo, comllllon~, ~eolHcllum~, iuld public ullltly o~omoid~ of record, II any, provided Ihs o~ho dO nol advm~uly affecl Ihu conllnuud u~o el the p~oporly to~ purposes lot which II i~ p~esuJ~lly botng used, unless reason- ably di~appwvud bV Buyer In wdling wilhin ..... ~.~ ..... business days et ~oceipl el a cuuont p~ellndnary ~upoH furnished by Seller al ___ Se [ h, [_~.xpo.~o, and (3) ~/~_ .... ....................... Company, sllowhlg lille veiled In Buyer ~ubjecl only 1o Ihe above. II Seller {I) Hi unwilling 0~ unable Io elhninate any lille maltu~ diuapp~ovud by Buyer as above, Seller may lem~inale Ihl~ conhacL el (2) lall5 lo dulivu~ Itllu a5 above, Buyer may le~mlnale Ihls conl~acl. Irt either case, Ihu auposll ~llall be ~ulumud Io Buyer. 5. PROPERTY ]'AXES: Property laxe~, p~emiums on insurance acce~lable lo Buye~, rents, interest, utililius and ope~aling expenses shall be pm.~aled a~ el the close el escrow, o~ If no escrow, then upon tim dale el ~eco~dalion el deed. The amount el any bond o~ as~ess- menl which is a lien shall be paid by __.~;[e~ ......... Seller shall pay cosl el transler taxes, if any. Buyer has been inlo~med and acknoN~udues thai by vtHue el Caltlomia law, the real property which is subjucl to II~i5 Purchase Conl~acl will be subject to red,sass. menl h)~ property taxes upon the completion el Ihe Iransler or, in the case el new conshuction, upon Ihe complelion el construclion. Il said u~assessmenl el properly rosulls in addillonal laxes, said adjuslmenl will bo [ollecled In Ihe Buyer's policy el lille insurance issued by Ihe ~sc~ow hoIde~ al Ihu close of 6. POSSESSION' Puss,ssion shall be delivered to Buyo~ (a) on close el escrow, or (b) nol later Ihan business days alter close el esc~o~, ~[ II no esc~ow, Ihen upon the date ~] race,dalton of deed. 1. VESTING: Unless olherwise designated in Ihe esczow instruction el Buyer, lille shall vest as Iollows: (The manner of laklng lilts may have stgnllicanl legal and lax consequences, lhe~elo[e, give lifts mailer sedges conslderallon.) . fl. CONIlIACI COMPLIANCE: Il any comlillon ul this co~llacl, Includh~g any addt~ldum ~Hlacht~d ho~olo, ha~ nol been walvo~ wilhln Ihs lime limits a~)d pursuant to the provision herein, or il, prior lo close of esclow, Seller is unable io ~emove any exceptions title disapproved by Buyer after a good leith ellod to do so, and Buyer Is unwlllt~g to take lille 5ubjocl Ihe~olo, Ihen this contract sllall at Ihs end el the applicable period el lime, Including any agreed upon wdllen exlenslons, become null and void.and Ilie dopoall shall there. upon b~ hnmeOlaleiy returned Io Buyer and the escrow cancelled. 9. ADDENDA:.:, Any addendum atlachod hereto and eltho~ signed o~ initialled by bolh Ihs Buyer and Seller shall be deemed a part hereof. This cont~acl expresses Ihs enll~e agreement o{ Buyer aha Setle¢ and the~e ate no oll~et understandings, oral o¢ wrillen, whic~ I~ any matador altu~ or enlarge lt~ terms. Seller and Buyo~ agree Io execule such addlllonal documunl$ riel Inconslslenl herewll~;~a may be reasonable and necessary Io ca~ry out Ihs provisions el this contract. 10. FOREIGN INVESIMEN]' REQUIREMENTS: ~he Foreign Investmenl In Real Ptopu~ly Tax Act el 1980, aa amended by Ihs Tax Act el 19~4, place~ special requirements lot lax reporting and withholding on the pa[ties Io a real estale hansactlon where Ihs Seller¢ Is a non-¢esidonl alien or non-domestic corporation or parlne[5lfip of'Is a domealic corpotalion or pa/Inershlp controlled by non. {o$i0enla o~ non-~eSldent corpo~alJona of partnerships, flolh Buyer and Seller agree Io execute an atlldavll, supplied by Brok~; concerning specilic disclosures required by Ihis amendment to Ihs Tax Relorm Acl el 1984. INITIAL SELLER: INITIAL BUYER: ~ : II. ARBI'[RATION: If Ihu o~dy conl~ovo~sy or claim bulweon Ihs parliu= a~isus dUI el or ~olalo5 Io Ihu di3posilio~ el Ihu Buyur'5 doposil, such co:tl~ovu~sy el rialto'shall al the election el the parties be decided by albit~allon. Such a~blt~alion shall be dele~mlned tn accord. inca wilh lira Rulu~ el lbo AlnorJcan Arbitration A5aoclalJon, and Judgmonl upon tho awmd umdemd by IIIo AlbJl~alo~(s) iliay bo In any cuuH having jurisdiction Ihmuol. *the pgovt~lons el ~odu~ol Civil Procedure Suctlou 1283.05 shall bo applicable Io such arbltralion. 12. A~ORNEY'S FEES: In Ihe evunl Ihal the I)a~llus Io Ihls conlracl lind It necessary Io lnslllule legal proceedings to enlolce tl~e pmvis~ons el lifts ag~umnenl Iho p~evalling party In uald ~utl or aclion uhall be entllled to ~ucovur Ironi the non-prevailing party, all cosls associaled wtlh such sull o~ acllon, Including reasonable attorney's lees and costs. 13.TIME: Time is el lbo Ousence el Ibis 14, AGREEM'EN [ OF *IHE PARRIES: ~htu conl~acl [ep[ouenls Ihe entire and IntugJatud agreement el Ihe parties hmulo. NO amendment, auppl~munl o~ IoH~,htullon hureol sh~ll be valid except by way el a wdllng uub~cHbud by the pm IIo~ 15. ACC~P~ANCEIEXP RAT ON: This con~lllulee an oiler Io purchase Ilm described pm'pu~ty..pnlosu acceptance Is signed by Seller~and Ihe alined copy delivered lo Buyer, In .pe~son or by mall lo Ihe add,ecs below, within ~ __~ buuhmes days, Ibis oiler shall be deemed ~evokod and Ihe depoull alkali be [elurned lo the Buyer. BUyer acknowledges Ihat Buym.hus read lids Contract and has retained a copy Ihereot. Page 1 of 2 Buye~ agrees Io PUrChase the properly on the lerms and conditions stated here!nabove, Incl,udlng any addlilo~al provisions on any addendum Hder o~ exhlbll altached herelo. " Receipt 01 this oiler and Ihe above deposll is acknowledged... Recelpl. ol. a,c~oy, hexeol Is acknowledged. · ~ ' ', Date: October 9' 19 80 Date: ' ' 19 ....... ' BUYER' Address ~( CO t,a.l. Ll'orn;It~ Avenu~.~ ~.;u [L.~ 205 ...... By ....... Bakecs[.[e.l.d, CA Telephon~(~OS) '327-9451 d tess' 1416 Beale nu{ ' ' I~aker,. [:l. el.d, CA Telephone~O5 ) 325-8R96 ACCEPTANCE The undersigned Seller accepls and agrees Io sell the property on Ihe above terms and conditions. The Seller agrees to pay Charles Ttngey AssociaJes the amounl of~ .............. : .... Dollars ($.._: .............................................. ) SlX D o ' Or .................... ( ........ Ye) el the accepted sales price as a commission for Broker's services rendered In eltecting Ihe sate. Sald. com- mission Is payable as follows: (a) On recordallon of the deed or other evidence of lille, or (b) II complellon of sale Is prevenled by delaull el Seller, upon Seller's default or. (c) If completion el sate ts prevented by default of Buyer, only If and when Seller collecls damages ~rom Buyer, by s~ll or olhe[wtse and then In an amount not less than one-hall ct the damages recovered, bul not Io exceed Ihe above fee, after first deducting lille and escrow expenses and the expenses of collecllon il any. In any action between Broker and Seller arising oul of Ibis contract, the prevailing parly shall be enlitled to reasonable altorney's lees and coals. The undersigned acknowledges receipl of a copy and aulhorlzes Broker(~) Io deliver a signed copy Io Buyer. SELLER' Ly].es I):[vers.l.f:l. ed, Inc, Date: ' A ~EAL ESTAIE BBOKEB IS THE PERSON QUALIFIED TO ADVISE ON BEAL ESTATE. IF YOU DESIRE LEGAL ADVIGE GONSULT YOU~ AT'TO,NEY. IBROKER REVIEW: ADDENDUM . Tills AI):DENI)UM AND ALL OF THE PROVISIONS INCLUDED I'IEI~.EINBELOW SHALL BE MADE. PAI¥1' OF AND ATTACHED HERETO THE PUR. CHASE CONTRACT AND RECEIPT FOR DEPOSIT DATED OCTOBER 9, 1986, BY AND BE'I'WEEN 301'1N ENRIQUEZ AND 3OHN ENRIQUEZ 3R.,' AS BUYER AND.LYLES DIVERSIFIED, INC.~ AS SELLER. //16 l~urchase pro. perry Tile purchase property contains appr:oxi.~ately 30,000 square"leer and is located.on tile south side o[ Delores Avenue between RobiJ~son Street and Miller Street in tile ·City o! BakersJield. It is additionally described as Assessor's Parcel Nu~nber 17-370-01 (reler tO parcel map attached 'herewith). · .//17 Purchase Price& l'er~s upon acceptance oI oiler Buyer shall deposit $1,000,00 as ~ood [aitll deposil~ with the escrow holder. The total pur.ch~se price sllall be $fi~,000.00 and shall be paid in all cash at tile close of escrow, including the above deposit. fils Bu),er's Conditions This sale is subject to and contingent upon the following Buyer's Conditions: 18/11 Buyer's,reveiw al~d approval oI prelim.mary title report witl~ thirty (30) busi~less days of receipt tl~ereol'. 18112 Buyer's verificatio~ of zoninE and all utilities, tile:loci!fig but slot lif~ited to, water, sewer, stor~ss drai~laije, electric:al, telepl~o~se, gas, et(:., witlml thirty (30) bust'ness days o! acceptance hereol'. l~f13 Buyer's veri'lica, tion oI all oil-site iinprove,nents, i~cludinE but not li,,~ited to, sidewalks) street ligllts, curb~, gut'ters, utc., as recluired by the Building Codes within thirty (30) business days o[ accei)ta~ce hereof. l~//tt Buyer to inspect and approve the physical conditioll 01 the purchase property within thirty (30) business .days oI aCCel)ta.ce he'reol. 18fl5 Buyer to sub,s,it plans and applicatio~ for com~unity develop,s~ent assista.ce to the appropriate algency witlfin tllirty (30) days. 18fl6.Buyer prior to the close of escrow shall have approval Irom governmental agency lot community develop~.e,'~t assistance. Sliould .,l~>, ol tilt: preccclill~ collditio(~sllot bc:l,sc'.t to tl~t~ I~uyur':; :~atisiactio~ witl~i~ tl~u .spFcilied ti~.e periods, buyer si'i/il! have the rigl~t to cal~cel said escrow with Ilo lurther obligation or ollset and all deposit ~,loney sliallbe relunded to hi~.. In the t:vent Buyer cancels the escrow alter all the isbove periods llave expired, the deposit I,soney shall be iorleited 1:o tl~e Seller. ill9 Close ol Escrow The close ol escrow shall be on March i, lC)Eft, or sooner, at tile sole discretion ol tl~e buyer. · //20 Exclusive Representation by CTA Purclsaser and Seller hereby acknowledl~e that Charles 'l'inl~ey Associates represents both parties herein and Purchaser a~d Seller co~lserit tllereto and therelore, no other borker or agent other than Charles Tinlgey Associates is ,~volved i,i this tra,~saction or is esstitled to any co,,sl.ission or lee. : ACC. Ei~'i'ANCi~.: ]OLIN ENI~,IQI. JEZ & ]OLIN I!NILIQUI.:.Z .lit.. LYLI"S I)IVEILSII':II_:I), INC. By__ By, " John [:-nr iquez · ':"' r',^ l~ ,~X Date Date ". .... ' NOTICE TO OWNERS, BUYERS AND TENANTS ~, :;. REGARDING HAZARDOUS WASTES OR SUBSTANCES AND UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS Comprehensive federal and state laws and regulations have'been.enacted in the last years in an ef[ort to develop controls over the use, storage~ handling, clean-up, removal and disposaloft~azardous wastes or substances. S0meo[ these laws and regulations, such as, [or example, the so-called "Super[und Act", provide.. [or broad Ii'ability schemes wherein an owner, tenant or other user o[ the property may.be liable [or clean-up costs and damages regardless o[ fault. Other laws and regulations set standards lot tile' handling of asbestos or establish requirements for the use,;.modif.ication, abandonment, or closi.ng o[ underground storage tanks. It is not practical or possible to list all such laws and regulations in this Notice. TI3.~re~re~'owners, buyer.s and tenants are urged to consult legal counsel to determine their respective rights and liabilities with respect to the issues described in this Notice as well a.s all other aspects o[ the proposed transaction. 1[ hazardous wastes or substances have been, or are going to be used, stored, handled or disposed ~[ on the property, or i~ the property has' or may have un'derground storage tanks, it is essential that legal and technical advise be obtained to determine, among other thi'ngs~ what p~rmits and approvals have been or may be required, ii[ any, the es[imated costs.and expenses associated with the use, storage, handling; clean-up, removal or disposal of. the h~zardous wastes or substances and what contractual provisions and protections are necessary Or desirable. It.may also be important to obtain expert assistance [or site investigations and building inspections. The past uses o[' the property may provide valuable in[ormation as to the likelihood o[ hazardous wastes or substances~ or underground storage tanks being .on the property. A!t~ough Charles Tingey'Associates will disclose any knowledge it actually possesses Gith respect to the existence o[ hazardous wastes or substances, or underground storage tanks on the property, Charles Tingey Associates has not made invest!ga'tions or obtained reports regarding the subject matter o~ this Notice, except as may be described in a separate written document signed by Charles Tingey Associates. Charles Tingey~;, Associates makes no representations regarding the existence or nonexistence hazardous wastes or substances, or underground storage tanks on the property. You should contact a pro[essional~ such as a civil engineeri geologist~ industrial hygienist or d~her persons with experience in these matters to advise you concerning the property. The term "hazardous wastes or substances" is used in this Notice in its very broadest sense and .includes, but is not limited to, petroleum base products, paints and solvents, lead, cyanide, DDT, printing inks, acids, pesticides, ammonium compounds, asbestos, PCBs and other cl~emical products. .Hazardous wastes or substances and underground storage tanks may be present on all types o[ real property. This Notice is there[ore meant to apply to any transaction' involving any type of real property~ wl~etl~er improved or unimproved. Acknowledgement o[ receipt o[ copy this ~day o[ , .19__ ~ SECTION C ENRIOUEZ .... " I_ieense No. 226677 '1416 Beale Avenue Bakersfield; California 93305 (805) 325-6896 John. F. F~riquez 827 Pacific Street Bakersfiel. d,' CA -.. (805) 325-8896 Age: 52 years' ~rried: 33 years- Children: 7 ', · ." -Resident: ¢7 years Experience [964 - 1986 John F. Enriquez, General Contractor v' ... [98i - [983 Presidio Construction Inc. Partner t973 - 1985 Enriquez Construction Co. [970 - 1972 Rio Construction Partner [966 - [969. Bakersfiei.d Concrete &Construction Co. Partner & Vice President 1964 - 1965 Great \Vestern Builders " Partner_ July 1964 Contractor with a B-[ License 1952 - 1964 DAKitchen Construction Co. Started as an apprent ce in 1955 and becarre a full-time journeyman in Nov~-nber 1958. Worked on heavy construction, bridges, highways, high rise buildings, schools and hame develoFrrent. Affi[iati. ons Board ~,ber ' Jefferson 19'7¢ -: 1976 School Parent , Teachers Association 197¢ - [976 Board ~ber - Parents Advisory Board, Jefferson School '- 1976 - 1978 Board ~.~,ber and President ' Washington Jr. High School Parent,- Teachers Association CONSTRucTION COMPANY License No. 226677 , 1416 Beale Avenue Bakersfield, California'93305 (805) 325-8896 1970 - [975 P~.esident-- Y0un§ ~n's Institute Counci! Kni§hts'.of Co[Lrnbus - ~th De§tee 1976 - 198! Chapter President - California Association of : ~' .~.,. ~ Minority ATerican Contractor - Kern County 1979 - [9gl Board Member - C.A.M.A.C. -,State Wide Trustee [97g - 1981 Kern County High School District ~st.er Plan C~mdttee 1950 -'[982 Na'tiona[ Hispanic Housing Coalition - Chapter President Service City. School D[stF ct Parent and Teachers Service .AWard and Lifetime ~f'ber. -'. '. Kern County. High School Citizen Advisory COT~ittee Award. .Call[omi& Association of Minority ,~Ynerican Contr~ctor"Carnino Real ,%~rd. Special Donations - Direct Supervision Ridgecrest Hospi(al Landing- Hell.copter Pad San Clemente Church Recreation Hall- Site Con'struction Gu~delupe Church -.- Site Construction- Adobe Project - OldiFairgrounds .. .? .'St. 30seph Church'- Offsite Project ~U~Z CONSTKUCT~ON CONPA~Y , B~SFZ~L~ C~IFO~NI~ 9~305 CURRENT AH~T8 ~ CASll ON 1lAND (:A~IIi IN BANK ' ~3~420 2,740 · .' ACCOUNTS ItECEZVAB~ )67,768 ": TOTAL CURItENT &~SET$ '.,' ;,, ,' :' tI~NSPO~.rAgION EqUIPN~:NT (SEE SCitEDUL~ "~") 72,461 ' . .: LE¢I~ ACCU~U~TE DEP~C TION A~ 12-31-85 (94,3262 ,.. '',./ "¢ ' CAPITAL ' . : '..:' : . . ".:.:- ,' , :'~ ~'2 4 . .. ;' .",. ,~.'.'; ' "' , [' '"- IRIqUEZ CONSTRUCTION COMP,~'~ o : ,t~';' 1416 BE~LE AVENUE ,': .. '; ' ; ' ':' ~R~FIELD, CALIFORNIA 9330~' '. JUNE 30, 1986 :'. ,. · . ~AL EaTATE P~PERTIES ".~h.'.,' 1416 GORRILL ~T. (~0~ CO~LETED) ~,200 '":~""' :'.~". ' '.. "1420 GO,gILL ST. (qO~ C P~TED) ' / '( '~'. .;~,' , ,.' .'." .,,:.. .,,' 609 $ou~ u~o~ sT 10,000 .:.,',:~... . .:, 317 CLYDE ST, : · '~ .... ' . 1~,000 .. , ·., ,?~' .,.... ' ,:,~","' ,' 3.0 0~ ~T, ..... .... '~,,,., ..... : .'.' ' ' ' t0,000 . .~,'7.:;:; ~ ': 19 ~ ' ' "' ' ': :~"~" "~' "'. ' · ~,000 ....... ' :" .' ~:~[~' ,~:'.' ..'~::'t' ' :""' ,',~',~:" ~:. '"' ;::,j: .:'t;..:-..' ,,. :~,: ~,,' ..... . ,' f ...... ,,.~-...~ ~ ,.¥'"' ,,, ,;'~ ~ "~ .... ~t """'""'., ' 1979 GMC 1 TON TRUCK. " ~6,000 '." ,'.r~..'."",'~.' '?,"".." ." 1969 CHEVKOLET'i TON g~AT aEO TRUCK 3~500 '.',>. '"'"' ~:~'i '"...."' 196~ gRE~OLET 2 TON ~T ~O TRUCK 5~000 . . . :",':.~.:' 1976 FO~ ~ TON ~UCK (~fT~ TOOL ~X) 4,500 ..' . · ' 19'/6 FORD 3 TON D~ TRUCK 7~000 .: .'">~ 1978 ~NTIAC.C~D PRiX ' 5,000 , ~979 GMC .CA~LLERO 4 . · ~9~0 ~UICK RI~ tO,000 :" ' 1980 C~IL~C EL~ 12,000 TOT~ T~S~RTATION EQUI~NT ~72,461 '": ~''' ' ' , :'.: '~'4,, ~"r',"- .... I ., ~'~ -., ... .~: J :.. .., v. { .? '~' -.. ~ ,: I<NRIQUE~ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1416 I{~ALli AVENUE I{AKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305 . ., i'~;.' AND CUTTER · 56Oft 2 'x 6 854[c. VALDEZ ACCOUNTANCY ENRIQUEZ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1416 BEALE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305 BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1985 ASSETS~ CURRENT ASSETS CASH ON HAND $ 2,050 CASH IN BANK ~ 10,420 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 103,400 SAVINGS ACCOUNT BALANCE 8~100 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 123,970 FIXED ASSETS OFFICE FURNITURE AND FIXTURES $ 12,000 REAL ESTATE PROPERTIES (SEE SCHEDULE."A") 340,400 TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT (SEE SCHEDULE "B") 72,461 OTHER EQUIPMENT (SEE SCHEDULE."C") 98~620 GROSS TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 523,481 LESS ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION (94~326) NET FIXED ASSETS 429~155 TOTAL ASSETS ~ LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $ 24,630 TAXES PAYABLE . 340 TOTAL CURRENT LIAB£LITIES 23,970 LONG-TERM LIABILITI'~S NOTES PAYABLE MORTGAGE 0N~719 OREGON ST. $27,340 BANK OF AMERICA LOAN 29,840 CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC BANK LOAN 18~420 TOTAL LONG-TERM LIABILITIES 75~600 TOTAL LIABILITIES 100,570 CAPITAL ENRIQUEZ CONSTRUCTION~ COMPANY CAPITAL 452~555 TOTAL 'LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL - $553,125 ~ ~ VALDEZ ACCOUNTANCY ENRIQUEZ CONSTRUCTION 1416 BEALE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305 INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED' DECEMBER 31, 1985 CONSTRUCTION SALES .i~ , $468,432 COST ~OF GOODS SOLD " ~58~628 GROSS PROFIT ? 309,804 EXPENSES: ADVERTISING $ 2,6.17 ' BAD DEBTS ' 1,061 BANK CHARGES 888 CAR AND TRUCK EXPENSE 11,640 DEPRECIATIONS 30,481 · DUES AND PUBLICATIONS 946 GASOLINE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 9,584 850 INSURANCE 8,403 INTEREST 16,011 LEGAL AND PROFESSIONAL 4,.956 OFFICE EXPENSE ~ 2,301 RENT 1,5}13 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 3,523 SOPPLIES TAXES. AND LICENSE 11,943 ~TRAVEL AND ENTERTAINMENT~ 6,220 'UTILITIES 8,802 WAGES PAYROLL TAXES 4,108 523 TOTAL EXPENSES 129,547 NET INCOME $180~257 VALDEZ ACCOUNTING ' ENRIQUEZ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1416 BEALE AVENUE ~ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305 BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1984 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS CASH ON HAND ~ $ 3,000 CASH IN BANK 17,000 PREPAID TAXES 2,109 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 55~316 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 77,425 FIXED ASSETS OFFICE FURNITURE'AND FIXTURES $ 12,000 !~REAL ESTATE 719 OREGON ST. ~$ 65,000 827 PACIFIC~ST. 130,000 211 EAST 6TH ST. 35~000 230,000 TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT (SCH. "A") 61,500 " OTHER EQUIPMENT (SCH..'B") 98,620 .~ .. TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 402~120 TOTAL ASSETS. $479,54~5 LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES' ACCOUNTS PAYABLE~ $ 14,209 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES NOTES PAYABLE LOAN FROM MR. DOMINGUEZ $ 4,000 MORTGAGE ON 719 OREGON ST. 30,000 ~ BANK OF AMERICA,. 32,000 CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC BANK 22,000 FORD MOTOR COMPANY 1,500 CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC BANK ...5~500 TOTAL LONG-TERM LIABILITIES 95~000 TOTAL LIABILITIES 109,209 CAPITAL ENRIQUEZ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CAPITAL 370,336 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL .$..479~5.45 VALDEZ ACCOUNTANCY ENRIQUEZ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1416 BEALE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305 INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1984 CONSTRUCTION SALES $276,774 COST OF GOODS SOLD ~, GROSS PROFIT 147,145 EXPENSES: ADVERTISING $ 834. CONTRACT LABOR 2,778 DUES AND PUBLICATIONS 208 'INTEREST 1,817 OFFICE 2,400 RENT' 1,200 'TRUCK AND AUTO EXPENSE 23,311' SUPPLIES ~ 2,211 fNSURANCE 1'3,384 LEGAL ,AND PROFESSIONAL 1,517 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 2,156 '~ ~TAXES AND'LICENSE 2,076 -TRAVEL AND ENTERTAINMENT 3,424 UTILITIES ~ 7,603 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 5,216 DONATIONS .. 411 BANK CHARGES 7 TOTAL EXPENSES 70{553 NET INCOME ~, 76,562 VALDEZ ACCOUNTANCY ENRIQUEZ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1416 BEALE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305 DECEMBER 31, 1984 SCHEDULE "A" TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT 1979 GMC 1 TON TRUCK ' $ 6,000 1969 CHEVROLET 1 TON FLAT BED TRUCK 3,5007~> 1965 CHEVROLET 2 TON FLAT BED TRUCK 5,000 1976~ CHEVROLET CAMARO . 4,000 2976 FORD 1/2 TON TRUCK (WITH TOOL BOX) 4.500 1976 FORD 3 TON DUMP TRUCK 7,000 197~8 PONTIAC, GRAND PRIX 5,000~.~ 1979 GMC CABALLERO 4,500 198'0 BUICK RIVERA 10,000 198!0 CADILLAC ELDORADO 12,080 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE "B OTHER EQUIPMENT HAUL' TRAILER 5,000 FORD TRACTOR BACKHOE 25,000 GROUND COMPACTOR 3,000 FORD TRACTOR 25,000 TRACTOR HAUL TRAILER 7,000 TROWEL MACHINE 1,000 BUILDERS INSTRUMENT 1,500 MISCELLANEOUS HAND TOOLS 10,500 CURB AND GUTTER MATERIALS RADING FORM 50ft. 2 X 12 1296 ft. ~2 X8 560 ft. 2 X 6 854 ft. 18" STAKES 444 30" STAKES 1697 36" STAKES 647 HOOKS 434 DUMIES 232 20 TOTAL OTHER EQUIPMENT VALDEZ ACCOUNTANCY AMENDED RETURN · ~AMENDED RETURN AMENDED RETURN 1065 '... artnersh'lp-.Returnof 0, 6 o. ~ment of the Tr~u~ f~ ~at ~ ]~, ~ ~ ~ ~Ai ....... [9~5, i~ endiflI Internal E~enue ~ice .......................... ~.. c o n s t ruc t i on , ENRIQUEZ 'CONSTRUCTION 9 5- 3 l 211 08 B Pri~i~l p~t ~ ~v~ ~hlr- I Num~ a~ st~t E ~ta ~ stad~ wl., I 827 ~AC'[;[C S~. C 8u~ ~ .um~ print ~ Ci~ ~ town. s~te. a~ ZIP c~e F ~te taal orig.[ 8~E~SY[~CD, CA. 93305 ~ ~O~ CAB~ W' G Ch~k meth~ of accountin~ (~) ~ ~ N as there a distribution of pro~ ~ a tran~ of a ~ne~hip No interest during the tax year. If "Y~" ~ ~[e 5 of (2) ~ Accrual (3) ~ Other In~ructip~ mn~rning an elation to ~just ~ ~ of t~ H ChKk appli~ble ~xe[ (1) ~ R~ai return ~nnemnip s ~ts under ~ti~ 754. O ~t any time during the ta yur, did t~' ~h(p ~ve' an' q-' (2) ~ Change in addr~ (3) ~ Amend~ return [er~ in ~ a signature ~ other author ~ ore a ~nk (~ ~ 5 of I~tr~tions)? If "Yu," write t~ nam ~T~ foreign J Is this ~dnership a limit~ ~ne~ip (~ ~ge3 ofl ~x ~un~ ~ .............................. Instruct ohs)? . . ' .... P Wu the ~flnership the grantor of, or tran~eror to, a for~gn tru~ K Is this ~flnership a ~dner in another ~ae~hip?.. : ..... I t x . whkh~d~mhipe~i~or durmga~y pd~Fthe cu~rent~u anytax~flcialYeac w~t~rinter~t w inn°t L' Are any ~d~rs in this ~dnersh-ip.a~.:~d~shi~?. ' . L.? I ~ I x 3:T~"'OT ~TmctYOu mayo~)pve ...... go fi~e terms ~20, 3520-~ .... or 926.. _(~.. M D~ the ~dnership milt all the r~uirements shown on ~ge I x I 5 of the Instructions u~er ~flon M.. I J Q Ch~k this ~x if the ~nership has fi~ ~ ~ rquir~ to fi~ Faro ~2~, Ap~iation for Registratmn of a Tax Shelter.. la Gr~ r~ipts or ~1~ $..~ x~. _ .'."lb Minus returns and allowanc~ $_.. ~ ..... Bala~ ~ 2 Cost of g~s sold and/or o~rations (~h~ule A, line 7) 3 Gross profit (subtract line 2 from line lc) ..................... · . . . 4' Ordina~ income (Io~) from other ~nemhiPs and fiduciari~ ~ 5 Taxable interest and nonquali~in~dividends ~ Gro~ rents $... 6b Minus renal ex~nses (a~ach ~hedule) $ ........... :..'. ~ ¢ ~lance net renal income (1~) ~ 7 Net income (1~) from royalties (a~ach ~h~ule) ' ' 8 Net farm profit (Io~) (a~ch ~hedule F (Form ~0)) ................. 9 Net Bain (l~)(Form 4797, line ~7), ' ~0 Other income (l~) ........ ~ ...... 1~ TOTAL ncome (loss) (combine lines 3 through 10) . Z 2a ~lari~ and wa[, (other than to ~d~m) $ ........... 12b Minus jo~ cr~it $ .......... Balance ~ 13 Guarante~ payments to ~ners (s~ Pase 7 of Instructions) ' 14 Ren~ 15a Total deductible interest ex~nse not claimed elsewhere on return (see pase 7 of Instructions) ................. 15a b Minus interest ex~nse required to be passed thro~[h to pa~ners o~ SchOole K-[(1065), lines ~0, 15a (2), and 15a(3) . . . I 15b 16,01~ c Balance 16 Taxes ~ [7 Bad deb~ (see pase 7 of Instru~ions) ~ 18 Repairs .............. .......... Zga Depr~iatio~ ~;~ F~4~6~ (~h~o~62~ $ ' ' .~d,~8~ ' ' ' ~b'Mi'nu~ d~p~ia~io~ claimed on Sch~ule A and el~where on return $ .................. Balance. · .... 20 Depletion (Do not d~u~ oil and ~a~ depletion. ~e ~e'8 of Instructions.). ' ' 21a Retirement plans, etc. (~ ~e 8 of I~tru~ions) ' b Employ~ ~nefR pr~ams (~e ~ge 8 of Instructions). 22 ~herd~u~io~(a~ch ~h~ule) ' ~ - 23 TOTAL d~ions (add amounts in column for lin~ 12c throu~ 22) ........... t 29,547 24 Ordina~ income (Io~) (subtra~ line 23 from line 11) ................. t 8 O, Unde~ ~ of ~, I ~re t~t I ~ ~min~ th~ r~um. in~i~ ~nyin~ ~h~u~ and s~tem~, a~ to t~ ~t of my kn~l~e Please ~tief it is t~,. ~, I~ mp~e. ~ti~ of ~r~ (~ ~ t~) ~ ~ on afl inf~ti~ of ~ ~rer ~ a~ k~. Sign Pre~rer'~": ,. ' ~f~ 1550 :..22 ~r~ B~S~[~LD~ CA. 93306 ZIPc~e Form 1065([985)_ . . - Page 2 i,'fa,'r~mF~..I Cost of Goods Sold a r Operations (See Palile 8 of Instructions.) - I Inventory at beginning of year ' 2 Purchases minus cost of items withdrawn for personal use .~. ~' 2 "[ _58,6 25 3 Cost of labor.. ................................. 3 4 Other costs (attach schedule) .............. : ..... ' ....... 4 ,5 Total (add lines 1 through 4) ............................ 5 [ 58,6 28 6 Inventory at end of year . . ; ...... ; . . .... .............. 6 -0- ? Cost of Foods sold (subtract line 6 from line 5). Enter here and on page I, line 2 ......... 7 ! 58.6 28 8a Check all methods used for valuing closing inventory: (0 [] Cost (11) [] Lower of cost or market as described in regulations section 1.4714 (see page 8 of Instructions) (i11) [] Writedown of"subnormal"' goods as described in regulations section 1.47 l-2(c) (see page 9 of Instructions) (iv) [] Other (specify method used and attach explanation) P, .................................................... b Check if the LIFO inventory method was adopted this tax year for any goods (if checked, attach Form 970) .... [] c If you are engaged in manufacturing, did you value your inventory using the full absorption method (regulations section ].421-11)? [] Yes [] No d Was there any change in determining quantities, cost, or valuations between opening and closing inventory?. [] Yes [] No I,-~h"r~mPJIT~ Distributive Share Items (See. Pages_ 9-11,. and 14 of Instructions.)_ _. (a) Distflbutive ~are Items (b) Total amount 1 Net long-term .capital gain (loss) :. ....................... ... 1 2 Other net gain [loss) under section 1231 and specially allocated ordinary gain (loss) ....... 2 3a If the partnership had income from outside the United States. enter the name of the country or U.S. possession P' .............................................................. b Total gross income from sources outside the United States ................ 3b ~ Balance Sheets NOT APPLICABLE · (See Pages 5 and 9 of Instructions and (~uestion M on Page I Before Completing Schedules L and M.) Assets ' ' [ (a) (b) ~ (c) (d) 2 Trade notes and accounts receivable ...... : · '///////////////////////////////////////////~ a Minus allowance for bad debts ........ '~ ' 3 Inventories ·: 4 Federal and state government obligations .... 5 Other cur'rent assets (attach schedule) 6 Mortgage and.real estate loans ........ 7 Other investments (attach schedule) ..... 8 Buil(~ings and other depreciable assets ..... a Minus accumulated depreciation ' 9 Depletable assets ............. a Minus accumelated depletion ' 10 Land (net of any amortization) ..... . . . 1! Jntangible assets (amortizable only) ....... a Minus accumulated amortization ..... ... 12 Other assets (attach schedule) i ....... '~3 TOTAL assets ........ ' ...... Uabil!tles and Capital ' 14 Accounts payable ....... ...... 15 Mortgages, notes, and bonds payable in less than I year 16 Other current liabilities (attach schedule) ..... 17 All nonrecourse loans ........... 18 Mortgages, notes, and bonds payable in I year or mole 19 Other liabilities (attach schedule) ....... 20 Partners' capital accounts ......... 21 TOTAL liabilities and capital ......... ~ ReConciliation of Partner~' Cai)iai Accounts (See Page 9 of Instructions.) (~ reconc/llatlon .o.f'each pm'tne~$ calgtal _-~___,~nt eft ~ule K-I (F~ 1065~ ~ G.)" (c)Ofdinaryinc°a~ 1[.d)tnc(x~en43tindude~ (e)Lossesn,3tincl,__,d, ed__ (~Withdrawatsand(i) Capital account (I) Cal~tal account at (b) Capita~ conbSbuted (loss) from ~ 1, I in coiumn (c), ~ in column (c). p~us · be~jnmn~ of ~ durm~ yea' line 24 noe*?~h~.,~ i/-.%~T~e t~a~,at~lt deduc~ distfibutk3n~ It e~d of yem' U.S. GOVIERf'~iaENT ,c:~/INTING OFFIC£t 1985-463-150 Inte,nal Revenue Service (3) · Attach thl~ fo~m'to ~f rlt~r~ " ~)us~.~re~u,. ENRIQUEZ CONSTRUCTION ' ~ 95-3121108 B~i~ ~ ~fiwty to wh~c~ thru lmm rela~ .. ~ Depreciation .. Use PB~ I~1, Specific Information ~ncerni~ Automobil~ and other List~ Pro~, f~ ce~in trans~tion ~uipmeflt (e.E. autos), amu~ment/rKreabon pro~, and c~puter/~ri~l ~uipment. ~ion ~~!~ to ~nN R~ ~y (~tl~ 179) LAsted pro~Enter to~l from Pa~ III, ~ A, ~umn th) Total (see mstru~mns for lim~tio~). (~e~i~ ~ S ~ati~ the ~hedule K and ~h~u~ K-1 Instructions of Form 10G5 or 1120~ *. .... .... * ........... (b) ~t, (c) ~ ~' (d) Accelera,~ Cost R~oveu System (ACRS)ts. in~ns): F~ ~. other than .utomo,i~ and o~her ~ pro. dy piac~ i. ~ke ON LY du~ ~ ~f ~.~ iD 2 ~5 I 731 ' 3yrs .ers 933 pro~ . ~ 15-~ear real $ ' 18-year real prope~ (See 'Items You Should Note') Listed pro~y--Enter total from Pa~ II1, ~fion A, column ~ ............. ACRS d~uction for assets other than automo~les and other list~ pro~ plac~ in ~ice prior to [985 (~e instructions) m Oth~r~iation~in~t~i~} . . . .. . ~ ............... T~tal (Ad~.~uctions on lin~ 3 thr~ 8). E~ ~ a~ ~ t~ ~~ Ii~ ~ ~ r~m (~- ~ ...... " ' ~ Amo~i~tion ...., .. m Total. Enter here and on Other Deductions o~ Oth~ Expans~ line of your tatum ' S~m ~ N~*flo. J~t Noo~o o~ ~mem 1 ~ U~ m~marm~ ~ Fm~ 4562 ENRIQUEZ CONSTRUCTION · ID# 95-31211'08 · 1985 OTHER DEDUCTIONS ADVERTISING $2,617 BANK CHARGES 888 CAR AND TRUCK EXPENSE 11,640 DUES AND PUBLICATIONS 946 GASOLINE 9,584 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 850 INSURANCE ,~ 8,403 LEGAL AND PROFESSIONAL 4,956 OFFICE EXPENSE 2,301 SUPPLIES 11,943 TRAVEL AND ENTERTAINMENT 6,220 UTILITIES~ 8,802 PAYROLL TAXES 523 TOTAL OTHER DEDUCTIONS $69,673 "'"' ,~"¢'' ' ,;'~ ~ I~NRI~UIqZ AND SONS CONSTRUCTION CL~N?/;,jr:,?-I~ON ]~h~. ~ ' 827 PAOlI~IC ST. . . ' ,~. ,.,... 't'i"'"""~'":~ lSlO ',~pe. ~ BAKERSFIELD, CA..93305 NOT ~PLICA ~ . N Wa~ there i distribution of ~o~dy or I Irln~fer of ~ tnlorafl durlni lbo tel y~f? If. "YoI" ~ ~ie 5 el tho H Ch~k ~prlic,ble ~xes: (l) ~ final return' Inslructlon~ concernlnK an elation to adjust the ~sll of the 'X ~rt~rshlp s a~ets und~ ~tion 754 .... ' ..... ' '~' (2) 'E:~ C ,~ :~,~ h~ ~ddress (3) ~ Amended return~-- O ~1 aqy. time du~ln~ ~ho lax y,ir, did the.~d~rship ~vs in Iq. .... ' .... securities a~unt, or olher financial ~cc~nt In a foreign ~u,l~y ' X · . .... .J ' (s~ paE~ 5 of Instructions)? ........ ;' . . J I~ Ihi~ ~dnership.a .limited Nd~lership (see page 3 of ' X P Wasth~dnershiptho'frantor¢,~'t~nslerorto,aforelEnlr~t .. ,,.. ,.:lflstructioi'i~)~.. '.~;' . ,' ........ ,. ' ' '" which existed durmi Ihs current lax yea[j.w~lher qr,~l I~ L A~e~ny~,rh~:i~ht~p~drm~hip,bopartnarships~,., ~X "Y~" You rely ~lvl 1o l Il forint 3520, 3520.A, or 926 (~ ~e M . 0~3 lh~ l~tnt¢~hll~ m¢,t nil {he requirements shown on pale ~ * Ch~k ~1~ ~x If l~ ~d~orlhlp hal filed_or b r~ulrN to file ,.r,/..'~' ' ,',:~ J;~2?~.,0o~t.~l,goods, sold.and/or operations (Schedule A, Ilne 7) .,..."~.' , L, '... '.' . . ' ',::' , '~ "Ordl¢~ar~' tnc~me.(~sa) from olherpn~nershtps and flduclarle~ . · ..... e' Nd0gU~tI!y n8 Inter~:~ and n~'nqualifytn8 dlvldend~ ,~ , F~. ?,Grg¢~ f~nts..$.~,;. ' "' ..6b Minus,rental expenses (affach. . schedule) $ ......... , .... " ~ n~t (eatal {nco,me (loss) ...... ' -',; '., . ................ ~ ' ~ Ne 'fr royalt es(a~a sch due) ..... ., ~..,,.. ~ +~,' ,. ,,. ,. : . . . ., ........... . ..~.' ?..~ (19ss)'(att~ch Schedu e F (Form Z040)), , ...... -.. · .':,,~ ~,., . .. .................. ',.~ .~.. .... '..-....'''. .... comblrmllnes3throu~h]O). ~,.. - , --'..,, ..... , .................. ,'4:/',....:.. ~,,~ ',.' .-'"',~, F,',;/,',',.:;",' ,.'..' ' , ' ' , ' . ' lU~tlbe,'lnter~st.exp~nse'not claimed elsewhere on return .. . "" ~:~n,U~,in~.;o;{"~'p~q,e required to bo pa~sed through to pa,nets on I ,~ C t Ired) II~es, l.2,,19~(2),m~d 19a(3) I ~bb . . ~ "':,'. .".'. t~a O~precatlonfmmForm4562(attachForm45621 $ 24,~71 19b M nUsdanraciatnn ' .~'" :-~:~": claimed on~ E~:hedute'A'and e ~;ewhore on return $....' . "; Balance , , , ~ ~:. ~ ZO ;. ~,,epletlon (D~ n~t d~d~,ct oll~nd~as 8~pletlon, See page 7 of Instructions.) ......., ';~. -'.:'," ' "" ' ~ . · .... . [ t . I :-" : I ~ ,r ~,~l,l.,,c,,Ity,~..'~" ,, , .:~',~ :- ,;s ,~ · , ...... ,:, . ,.. ,;.,,,: .~ r',. ..... ::. ' . ~': ' '.. · , ,. .. . . - , ~/;',~t'~:,?~'~'',.~ :L../::,...='. ..... : .... ....,:~,, . ,¥;,;,'/;~";:.' ,'/:.;': .... . ":".; '~ ~' : ':' .... ; ' " ' ' '" ',~... . .' ;,. '/"~'" l>urchuses'minuscor, l ,:d ite~s withdrawn for personal u~e , , , . .; , . ; .... · 2" '1 629 -J (11) :~ .Lower 0f ~;~st 0r>~arl~et a~ ~escrlbed In res~latlons section 1.47 ~.4 (see page 8 of Instructlons~ (111) ~] Writ~dow, ~f L'~ubno'~ maw goo~ as described In regulatlqns section 1.471-2(c) (see page 8 of Instructions) ' Check If tho L~FO, .rwento~ method was adopted this tax year for eny goods (If checked, attach Form 970) .... ~ !f you are e~igag~d, ln.n~ad~bcturlng, did you value your inventory using the fuit absorption meth~ (regulations' s~tlon ].47 l.i l)? ~ Yes ~ . Was tl~re, any chang0 In doturmlning quantities, cost, or valuations be~een opening and closing Invento~? ~ Yes ~ N~" , ,,.". ' .' (~} Ol~trlbutlvoH~ro temp., ,. (b) Total amounl : ~23 ~ and specially allocated ordlna~ gain Ooss) ......~....,2 the United States, nter ~he name of the count~ or.~ ,.~ ,.,: 'Total grus~ ncome.f~0rn sources outside the United States .... .'. , , 3b ~ts'" SCHEDULE L 'A~D H ARE ~OT APPT.[C~R~.~ - '.'?:' l eSSar,dgoflnstructlon, andf stlonMonPa e[ BeffireCom ~nus.aCrumu a~ed dop orion ..... ~.MIDus accumulated ~mo~lz~tion,. ,: ' .... :" ~l~r,curre{lt' lin'bltitle~j~atta~h schedule) . ' ...... e~ z ~n bond paya nlyearor ore ,, '.~.'~" .... ' .... ':~ ,et.her I~b ties (attach schedule)'. , . ~ . . ., ~; :~: :" Pa~ners' ,capital accounts .,., ..... :~~ Re~,)nclllatlon of Partners' Capital Accounts (See Pa e 9 of Instruct ons. ~. ' "· '"~ t?,ow reconciliation of each partne~ = c~pltal account on Schedule K. 1 (Form 1065), Question F.) m not Included , ., '1 Capita{ account ~t [~ ........ 0o~) {rom page ~, In co umn (c), p us (~ Wlt~rawall an4 (~ ~pltal a~unt' b~inn!nE OI )'e~r ' ;;~;;; in column(c), plus . ' .. o.~ ' line 24 nontaxable income ' unaltuwabledeductions distributions ~. : Il end of~r '~ % '..; j ~'' .,-..' . ,. .. , :" ;.,,.: SCHEDULEK-! Partner's '-.' of Income, Credits, Dedu s, etc. "(,Form 1065)o,p,,dm,n, .............. For c,londar year 1984 or fl~cal year,. ........ ...................... - - ~84 ],,, /,, ,, ',.~,~,,., 'JOHfl.':F.. ENRIQU.EZ" " ENRIQUEZ AND SONS CONSTRUCTION ' ,. ,Form zOO5)?' :',",. :,,- ,, , '; .... ~ Yes ~ No O Enter pa~ner'5 percentage of: ~tetmt~t~n ' yea~ , ', ,, C .Wh~ttypl~0tenttyisthl~pa~ner/ ~ .... ID)[EI~J~'~ .... E ','lRSConterwhere ~dner~hlp ftl~ret~rn' ~..~[~ ...... .,:. ,~:::,*:..' r Reconcl!iat,)nofpadnerscapitalaccount. ~d)lncome~tinclud~(e)~set~tl~lud~] ~twi,ha .... ~..~ ~ ~.~m.~i,.~ I: ~/.~::, ~. c' Ppyrn~nts for pa~ner to Simplified.Employee Pension (SEP)., . , , Form 1~0, line 27 ~[ ~};' [; 15~.~:~ Cr~,d~t'~°r,,Income rex withheld .... . .......... See Form 1~0 inst~ct[o.8 ,~,',,,-, (i'~ '[7 a Net ~arn;ngs (loss) from self-employment .... ' .... ~ . Sch SF Pa~ I ,. ~-,~ b Gro.~ [urmin~ or fishing income ............. ~u~ ~.t (F~m 1~5) .':],~8., Accelerated depreciatio, oo.o.,ecove~ real prope~ or ~5.2ear or 18-year ~~~~.. ,.. p¢op~r~y otlmr than [5.year or [8.year real ptope~y Form 625L tine 4d <~, ~ ' c Del)let on (ou'mr than oil and gas) Form 625[, fine 4i ~- - d Ct)' Gross'income from oil, 8as, and geothermal prope~ies See Form625[ Instructions' ':' ~ ', (2) De~uctions allocable to oil; 8as, and geothermal prope~les See Form 625 ~ Instructions", :; "':: ~ (],) ~uallfied investment income included In line 1 above %~.~,K.~ (~m . ,'., ~ ".* ' (2) Qualifi,~d investment expenses included In line I above ~h~,~* K.I (Form .FOr ~ap~)t~ork Reduction I~ct Notice, ~ee Form/065 In~lructlon~. ~chedule K-1 (Farm ~065) ~9~ ,~," :~'~ ..':.2',., ...... ;.,: .... , · " ENRIQUEZ CONsTRucTION . '( .,. -~ "' - .' .:~ '~ 1'984 OTHer. DEDUCTIONS ~/.. ...... ' ': ~834 '"" · L~S0~ : 2,778 ,AND": ~UBLICA~ION~ 208 . ,. ,.[. : .-.~,',, /,. ,., ..~ ...f '.'~. ~ ? ',~ ~ ,' ,,~,~ ,....,,. .,; ." .. .,. .: , ,': . ,. ;'.~, ' ....... 2,400 · ~'~z~F~':,.:' ~,U" .... "',-]";' "'. ,'".?i~Lq/'.,'!' AUTO' AND T~UCK EXPENSE 23,~11 ?. ;L~,<" t';. .... :'.' ' ' ' ." ' ., ~ht~..' . ,.,~.~ · . , . . .. .. , . ~ .. .' '~ ,;~,:/.. ;~,~ ..... '. ' ,',.'.'~ .... ~ ' ~'? LEGAL',. AND.. PROFE S $ IONAL ~ ' ,,,~.,~'~ .:~: ..... : .... 1,517 ~, ~':,: ;..',, '"~' '"' · 7,603 .,'~ ~ '.,;, :?~ ,--.... --~' .~'~-~:~ X~s"':~. SU~L~S " .... ~' ' .... ~':~,',".;/,.,~'..,: " , , 5~2~5 ".:,: . · .cH~o~.s.,, ,'.. ~" ~.',"' -"r,' .... ,,?., 419 ::.,r J; TOTAL OTIIER DEDUCTIONS , ,..;: ~,~ ,. .... ., ...., '.; .... ,, '..,:.'.:~ ]~ ', ,. ~' . , . ', ,....,~ . . .., . , , , ., . - ' . %. [ · ,. ~ ~ .~ , . ,,. ......... ~;' ' .u. ....... , '" ' - .; -. . ,-~..,..~. 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