HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/19/2005 : -~:' ' ' OF THE'" "' "' . : BAKERSFIELD :ciTy COUNCIL AND. THE KERN couN~ BOARD oF SOPERViS0RS NOTICE.IS: HEREBY GIVEN that.the Bakersfield City Council andthe'Kern County B0ard of: Supe~isors Will.hOld a:SpecialJoint Meeting.on :MondaY,: septem~r 19;2005. at. $i30 p;m.:,'in :the Board :of;:§uperVisors chambers;, ii.!5 T[uxtun'.Ave'nue, Bakersfield~ Califomia~ ESiimateU startTime 5:3op:r,~ 1. FLAG:SALUTE 2. ROLL CALL 3[ OPENING.REMARKS BYCHAIRMAN iRAYWATSON 4.. OPENING REMARKS. BY'MA¥OR. HARVEY.:L. HALL 5~,0p.m. 5.PUBLIC 'STATEMENTS:- Pers0ns: may address :the Governing Bodies, during'thiS portion of the meeting on :any:matter noton this:. agenda but under the juriSdiCti°n of ..the B.oard.10f suPerVisors or CitY Council~ The ~Chairman,athis diSCrefionil maY/imit the .total time allotted t° this!portion of th, e meeting.t0 assure thatalt agenda items:can be ~om'pleted:..'' statements arelimited t0:2 'minutes.per speaker; Please state : and spell 'your' name for the: re.rd. 6i: 'B.USlNESS ITEMS 6:.m p.m. A. FirewO~l~=S. Regulations Re~iew~ (CitYAgenda Item').-- Hear:CityStaff::Presentation: by Fire: Chief Rqn Fraze 6:25p.m. 'B. :P[oposed::Fire'se~c~sJ0int powers.Agreement. (Joint Agenda. Item).-: Hear' County Staff Presentation~ bY Fire:,Chief : Dennis Thompson. and City Staff Presentation bY Fire Chief Ron Fraze - RECOEIMENDED AC TION:'APPROVE; :AUTHORIZE CH, IRM . , ND ¥OR SIG 6:45:p~m!. C; Status Report on Metropolitan BakerSfield SOlid Waste:Transfer Station;Siting: :(continued from 02/28/05 ;meeting) ' (jOint Agendaltem)~Hear coUntY Staff Presentation bY Waste !Mana~ement Director Daphne Harley and City :Staff Presentation: by: Solid Waste Director Kevin Barnes 7i00.p.r~. :D. South BeitWay Alignment (jOintAgenda Item)-.Hear~COunty"Staff Presentation.by ' :planning Director:~'ed:3a~es&RoadS' DireCto~craigPoPeand :City Staff presen-tation. by Pub!ic Works.DirectOr Raui Roja~;. 6. BUSINESS: ITEMS continued :7:15 p,m, E. ~date: .0. n.: Federal. HighWay .Funding and .Local Transportation. p[oject Priority'and Aoministration. (CitY Agenda Item) -Hear CitY. Staff Presentation by. Pub/ic ~orks Director Rau/ Rojas 7:30p,m. F. Update on Local Transportation Sales Tax Ballot Measure. (JointAgenda Item) Heaf COunty staff' PreSentation by Resource Management Agency DireCtOr David Price and City Staff Presentation by PubliC Works Directo~ Raul ROjas 7:3~ p~m~ G~ Western Rosedale Specific Plan Update. (County Agenda Item) - Hear County Staff Presentation by Planning Director Ted James 7:45 p,m. H. prOposed Joint Resolution-regarding CitY and County efforts, toimprove airqua!ity:, (County Agenda. Item) ' RE~OMtl/I~ND~D ACTION~, APPROVE; ADOPT RESOLUTION a~0o p.m. I. Proposed 2006 Schedule fOr Joint Meetings. (Joint Agenda Item)- RECOMMENDED:A'CTION: ESTABLISH MONDA'~ FEBRUARY2~ 2006'A T 5:30 P, M;'AND MONDA~ SEPTEMBER. 18,.2006A T'$:3O P~M~ AS FuTuRE MEETING DA TES; 8:Osp.m. 7. CLOSING' COMMENTS BY CITY 'COUNCILMEMBERS'AND'.BOARD MEMBERS 8:20 ,.m,8; CLOSING COMMENTS BY MAYOR HARVEY L. HALL s:25 ~.m.9; CLOSiNG COMMENTS By CHAIRMAN RAY. WATSON 10. ADJOURNMENT Respectfully submitted, Alan Tandy City'Manager AMERICANS; WITH ~ DISABILITIES ACT (Govemment Code Secti0n 54953,2) TheB0ard of SuPe~Vis°rs chamber iS aCcessible to Persons:withdisabilities, .Disabled individuals who need special.asSistanCe to attend'Or :particiPate. in a meeting'.of the Board :of. SUpervisors. may reqUeSt as~!~tance at ti~e:clerk, of the B~ard .~f SuperviS0rs; i~iffh Fi0O~,:. 11:i'5: Tr'uxtun ~AVenue' Bakersfield~: California Or :by Calling (661):868-3585. Eve~' .effort ;Will :be .:made. tO. reasonably accommodate individuals ~ith' diSabilities 'bY'.:making .meeting material :i'availab!e.in altemativ~ formats!..: R~queSts for assistance shOUld ~be: made five (5)WOrking days' in: advance of~a meeting: whenever possible. :$:~C°unciAAGENDA~20~T ¢IT¥'COUNTySEP~"i9 051d°c Kern.:County Boa.~d of Supervisors and: Bakersfield City CounCil M°nday, September.ig,2005 - 5:30p~ni. to8:30 p,.m. This meeting will be televised live on Cox, Time Warner and Mediacom Cable Channel 16¢:and Charter Cable Channel 44: An::AssistiveLiStening Ciei~/iC~:i~ aviiilable'in the'B°~rd"chamberS th'r°u~h the:'Ci~rk 0f th6Board and:City Cierl~: °aid of)SuperviSOrs'Chambers, 1 li5"T:rUx . . ~ B tun. AYenue, lst Fl00r, Bakersfield Benham H',d} Watson Maggard Rubi6 Couch ~ Pennell M~Ca?thY ~ Hanson STAFF. Errea Tandy STAFF [ .Po~lium } Barmann Gentiato ClTY.'COUNCIL BOARD:OF SUPERVISORS · Harvey'Hall, Mayor Ray':Watson~ Chairman, Eourth DiStrict Mik:eMaggard; Vice:Mayor, Ward 3 Don. Maben;,Supervis0r/Second:District IrmaCarson, Ward I Barbara PatriCk~.SuPervis0r,.Third;DiStrict Sue-Benhaan, Ward 2 Jon McQuisfon, Supervis0r~ First.District David Couch, Ward4 Michael JdRUbi0 SUpervisor, Fifth District Harold HanSon, Ward5 Jacquie. SulliVan, Ward6 Zack s~rigne~; ward7 CITY':STAFF. COUNTY STAFF Alau:Tandy~. City Manager. Ronald M. Errea, County.AdminiStrative Officer Virginia Genn'aro, t~ity Attorney Bernard C. Barmann] County C0ungel Pamela A; .McCarthy):Gity Clerk Dehise.Pennell, Clerk of the Board of:Supervisors MEETING FORMAT This joint proceeding Will.be Chaired:by Board of Supervisors Chai.rman Ray Watson..The'governing bodies maY take action during this ' sessi6n on the agenda, subj~¢t~matter, receive:and file i%t~rials-rel~ted t~5 th~/'agenda' topic; ~d/or giv~'direCti°n to ~taff. PUBLIC COMMENT PROTOCOL Persons:may address the governing bodies.on any agonda topi¢'during the,discussiOn of that item. People wishing tO make comments.on any:matter not on.this agenda but under the jurisdiction of the.B0ard or Council, may.make comments duringthe Public Statements p0rtion' 0f'ihe. meeting. Statements are limited to 2 minutes per speaker. 'SPeakers are.requested to state and spell 'theirname befOre making the presentation The Chairman, at his discretion, may limit the total time allotted to public commentto assure:that all agenda items can be comPleted..Due: to logistical complexities, ~ideo tapes will inet be'shown during this meeting. 'Written comments areencouraged. Pr0vide twenty (20.)~copies' of written material,to the clerks at the time Ofyour presentation, Or'Send written., communication addressed~ to the Kern County B0ard 0fSupervis0r~;. . . 11'1'5 TruXtun A ye., Bakersfi¢ld,~CA 9330 I, 0rthe BakerSfield City Council,'i501 TruXtunAve;, Bakersfield; CA 93301 in 'advance -& the meeting, COUNTY OF KERN AND CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLERK OF THE BOARD AND CITY CLERK To: Board of Supervisors and City Council From: Denise Pennell, Clerk of the Board, and Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk Date: September 19, 2005 Subject: Schedule for 2006 Joint Meetings To ensure the Board and City Council are able to reserve the time necessary for future joint meetings, it is important to establish dates far in advance of the meetings. Members of both legislative bodies have demanding schedules, and finding dates when all members can meet is often challenging. The first joint meeting was held on September 13, 1999, with subsequent meetings held on the following dates: March 20, 2000 and September 11, 2000 March 19, 2001 and July 23, 2001 March 18, 2002 and September 9, 2002 March 31, 2003 and September 15, 2003 September 27, 2004 (March 15, 2004 was canceled) February 28, 2005 and September 19, 2005 Given the challenge of coordinating dates when all members can attendj oint meetings, two meetings annually appear to be adequate to address issues affecting both jurisdictions. The proposed dates are free of known conflicts with the official duties of all members and both Clerks concur with the recommended dates. THEREFORE, IT IS RECOMMENDED that the Board of Supervisors and Bakersfield City Council consider and approve the following dates for the 2005 Joint City/County meetings: Monday, February 27, 2006 at 5:30 p.m., and Monday, September 18, 2006 at 5:30 p.m. cc: Ron Errea, CAO Alan Tandy, City Manager Bernard C. Barmann, County Counsel Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney