HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/09/2002 ,~ NOTICE OF SPECIAL JOINT MEETING ,,t~T~ ! OF THE  KERN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND ~"~? BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Kern County Board of Supervisors and the Bakersfield City Council will hold a Special Joint Meeting on Monday, September 9, 2002 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., in the Board of Supervisors Chambers, 1115 lruxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Dinner will be provided for City and County elected and appointed officials in the 3rd Floor Multi-Purpose Room at 4:30 p.m., at their option. Tho public may attend and observe. Estimated Start Time 5:30 p.m. 1. FLAG SALUTE 2. ROLL CALL 3. OPENING REMARKS BY CHAIRMAN STEVE A. PEREZ 4. OPENING REMARKS BY MAYOR HARVEY HALL 5:40 p.m.5. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS - Persons may address the Governing Bodies during this portion of the meeting on any matter not on this agenda but under the jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors or City Council. The Chairman, at his discretion, may limit the total time allotted to this portion of the meeting to assure that all agenda items can be completed. Statements are limited to 2 minutes per speaker. Please state and spell your name for the record. 6. BUSINESS ITEMS 6:15 p.m. A. Proposed Criteria for Evaluating High Speed Rail Station Terminal Location (City Agenda Item) - Recommended Action: Hear City and County Staff Presentations; Approve 6:50p.m. B. Status Report on West Side Parkway and Freeway Systems Study (Joint Agenda Item) - Recommended Action: Hear City and County Staff Presentations 7:15p.m. C. Status Report on Meadows Field Airport Terminal Project (County Agenda Item) - Recommended Action: Hear County Staff Presentation 7:30 p.m. D. Status Report on Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan Update (Joint Agenda Item) - Recommended Action: Hear City and County Staff Presentations 7:45p.m. El Status Report on Joint Playground Project at the Metropolitan Recreation Center (County Agenda Item) - Recommended Action: Hear County Staff Presentation Joint City / County Meeting Agenda September 9, 2002 Page Two 8:00p.m. F. Proposal from Council Member Carson for Development of a Workshop Regarding Conflict of Interest for City and County Officials (City Agenda Item) - Recommended Action: Refer to City Attorney and County Counsel 8:~5p.m. G. Proposed 2003 Schedule for Joint Meetings (Joint Agenda Item)- Recommended Action: Approve 8:20 p.m.7. CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND BOARD MEMBERS 8. CLOSING COMMENTS BY MAYOR HARVEY HALL 9. CLOSING COMMENTS BY CHAIRMAN STEVE A. PEREZ 10. ADJOURNMENT Respectfully submitted, Alan Tandy City Manager Joint Meeting of the Kern County Board of Supervisors and the Bakersfield City Council Monday, September 9, 2002 - 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. A dinner buffet will be served at 4:30 p.m. in the 3r~ Floor Multi-Purpose Room for elected and appointed City and County officials. The public may attend and obser~'e. This meeting will be televised live on Cox and Time Warner Cable Channel 16, and Falcon Cable Channel 44. An Assistive Listening device is available in the Board Chambers through the Clerk of the Board and City Clerk. Board of Supervisors Chambers, 1115 Truxtun Avenue, 1st Floor, Bakersfield Benham Hall Perez Salvaggio Patrick Car~ ~*~a n son I Podium I Barmann Yhiltgen CITY COUNCIL BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Harvey Hall, Mayor Steve A. Perez, Chairman, Second District Mark Salvaggio, Vice Mayor, Ward 7 Jon McQuiston, Supervisor. First District Irma Carson, Ward 1 Barbara Patrick, Supervisor, Third District Sue Benham, Ward 2 Vacant, Supervisor, Fourth District Mike Maggard, Ward 3 Pete H. Parra, Supervisor, Fifth District David Couch, Ward 4 Harold Hanson, Ward 5 Jacquie Sullivan, Ward 6 CITY STAFF COUNTY STAFF Alan Tandy, City Manager Scott E. Jones, County Administrative Officer Bart Thiltgen, City Attorney Bernard C. Barmann, County Counsel Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk Denise Pennell, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors MEETING FORMAT This joint proceeding will be Chaired by Board of Supervisors Chairman Steve A. Perez. The governing bodies may take action during this session on the agenda subject matter, receive and file materials related to the agenda topic, and/or give direction to staff. PUBLIC COMMENT PROTOCOL Persons may address the governing bodies on any agenda topic during the discussion of that item. People wishing to make comments on any matter not on this agenda but under the jurisdiction of the Board or Council, may make comments during the Public Presentations portion of the meeting. Statements are limited to 2 minutes per speaker. Speakers are requested to state their name before making the ~resentation. The Chairman. at his discretion, may limit the total time allotted to public comment to assure that all agenda items can be ompleted. Due to logistical complexities, video tapes will not be shown during this meeting. Written comments are encouraged. Provide twenty (20) copies of written material to the Clerks at the time of your presentation, or send ~,a-itten communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors, I115 Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301, or the City Council, 1501 Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 in advance of the meeting. ..... u.s n:.es,s, !t:eTM 6A. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT CITY/COUNTY MEETING DATE: September 9, 2002 J AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: 6A TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council _ APPROVED FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director DEPARTMENT HEAD¢ DATE: September 3, 2002 CITY ATTORNEY ~ /,/~------------------~ CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: High Speed Rail Station Location in Bakersfield, California Metropolitan Area RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Joint Bodies establish evaluation criteria that the City and the County would recommend to Kern Council of Governments for their use in the new study of the three potential sites for the High Speed Rail Station in the Bakersfield, California Metropolitan Area. BACKGROUND: The City Council has adopted a resolution supporting a downtown location for the proposed Bakersfield High Speed Rail station (Resolution 159-01). The Board of Supervisors has not made a formal recommendation on a station location. As the California High Speed Rail Authority (HSRA) is currently conducting preliminary engineering and environmental studies of potential station sites, it is prudent for the City and the County to jointly support one site. The Kern Council of Governments (KernCOG) has budgeted funds for a study to further evaluate the three sites that HSRA has recommended for additional detailed study. Selection of a consultant for that study is currently taking place, with KernCOG estimating that a consultant will be selected in October 2002. Both the City and the County will have staff involved with KernCOG's selection of a consultant and with the actual study itself. KernCOG's current schedule calls for this study to be completed by May 2003. To ensure that both the City and the County will support the recommendation of that 'study, staff recommends that the Joint Bodies adopt a set of evaluation criteria to be used in the evaluation of the station sites. The following is a list of the criteria that that staff recommends be utilized in this study: · Station design characteristics (station functions, platform and track way requirements, station amenities, handicapped accessibility, vehicular and pedestrian circulation; fare collection and site design); · Right-of-way needs; · Operational constraints (noise, lighting, etc.); · Track alignment considerations; · Technology and service requirements; · Availability of adequate utilities at the site and cost to extend them if they are not available; · Site support of patronage and revenue (supporting food services and other retail services); · Site geologyand engineering; · Feasibility of site acquisition (amount of available undeveloped land and government-held land); · Ridership profiles and revenue forecasts; ' · Physical constraints to station area development (existing topography, canals, buildings, etc.); · Compatibility with adjacent land uses; · Growth considerations (population / development); · Inter-connectivity with other transportation modes (walking, cars, buses, trains and planes); · Impacts on existing transportation facilities (cars, buses, trains and planes); · Consistency with plans and policies; · Job generation potential; and · Property tax impacts. September 3, 2002; 11:30AM PW Engr adr G:\GROUPDAT~ADMINRPT~002~AdminRpt09 09 02JointMtgHighSpeedRailStation.doc " ~'RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY DAVID PRICE III, DIRECTOR Communib/Devetopment Program Department. Engineering and Survey Services Department · Environmental Health Services Department. Planning Department · Roads Department (661) 862-8800 .~ t 552-5376 Option 5 ~ 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 350 (661) 862-8801 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-2370 E-Mail: rma@co.kern.ca.us TTY Relay: (800) 735-2929 Web Page: http:/Iwww.co.kern.ca.us/rmalrma.htm JOINT BOARD OF SUPERVISORS/BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 9, 2002 PROPOSED CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING HIGH SPEED RAIL STATION TERMINAl By: David Price III, RMA Director The Bakersfield City Council has adopted a resolution supporting a downtown location for the proposed Bakersfield High Speed Rail station (Resolution 159-01). The Board of Supervisors has not made a formal recommendation on a station location. As the California High Speed Rail Authority (HSRA) is currently conducting preliminary engineering and environmental studies of potential station sites, it is prudent for the City and the County to jointly support one site. The Kern Council of Governments (KernCOG) has budgeted funds for a study to further evaluate the three sites that HSRA has recommended for additional detailed study. Selection of a consultant for that study is currently taking place, with KernCOG estimating that a consultant will be selected in October 2002. Both the City and the County will have staff involved with KernCOG's selection of a consultant and with the actual study itself. KernCOG's current schedule calls for this study to be completed by May 2003. To ensure that both the City and the County will support the recommendation of that study, staff recommends that the Joint Bodies adopt a set of evaluation criteria to be used in the evaluation of the station sites. The following is a list of the criteria that that staff recommends be utilized in this study: · Station design characteristics (station functions, platform and track way requirements, station amenities, handicapped accessibility, vehicular and pedestrian circulation; fare collection and site design: · Right-of-way needs; · Operational constraints (noise, lighting, etc.) · Track alignment considerations; · Technology and service requirements; · Availability of adequate utilities at the site and cost to extend them if they are not available; · Site support of patronage and revenue (supporting food services and other retail services); · Site geology and engineering; · Feasibility of site acquisition (amount of available undeveloped land and government-held land); · Ridership profiles and revenue forecasts; · Physical constraints to station area development (existing topography, canals, buildings, etc.); · Compatibility with adjacent land uses; · Growth considerations (population / development); · Inter-connectivity with other transportation modes (walking, cars, buses, trains and planes); · Impacts on existing transportation facilities (cars, buses, trains and planes); · Consistency with plans and policies; · Job generation potential; and · Property tax impacts. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Joint Bodies establish evaluation criteria that the City and the County would recommend to Kern Council of Governments for their use in the new study of the three potential sites for the High Speed Rail Station in the Bakersfield, California Metropolitan Area. Printed on Recycled Paper ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT I CITY/COUNTY MEETING DATE: September 9, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: ITEM: 6B TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DEPARTMENT HEAD~]~_h~ /~ ~ f~ ~^,~: ^u~u~, ~, ~oo~ c~ ^~o..~'~ .~"/,~- CITY MANAGER ~ SUBJECT: Bakersfield Systems Study and Westside Parkway Status RECOMMENDATION: Hear City and County staff presentations. BACKGROUND: City Public Works Department and County Roads Department staff will provide a brief presentation regarding the status of the Bakersfield Systems Study and the Westside Parkway project. tdw August 30, 2002, 1:39PM C:\Documents and Settings\glorenzi.000\Local Settings\Temp~joint mtg BSS and WESTSIDE admin.doc ROApS DEPARTMENT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY CRAIG M. POPE, P.E., Director DAVID PRICE III, RMA DIRECTOR 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 400 · .,~KERSFIELD, CA 93301-2370 Community Development Program Department ~ne: 661-862-8850 Engineering & Survey Services Department ~=KX: 661-862-8851 . Environmental Health Services DePartment Toll Free: 800-552-5376 Option 5 Planning Department TTY Relay: 800-735-2929 Roads Department E-Mail: roads@co, kern. ca.us JOINT BOARD OF SUPERVISORS]BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 9, 2002 STATUS REPORT ON WEST SIDE PARKWAY AND FREEWAY SYSTEMS STUDY By: Craig M. Pope, Roads Director Staff is taking this opportunity to update thc Kern County Board of Supervisors and the Bakersfield City Council on not only the Westside Parkway but on thc other major transportation' projects in the Metropolitan Bakersfield area. We recognize if there is to be a solution to our transportation problems, it will come from the entire system working well and not just one new roadway. City of Bakersfield staff'will make a presentation on the status of thc Westsidc Parkway and county staffwill provide a short discussion of the status of the following projects: Seventh Standard Road - This roadway alignment from Meadows Field airport west to Santa Fe Way is being improved with three projects. From the airport to State Route (SR) 99 - widening and signals; SR 99 to Calloway - a separation of grade project which includes a new bridge and lanes over SR 99 and the railroad tracks and signals; and Calloway to Santa Fe Way - widening to four lanes with a median. We will also be discussing the concept of temporarily designating 7th Standard Road as SR 58 from SR 99 to Interstate 5 and removing the SR 58 designation from Rosedale Highway. South Beltwa¥- We will briefly mention this project because County Planning staff has budgeted money this year to adopt a Specific Plan·line for thc proposed alignment. The City of Bakersfield has already adopted a Specific Plan line which differs from the proposed county alignment. The alignment adopted by the City of Bakersfield is mostly outside of the city limits. West Bcltway- We will also discuss this alignment because new development is starting to encroach on the adopted Specific Plan line. These development projects are being required to offer for dedication the 'right of way above and beyond the normal amount required for arterials duc to the increased requirement for thc bcltway designation. Printed on Recyc/ed Paper ........... l:tem. 6,C. Point Paper On Meadows Field's New Terminal The terminal effort was temporarily placed on hold in order to sort out the attendant security impacts of the September 2001 terrorist attack. Clearly,the impacts of 11 September were harsher and have lasted longer than the industry had initially anticipated. While the BFL enplanements are currently 68% of the enplanements from this time last year, the reduction is the result of a drop in airline capacity (seats) rather than weak local demand. We continue to believe in a bright Kern County future, and we believe that the airline industry will add capacity to Bakersfield as new aircraft become available. Our estimated "get well" is approximately 18 months from now. The terminal plan was expanded to accommodate new security requirements that arrived just this July. We have also added a Federal Inspector reconciliation room. that will better accommodate complete baggage inspection (in privacy) and host Federal Security offices. The Board of Supervisors has finalized the size at 63,800 sq.ft. The estimated cost has escalated to more than $30+ M. In order to keep pace with this escalated amount, the Board's share of the costs has increased by an estimated $3.4M · Break out of revenues follow: o FAA' entitlements $ 7.19M o FAA discretionary $ 6.1M o Passenger $ 2.75 o HUD $ .43 o County $12.4M o City $ 1.5M Timing flow. · The $ 7.8M apron was completed in June. · We have directed the architect to move to the final phase and deliver documents as soon as possible, late Nov. · We anticipate soliciting for bids prior to Chri.stmas, and construction should start just after the first of the year. · Construction is estimated at 24. months. Therefore, the structure should be ready for the holiday season of 2004. RC Bishop//Director of Kern County Airports 4 September 2002 G:\WORD\BISHOP\Joint2002.doc ........... Item ADMINISTRATIVE REPORI" .... ~j ,ii; 0 3. MEETING DATE: AGENDa, SECTION: Reports City/County Joint Meeting September 9, 2002 ITEM: 6D TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED Jack Hardisty, Development Services - PlanningDEPARTMENT HEAD FROM: DATE: September 3, 2002 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan Update RECOM MENOATION: Receive and File. BACKGROUND: The Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan was adopted in 1990, since then many changes to growth patterns, ordinances and policy have occurred which rendered the text obsolete. City and County staffs prepared the text for the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan Update. Only changes necessary to make the text accurate were made by staff(s). In addition, those goals and policies approved via the Vision 2020 process were also added. Environmental consultants (RBF) were retained to prepare the EIR for the update text. The Public Review Draft EIR is out for the 45-clay public review period. Between the dates July 17 - August 30th, the public may submit written comments on the EIR. A public hearing with both the City of Bakersfield and County of Kern Planning Commission occurred August 12, 2002. The purpose of the meeting was to take comments on the draft EIR. Concerns from preliminary written comments and those from the hearing in¢:lude traffic congestion, air quality problems, agricultural land conversion and access to petroleum resources. Turn out at the meeting and contact with staff by letter and phone has been very light. The next public hearing before both commissions is tentatively scheduled for October 28, 2002. This would be the final hearing at the commission level. The City Council and Board of Supervisors hearing will occur late this year. JH:MG:djl Document1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY '** TED'JAMES, AICP, Director ~)AW~) PRICE IIIo RMA DIRECTOR 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 100 Community Development Program Department BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-2323 Engineering & Survey Sewices Department Lone: (661) 862-8600 Environmental Health Sewlces Depa~lment I~IX: (661),862-~601 ~ Relay 1-800.735-2929 Planning Department "'E'-Mail: plannlng~co.kern.ca.ue Roads Department Web AddresS: www.co.kern.ca.uslplanning/info.htm JOINT BOARD OF SUPERVISORS/BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL BRIEFING PAPER September 9, 2002 METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD GENERAL PLAN UPDATE By: Ted Sames, Kem County Planning Director The staffs of the Kern County and City of Bakersfield Planning Departments are currently undertaking a joint program to update the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan that was adopted in 1990. The General Plan consists of planned land use, circulation and other plan maps as well as a policy and implementation program document that addresses both incorporated and um~ncorporatcd portions of the 408 square mile metropolitan planning area. The General Plan includes Land Use, Open Space, Conservation, Circulation, Noise, Safety, Parks and Recreation and Public Services and Facilities Elements (Housing Element updates by the City and County are being developed as separate programs). The current Metropolitan Bakersfield planning program is unique in the State in that the same land use planning document has been adopted by both City and County jurisdictions within the metropolitan area. As localities and their resources, issues and needs are ever changing, it is periodically necessary to update and revise the General Plan. The current update process involves revisions to the policies and implementation measures to reflect specific land use issues (agricultural land use conservation, air quality, etc.), new implementation measures, and the results of monitoring the effectiveness of past decisions which have implemented the Metropolitan Plan. Policies and programs advocated by the Greater Bakersfield Vision 2020 planning effort have also been incorporated into the update process for the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan. Tables and other information presenting population, acreage and other data have also been updated as a part of the program. An updated draft prOgram environmental impact report (Draft EIR) has been prepared to address the environmenta! effects of the General Plan Update. The Draft EIR was circulated for a 45 day public review period that ended August 30, 2002. A joint public hearing of the City of Bakersfield and Kern County Planning Commissions was held on August 12, 2002. The purpose of this meeting was to solicit public comment on the Draft EIR. Comments received during the public review period on the Draf~ EIR included issues related to traffic congestion, air quality concerns, agricultural land conversion, access to petroleum resources and other issues. The City and County Planning staffs and the program's environmental consultant will be preparing responses and, where appropriate, revisions to the Draf~ EIR mitigation measures to address the public and agency comments received. i' A joint Kern County and City of Bakersfield Planning Commission hearing to consider the General Plan Update and make recommendations to the City Council and Board of Supervisors is tentatively scheduled for October 28, 2002. The City Council and Board of Supervisors consideration of the MetroPolitan General Plan Update and environmental impact report is ~; scheduled to occur at hearings in late Fall, 2002. ........... }:t:em 6,E:: COUNTY OF KERN . ~ DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION 1110 Golden State Avenue ROBERT D. ADDISON Phone (661) 868-7000 Bakersfield, CA 93301-2496 Director FAX (661 ) 868-7001 September 9, 2002 TTY (800) 735-2929 Board of Supervisors County of Kern 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Metrop°litaii Recreation· Cent'er Update Report During the period of 1999-2000,' a MaSter. Plan"Wa~ preP~' 'f~r:the ~e~v~i·op~nt. of the Metropolitan Recreation Center. This Was a cooperative'effort invol{/ing'the City·isfBakef~field;':K6~C~u~uperintendent of Schools and 'the County of Kern. In Februar~'2000, ~toui: B6ard ai~p~6y~d~the l~/istei'Ph~ ft~~opoiitan Recreation Center he Master Plan recommended two scenarios for possible development (site plans-attac[~'d)]. ~One scenario centered around the development ofa multiiuse baseball stadium and the other'centered 0nb i~eiff0~mi~'~s facility. Acommon premise for each alternative was the rnajor, centerpiece 'would be fundedthr°ugh ·thd~ivat~.~sector. There was considerable intereSi from the. public t0see'ad~itional landscaping ~f !h~ park'.~10fig'~:~;~?s,..t~f Avenue. .' A r. equest for p~bp0Sals was i~ssU~d s01ic'iting deve!opment pr0'p0sa!S"and.~Ol~ml~i~:.·~:;?'~.,~ranted exclusive' rights to provide a development plan consistent With the Masfei~ Plan' f0r dev~lopment'r>fa'h~ij'~:) ~i't~ training facility. _ After one year; they failed t° exercise their option and their exclusive rights expired~'~ti~i:~fi~2001. Others have ~,xplo, red pos. s,b~l.e, .deve!,opment, however' no one haS come forward with 13!ahs-0r fundinifoi~ t!i~"hlajor centerpiece Concurrently with th3 above, design work w~ initiated to landscape the p°rti6n of the parEb dfi'h,fig: n North Chester Avenue. LandScaPing was installed, in the median betWeen' the stramler'Park parking a~r~a aii~iN6i~ Chester Avenue in 2001. On June 2~5, 2002, a COntract was awarded t° Black/Hall Construction, at a. c0~t'6fi$'~2~;~44, for additional landscaping of the primary entrance to the Metropolitan Recreation Center. ·Construction is'i~fi'de~ay and is expected to be completed by November 14, 2002. A copy of that landscape plan is attached. ~ :'·:?'~" ~' - In conjunction with the current park development, representatives from the City apprOachod the County regarding the need for a children's playground to serve the neighborhood. Several potential sites were 'reviewed and the consensus was the best site was located in the MetropolitanReereation Center. The present landsCaPlng project includes a fenced site for the future playground. The informal 'agreement was for the County tO pr0~ide the site and the City would finance the playground equipment. 'ThroUgh· this cooperative effort, the nearbY neighborhood will enjoy a new state of the art children's playground. Therefore, IT IS RECOMMENDED that your Board receive and file this update report on the Metropolitan Recreation Center. Sincerely, ,.... ..?' ,,. · .{.bb~..'.' [t...' ',.'"¢ -.·..... '? ?""" ,., "::. L- ,,_,. Robert D. Addison .irector Attachments cc: Bakersfield City Council CAt County Counsel ~:~,o~ . Striving to improve the quality of life in Kern County · PaS '~ .... ~ Fence Item ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT CITY/COUNTY MEETING DATE: September 9, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: 6F TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD ~ DATE: September 3, 2002 CITY ATTORNEY ~? CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Proposal from Councilmember Carson to a Workshop on Conflict of Interest for City and County Officials RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends refer to City Attorney and County Counsel BACKGROUND: At the Intergovernmental Relations Committee Meeting on August 20, 2002, Councilmember Irma Carson asked that this item be placed on the Joint City/County Meeting agenda. Councilmember Carson has contacted County Counsel, Bernard Barman and City Attorney, Bart Thiltgen to explain her wishes. Councilmember Carson will give some short remarks regarding her request, and Mr. Barman and Mr. Thilgen will be available to answer any questions. It:em Joint City/County Meeting ITEM: 66 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Couac-i[ APPROVED' FROM: Pamela A. McCarthy, City Cle.r_k____j,;k..~__~- DEPARTMENT HEAD , DATE: September 4, 2002 CITY ATFORNEY . ,.,A~~ CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Calendar for Future Joint Meetings RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. BACKGROUND: Staff is recommending two dates for the joint City/County meetings in 2003, Monday, March 31, 2003 and Monday September 15, 2003. The City Clerk and the Clerk of the Board have reviewed calendars for other events, such as League meetings, and currently find no conflicts. :proc September 4. 2002, 10:1 IAM S:",Council\admins~,2002\September9JointCity. County.dot i~~~I COUNTY OF KERN AND CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLERK OF THE BOARD AND CITY CLERK '~-~ INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Board of Supervisors and City Council From: Denise Pennell, Clerk of the Board, and Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk Date: September 9, 2002 Subject: Calendar for Future Joint Meetings To ensure the Board and City Council are able to reserve the time necessary for futurejoint meetings, it is important to establish dates far in advance of the meetings. Members of both legislative bodies have demanding schedules, and finding dates when all members can meet is often challenging. The first joint meeting was held on September 13, 1999. At previousjoint meetings, elected officials expressed interest in meeting on a quarterly basis. However, due to demands on your time and increasingly busy schedules, the joint meetings have been limited to only two per year. Since the initial joint meeting, the Board and Council have met on the following dates: March 20, 2000 and September 11, 2000 March 19, 2001 and July 23,2001 March 18, 2002 and September 9, 2002 " Given the challenge of coordinating dates when all members can attend joint meetings, it appears that two meetings annually may be adequate to address issues affecting both jurisdictions. The proposed dates are free of conflicts with any known official duties of all members. THEREFORE, IT IS RECOMMENDED that the Board and City Council consider the following dates for the 2003 Joint City/County meetings: March 31, 2003 and September 15, 2003. cc: Scott Jones. CAO Alan Tandy'. City Manager.