HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE:· May 10, 2006 AGENDA SECTION: ITEM: TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: May 1, 2006 CITY ATTORNEY ~',/~/~ SUBJECT: Resolution in Support for Downtown Bakersfield Location for Federal Courthouse/and urging General Services Administration to work with City of Bakersfield and Downtown Property Owners. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. ·BACKGROUND: Since 2003, the City of Bakersfield, through numerous letters from the City Manager's office, Economic & Community Development, and our local legislators has been informing the General Service Administration (GSA) of the City's desire and intent to see the Federal Courthouse site downtown. This official resolution is reaffirming the City's position and belief that a downtown site best serves the needs of the City, its residents, and ultimately the Federal Courthouse itself. The resolution will be provided to our legislators to assist in their efforts to lobby the GSA, to reconsider the City's and their constituents desire to see the Federal Courthouse project downtown. S:~Admins\City Council\City Council Admins 2006\GSA support downtown admin.doc 5/1/2006 2:36 PM B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM May 4,2006 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Coun/ci~~ FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: Courthouse Follow-up At the Council meeting of April 26th, several Council suggestions and questions were made in regard to the subject of the Federal Courthouse location. Updates on issues that were raised follow: · The resolution of support for the downtown location is on the agenda for action on May 10th. · A letter has been sent to Peter Stamison, Regional Administrator for GSA, asking for an "all hands" public meeting in Bakersfield as soon as possible. · The GAO has been advised of the desire of our elected officials to participate in a hearing, should there be one. · Letters and correspondence are being placed on our web page. The web page at www. nocourthouse.com provides advice on how to participate. In a related matter, the Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution in support of a downtown location. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT FOR DOWNTOWN BAKERSFIELD LOCATION FOR FEDERAL COURTHOUSE AND URGING GENERAL SERVICES, ADMINISTRATION TO WORK WITH CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND DOWNTOWN PROPERTY OWNERS. WHEREAS, the federal government approached the City of Bakersfield in 2003 with plans to locate a new courthouse in Bakersfield; 'and WHEREAS,' the City of Bakersfield identified potential properties in downtoWn Bakersfield for the General Services Administration (GSA) and offered the City's and/or Redevelopment Agency's help in assembling sites for the new courthouse, in keeping with ils prior established' City Council goals of locating the Federal courthouse downtown; and WHEREAS, Executive Order 12072 requires federal agencies to give first consideration and preference to central business areas in meeting federal space needs in urban areas, to consider the management efficiencies to be gained by siting new facilities near other government facilities, to impact the economic development .and employment opportunities in the urban area, to locate facilities in developments that include other office or research facilities, and GSA.guidelines 'promote the goals of Executive Order 12072; and WHEREAS, GSA's own guidelines promote the ideals of Executive Order 12072, and to be a "good neighbor" to existing communities; and WHEREAS, after reviewing, potential downtown sites, GSA officials widened the delineated search area to include sites outside the central business area in order to ensure adequate competition in acquiring leased space; and WHEREAS, the GSA did not inform the City of other sites under consideration in order to get their input as to any site or community issues that may arise with their selection, and whether they would meet City zoning or other development guidelines; and WHEREAS, the GSA awarded the courthouse bid to a site that is six miles from the central business area, far from existing courts and other law enforcement facilities, that has no other existing office_..buildings currently, is adjacent to residential neighborhoods and an elementary school, which the City believes distinctly contradicts the intent of Executive Order 12072, and the GSA's other bid specifications; and WHEREAS, the GSA bypassed a qualified downtown bid which met all of GSA's bid specifications and was at a lower cost than the bid selected, thus wasting taxpayer dollars; and -1- WHEREAS, in deference to objections by the City of Bakersfield and residents surrounding the proposed courthouse site, the development firm-of Castle & Cooke has stated, its willingness to withdraw from its agreement with GSA to build the courthouse at the southwest Bakersfield location, to which the GSA has rejected this offer; and WHEREAS, the bid selection process is now under protest review by the Government Accountability Office of the federal government; and -. .... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Bakersfield hereby: 1. Supports the location of the federal courthouse in downtown Bakersfield. 2. The Council urges the General Services Administration, downtown property owners, and the City of Bakersfield to collaborate for the purposes of satisfying GSA requirements and competitive issues to the .fullest extent possible, thereby facilitating the location of the federal courthouse in downtown Bakersfield. .......... 000 ........ I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the COuncil of the City of Bakersfield at'a regular meeting thereof held on by the following Vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBER CARSON, BENHAM, MAGGARD, COUCH, HANSON, SULLIVAN, $CRIVNER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CMC CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the' City of Bakersfield .APPROVED HARVEY'L. HALL MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By: S:~Agreement\2006 Resos\Workforce Housing Grant 2005 RESO.DOC ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DAli E: January 25, 2006 I AGENDA SECTION: New Business I ITEM: I I. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: January 18, 2006 CITY A'I-rORNEY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Proposal to Make the Ad Hoc Committee on 'Crime, Gang Violence and Community Relations a Standing City Council Committee RECOMMENDATION: City Council determination BACKGROUND: City Councilmember Irma Carson requested that this item be place on the Council's agenda. Her request is to make the Ad Hoc Committee on Crime, Gang Violence, and Community Relations a standing committee, which would meet on a regular basis. Whether approved at this meeting or not, this issue could be referred to the Legislation and Litigation Committee to study the impact an additional committee would have on the current committee structure and the possibility of having the Ad Hoc Committee on Crime assume the duties of a less-active council committee such as Intergovernmental Relations. January 20, 2006, 8:42AM SS:~,dmin Rpts~006\Crime Ad Hoc to Standing Committee 012506.doc AT:JF:akr:al SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - COUNTY OF KERN 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California Regular Meeting Monday, January 9, 2006 12:00 NOON BOARD RECONVENED Supervisors: McQuiston, Maben, Patrick, Watson, Rubio ROLL CALL: All Present SALUTE TO FLAG - Led by Supervisor Patrick NOTE: The vote is displayed in bold below each item. For example, Patrick-Maben denotes Supervisor Patrick made the motion and Supervisor Maben seconded the motion. BOARD ACTION SHOWN IN CAPS PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS 1) This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda but under the jurisdiction of the Board. Board members may respond briefly to statements made or questions posed. They may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff for factual information or request staff to report back to the Board at a later meeting. Also, the Board may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. SPEAKERS ARE LIMITED TO TWO MINUTES. PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME BEFORE MAKING YOUR PRESENTATION. THANK YOU! - NO ONE HEARD 2 Board of Supervisors reorganization and selection of Chairman and Vice Chairman - SELECTED THIRD DISTRICT SUPERVISOR BARBARA PATRICK AS 2006 CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, AND CONFIRMED FOURTH DISTRICT SUPERVISOR RAY WATSON AS VICE-CHAIRMAN CHAIRMAN WATSON WELCOMED SUPERVISOR BARBARA PATRICK AS THE 2006 CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD AND EXPRESSED APPRECIATION TO THE CLERK OF THE BOARD, COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE AND COUNTY COUNSEL FOR THEIR SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE DURING HIS TERM AS CHAIRMAN McQuiston-Maben: All Ayes Suzmnary o£ Procee4ings Page 2 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting - 12:00 NOON 1/9/2006 ADJOURNED TO TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2006 AT 9:00 A.M. McQuls~on /s/ Denise Pennell Clerk of the Board /s/ Ray Watson Chairman, Board of Supervisors SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - COUNTY OF KERN 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:00 A.M. BOARD RECONVENED Supervisors: McQuiston, Maben, Patrick, Watson, Rubio ROLL CALL: All Present SALUTE TO FLAG - Led by Supervisor Watson NOTE: The vote is displayed in bold below each item. For example, McQuiston-Watson denotes Supervisor McQuiston made the motion and Supervisor Watson seconded the motion. CONSENT AGENDA/OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT: ALL ITEMS LISTED WITH AN ASTERISK (*) OR A NUMBER SIGN (~) WERE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE AND APPROVED BY ONE MOTION. BOARD ACTION SHOWN IN CAPS RESOLUTIONS/PROCLAMATIONS 1) Resolution honoring Fourth District Supervisor Ray Watson for his numerous accomplishments as 2005 Chairman of the Board of Supervisors - ADOPTED RESOLUTION; MADE PRESENTATION TO SUPERVISOR RAY WATSON; SUPERVISOR WATSON HEARD; ALL SUPERVISORS ADDED THEIR APPRECIATION FOR SUPERVISOR WATSON'S YEAR OF SERVICE AS CHAIRMAN Maben-Rublo: All Ayes 2) Resolution honoring Dr. Donald R. Terleski, Mental Health Department, upon his retirement with 33 years of service to the County of Kern - ADOPTED RESOLUTION; MADE PRESENTATION TO DR. DONALD TERLESKI; DONALD TERLESKI AND DIANE KODITEK, DIRECTOR, MF/TTAL HEALTH SERVICES, HEARD McQuiston-Watson: All Ayes Stum~ary o£ Proceedings Page 4 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting - 9:00 A.M. 1/10/2006 3 Certificate of Recognition recognizing Ben Estill, for his athletic and academic achievements - MADE PRESENTATION TO BEN ESTILL; COACH MARTINEZ, TAFT UNION HIGH SCHOOL AND BEN ESTILL HEARD; MR. AND MRS. ESTILL AND BEN'S FAMILY INTRODUCED *4 Proclamation proclaiming February 11, 2006 as San Joaquin Community Hospital Day in Kern County - PROCLAIMED; REFERRED TO CLERK OF THE BOARD FOR PREPARATION Maben-Watson: All Ayes PUBLIC REQUESTS *5 Request from Kern County Child Care Council to approve Certification Statement Regarding Composition of Local Planning Council (LPC) Membership and submission to California Department of Education - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN Maben-Watson~ All Ayes APPOINTMENTS *6) Appointment of William (Bill) B. Matthew as Fourth District Member to the Behavioral Health Board, term to expire December 31, 2008 - MADE APPOINTMENT Maben-W&tson~ All Ayes *7) Reappointments to the Tehachapi Public Cemetery District of Michael Martinez, term to expire December 15, 2007, Louise Mantoth, term to expire December 15, 2009, Margie Gilliland, term to expire December 15, 2009, Coy Blair, term to expire December 15, 2008,' and Tommy Allred, term to expire December 15, 2008 - MADE REAPPOINTMENTS Maben-w&tson: All Ayes *8) Reappointments of Donald A. Hall and Jeffrey B. Cutherell as At-large Members to the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District, terms to expire January 11, 2010 - MADE REAPPOINTMENTS Maben-Watson: All Ayes *9) Reappointments of Les Clark as Industry/Ag Member and Suzanne Noble as Alternate Industry/Ag Member to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Citizens Advisory Con~mittee, terms to expire January 31, 2009 - MADE REAPPOINTMENTS Maben-Watson: All Ayes ~,m,~%-y of Proceedings Page 5 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting - 9:00 A.M. 1/10/2006 PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS 10) This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda but under the jurisdiction of the Board. Board members may respond briefly to statements made or questions posed. They may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff for factual information or request staff to report back to the Board at a later meeting. Also, the Board may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. SPEAKERS ARE LIMITED TO TWO MINUTES. PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME BEFORE MAKING YOUR PRESENTATION. THANK YOU! - JEFF CLARK, PRESIDENT, UPPER KERN COUNTY CHAPTER OF NORML, ADDRESSED THE BOARD REGARDING A TIME WAIVER ON A CODE COMPLIANCE NUISANCE ABATEMENT ORDER. HE FURTHER EXPRESSED HIS CONCERN WITH THE INCREASED LAW ENFORCEMENT PRESENCE DURING THE DECEMBER 20, 2005 BOARD MEETING REFERRED TO ENGINEERING AND SURVEY SERVICES AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY TO MEET WITH MR. CLARK AND REPORT BACK TO THE BOARD ON THE HISTORY OF THIS CODE VIOLATION McQuiston-Rublo: All Ayes RALPH KENNEDY, VICE PRESIDENT, UPPER KERN COUNTY CHAPTER OF NORML, APOLOGIZED FOR HIS BEHAVIOR AT THE DECEMBER 20, 2005 MEETING, AND REQUESTED CONSIDERATION TO HAVE WATER AVAILABLE FOR THE PUBLIC IN THE BOARD CHAMBERS BOARD MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS OR REPORTS 11) On their own initiative, Board members may make an announcement or a report on their own activities. They may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda (Gov. Code Sec. 54954.2[a]) - SUPERVISOR RUBIO ANNOUNCED HE WILL BE INTRODUCING THE VICTIMS OF GANG VIOLENCE ACT OF 2006 IN THE NEAR FUTURE RESULTING FROM AN INCREASE IN VIOLENT CRIMES IN 2005 SUPERVISOR PATRICK COMMENTED ON NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND FRUITVALE SCHOOL DISTRICT TO PURCHASE PROPERTY NEAR ENDEAVOR SCHOOL TO CONSTRUCT A FIRE STATION TO REPLACE STATION 65 ON ROSEDALE HIGHWAY. SHE REQUESTED BOARD SUPPORT TO CONVEY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD THAT THE COU1TTY HAS NO OBJECTION TO THE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY, BUT THE COUNTY SHOULD RETAIN THE RIGHT OF NEGOTIATION WITH THE FIRE JPA FOR CONSTRUCTION AND STAFFING OF THE STATION REFERRED TO COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENT TO DRAFT A LETTER TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONVEYING THE COUNTY'S SUPPORT AND INTENT TO NEGOTIATE AND RETURN TO THE BOARD TO AUTHORIZE THE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN Maben-Watson: All Ayes DIRECTED THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE TO PLACE THIS MATTER ON THE FEBRUARY 27, 2006 AGENDA FOR THE JOINT CITY/COUNTY MEETING Su~mmry o£ Proceedings Page 6 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting - 9:00 A.M. 1/10/2006 DEPARTMENTAL ~EQUESTS AGRICULTURE ANDMEASUREMENT STANDARDS '12 Proposed retroactive Agreement with California Department of Food and Agriculture for glassy-winged sharpshooter/Pierce's Disease Control Program in the amount of $201,314.79 (Fiscal Impact: $201,314.79; Revenue; Budgeted; Mandated) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 001-2006 Maben-Watson: All Ayes '13 Notification of anticipated retroactive Agreement with United States Department of Agriculture for area wide management of glassy-winged sharpshooter (Fiscal Impact: None) - RECEIVED AND FILED Maben-Wetson: All Ayes '14) Notification of anticipated retroactive Agreement with Tehachapi Resource Conservation District for weed management services (Fiscal Impact: None) - RECEIVED AND FILED Maben-Watson: All Ayes AIRPORTS · 15) Proposed Amendment No. i to Lease and Concession Agreement 548-98 with Vanguard Car Rental USA, Inc. at Meadows Field Airport to extend term to June 30, 2013 and assuming space at new terminal parking lot - MADE FINDING THAT PROJECT IS EXEMPT UNDER SECTION 15301 OF CEQA; DIRECTED CLERK OF THE BOARD TO FILE THE NOTICE OF EXEMPTION IF REQUESTED; APPROVED; AUTHQRIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 002-2006 Maben~Watson: All Ayes '16 Request to appropriate unanticipated revenue from U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Grant for construction of the intersection at Wings Way and 7th Standard Road in the amount of $429,054 (Fiscal Impact: $429,054 revenue; Federal Grant; Not Budgeted; Discretionary) APPROVED APPROPRIATION OF UNANTICIPATED REVENUE IN THE AMOUNT OF $429,054 TO AIRPORTS ENTERPRISE FUND APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES; APPROVED BUDGET TRANSFER IN THE AMOUNT OF $429,054 FROM AIRPORTS ENTERPRISE FUND APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES TO BUDGET UNIT 8994 Maben-Watson: All Ayes AUDITOR-CONTROLLER-COUNTY CLERK '17 Proposed Resolutions authorizing County Treasurer to effect a temporary transfer of funds in or after January 2006 to the County General Fund in the amount of $200,000,000 and the County Fire Fund in the amount of $21,000,000 to cover cash flow requirements for the Fiscal Year 2005-2006 County budget (Fiscal Impact: $221,000,000) - APPROVED; ADOPTED RESOLUTIONS 2006-001 AND 2006-002 Maben-Watson: All Ayes Sunm~ o£ Proceedings Page 7 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting r 9:00 A.M. 1/10/2006 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS '18) CHAIRMAN'S COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS 2006 1) Air Pollution Control District McQuiston M~ben Watson 2) Behavioral Health Board Betty Erickson (Chairman's staff) 3 CSAC Board of Directors McQuiston *Alternate Watson 4 Carrizo Plain Advisory Committee (BLM) Watson 5 Children and Families Commission Maben 6 Community Action Partnership of Kern Rubio 7 Criminal Justice Cabinet Chairman 8 Criminal Justice Grant Advisory Board Chairman 9 Emergency Medical Care Advisory Board Maben *Alternate *Rubio 10) Endangered Species & Bio-Regional McQuiston Work Group SJV Supervisors Association 11) Hazardous Waste Management Plan McQuiston Local Advisory Committee Rubio 12) Intergovernmental Relations Committee Maben Patrick *Alternate *Ail Other Supervisors 13) Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council Chairman 14) Kern Council of Governments (Kern COG) McQuiston Rubio *Alternate *All Other Supervisors 15) Kern County Network for Children Watson 16) Kern Economic Development Corp. (KEDC) Chairman Watson *Alternate *McQuiston 17) KMC Joint Conference Committee Chairman Vice Chairman 18) Local Agency Formation Commission Maben (LAFCO) Watson *Alternate *Patrick (Continued to Page 8) ~,m,~ of Proceedings Page 8 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting- 9:00 A.M. 1/10/2006 (Continued from Page 7) 19) Museum Authority Patrick Rubio 20) Parks and Recreation Maben *Alternate Rubio 21) Region 5 Local Emergency Planning Maben Commission *Alternate *Rubio 22) Retirement Board Maben 23) San Joaquin Valleywide Air Pollution Patrick Study Agency *Alternate *Watson 24) San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Patrick Pollution District *Alternate Watson 25) San Joaquin Valley Rail Committee Rubio *Alternate *Maben 26) San Joaquin Valley Regional Patrick Association of California Counties- Executive Committee 27) San Joaquin Valley Water Coalition Watson *Alternate *Maben 28) Solid Waste Independent Hearing Panel McQuiston 29) Solid Waste Management Advisory Maben Committee (SWMAC) Rubio *Alternate *McQuiston 30) Southern California Water Committee Watson *Alternate *Maben 31) Tejon Ranch Public Facilities Maben Financing Authority 32) Tobacco Funding Corporation, Chairman Kern County Vice Chairman 33) Treasury Oversight Committee Chairman 34) Water Resources Committee Maben Rubio 35) Wildlife Resources Commission Maben *Alternate *Rubio 36) Workforce Investment Board Youth Rubio Council Subgroup - APPROVED Maben-Watson~ All Ayes ~,m.~ 0£ Procee~ings Page 9 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting - 9:00 A.M. 1/10/2006 CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES '19) Proposed addition of six (6) Family Support Officer IV, one (1) Information Systems Specialist I/II/III/Senior, one (1) Graphic Artist, and one (1) Office Services Specialist positions, and proposed deletion of six (6) vacant Family Support Officer I/II/III, and one (1) vacant Systems Analyst I/II positions effective January 10, 2006; request to cease automatic addition of Family Support Officer I/II/III upon vacancy and concurrent deletion of Office Services Assistant positions (Fiscal Impact: $181,146.12 Annually; State Grant; Budgeted; Discretionary; No County General Fund Impact) - APPROVED; REFERRED TO PERSONNEL TO AMEND DEPARTMENTAL POSITIONS AND SALARY SCHEDULE Maben-Watson: All Ayes COUNTY COUNSEL *20) Proposed local regulation of retail sales of pseudoephedrine (Fiscal Impact: None) RECEIVED AND FILED REPORT; REFERRED TO SHERIFF AND PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT TO WORK WITH COUNTY COUNSEL TO DEVELOP AN ORDINANCE REGULATING RETAIL SALES OF PSEUDOEPHEDRINE Maben-Watson: All Ayes 21) Report on Board options for review of near-fatal cases involving dependent children (Fiscal Impact: None) - MINISTER WESLEY CRAWFORD AND TERRI FOLEY, CITIZEN'S REVIEW PANEL HEARD; RECEIVED AND FILED; REFERRED TO COUNTY COUNSEL AND COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE TO REPORT BACK TO THE BOARD IN 30 - 45 DAYS REGARDING ESTABLISHING AN INDEPENDENT MULTI- DISCIPLINARY TEAM TO INVESTIGATE NEAR-FATAL CASES INVOLVING DEPENDENT CHILDREN; RECEIVED AND FILED DOCUMENT Rub£o-Watson= All Ayes 22) Report on Board referral concerning indemnification and other provisions in information technology and other contracts that shift risk to the County (Fiscal Impact: None) - RECEIVED AND FILED McQuiston-Watson: All Ayes 23) ReDort on Board referral concerning the waiver of business license fees for certain non-profit organizations (Fiscal Impact: None) - MIKE LUDIKER, PRESIDENT, KERNVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, AND RICH PELLETREAU, WILDLIFE GALLERY AND STUDIO, KERN RIVER VALLEY, HEARD; RECEIVED AND FILED; DIRECTED COUNSEL TO PREPARE AN URGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDMENT FOR THE JANUARY 24, 2006 AGENDA TO PROVIDE FOR A 90-DAY MORATORIUM RELATING TO BUSINESS LICENSE FEES PURSUANT 'TO KERN COUNTY ORDINANCE CODE SECTION 5.04. 160, EXCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CARNIVALS AND FOR A 90-DAY MORATORIUM OF THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT $70 FEE; REFERRED TO BOARD OF TRADE, SHERIFF, PA/{KS, PLANNING AND COUNTY COUNSEL TO REVIEW THE SCOPE OF THE ORDINANCE AND REPORT BACK TO THE BOARD WITH POSSIBLE REVISIONS TO THE BUSINESS'LICENSE FEE PROVISIONS; RECEIVED AND FILED DOCUMENT Maben-McQuiston: All Ayes Summary of Procee4ings Page 10 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting - 9:00 A.M. 1/10/2006 DISTRICT ATTORNEY *24) Request to employ retired County employee Ronald Shumaker, as a Deputy District Attorney, Range 68.8, Step E, for a period not to exceed 120 working days or 960 hours, whichever is greater, in the 12-month period following date of employment (Fiscal Impact: $49,000; Budgeted; Discretionary) - APPROVED Maben-Watson: All Ayes KERN MEDICAL CENTER *25) Notification of proposed retroactive Agreement with Jim Malone, D.P.M., APC, an independent contractor, for podiatry services (Fiscal Impact: None) - RECEIVED AND FILED Maben-Watson: All Ayes *26) Proposed Agreement with Jamshid Tehranzadeh, M.D., an independent contractor, for radiology services, from January 10, 2006 through January 9, 2008, in an amount not to exceed $86,400 (Fiscal Impact: $86,400; KMC Enterprise Fund; Budgeted; Mandated) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 003-2006 Maben-Watson: All Ayes MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES *27) Proposed Amendment No. 1 to Agreement 260-2005 with Komoto Pharmacy, Inc., to revise language regarding mandatory meeting requirements, compliance with the Reform and Control Act, and impact of liens on contractor compensation (Fiscal Impact: None) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 004-2006 Maben-Watson: All Ayes *28) Proposed Amendment No. 1 to Agreement 277-2005 with North Chester Drugs, Inc., dba North Chester Pharmacy, to revise language regarding mandatory meeting requirements, compliance with the Reform and Control Act, and impact of liens on contractor compensation (Fiscal Impact: None) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 005-2006 Maben-Watson: All Ayes *29 Proposed Amendment No. 1 to Agreement 295-2005 with Independent Living Center of Kern County, to revise language regarding mandatory meeting requirements, compliance with the Reform and Control Act, and impact of liens on contractor compensation (Fiscal Impact: None) - APPROVED; AUTHORIZED CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT 006-2006 Maben-Watson: All Ayes