HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT JOINT CITY-COUNTY AGENDA SECTION: Business Item MEETING DATE: September 27, 2004 ITEM: 6.A.3. APPROVED TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DEPARTMENT HEAD ~'/"/~ DATE: September 20, 2004 CITY MANAGER /,~/ SUBJECT: Consistent Development Standards (Joint Item): Medians, Landscape Maintenance, Deceleration Turn Lanes - City RECOMMENDATION: Hear staff presentation. BACKGROUND: Over the past several years, Kern County and the City of Bakersfield have been working together to establish consistent design standards within Metropolitan Bakersfield in accordance with our existing general plan. Much progress has been made to date. Two outstanding issues are construction of landscape medians and right turn deceleration lanes for commercial developments. City staff will make a brief presentation on Development Standards relating to medians, landscape maintenance, and deceleration turn lanes. September 22, 2004, 1:44PM: jrl Medians-Deceleration Lanes_Business Item 6A3.doc ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT JOINT CITY-COUNTY I AGENDA SECTION: Business Item MEETING DATE: September 27, 2004 I ITEM: 6.A.2. APPROVED TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM' Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DEPARTMENT HEAD ~.~ CITY ATTORN Y~~.//-'/~ DATE: September 20, 2004 CITY MANAGER ,7~/ / SUBJECT: Consistent Development Standards (Jolnt Item): Sewer Service Policy Update - City RECOMMENDATION: Hear staff presentation. BACKGROUND: Just recently, Kern County adopted revised sewer standards that will ensure connection to sanitary sewers and greatly reduce the need for installation of septic systems. City staff will make a brief presentation commending the County on their recent sewer service policy improvements. September 22, 2004, 1:43PM: jrl Sewer Service Policy Update_Business Item 6A2.doc ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT JOINT CITY-COUNTY I AGENDA SECTION: Business Items MEETING DATE: September 27, 2004 I ITEM: 6.A.1 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council .-. APPROVED FROM: Ron Fraze, Fire Chief DEPARTMENT HEAD '~'~ DATE: September 22, 2004 CITY ATTORNEY~ ~ SUBJECT: Future Fire Station Locations and Acquisitions CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: The Bakersfield and Kern County Fire Departments have operated under a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) since 1984. As part of that agreement, future fire station locations have been identified for both the City and the County Fire Departments. Accordingly, each department should take the responsibility of securing these sites. The City has secured sites for future Fire Stations 12 and 17. As unprecedented development occurs in newly incorporated areas of Bakersfield, increasing portions of the City are falling in the area designated to be protected by the Kern County Fire Department. It is our concern that the fire station sites that will serve this new growth are not being secured. These areas will be developing at a rapid rate, therefore, it is imperative these locations are secured in a timely and economical manner. Another concern is the metropolitan area is growing beyond the scope of the original Joint Powers Agreement (JPA). In addition, sites other than those identified in the current JPA may need to be identified. This can be accomplished, along with other outdated issues, during the time in which the JPA is reviewed and updated. It is our intention of starting this revision, together with the County Fire Department, in the very near future. Chief Fraze is to give a presentation on future fire station locations and acquisition issues. September 22, 2004, 5:27PM S:\SUSAN~,dmin Report Word\Fire Stn loc & acq - jt mtg 092704.doc ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT JOINT CITY-COUNTY J AGENDA SECTION: Business Item MEETING DATE: September 27, 2004 I ITEM: 6. B. APPROVED TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council · FROM: Raul R(~jas, Public Works Director DEPARTMENT HEAD ,.(~.~._~. ~ SUBJECT: Transportation Sales Tax (1/2 Cent) Update (Joint Agenda Item) RECOMMENDATION: Hear staff presentation. BACKGROUND: Metropolitan Bakersfield has more than a $3 billion' transportation need over the next twenty years. Conventional revenue sources are unable to meet this need. In an effort to bridge the gap, the Kern County Citizens for Quality Transportation Group was formed. This group has met regularly for some time and has developed a program to place a half-cent sales tax measure on the March, 2006, ballot. City staff will make a brief presentation on the proposed Transportation Sales Tax measure. September 22, 2004 1:47PM: jrl Half Cent_Transportation Sales Tax_Business Item 6B.doc RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY DAVID PRICE III, DIRECTOR Co~mmunity and Economic Development Department. Engineering & Survey Services Department. Environmental Health Services Department. Planning Department· Roads Department P~es: (661) 862-8800 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 350 (800) 552-5376, Menu Option 5 xfl;[~e(~ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-2370 Fax: (661) 862-8801 ~ E-mail: rma@co.kern.ca.us TTY Relay: (800) 735-2929 Web Page: http://www, co.kern.ca.us/rma/ JOINT BOARD OF SUPERVISORS/BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 27, 2004 RESPONSE TO REFERRAL - ONE-HALF CENT SALES TAX COMMITTEE By: David Price III, RMA Director.~ This report is in response to a referral from the last joint meeting asking that the County Administrative Office, Roads, and Planning report back regarding the formation of a one-half cent sales tax committee. Since that meeting, a group of local organizations and citizens has met regularly. They have also taken steps to create the membership, adopt Bylaws, and formally name the' group as "Kern County Citizens for Quality Transportation" (KCCQT). The group has registered with the state Fair Political Practices Commission as a political action committee and was formed so that a campaign in support of a one-half cent sales tax for transportation funding could be undertaken. Future activities may also include sponsorship of additional transportation related projects if the members choose to keep the organization in existence for other related purposes. KCCQT has carefully considered the scope of the project and has determined that it should target the 2006 election cycle for placing a ballot measure before the electorate. Consideration is being given as to whether the primary or general election should be focus of that effort and no decision has been made. The group has invited public agency staff from the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, Golden Empire Transit, and Kern Council of Governments to serve as an information resource in support of developing the proposed project list and the related public education effort. Staff attends meetings and provides statistical, financial, and other information that is useful to the committee. Because a committee has been formed that is broadly representative of many community interests, staff believes that there is no need for the formation of a new committee to address this issue. Staff is prepared to continue its participation in non- political, public education related activities consistent with state law. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that both the Bakersfield City Council and the Kern County Board of Supervisors receive and file this report. Printed on Recycled Paper ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT JOINT CITY-COUNTY AGENDA SECTION: Business Items MEETING DATE: September 27, 2004 ITEM: ~, ~. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council DEPARTMENT HF-~'D___,z~_~ FROM: Jack Hardisty, Development Services Director ,. CITY ATTOR~ //~/ DATE: September 21, 2004 CITY MANAGER~ SUBJECT: Air Pollution Reduction by Railroads Update RECOMMENDATION: Direct Staff to prepare resolution and place on City Council agenda for adoption. BACKGROUND: Railroad engines generate large amounts of air pollution., There are less polluting .engines available which could be used in switching and local shuttling of rail cars. County staff will'take the lead in the presentation of this matter but it is anticipated that a resolution urging the railroads to utilize the less polluting engines will be in order. JH:pjt Admin\9-27-cc&cbs RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY DAVID PRICE III, DIRECTOR p~eUnity and Economic Development Department* Engineering & Survey Services Department. Environmental Health Services Department. Planning Department. Roads Department s: (661) 862-8800 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 350 (800) 552-5376, Menu Option 5 ~' BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-2370 Fax: (661) 862-8801 ~ E-maih rma@co.kern.ca us TTY Relay: (800) 735-2929 Web Page: http://www, co.kern.ca.us/rma/ JOINT BOARD OF SUPERVISORS/BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 27, 2004 RESPONSE TO REFERRAL - REDUCTION OF AIR POLLUTION BY RAILROADS By: David Price III, RMA Director ~ This report is in response to a referral from the last joint meeting asking that County staff report back to the Board of Supervisors regarding the use of draft engines by railroads to transport trains in and out of the metropolitan areas to reduce air pollution. In response to the above referral and a related request by the Bakersfield City Council, the Resource Management Agency recommended on October 21, 2003 a resolution for adoption by the Kern County Board of Supervisors (Board) encouraging the approVal of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the mainline railroads operating within the San Joaquin Valley air basin. The Board approved the resolution as recommended by the Resource Management Agency. Subsequently, the Kern County Air Pollution ContrOl Board determined that emission reductions likely to result from implementation of such an MOU would have a positive effect on East Kern air quality. Accordingly, that District Board on January 15, 2004 adopted a similar resolution in support of a San Joaquin Valley railroad MOU. Recently, staff has been advised by San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District planning staff that a series of meetings has been initiated. Participants in these quarterly meetings include the state Air Resources Board, the railroads, and local air district staff. The hope expressed was that some progress in those ongoing negotiations would be achieved soon. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that both the Bakersfield City Council and the Kern County Board of Supervisors receive and file this report. Printed on Recycled Paper ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT JOINT CITY-COUNTY I AGENDA SECTION: Business Item MEETING DATE: September 27, 2004 I ITEM: 6.D. APPROVED TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DEPARTMENT HEAD 7~tr~ "1~'~, _ ~ DATE: September 20, 2004 CITY ATTORNEY...~_~~ CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Status Report on South Beltway (City Agenda Item), RECOMMENDATION: Hear staff presentation. BACKGROUND: A little over three years ago, the City certified the environmental document for the South Beltway. Kern County has recently made progress towards adoption of the South Beltway. The City is encouraged by this progress and looks forward to an update from the Countyon the details. September 22, 2004, 4:42PM: jrl Status Report on South Beltway_Business Item 6D.doc JOINT BOARD OF SUPERVISORS/BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL MEETING UPDATE ON SOUTH BELTWAY TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR By:. Ted James, Director, Kern County Planning Department ~ This report provides a status on the County's process tOadopt a Specific Plan Line to reserve right-of-way for a future east-west 300-foot wide freeway alignment which is intended to provide a southerly by-pass from Highway 58 around the southern portion of the Metropolitan Bakersfield area extending west to Interstate 5. The City of Bakersfield and Kern County adopted a South Beltway Circulation alignment as part of the update of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan in 2002. As the County Planning Department was initiating the process of adopting the Specific Plan Line for unincorporated areas, Supervisor Pan'a requested that the Planning and Roads Departments evaluate an alternative alignment in the southeast portion of the Metropolitan Bakersfield area that extends south of the community of Lamont to better serve the southeast Metropolitan Bakersfield communities. In response, the Planning and Roads Departments prepared an alternative South Beltway alignment that required re- circulation of the previously prepared South Beltway Environmental Impact Report. The County has prepared a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) for the proposed General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Line which extends easterly of the City of Bakersfield's adopted alignment around the community of Lamont along the Commanche Road alignment to Highway 58. The SEIR is currently being circulated for a 45-day public and agency review which ends on October 29, 2004. The SEIR is expected to identify issues related to flooding, loss of agricultural land and other issues. Upon the completion of the SEIR, and after further consultation with City of Bakersfield Public Works Department staff, the Planning and Roads Departments will make recommendations to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors related to the adoption of a South Beltway Circulation Element amendment and Specific' Plan Line. Any Board of Supervisors approved differences from the City's adopted alignment would be referred by the County for consideration by the City of Bakersfield. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Bakersfield City Council and Kem County Board of Supervisors receive and file this report. :; 9/27/04 i:\adm\jvb\plnkso.beltway update.inf Metropolitan Bakersfi~eeld Circulation Plan South Beltway Transportation Corridor . %. ; . ~~ · . ·~ ,-..l...~:" : · · 'Adopted South Beltway Al~'gnment-' N ~.." ,'h-.Lam°nt 8000 1~000 Feet , ~- Arvin ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IJOINT CITY-COUNTY I AGENDA S.ECTION: Business Items MEETING DATE: September 27, 2004 ITEM: ~. E. APPROVED TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council DEPARTMENT HEAD FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager CITY A'n'ORNEY DATE: September 21, 2004 CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Standardization of Animal Control Policies RECOMMENDATION: Hear Staff Presentations BACKGROUND: An agreement between the City of Bakersfield and the County of Kern relating to animal care services became effective July 1, 2004. The five-year agreement was the result of numerous meetings between City and County staff whose efforts focused on finding a way to provide the most efficient and effective animal care services for the community. The agreement provided a venue for a co-located animal care facility allowing convenient and consistent services for both Bakersfield and Kern County residents, economies of scale for tax savings, and a computerized joint licensing and tracking system featuring one data base for both jurisdictions. As part of this agreement, the City .retained the same animal control fees as the County and agreed to build an adjacent kennel to assist in the sheltering of animals which come in to the keeping of the County Shelter. Under the agreement, the County maintains operational control over the Shelter. Both the City and the County retain their own animal control field services~ The desires expressed on the part of the City and County in this agreement, and in other actions such as the County instituting a three-dog limit in the metropolitan area, is a reflection of the current high level of cooperation and standardization on animal care and control between the City of Bakersfield and the County of Kern. P:~Joint Meeting Admin 8-18-04.doc 9/22/2004: rlj RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY DAVID PRICE III, DIRECTOR lunity and Economic Development Department. Engineering & Survey Se~ces Department. Environmental Health Services Department. Planning Department. Roads Department '~es: (661) 862-8800 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 350 (800) 552-5376, Menu Option 5 ~ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-2370 Fax: (661) 862-8801 ~ E-mail: rma@co.kern.ca.us TTY Relay: (800) 735-2929 Web Page: http:#vvww, co.kern.ca.us/rma/ JOINT BOARD OF SUPERVISORS/BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 27, 2004 ANIMAL CONTROL ISSUES COORDINATION By: David Price III, RMA Director ~ This report is in response to a request to initiate discussion concerning closer coordination on animal control related issues between the two jurisdictions. This issue has been brought forward by Supervisor Watson in recognition of the following circumstances: · The City and the County just three months ago executed an agreement through which animal shelter services are provided by the County for both City and County animals. · Recently, a series of articles in the Bakersfield Californian has raised public awareness to new levels concerning the number of unwanted animals that must. be addressed by local authorities. As a result of that series, Supervisor Maben was requested by the Bakersfield Californian to coordinate a meeting of interested citizens on the issue. About 25 persons have been advised of such a meeting that was scheduled for September 22 at the Public Services Building. · As the community grows, this problem is one that affects both jurisdictions and its believed that no long term solution can be found until both entities address the underlying issues. · The County has just recently reconstituted its animal advisory committee. Some possible areas that may be of mutual interest to both jurisdictions include: 1. Joint City/County Animal Control Enforcement Plan, with possible expansion to other cities. 2. Joint City/County administrative penalty structure for non-licensed, unrestrained, noisy, and/or dangerous dogs. 3. Joint City/County appeals process to hear and decide owner-appealed cases. 4. Other issues, as appropriate. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that both the Bakersfield City Council and the Kern County Board of Supervisors discuss the report and make any appropriate referrals to staff. Printed on Rec),cled Paper COUNTY OF KERN AND CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLERK OF THE BOARD AND CITY CLERK To: Board of Supervisors and City Council From: Denise Pennell, Clerk of the Board, and Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk Date: September 27, 2004 Subject: Schedule for 2005 Joint Meetings To ensure the Board and City Council are able to reserve the time necessary for future joint meetings, it is important to establish dates far in advance of the meetings. Members of both legislative bodies have demanding schedules, and finding dates when all members can meet is often challenging. The first joint meeting was held on September 13, 1999, with subsequent meetings held on the following dates: March 20, 2000 and September 11, 2000 March 19, 2001 and July 23, 2001 March 18, 2002 and September 9, 2002 March 31, 2003 and September 15, 2003 September 27, 2004 (the March 15, 2004 was canceled) Given the challenge of coordinating dates when all members can attend joint meetings, two meetings annually appear to be adequate to address issues affecting both jurisdictions. The proposed dates are free of known conflicts with the official duties of all members. THEREFORE, IT IS RECOMMENDED that the Board of Supervisors and Bakersfield City Council consider and approve the following dates for the 2005 Joint City/County meetings: Monday, February 28, 2005 at 5:30 p.m., and Monday, September 19, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. cc: Scott Jones, CAO Alan Tandy, City Manager Bernard C. Barmann, County Counsel Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney From: Pam McCarthy To: Benham, Sue; Christensen, Alan; Couch, David; Hanson, Harold; Maggard, Mike; Salvaggio, Mark; Sullivan, Jacquie Date: ~ 3/2/2004.10:25:37 AM Subject: Re: Joint Meeting Have discussed with Denise Pennell at BOS and we will both send out Notices of CanCellation to our respective parties/media. >>> Alan Christensen 3/2/2004 10:15:51 AM >>> In discussions with the County staff today, the Board of Supervisors has indicated that they would like to Cancel the Joint City-County meeting on March 15th. The City has agreed. The next scheduled meeting is September 27, 2004. Alan Christensen Assistant City Manager (661) 326-3014 (661) 619-8933 (cell) (661) 852-2053 (fax) achriste @ ci.bakersfield.ca.us CC: Core, Florn; Fraze, Ron; Gafford, Roberta; Gennaro, Ginny; Hardisty, Jack; Hayden, Carroll; Haynes, Darnell; Klimko, Greg; Kunz, Donna; Matlock, Eric; Parks, Jean; Rojas, Raul; Slater, Trudy; SmileY, Rhonda; Stinson, John W.; Tandy, Alan From: Alan Christensen To: Council Date: 3/2/2004 10:15:54 AM Subject: Joint Meeting In discussions with the County staff today, the Board of Supervisors has indicated that they would like to cancel the Joint City-County meeting on March 15th. The City has agreed. The next scheduled meeting is September 27, 2004. Alan Christensen Assistant City Manager (661) 326-3014 (661) 619-8933 (cell) (661) 852-2053 (fax) achriste @ ci.bakersfield.ca, us CC: Alan Tandy; Darnell Haynes; Department Heads; Jean Parks; Pam McCarthy; Rhonda Smiley; Roberta Gafford; Trudy Slater Alan Christensen - Agenda Items " Page 1 From: "ADEL KLEIN" <aklein@co.kern.ca.us> To: <achriste@ci. bakersfield .ca .us> Date: 3/1/2004 3:20:16 PM Subject: Agenda Items Agenda items for the Joint City-County meeting on March 15 are: 1. Standardization of Development Standards in Metropolitan Bakersfield Area--Hear City and County Staff Status Report 2. In-fill Development Incentive Programs--Hear City and County Staff Reports i Alan~7;.~,,risten,sen - RE: agenda ...... Page 1 From: Alan Tandy To: Mark Salvaggio Date: 2~25~2004 8:22:20 AM Subject: RE: agenda ok >>> "Mark Salvaggio" <msalvaggio@arvin-do.com> 2/25/04 7:51:14 AM >>> Thanks. I am also anxious for a quick meeting. Oh, please put on the agenda (City/County Joint Meeting) the following issue: Status of traffic signal at Hwy 99 south bound off ramp and Taft Hwy: ..... Original Message ..... From: Alan Tandy [mailto:AtandyCb, ci.bakersfield.ca.us] Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 3:07 PM To: Mark Salvaggio Subject: agenda I am not aware of much. My evaluation is on the closed session. 6a is another no growth error of the planning Commisssion in ward 5 we are recommending over turning on consent, the Sierra Club is protesting a zone change in ward 5. Other than that, at this point, I am hoping for a quick and easy night! Any questions or concerns from your end please call or email thanks CC: Alan Christensen