HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 BAKERSFIELD -- CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM April 13, 1999 TO: City/County IGRC Members FROM: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager /~... SUBJECT: Request for CSA-71 Map and Agreement At the last IGRC meeting, City Councilmember Irma Carson requested that a map of the CSA-71 area and a copy of the agreement be provided to members of the IGRC. Enclosed are those documents. The updated draft CSA-71 agreement is still being reviewed by staff from both agencies. It should be available for review soon. Call me at 326-3606 if you have any questions. Enclosures cc: Ross Elliott Alan Tandy S:~c\lGRCommittee~memoCSA-71Request.wpd BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM February 19, 1999 TO: City Intergovernmental Relations Committee Councilmember Irma Carson, Committee Chair Councilmember Randy Rowles, Committee Member Councilmember Jacquie Sullivan, Committee Member FROM- Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Prioritization of IGRC Topics At the IGRC meeting this week, the committee agreed to prioritize a number of issues to serve as goals for the upcoming year. After reviewing the list of topics in the attached minutes of the meeting, please respond to Jean Parks as to which are your highest priorities. List them in order and we will compile the results in tandem with the County staff so that we can develop an action plan. Attachment cc Mayor and City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager Tuesday, February 9, 1999 12:15 PM County Administrative Center - 3r~ Floor Multi-Purpose Room 1115 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield 1. ROLL CALL Members: Pete Parra Irma Carson Randy Rowles Ken Peterson Jackie Sullivan Others Present: Dave Price Adel Klein Alan Tandy Raul Rojas Scott Jones Mel Gibbins Jacque LaRochelle Ron Fraze Charles Lackey Ted James Jack Hardisty John Sfinson Steve Schuett . Ross Elliott Alan Christianson Gary Hutton Sheryi Barbich Pauline Larwood Bart Thiltgen Marion Shaw Lois Chaney 2. PRESENTATIONS None 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. CSA 71 - Update Dave Price stated that County and City staff have been meeting to develop an agreement. During their meeting last week a number of key objectives were identified, and both side are very close on nearly every issue. The meetings are continuing. Alan Tandy reiterated that County and City staff are still working on an agreement and good progress is being made. He estimated that 70% of the issues are resolved and another month of meetings will be needed. B. Fire Service Joint Powers Agreement Ron Fraze indicated that he has been meeting with Dan Clark, and another meeting is scheduled for later today. He expects all issues to be resolved at that meeting. ' 5. NEW BUSINESS A. South Beitway Alignments Jacque LaRochelle indicated that public input has been received regarding the proposed alignments. The City is working with Kern Council of Governments (KernCOG) to perform traffic studies. The basic street alignment has been developed. Only minor "tweaking" is needed before the next presentation to the City Planning Commi~ion and City Council. Ted James gave a brief explanation of the purpose of the South Beltway and explained how the project fits into the circulation element of the 2010 General Plan. This beltway is only one of several other transportation projects needed to meet the Metro area's circulation needs. B. Greater Bakersfield 2020 Vision Community Development Summit Report Pete Parra opened this topic by explaining that the 2020 Vision Report had been presented to the Board of Supervisors. The Board received the plan favorably and appreciates the Chamber of Commerce taking a lead role in addressing these issues. At the Board meeting, the plan was referred to the County Administrative Office, Planning and Resource Management Agency to develop an action plan for implementation of the principles. A report is due back to the Board on February 23. Staff's action plan will address opportunities for collaborative implementation with the City and public participation. Scott Jones offered to share the draft report with City staff prior to the February 23 meeting. Irma Carson said that the 2020 Vision Report was also presented to the City Council. The Council referred the plan to the Urban Development Committee, which is chaired by Randy Rowles. Randy expects that the Committee's recommendation will be presented to the City Council in mid March. The City wants to keep the momentum going regarding the principles put forth in the plan, and he reiterated the importance of the City and County working together on implementation. C. Function of IGRC - Goal Setting Pete Parra asked that this topic and the next agenda item be heard/diseussed simultaneously. The members were asked to help define the role of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee and set some goals for the upcoming year. The following ideas were listed as possible discussion topics: · Use these meetings as a forum for communication in understanding each jurisdiction's policies. · Transportation Issues: receive background information to gain an understanding of ali facets of each issue. · Enhance communication between the decision-makers and work towards building relationships. · Discuss the possibility of more joint powers agreements (JPA), with possible topics being the Museum, parks, libraries and others. · Economic Development: look for opportunities to engage in joint activities to enhance each jurisdiction's independent efforts. State Legislative Issues: find common ground on changing existing laws or developing mutually beneficial positions on pending bills. Possible topics include: ERAF; roads funding (and 1/2 cent sales tax). Annexations: understand each jurisdiction's policies and needs; work towards resolving issues. · Growth Issues: infrastructure; land use; transportation; perhaps 2010 update. · Mandatory Garbage Collection and Disposal. · Parking Issues. Staff will send this list to all members of the IGRC and ask them to prioritize the list of topics. The top priority items will be discussed at future meetings. In general, the IGRC.will use the following approach to address each topic: 1. Identify the issue 2. Each member will gain a full understanding of the issue and the other jurisdiction's position 3. Reach consensus on a solution when possible 4. Develop an action plan to implement the recommendations D. Discuss Possible Meeting Between the Entire City Council and the Entire Board of Supervisors See item C., above. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by Pete Parra at approximately 1:00 PM. The next meeting has been tentatively scheduled for Thursday, April 15, 1999. City host. ~--------~]~-Elliott, Special Projects Manager County of Kern Kern County Administrative Office County Administrative Center 1115 Truxtun Avenue, Fifth Floor · Bakersfield, CA 93301-4639 SCOTT E. JONES Telephone 805-868-3198 · FAX 805-868-3190 · TTY Relay 800-735-2929 County Administrative Officer February 16, 1999 Alan Christianson, Assistant City Manager City Manager's Office - City of Bakersfield 1501 Tmxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: IGRC Minutes Dear Mr. Christianson: Please fred enclosed the minutes from the IGRC meeting of February 9, 1999. As discussed in your e-mail, I will be polling the County's Committee members to determine their discussion topic priorities. Let me know if the tentative meeting date of April 15 will work for everyone, and I will do the same. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions or need to contact me, the direct line is 868-3183. Ross Elliott Special Projects Manager Enclosure ! FEB I9 i i i ' iCITY MANAGF-R'S OFFIC~j