HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/08/1993 B A K E R S F I E L D Alan T~jady, City Manager City Staff: John W. Stinson AGENDA City/County Intergovernmental Relations Committee City Host Monday, November 8, 1993 12:00 noon Convention Center - Grape Room AGENDA SUMI~RY REPORT 1. Status of Analysis of Illegal Dumping related to Implementation of Gate Fees for Commercial Refuse David Price, AsSistant Resource Management Agency Director, indicated that the County conducted a public information campaign at the.time the gate fees were enacted. He stated the need for heightened awareness of the illegal dumping problem and the need to continue educational efforts. He also suggested that the County would be trying to 'encourage community action programs for cleanups by local volunteer groups such as the Boy Scouts and others. He indicated that the study regarding universal collection which was going to the Board of Supervisors on the 9th would address the issue of illegal dumping as part of that review. He discussed a lack of understanding regarding gate fees and that some people assume that the gate fees for commercial collection also apply, to residential collection. There is also a need to educate residents regarding the green waste and wood waste programs as part of landfill diversion efforts. 2. Update on Status of South Beltway Alignment John Stinson gave a brief update on the status of the South Beltway Alignment EIR. He indicated that through conversation with Ron Brummett of Kern COG, that Kern COG had amended the existing contract with Harlan Bartholomew and it was anticipated that the draft report would be available early February and then would be subject to the required 45-day public review period. It is anticipated that the review would be completed in March or April and Kern COG would certify the project at that time. It is anticipated that the City and County would adopt the specific plan line in approximately June 1994. 3. Traffic Mitigation Concerns regarding Development in Unincorporated Areas of Metropolitan Bakersfield Councilmember McDermott expressed concerns regarding approval of development in northwest Bakersfield by the County which did not require sufficient mitigation of transPortation impacts. County counsel suggested that the City contact the developer. The City Attorney indicated that City staff has done so, and that the developer appears to be relying on the County decision. City staff, however, indicated that they would contact the developer again. 4. Update on Transportation Impact Fees David Price, Assistant Resource Management Agency Director, discussed the staff review of transportation service levels by County staff. It appears they are looking at recommending a level of Service D, and would be taking a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors later this month. There was considerable discussion regarding potential traffic impacts if Service Level D were accepted, and what if any, impacts the change in the level of service would have on traffic mitigation fees. City staff indicated they would recommend a Level of Service C. There were also comments and concerns raised regarding potential loss of funding if the City and County were to accept a Level of Service D. There could be losses of both State and Federal grant funds if a lower service level were to be adopted. There were also concerns expressed regarding potential CEQA issues if there were a change to Level of Service D. These environment issues might require that an environment impact report be done regarding this particular change. It is anticipated that the transportation fees would be scheduled for adoption for 1994-95 Fiscal Year in approximately July 1994. They would be brought to both the Board of Supenfisors and City Council sometime in April for review. 5. Appointment of Habitat Conservation Board The Joint Powers Agreement setting up the administration of the Habitat Conversation Plan provided for an appointment of a public member. The City and County were to take tums alternately appointing the member. It had not been decided who would appoint the member first. It was determined by those in attendance that a coin-toss would be a fair way to determine who goes first. The coin was tossed by independent third party, with the City calling heads, toss was tails, the County will pick first. This was for a two-year term on the Habitat Conservation Board. 6. Metro Park Plan Update John Stinson gave a brief update of the Council's reaction to the proposal by the County to form a Metropolitan County Service Area to fund area-wide improvements and maintenance for facilities such as the Kern River Parkway, the County Metropolitan Park Complex, and recreation programs. Concerns were brought up about the formation of the Joint Powers Agreement to provide for City input and representation regarding ongoing funding concerns and the issue of assessing tier-two assessments within the North Bakersfield Recreation and Park District which happened to be within the City of Bakersfield. Staff indicated they will be meeting later this week to further refine the details of the proposed plan. 7. Public Comment None. 8. Set Next Meeting Tentatively set for January 19, with the County as host. Attendance: Lee Andersen, Bernie Barmann, Jack Hardisty, Adel Klein, Fred Kloepper, Pauline Larwood, Kevin McDermott, David Price, Steve Schuett, Judy Skousen, Patricia Smith, John W. Stinson, Alan Tandy, Gail Waiters, and Mary Weddell. Public in attendance included: Don Lindsay. Mary K. Shell (absent due to a funeral) Conni Brunni (absent due to a family emergency) JWS:jp 3