HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 MEMORANDUM October 5, 1988 TO: INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE 'Patricia Smith, Chair; Patricia DeMond; Donald~K. Ratty FROM: MARY STRENN, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGE SUBJECT: INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE The Intergovernmental Relations Committee of the Council will be meeting at noon on Friday, October 14, 1988. The purpose will be to discuss items that are before this Committee only and items that will be discussed at the City/County Intergovernmental Relations Committee on October 21, 1988. Agenda Intergovernmental Relations Committee (City only) Friday, October 14, 1988, 12:00 Noon Manager's Conference Room 1. Request from Taft to Protest Abandonment of Sunset Rail Line (Mary Strenn) 2. Vector Control Discussion (Jack Hardisty) 3. Northwest Sewers (Dale Hawley) Agenda Intergovernmental Relations Committee City/County Friday, October 21, 1988, 12:00 Noon Annex Basement City Host* 1. Update on Emergency Service Dispatch 2. Northwest Sewers *Items will be added by the County MS:jp cc: J. Dale Hawley Art Saalfield Ed Schulz~ Jack Hardisty D ,v COUNTY COUNSEL ., Fifth Floor ~'~IIF~~Ii'"' Administration a~d Cour~ Building ?V~ 1415 Truxtun Avenue ::~ ';~" COUNTY OF KERN B.'~kerlfield, C,,lifornie-g3301 Telel~hone (805) 861-2326 BERNARD C. BARMANN STATE OF CALIFORNIA 861-2640 County Counsel September 23, 1988 J. Dale Hawley, City Manager City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Relocation of Utilities for the County Administration Building Parking Structure Project Dear Mr. Hawley: We have run into a problem with the design of the new County Administration Building and adjacent Parking Structure Projects. At one time the parcel that is to be the site of the parking' structure was traversed by an alley that the City of Bakersfield vacated in 1972 with the adoption of Resolution No. 5-73. In vacating the alley the City excepted and reserved "all of the above-described alleys for public utility easement purposes." We understand that a water pipeline operated by California Water Service Company, a gas line operated by Pacific Gas and Electric, and a sewer line operated by the City of Bakersfield are located within the vacated alley. It is also our understanding that each of ~,. these utilities was loCated within the alley under authority of a franchise granted by the City. Each of these pipelines will have to be relocated in order to construct the parking structure. Our office was asked to investigate the financial responsibility associated with these relocations. Because each of the pipelines is in place pursuant to a franchise granted by the City, we believe the City can request the lines be relocated at the expense .of the owner of the franchise. We would respectfully request that the City look into this matter and. provide assistance by requesting the utilities J. Dale Hawley Septembe~ 23, 1988 Page 2 relocate their facilities at their own expense. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, B.C. BARMANN, County Counsel Tom Glow, Chief Deputy TC:drb Utility .... ?~. ......... ~,,,~:~C~WOFI RECEIVED ':" '1 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES August 1.6, 1988 Thomas A. Payne, Hayor · ' ' 1501Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA. 93301 Subject: Proposed Sunset Railway Abandonment Dear Mayor Payne: ' · - The Sunset Railway Company has initiated abandonment proceedings of the Sunset Railway line serving the Taft, Maricopa, Bakersfield corridor. The railroad has had a significant physical presence serving our communities ........ since its beginning and it remains as one of the cornerstones of the · transportation linkage which enhances the Westside economic development .' efforts. By this letter, I' am requesting your Council's active involvement in urging the continuation of rail service on the Sunset line from Bakersfield to Taft. A wide variety of industrial, agricultural and oil businesses currently use this line and would be severly impacted with its closure. Other major ~'--./'~ land ' owners such as Oceanic California Inc. .currently have the . - flexability to plan their future development in' Southwest Bakersfield , utilizing rail access. Closure. of this line would eliminate this flexabil ity. · ~ It is important to let Southern Pacific, the Interstate' Commerce Commission and the Public Utilities Commission know of our concerns .... ~'~ ' regarding the potential loss of this' rail line. The Councils of Taft and ~.-." '. Maricopa plus the Board of Supervisors have opposed its abandonment. The. ...' Kern Economic Development Corporation has taken a pro-active .position urging continued efforts to keep the line operating; and the Board of Trade is also working to support our efforts. ...... The purpose ~f this letter is to request that your City Council go on . record in support of the retention of this most important transportation link. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please . feel free to contact either myself or Taft City Manager, Stephen L. Wright. Thank you for your cooperation. Ver~y ~uly yours, ' ,/~, 'RVIN L-~---FULLE~''''~ ·  YOR 209E. KERN STREET · TAFT, CALIFORNrA 93268 · 805/763-3~44 PUBLIC NOTICE Nolice is hereby given on behalf of Sunsel Railway Ihal Ihe following is a black and white copy of a~ amended syslem diagram,map showing calegories of Ils lines in accordance wilh the regulalions of the Inlerslale Cam- Commission (49 C.F.R. 1152.10-1152.15). The Sunsel Railway will furnish upon requesl of any Interested person, al the reasonable cosl of $! .00, a copy of Ibis black and while amended syslem diagram mop or a color-coded copy. Address such requesls 1o Sunsel Railway, Alln: G.A. Laakso, Room 846, Soulhern Pacific Building, One Markel Plaza, San Francisco, Calitornia ' DESCRIPTION OF LINES Pursuanl Io Ihe regulalions of Ihe Inlerslale Commerce Commission (49 C.F.R. 1152.21), the Iollowing is a descripllon of lines of the Sunsel Railway Company as shown on Ihe syslem diagram map: UNE5 ANgCIPA~EO [0 BE SUBJECT OF ABAN~N~EN[ APPLI~ION WffHIN IHREE Y~R5 A. Name: Sunsel Railway B. Currenl Calegory shown on Syslem Diagram Map: I C. Slole In Which [ocoled: Calilornia D. Counly In Which Localed: Kern E. ~lleposl [ocallon: 0.~ os Goslord Io MP 27.5~ al Penlland 0.~1 al Penlland Io MP 9.404 al loll lrackage Rights: SPICo MP 313.6 al Kern Jcl. lo SPICo. MP 322.779 al Gosford AISF MP 885.353 al Kern Jcl Io AISF MP 889. 113 at Boke~slleld F. Agency or lmmlnal Slalionl on Ihe Line: None SUNSET RAILWAY COMPANY (AB ' 170) .... " ~<"' Department of L. DALE MILLS PUBLIC WORKS Director of Public Works Mailing Address: County Surveyor 1600 Norris Road '"' County Road Commissioner Bakersfield, California 93308 January 20, 1988 File: 10060.24/3.7 TO: ALL ADDRESSEES Notice of Intent to Amend the Kern County Solid ~ Waste Management Plan - 1983 Revision (Amendment #7) Enclosed for your review is a copy of Amendment #7 to the Kern County Solid Waste Management Plan-1983 Revision (CoSWMP). The implementation of Amendment #7 will include the financing of the solid 'waste program on pages 76 and 77 under Financing Solid Waste Program. The revised pages are.attached. By amending the Solid Waste Management Plan, the County will be able to inform the California Waste Management Board (CWMB) of their evaluation that the proposed actions conforms to CoSWMP, as required in Section 17937 of Title 14 of the California Administration Code. That evaluation will enabl-e the CWMB to make a finding of conformance to'CoSWMP and will enable the County to finance additional facilities, expansions, the monitoring and reporting program, closure and post-closure maintenance costs, and other state-mandated guidelines to mitigate the impact of landfills.on public health. A staff report giving general background information on the project is attached. Please forward any comments you might have regarding this amendment to Evan W.R. Edgar at this office by February 20, 1988. Very truly yours, L. Dale Mills' Director LDM:EWRE:jb DAY5 Attachment CC Each Supervisor Robert Bovee, Private Solid Waste Industry Representative, 2401 Rio Vista Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93306 Health Dept. Planning & Development Services KernCOG All Cities -- Office Locations -- [~] Public Work,County Surveyor ' 1354 Norris Road, Bakersfield (805) 861-2481 [. ] Roads -- 1600 Norris Road. B~ersfield (805) 861-2159 ; STAFF REPORT Amendment #7 to the Kern County Solid Waste Management Plan I983 Revision Applicant: Kern County Public Works Address: 1600 Norris Road Bakersfield, CA 93308 Phone: (805) 861-2481 Project: Financing Kern County Sanitary Waste Program by User Fees. Location: Kern County's 14 sanitary landfills and 4 transfer stations. Purpose: Finance the incremental difference between the General Fund contribution and the County solid waste disposal function cost. ~mplementation: Starting July 1, 1988, the user fee shal) be collected by either installing a tipping fee or a land use fee. - CEQA Compliance: Under Article 18 Statutory Exemptions, Section 15273 Rates, Tolls,'and Charges, it has been determined that there is no possibility that the activity in question may take a significant effect on the environment and, therefore, does not apply to the requirements set forth in the California Environmental Quality Act and the State CEQA Guidelines concerning evaluation of projects and the preparation and review of environmental ' documents. ,'~ Economic Consideration: Attached is the report Financing Kern County Sanitary Waste Program by User Fees dated August 1987 and prepared bY the Kern County Public Works ~epartment. EWRE:jb ENV9 FINANCING KERN COUNTY SANITARY WASTE PROGRAM BY USER'FEES ! PREPARED BY: .. .Kern County Public Works Department At, gust 1987 KERN COUNTY'S SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL -.1987/88 & FUTURE YEARS During the County budgeting process for Fiscal Year 1987/88 it was apparent, when the Board of SuperviSors adopted budget guidelines calling for an 8-1/2% net general cost reduction to all departments that financing for the solid waste function in Kern County was in jeopardy. This was especially apparent because o'f the proposal to purchase properties for developing a new metropolitan, landfill site in the Bakersfield metropolitan area. The existing China Grade facility is nearing capacity and will have to be closed in approximately 1990. Although the amounts of money necessary to purchase property are relatively small, $2,500,000.00, the County's ability to finance this purchase during 1987/88 from General Fund monies is not possible. On March 1, 1987 it was known to County officials that the tax revenues available for discretionary allocation were severely limited due to falling oil prices, this has resulted in reduced funding levels for all General Fund expenditures throughout the County. Compounding the problem further are restrictions and conditions mandated by State laws and regulations which require containment structures, monitoring wells, including continuou's testing and operation even after landfills are closed, closure fund requirements, procedures and conditions for closing landfills and maintaining them after closure. We have been advised by the State Water Quality Control Board that a reasonable closure cost is approximately $20,000 per acre in terms of 1987 dollars. These restrictions and conditions imposed upon the County provide that the County must establish a fund for future closure of landfill sites. These mandated costs are not reimbursable to local governments because existing state law allows local governments to impose fees for providing solid waste disposal facilities. As a result of the items'mentioned above it has become apparent to the staff in the Public Works Department and the Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee that the ability to fund solid waste functions within Kern County in the same manner as in past years i's no longer an avenue · available to us. The County has been studying the possibility of tipping fees; that is, fees collected at the landfill sites, or land use fees; fees established and assessed against properties on a benefit basis for. landfill services. Consequently, attachment .No. 1 providing a background and recommendation to the Board of Supervisors was prepared by the Public Works Department staff and submitted during the budgeting process for 1987/88. The Board of Supervisors has approved in concept the notion of establishing fees to fund solid waste disposal facilities in the 'future. ACTIONS TAKEN TO DATE BY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS To date the Board of Supervisors has taken the following actions based on recommendations by the Public Works Department and the County Administrative Officer: a. Adopted Resolution 87-550 approving establishment of an interest bearing Enterprise Fund for the Division of Sanitary Waste budget effective July 1, 1987. b. Transferred the specified assets from the County General Fund to the Sanitary Waste Division Enterprise Fund. c. Approved the establishment of a separate budget unit to provide for the annual General Fund contribution to the Sanitary Waste Division Enterprise Fund and authorize the advancement of the annual GenAral Fund contribution to The Enterprise Fund on a quarterly basis. This' contribution is equal to the 1986/87 General Fund cost for that service provided by the Sanitary Waste Division Enterprise Fund. This amounts to $2,980,393.00. The Board of Supervisors has agreed that this amount will be appropriated annually as the General Funds contribution to the Enterprise Fund and will appear in a separate budget unit {No. 4410) in order to facilitate identification of the amount of General Fund contribution. d. Authorized on a continuing basis, temporary cash loans from the General Fund to the Sanitary Waste Division Enterprise Fund to meet cash flow requirements subject to' 1. Availability of sufficient cash balance in the General Fund, 2. Outstanding loan amount not to exceed $1,000,000, 3. Loans to be repaid within thirty days, 4. General fund to receive interest at the County treasury pooled investment rate. To finance the incremental difference between the General Fund contribution and the County solid waste disposal function cost, the Board of Supervisors has approved the concept of user fees. It will be necessary, however, to borrow monies during 1987/88 to finance this function. Consequently, the Board has approved a $3,395,995 loan from the ACO General Fund, which must be repaid in future years with interest from user fees. User fees will be established and implemented during 1988/89 fiscal year. It is anticipated that these user fees will be provided either through tipping fees at the landfill sites or land use fees. Additionally, the Board of Supervisors has directed the Public Works Department and the County Administrative Officer to conduct informational meeting with the cit}es in Kern County and public meetings to determine the most appropriate fee structure, i.e. tipping fees or land use fees. LANDFILL USER FEES The study which is attached as Appendix A was prepared to identify the range of user fees needed to 'be assessed in the incorporated and unincorporated areas of the County to meet the funding requirements specified above, The figures tabulated below were derived in the study'by calculating the operating cost of all of the disposal facilities and assigning land use fees and tipping fees that would generate the required monies, Plan FY 87-88 FY 88-89 FY 89-90 FY 90-91 Tipping Fees $0,00/cy $2,00/cy $2,00/cy $2,00/cy Land Use Fees $O,O0/SFR $27,50/SFR $20.O0/SFR $20.O0/.SFR The tipping fees are based on all vehicles paying a minimum of $2.00 and those vehicles bringing in more than i cubic yard paying $0,50 per each additional 1/4 cubic yard,. Land use fees are based on,each Single Family Residence being accessed 1 unit: a duplex-2 units; small businesses-2 units; large stores-4 units; etc, The number of units accessed against business property may be adjusted after specific refuse generation data is analyzed, ADM4-LE .~ : ATTACHEMENT #1 , Department of L. DALE MILLS PUBLIC WORKS Director of Public Works County Surveyor Mailing Addresm: County Road Commissioner 1600 Norris Road Bakersfield, California 93308 June 15, 1987 File: 20070 Board of Supervisors Kern County Civic Center 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Members of the Board of Supervisors: SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL-ALTERNATE FINANCING METHODS (All SD's) The Public Works Department is requesting near)y $8 million to operate the County's Solid'Waste Disposal program in the Fiscal Year 1987-88. This is appreciably higher than other years because of the urgent need for funds to purchase the Bakersfield Metro Landfill site and to provide a state-required clay liner and leachate collection and recovery system at the new McFarland-Delano landfill site. The metro site must be ready for use in 1990. Before that time, the improvements (roads, fences, water, power, etc.) must be installed, and therefore, the site must be acquired as soon as possible. We would be gravely concerned for the consequences of not purchasing the site during the next fiscal year. Time is of the essence. At its May 14, 1987 meeting the County, Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee (CSWMAC), realizing the concerns about purchasing the Bakersfield Metro Landfill site, asked the Public Works Department to review its previous landfill operations funding survey and to investigate alternate funding methods for Kern County's program. In response, on June 12, 1987 the Public Works Department presented to the CSWMAC the following attached studies: 1. Financing Alternatives Kern County Solid Waste Disposal Program 2. Survey of Financing Alternatives for Solid Waste Management and Disposal - June 1987 (update) 3. Survey of Financing Alternatives for Solid Waste Management and Disposa)- ~anuary 1983. -- Office Locations -- Public Works/Count~ Surveyor -- 1354 Norris Road, Bakersfield (805) 861-2481 [ ] Roads -- 1600 Norris Road, Bakersfield (805) 861-2159 June 22, 1987 Page 2 Discussion of these items lead to~"the conclusion that the Committee shoul'd report to the Board of Supervisors the need to finance the acquisition of the Metro site even if charging gate fees at the landfills is required. Also, at the June 8, 1987 Capital Projects Committee of.the Whole Meeting, the CAO reported only $900,000 available for Capital Projects in FY 1987-88, which is way short of the minimum needed for the solid waste disposal projects. The County Counsel has been asked if the County has the option of purchasing the $2.5 million landfill site by 5 equal payments over 5 years. This department has also contacted the County Counsel regarding the possibility of imposing land use fees on parcels in the incorporated areas of the County to cover landfill use costs. The principal drawback to this means of financing the program is the considerable time involved before the system can be implemented. IT IS RECOMMENDED that your Board enter into discussion on the impacts of alternate methods of financing the County Waste Disposal program, and instruct the Public Works Department to take appropriate action in the matter. Very truly yours, L. Dale Mills Director .LDM: :cc ENV5-LE cc: All Supervisors County Administrative Office Grand Jury Library County Counsel .:L'''a~He ;" 29)..I ~'CAOi. rePor~on .Al. terna't'lve.~Mean, e:of.:.Ftnan¢tng $1te' for:' New? · Al1' Ayes -'i::.:?i.'::Bakersfleld Sanitary 'Landfill '~nd 'O era ' ' ..~.,~.:.....-:. ITAL 'PROJECT COSTS''RELATED..TO...SANiTAR¥::..L.A-NDFiLLS..FRO.~!: :" ':: INCREASED OPERATIONAL '""COSTS FRO[4 BASE' ·YEAR OF ACTUAL NET' GENERAL COSTS FOR 1986-87 '.FRO[4 LAND USE oR GATE FEES TO ~ . APPROVED THE' LOAN OF $202,822 'FROf4"COUNTY'S OENERAL FUND .... TO -.'FUND.' INCREASED OPERATIONAL . COSTS OF' SANITARY {VASTE DIVISION BUDOET FRO~4 1986-87:..:!T0 .1987-88. ;~TO BE REPAID.' IN ';'j;.i~,~? '" ~',. 1988-89 FROIH-LAND 'USE" 'OR'. GATE. 'FEES;.- '(4). "DIRECTED THE .: .... ~,-... · PROPERTY' MANAGEMENT DIVISION-.:~:TO::"NEGOTIATE AND EVALUATE THE COSTS OF ACQUIRINO .'SITE;.i"IN 'iNCRE~IEN'TS. OR VIA LEASE- County Counsel ., .-~i'.' . assessor · Auditor-Controller Treasurer-Tax Collector '.~.~: Property Management Div. '"3'~;~;~' City Maoagers Assn., Attn: l~ade McKinney .,~:,~ " B fore the Board of Supcrvtsor County of K rn, State of Californi In ~e ma~of: Re~l~onNo. 87-550 ESTABLISHMENT OF AN R~ceNo. 8710357 ENTERPRISE FUND FOR OPERATIONS OF SANITARY LANDFILLS I, SHARON CLARK. (~efl< of b~e Board of Super~sors c~ fl~e Counb/of Kern, State of Cal~3rnl~ do hereby cerflfybhat ~e ~31k~ing res~uflo~ proposed by Supe~sor Ashburn . seconded by Svpe~sor La~'~994 , was du~ passed and adored by sa~ Board of Supen~sors at an meeting hereof bhls 24th day of July ,19 ~? , by ~e folk~n9 v~ ~ w~ AYES: Ashburn, Austin, Lar~,ood~ He~Cinser, Shell sHARoN CLARK ABSENT: ~one By ..-_ Section 1. WHEREAS: (a) Section 25261 of the California Government Code provides that a board of supervisors may by resolution create enterprise funds pursuant to regulations adopted by the State Controller under the provisions of Section 30200 of the Government Code= and (b) An "enterprise fund" means a fund which accounts for services furnished to the general public and which tg financed primarily by charges for such services= and (c) , This Board has determined that the operations of sanitary landfills are suited to the enterprise system of accounting and that said operations should and will be financed primarily through user charges collected by benefit assessment or gate fees beginning tn fiscal year 1988-89; and (d) On July 14, 1987, this Board approved the creation of a special fund for the Division of Sanitary Waste budget; and 87-550 (e) The Auditor-Control/er has recommended this be accomplished by the establishment o'f an enterprise fund for the Division of Sanitary Waste to be effective at the beginning of fiscal year 1987-88: and (f) This Board upon review of the aforementioned recommendation has determined that the enterprise fund method of accounting Is appropriate for the operations of the Sanitary Waste Division and should be established for fiscal year 1987-88; Section 2. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern, State of California, as follows: 1. The facts set forth in Section ! above are hereby found to be true. = 2. This Board hereby creates and orders established an enterprise fund for all operations of ~he Sanitary Waste Division effective July 1, 1987. 3. Said fund once established shall be administered pursuant to the provisions of Section 25261 of ~he Governmen= Code and conform to the uniform accounting procedures adopted by the State Control/er pursuant to Section 30200 of the Government Code and published tn Title 2 of the California Administrative Code, Including hut not l~mtted, to Section 96?. 4. The Clerk of this Board shall forthwith send copies of this Resolution ~o the following: a. Audi~or-Controller Director of Public Works c. County Administrative Officer d. County Counsel TO:sm sm:re-! landflll.pw SANITARY WASTE ENTERPRISE FUND B.U. 8999 FUND 35050 1987-88 BUDGET OPERATING INCOME: 3605 Interest on Bank Deposits 5,000 3710 County Land Rental 1,000 4840 Sanitation Services 63,800 Total Operating Income 69,800 OPERATING EXPENSES: Appropriation for Contingencies 6040 Appro for Contiggencies 1,000 Total App for Contingencies 1,000 Services & Supplies 6902 Insurance-I/F 299 6970 Maintenance Equipment 350 7001Malnt Struct, Imp & Grnds 25,000 7002 Maintenance-Struc-I/F 6.691 7400 Memberships 260 7450 Office Expense 4,396 7500 Prof & Spec Services 3,172,603 7501 Prof & Spec Serv-I/F 300,309 7527 PSS/Data Processing I/F 7,464 7600 Publications 2,000 7650 Rents & Leases, Structure 1,768 7690 Small Tools & Instruments 150 7700 Special Dept Expense 2,200 7740 Transportation & Travel 2,500 7747 TT/County Garage-I/F - 7,450 7750 TT/Personal Vehicle 1,640 7780 Utilities 300 Total Services & Supplies 3,535,380 Other Charges o 7970 County Cost Allowance-I/F 26,454 7990 Depreciation 16,588 7992 Interest on Advances 257,928 Total Other Charges 300,970 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 3,837,350 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) (3,767,550) NON-OPERATING'REVENUES: 5920 Contrtb from General Fund ' 2,980,393 TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUE 2,980.393 NON-OPERATING EXPENSES: Land Acq-Bfld Metro SLF 2,500 000 Land Acq-Randsburg Trf Sta 1 200 McFrlnd/Dlno-Cntnmnt Struct 550 000 Various LF-Monttortng Wells 96 000 Kern Vly SLF-Berm Reinf 111 000 ' Bfld Metro SLF-Dsgn Access 70 000 Mojv-Rsmnd LF-Trf Bldg Ramp 66 000 8601 (1) Videoca,ssette Recorder 473 8602 (1) Cam Recorder 1,322 TOTAL NON-OPERATING EXPENSE 3,395,995 NON-OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) (415,602) TOTAL INCOME (LOSS) (4,183,152) OTHER FUNDING SOURCES: Advance from General Fund 514,436 Advance from ACO Fund 3,394,200 RETAINED EARNINGS: July 1 Reserved 0 Unreserved 0 June 30 Res-Invest in Fixed Asset 3,395,995 Unreserved (4,183,152) NOTE: The above presentation does not reflect a total $4,183,152 liability made up of $3,908,636 and accrued expenses of $274,516 that must be repaid during 1988-89 fiscal year. ~ Gate Fees ~ FY 87-88 FY 88-89 FY 89-90 FY 90-01 FY 91-92 FY 92-93 FY 03-94 FY 94-95 ~ LANDFILL OPERATIONS COSTS: $3,837,350. $4,510,844 $4,856.600 $4,981,089 $5,283,515 $5,548,721 $5,BZ1,081 $6,119.402 CAPITAL PROJECTS=' :: LAND ACQUISITION $2.501.200 $125.000 $25.000 $52,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 · <',:" IMPROV~ENT$ $914.000 $1,590.000 $330.000 $0 $100,000 $0 $100,000 $0 ":':'.':: CLOSURES $0 $1,400,000 $75,000 $1.030.000 $2.500,000 $0 .:'<.C:: ............................... $0 SO '"' SUBTOTAL: $3,415,200 $3,115.000 $430.000 $1.082.000 .$2,600,000 $0 $100,000 $0 TOTAL OPERATING COSTS= $7,252,550 $7,725,844 $5,289,600 $6,050,089 $7,883.515 $5,548,72l $5o927,081 $8,119,402 COUNTY CONTRIBUTION '$2,980.393 $2,980;303 $2,980.393 $2,080,393 $2,980.393 $2,080.303 $2,080,393 $2,080,303 OPERATING GA[N/(LOSS)= ($4,272,157.) ($4,745,4513 ($2,309,207) ($3,088,696) ($4,803,1223 ($2.568,328) ($2,946,6043 ($3,139,0093 REQUIRED RESERVES: CLOSURES (ST MANOATE) $0 $0 $433,515 $1,207,283 $0 $1.713,578 $1,322,704 $1,257,033 CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVES $0 S0 S0 $324.321 $0 $428,394 $440,901 $314.250 .. RESTRICTED BOND PROCEEDS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SUBTOTAL: $0 $0 $433,515 .$1,621,604 $0 $2,141,972 $1,763,605 $1,571,291 DEBT SERVICE: SHORT TERM PRINCIPAL $0 S877.957 $0 $0 $0 '$0 SO $0 SHORT TERM INTEREST $0 $127,218 $0 $0 $0 $0 LONG TERM PRINCIPAL $0 $8?,959 $3,306,241 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LONO TERM INTEREST $0 $441,817 $231,437 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SUBTOTAL: $0 $1,534,949 $3,53?,6?8 $0 $0 $0 SO $0 NET OAIN/(LOSS): ($4,272,1573 ($6,280,40O) (S6,280,4003 ($4,710,3003 ($4,903,1223 ($4,710,3003 ($4,710,2893 ($4,710,3003 LOANS/DEBT INCURRED= SHORT TERM LOAN $877,957 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 . $0 LONG TERM DEBT $3,394.200 S0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SO TOTAL LOANS/DEBT INCURRED: $4,272,157 $0 SO . $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 RESERVES UTILIZED: CLOSURES (ST MANDATE) $0 $0 $0 $0 $192,822 $0 $0 $0 CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVES $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 RESTRICTED 80NO PROCEEBS $0' $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0. $0 .............. $0 · $0 $0 $0 $192,822 $0 S0 OPERATING REVENUE REOUIRED: $0 ($6.280.4003 ($6.280.4003 ($4.710,3003 ($4,710.3003 ($4.710.3003 ($4,710,2993 ($4,710,3003 COST/SFR $8 $0 $0 $0 $8 $0 $0 $0 COST/CUBIC YARO $0 $2 $2 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 FEE REVENUE G~ERATED: SO $6.280.400 $61280.400 $4.710.300 $4,710,300 $4.710.300 $4.710.300 $4,710.300 COST/SFR $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 S0 $0 COST/CUBIC YARD $0 $2 $2 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 RESERVE 8ALANCEB= CLOSURES- STATE MANDATE $0 $0 $433.515 $1.730.798 $1,537.976 $3.251.554 $4.5?4.258 $5.831,291 CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVES S0 $0 $0 $324.321 $324.321 $752.715 $1,193,616 SI,507,814 RESTRICTED 80NO PROCEEDS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 S0 S0 $0 TOTAL RESERVE BALANCES: $0 $0 5433.515 $2.055.119 $1.862.297 $4,004,269 $5,?6?,8?4 $?,338,165 OUTSTANDING OEBT: SHORT TERM DEBT: $87?.957 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 S0 $0 LONG TERM DEBT: $3.394.200 $3.306.241 50 50 $0 50 50 $0 ~ ~ ~ Land Use Fees FY 8i-88 FY 88-89 FY 89-90 FY 90- FY 91-92 FY 92-93 FY 93-94 FY 94-95 LANOFILL OPERATIONS COSTS: $3,837,350 $3,990,844 f4,150,478 S4,316.497 S4,579,393 . $4,809,393 $5,050,793 $5,304,293 CAPITAL PROJECTS: LAND ACQUISITION $2,501,200 $125,000 f25,000 $52,000 $0 $0' $0 fO INPROVENENTS fBg3,000 $1,590,000 $330,000 fO flO0,O00 50 $100,000 $0 "!'..": CLOSURES · . $0 fl,400,000 $78,000 fl,030,OOO $2,500,000 $0 $0 'fO · -. SUBTOTAL: $3,394,200 53,115,000 $430,000 f1,082,000 $2,600,000 $0 flO0,O00 S0 TOTAL OPERATING COSTS: $7,231,580 $T,I06,844 $4,580,478 f8,398,497 $T,1?9,393 $4,809,893 f5,150,793 S5,304,293 , .. COUNTY CONTRIBUTION f2,980,393 f2,980,393 f2,980,393 f2,980,393 $2,980,393 f2,960,398 $2,980,393 f2,980,393 OPERATING GAZN/(LOSS): (f4,261,157) (f4,125,45t) (fl,600,085) (S2,418,I04) ($4,1gg,o00) 451,829,000) ($2,170,400) ($2,323,900) REQUIRED RESERVES:, CLOSURES (ST MANDATE) $0 $0 $0 $991,099 $0 fi,473,225 51,2IT,IT5 $1,102,050 CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVES fO 50 fO $0 $0 $491,075 f405,725 f367,350 RESTRICTED 80ND PROCEEDS $0 SO $0 50 $0 $0 $0 ' fO SUBTOTAL: fO fO S0 fggl,0gg $0 $1,964,300 $1,622,900 fl,469,400 DE:ST SERVICE: ...... SHORT TERN PRINCIPAL fO $856,957 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SHORT TERN INTEREST fO $124,173 $0 $0 $0 $0 fO $0 LONG TERN PRINCIPAL $0 f246,902 $2,394,404 $?52,894 fO fO $0 .' fO 'LONG TERN INTEREST fO $441,817 f220,311 $62,?03 'fO $0 $0 fO SUBTOTAL: S0 $1,669,849 $2,614,718 fBOS,SST. $0 $0 fO' . $0 NET 6AIN/(LOSS): ($4,251,157) (S$,796,300) ($4,214,800) (f4,214,800) (f4.1~9,000) ($3,793,300) ($3,793,300) ($3,793,300) LOANS/OEST INCURRED: . SHORT TERN LOAN f856,957 $0 fO fO $0 $0 $0 fO CON6 TERN DEBT f3,394,200 fO 50 $0 $0 fO $0 - :'. $0 TOTAL LO~S/DEBT INCURRES: f4,251,157 50 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 fO RESERVES UTILIZED: : · CLOSURES (ST MANOATE) $0 $0 $0 $0 $405,700 $0 $0 CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVES $0 $0 fO fO 10 S0 $0 . $0 RESTRICTED 60ND PROCEEDS $0 $0 $0 fO ~ 10 $0 fO 'fO $0 $0 $0 fO f405,700 fO fO fO OPERATING REVENUE REQUIRED: $0 (S5,795,800) ($4,214,800) (f4,214,800) (f3,798,300) ($3,T93,300) ($3,793,300) ($3,793,300) COST/SFR $0 527.50 $20 S20 f18 S18 fie f18 COST/CUBIC YARO fO $0 $0 fO $0 $0 $0 fO FEE REVENUE GENERATED: $0 $5,795,300 $4,214,800 $1,211,800 f3,?93,300 53,793,300 $3,T93,300 $3,T93,300 COST/SFR 50 $0 $0 50 fO . 50 fO '$0 COST/CUBIC YARD 50 fO fO $0 $0 50 fO fO RESERVE BALANCES: CLOSURES - STATE NANDATE $0 $0 $0 $991,099 $585,399 $2,058,624 $3,2TS,Tgg $4,317,849 CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVES $0 '$0 $0 $0 $0 $491,0?5 $896,800 $1,261,150 RESTRICTED BOND PROCEEDS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL RESERVE BALANCES: $0 -' fO $0 $991,099 $585,399 $2,549,599 $4,172,599 $S,641,ggg CUTSTANO[H60EBT: SHORT TERN OEBT: f856,957 $0 $0 .$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LCfl$ TERN OF. BT: 53,394,200 f3,147,298 $752,891 fO $0 $0 $0 'fO KERN COUNTY SANITARY LANDFILL'S CURRENT AND PROJECTED BUDGETARY NEEDS BASED ON LAND USE FEES SHOWN' PER SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING UNIT []OPERATING BUDGET r-~ ACQUISITION BUDGET DFISCAL YEAR 1987-1988 []FISCAL YEAR 1988-1989 ~--']FISCAL YEAR 1989-1990 [~]FISCAL YEAR 1990-1991 COUNTY ARVIN BORON BUTTON- BAKERSFIELD KERN LEBEC LOST McFARLAND MOJAVE RIDGECREST SHAFTER TAFT TEHACHAPI WILLOW VALLEY HILLS 8187 / · Resolution of the City of ***** concurring in Amendment No./** to the Kern County Solid Waste Management Plan WHEREAS, State law (Government Code Section 66700 et seq.,) requires that'each county, in cooperation with affected local jurisdictions (and subject to approval by a majority of the cities within the county which contain a majority of the population of the incorporated area of the county), prepare a comprehensive, coordinated solid waste management plan (including an analysis of the economic feasibility of the plan), consistent with state policy, for all waste disposal within the county and for all waste originating within the county which is to be disposed of outside of the county; and WHEREAS, The cost of operating sanitary landfills has dramatically increased in recent years primarily because of rapid population growth within Kern County and the imposition of state- mandated closure and monitoring requirements relating to sanitary landfills; and WHEREAS, These escalating costs have made it necessary to ' _.. implement new methods of financing solid waste disposal facilities within Kern County and after studying this matter the'.. Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern has determined that the imposition of solid waste management program service charges and the collection of those charges on the tax roll is the most economical and environmentally sound method of assessing and collecting the funds necessary to provide solid waste disposal facilities; and WHEREAS, The County of Kern has prepared an amendment to the Kern County Solid Waste Management Plan that provides for the annual imposition of solid waste management program service charges on a county-wide basis and the collection of the services charges in the same manner and at the same time as property taxes; and .;"'~:'~?." WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern has requested this Council concur in the proposed amendment to the Solid Waste Management Plan; and WHEREAS, After studying this matter and reviewing the proposed amendment to the Solid Waste Management Plan (a copy of which is attached to this Resolution), this Council has determined that the assessment and collection of the service charges as proposed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern is necessary for the protection of this community's and Kern County's environment and the health of their people; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of ***** hereby approves and concurs in the revised procedures for financing the solid waste management program as set forth in the proposed amendment to the Kern County Solid Waste Management Plan prepared by the County of Kern, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is directed to forward certified copies of this Resolution to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern and the Kern County Director of Public Works.